Visual Pinball Tables (VPX) Pinball FX 3 1 2001 (Gottlieb 1971) 1 Adventure Land Pinball 2 24 (Stern 2009) 2 Alien Isolation 3 4 Square (Gottlieb 1971) 3 Alien vs Predator 4 Abra Ca Dabra (Gottlieb 1975) 4 Aliens 5 AC-DC Let There Be Rock LE (Stern 2012) 5 American Dad 6 AC-DC Luci (Stern 2012) 6 Archer 7 AC-DC Back in Black LE (Stern 2012) 7 Attack from Mars (Bally 1995) 8 AC-DC Helen (Stern 2012) 8 Back to the Future 9 Airport (Gottlieb 1969) 9 Biolab 10 Aquarius (Gottlieb 1970) 10 Black Rose (Bally 1992) 11 Atlantis (Gottlieb 1975) 11 Bobs Burgers 12 Attack from Mars (Bally 1995) 12 Castle Storm 13 Austin Powers (Stern 2001) 13 The Champion Pub (Bally 1998) 14 Avatar Pro (Stern 2010) 14 Doom 15 Avengers Hulk LE (Stern 2012) 15 E.T. 16 Avengers Premium (Stern 2012) 16 Earth Defense 17 Back to the Future (Data East 1990) 17 El Dorado 18 Bad Cats (Williams 1989) 18 Epic Quest 19 Batman DE (Data East 1991) 19 Excalibur 20 Batman The Dark Knight (Stern 2008) 20 Fallout 21 Beach Bums (Gottlieb 1986) 21 Family Guy 22 Beat Time (Williams 1967) (Beatles MOD) 22 Fish Tales (Williams 1992) 23 Big Bang Bar (Capcom 1996) 23 Hercules - Son of Zeus 24 Big Brave (Gottlieb 1974) 24 Hurricane (Williams 1991) 25 Big Buck Hunter (Stern 2009) 25 Jaws 26 Big Game (Stern 1980) 26 Junk Yard (Williams 1996) Visual Pinball Tables (VPX) Pinball FX 3 27 Big Guns (Williams 1987) 27 Jurassic Park 28 Black Knight (Williams 1980) 28 Jurassic Park Pinball Mayhem 29 Black Knight 2000 (Williams 1989) 29 Jurassic World 30 Black Rose (Bally 1992) 30 Mars 31 Blue Note (Gottlieb 1979) 31 Marvel - Age of Ultron 32 Bram Stoker's Dracula (Williams 1993) 32 Marvel - Ant-Man 33 Bronco (Gottlieb 1977) 33 Marvel - Blade 34 Bubba the Redneck Werewolf (2018) 34 Marvel - Captain America 35 Buccaneer (Gottlieb 1976) 35 Marvel - Civil War 36 Buckaroo (Gottlieb 1965) 36 Marvel - Deadpool 37 Bugs Bunny B. Ball (Bally 1989) 37 Marvel - Doctor Strange 38 Cactus Canyon (Bally 1998) 38 Marvel - Fantastic Four 39 Capersville (Bally 1966) 39 Marvel - Fear Itself 40 Card Whiz (Gottlieb 1976) 40 Marvel - Ghost Rider 41 CARtoons RC (2018) 41 Marvel - Guardians of the Galaxy 42 Centigrade 37 (Gottlieb 1977) 42 Marvel - Iron Man 43 The Champion Pub (Bally 1998) 43 Marvel - Moon Knight 44 Charlies Angels (Gottlieb 1978) 44 Marvel - Spider-Man 45 Cheetah (Stern 1980) 45 Marvel - The Avengers 46 Cirqus Voltaire (Bally 1997) 46 Marvel - The Infinity Gauntlet 47 Comet (Williams 1985) 47 Marvel - Thor 48 Congo (Williams 1995) 48 Marvel - Venom 49 Creature from the Black Lagoon (Bally 1992) 49 Marvel - Wolverine 50 Crescendo (Gottlieb 1970) 50 Marvel - Women of Power: A-Force 51 CSI (Stern 2008) 51 Marvel - Women of Power: Champions 52 Cue Ball Wizard (Gottlieb 1992) 52 Marvel - World War Hulk Visual Pinball Tables (VPX) Pinball FX 3 53 Cyclone (Williams 1988) 53 Marvel - X-Men 54 Demolition Man (Williams 1994) 54 Medieval Madness 55 Diner (Williams 1990) 55 Paranormal 56 Dirty Harry (Williams 1995) 56 The Party Zone (Bally 1991) 57 Doctor Who (Bally 1992) 57 Pasha 58 Domino (Gottlieb 1968) 58 Portal 59 Dr Dude (Bally 1990) 59 Red & Ted's Roadshow (Williams 1994) 60 Dracula (Stern 1979) 60 Rome 61 Eight Ball (Bally 1977) 61 Safe Cracker (Bally 