Saturday, Juiy 12, IZii AMUSEMENTS i) LIU O 1 i Lv'L »1 1 Vi 1 1 *'i it O ft ..v.tw Owtst// A.U t oL.»lLAiH PAGE 7 tentative plans call for an out- Gardens Marks Fine Opening standing Shy Casino “name’’ band to appear Film Time Clock Gun MICHIGAN "Caught In tba Draft." T:3«. 10 2* P n> ! “In N»vy.f weekly 4 44 By with Olsen'* orchestra. “ t|..n- WALTER STEVENSON 12:35. 3:36. S:3T, 9.38 p. m.; Aff*< X 2 07. 1 R S SL S 43. 11:35 p. m. in ately . Films entertainment, a. m 01, CAPITOI^—-"Zlaglsld Review DaWing and the Youra." 11 2 6 03 5:02. Ctrl 4 dancers who is good p. m BROADW AY ALL THOSE this week so that you’ll 12:15. 4 04. 7S 3. 11 42 p ’ Eaat I By CHARLES GENTRY State Fair Grounds new “daily ’• m.: scooted out to the Michigan State probably stop going to your FOX -—Moon Over Miami.” 12 13. 2 56. ths River, 11 a. tn.. 2.49, 4 11, 10:2* double," is a sure thing—and beer 343 H 26. 11:13 ]• m ; Saint s Vaca- p m last night to witness favorite night club. The colorfully only tion.” 11.04 a m . 1:49, 4:31, 7.19. 10.04 22U Fair Grounds is two-bits a bottle. m MADISON—"OId Maid." 11am. p. m m DitpuDl grand - 512 9.03 p 1234 a : ' 'Miami' 'Sea Wolf the opening of Detroit's costumed and talented Ivan Feh- PALMS STATE "Sea Wolf.” 12 37. Paaaage," 12:47. 4.0*. 7 2*. 10:30 p. m arena, the and the sen- ELLA NEALS streamlined pa- 3-44. 651 954 p m 105 a m ; newest outdoor dance nova ballet dancers "Bcatt*rg«*»d Baipea.” a. m.. 2 35, RIVIERA -r-' Ztagfeld Girl.” 1 33. 3:IA reau, featured in “Aloma of tho 11 24 4 M, Casino Gardens, were amply re- sational tumbling act of the Six 5:42. 4:19. It 54 p m 9pm. 12 43 a m.; "East of tha Rivar W warded. for in addition to fine Danwells will hold your attention South Seas,” was auctioned off in ADAMS ’ Tight Sb->ea.” 11a m 1 32. 3 AS, 7 3*. 11:32 p m Terrorizes dance music they discovered an and thrill you no end. while the Alberta for Canadian Rod Cross. equally interesting and fascinating Gaudsmith Brothers with their pet stage show. poodles and the Dawn Sisters in a At Fox At State This brain child of orchestra satire on the ballet willmake you /a|wS«^w7l rm ¦ I TO COMFOIT leader George Olsen at first glance cry with laughter. EVIDENTLY the Florida and appears Stadium with Other stage performers include California WE'VE SEEN "The Sea Wolf” to be Briggs boards of commerce flood lights. It’s a mammoth area, Keith Hall, interpretive dancer; rtSfiMIABII / ium u.'if have decided 1o call it quits, at in previous film treatments, but measuring square Ray unicyclist ii TECHNICOLOR! Hf. about 180.000 Fredericks, clever ¦MI ¦ the elaborate ”*¦ ** least judging from none we can as feet square juggler; and Jean Blair, vocal- fl feature recall blood-curd- with 19000 feet avail- and ' don amichi tribute West pays r¥H m which the Coast . dancing, seating capa- ist with George Olsen’s orchestra. *« ¦ ITTY GRABLI ¦ ling and as harrowing as the ver- able for and *w. t. ». to the southern resort in "Moon Despite the “delayed” tw ROBIRT CUMMINGS ¦ Bri ffn BKENOA sion opened yesterday city running well into the four opening rly' ¦III ¦Ln\\ garpiiui Over Miami.” which opened yes* which at digit column. and "balmy cool weather.” a fair- V marshal!! terday at the Fox. the Palms-State. For dance rhythms, crowd was on to wish continuous sized hand j jlrinwi i:nini»<iiil “EAST OF THt All those nasty jibes about hur- In fact we finally became so it would be hard to find a better Mr. Olsen success in this his first 3 Br/wt* 'bIVIR* ricanes and sly retorts about numbed to the brutality that it combination than Olsen’s versatile venture as operator-maestro