1996) 62 El Dorado (Gottlieb 1975) 62 Secrets of the Deep 63 Elvira and the Party Monsters (Bally 1989) 63 Shaman 64 Elvis Gold (Stern 2004) 64 Skyrim 65 F-14 Tomcat (Williams 1987) 65 Sorcerers Lair 66 Faeton (Juegos Populares 1985) 66 Star Wars - A New Hope 67 Family Guy (Stern 2007) 67 Star Wars - Ahch-To Island 68 Far Out (Gottlieb 1974) 68 Star Wars - Battle of Mimban 69 Firecracker (Bally 1971) 69 Star Wars - Boba Fett 70 Firepower (Williams 1980) 70 Star Wars - Calrissian Chronicles 71 Firepower II (Williams 1983) 71 Star Wars - Darth Vader 72 Fish Tales (Williams 1992) 72 Star Wars - Droids Star Wars - El Despertar de la Fuerza (The 73 Flash (Original 2018) 73 Force Awakens) 74 Flight 2000 (Stern 1980) 74 Star Wars - Han Solo 75 Flip A Card (Gottlieb 1970) 75 Star Wars - Masters of the Force 76 Freddy Nightmare on Elm Street (Gottlieb 76 Star Wars - Might of the First Order 1994) 77 Freefall (Stern 1981) 77 Star Wars - Rebels Visual Pinball Tables (VPX) Pinball FX 3 78 Funhouse (Williams 1991) 78 Star Wars - Return of the Jedi 79 Ghostbusters (Stern 2016) 79 Star Wars - Rogue One 80 Gilligans Island (Bally 1991) 80 Star Wars - Solo 81 Golden Arrow (Gottlieb 1977) 81 Star Wars - Starfighter Assault 82 Gorgar (Williams 1979) 82 Star Wars - The Clone Wars 83 Grand Prix (Williams 1977) 83 Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back 84 Groovy (Gottlieb 1970) 84 Star Wars - The Last Jedi 85 Guns and Roses (Data East 1994) 85 Tesla 86 Harley Davidson (Bally 1991) 86 The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams 1992) 87 Haunted House (Gottlieb 1982) 87 The Walking Dead 88 High Hand (Gottlieb 1973) 88 Theatre of Magic (Bally 1995) 89 High Speed (Williams 1986) 89 V12 90 Hook (Data East 1992) 90 White Water (Williams 1993) 91 Hot Shot (Gottlieb 1973) 91 Wild West Rampage 92 Hurricane (Williams 1991) 92 Tales of the Arabian Nights - coming soon 93 Indiana Jones TPA (Williams 1993) 93 Cirqus Voltaire - coming soon 94 Indianapolis 500 (Bally 1995) 94 No Good Gofers - coming soon 95 Iron Maiden (Stern 1981) 95 Monster Bash - coming soon 96 Iron Man (Stern 2010) 96 Creature from the Black Lagoon - coming soon 97 Jack in the Box (Gottlieb 1973) 98 Jack-Bot (Williams 1995) 99 JAWS (Original 2012) 100 Jet Spin (Gottlieb 1977) 101 Johnny Mnemonic (Williams 1995) 102 Jokerz (Williams 1988) 103 Judge Dredd (Bally 1993) Visual Pinball Tables (VPX) Pinball FX 3 104 Jungle (Gottlieb 1972) 105 Junk Yard (Williams 1996) 106 Jurassic Park (Data East 1993) 107 King Kong (Data East 1990) 108 King Pin (Gottlieb 1973) 109 King Rock (Gottlieb 1972) 110 Kingpin (Capcom 1996) 111 Kiss (Bally 1979) 112 Laser Ball (Williams 1979) 113 Last Action Hero (Data East 1993) 114 Legend of Zelda (JP Salas 2015) 115 Lethal Weapon 3 (Data East 1992) 116 Liberty Bell (Williams 1977) 117 Lightning (Stern 1981) 118 Lost World (Bally 1977) 119 Magnotron (Gottlieb 1974) 120 Masters of the Universe (Original 2017) 121 Mata-Hari (Bally 1976) 122 Medieval Madness (Williams 1997) 123 Memory Lane (Stern 1978) 124 Metallica (Stern 2013) 125 Meteor (Stern 1979) 126 MIBS (Gottlieb 1969) 127 Mini Cycle (Gottlieb 1970) 128 Monday Night Football (Data East 1989) 129 Monopoly (Stern 2001) Visual Pinball Tables (VPX) Pinball FX 3 130 Monster Bash (Williams 1998) 131 Mortal Kombat II (Original 2016) 132 Mustang (Stern 2014) 133 Nascar Race (Stern 2005) 134 NBA Fastbreak (Bally 1997) 135 NFL (Stern 2001) 49ers 136 NFL (Stern 2001) Bears - coming soon 137 NFL (Stern 2001) Bengals 138 NFL (Stern 2001) Bills 139 NFL (Stern 2001) Broncos - coming soon 140 NFL (Stern 2001) Browns 141 NFL (Stern 2001) Buccaneers - coming soon 142 NFL (Stern 2001) Cardinals - coming soon 143 NFL (Stern 2001) Chargers 144 NFL (Stern 2001) Chiefs 145 NFL (Stern 2001) Colts 146 NFL (Stern 2001) Cowboys 147 NFL (Stern 2001) Dolphins 148 NFL (Stern 2001) Eagles 149 NFL (Stern 2001) Falcons 150 NFL (Stern 2001) Giants 151 NFL (Stern 2001) Jaguars 152 NFL (Stern 2001) Jets 153 NFL (Stern 2001) Lions 154 NFL (Stern 2001) Packers 155 NFL (Stern 2001) Panthers Visual Pinball Tables (VPX) Pinball FX 3 156 NFL (Stern 2001) Patriots 157 NFL (Stern 2001) Raiders 158 NFL (Stern 2001) Rams 159 NFL (Stern 2001) Ravens 160 NFL (Stern 2001) Redskins - coming soon 161 NFL (Stern 2001) Saints - coming soon 162 NFL (Stern 2001) Seahawks 163 NFL (Stern 2001) Steelers 164 NFL (Stern 2001) Texans - coming soon 165 NFL (Stern 2001) Titans - coming soon 166 NFL (Stern 2001) Vikings 167 Nine Ball (Stern 1980) 168 No Fear (Williams 1995) 169 No Good Gofers (Williams 1997) 170 Old Chicago (Bally 1975) 171 Old Coney Island (Game Plan 1979) 172 Orbit (Gottlieb 1971) 173 OXO (Williams 1973) 174 The Party Zone (Bally 1991) 175 Phantom of the Opera (Data East 1990) 176 Pin Bot (Williams 1986) 177 Pinball Magic (Capcom 1995) 178 Pinball Pool (Gottlieb 1979) 179 Pinbot (Williams 1986) 180 Pioneer (Gottlieb 1976) 181 Pirates Of the Caribbean (Stern 2006) Visual Pinball Tables (VPX) Pinball FX 3 182 PLAYBOY (Bally 1978) 183 Pool Sharks (Bally 1990) 184 Popeye Saves the Earth (Bally 1994) 185 Prospector (Sonic 1977) 186 Pyramid (Gottlieb 1978) 187 Radical (Bally 1990) 188 Red and Ted's Road Show (Williams 1994) 189 Rescue 911 (Gottilieb 1994) 190 Ripley's Believe It or Not! (Stern 2003) 191 Road Kings (Williams 1986) 192 Road Race (Gottlieb 1969) 193 Roadshow (Williams 1994) 194 Rock (Gottlieb 1985) 195 Rocket III (Bally 1967) 196 Roller Coaster (Gottlieb 1971) 197 Roller Coaster Tycon (Stern 2002) 198 Rollergames (Williams 1990) 199 Safe Cracker (Bally 1996) 200 Scared Stiff (Bally 1996) 201 Scuba (Gottlieb 1970) 202 Seawitch (Stern 1980) 203 Serious Sam (JP Salas 2017) 204 Sheriff (Gottlieb 1971) 205 Shrek (Stern 2008) 206 Sinbad (Gottlieb 1978) Visual Pinball Tables (VPX) Pinball FX 3 207 Sky Jump (Gottlieb 1974) 208 Slick Chick (Gottlieb 1963) - not working 209 Snow Derby (Gottlieb 1970) 210 Sorcerer (Williams 1985) 211 South Park (Sega 1999) 212 Space Invaders (Bally 1979) 213 Space Shuttle (Williams 1984) 214 Space Station (Williams 1987) 215 Spanish Eyes (Williams 1972) 216 Spider-Man (JP Salas 2009) 217 Spider-Man (Stern 2007) 218 Spin A Card (Gottlieb 1969) 219 Spirit of 76 (Gottlieb 1975) 220 Spot A Card (Gottlieb 1960) 221 Star Trek 25th Anniversary (Data East 1991) 222 Star Trek Enterprise LE (Stern 2012) 223 Star Trek TNG (Williams 1993) 224 Star Wars (Data East 1992)
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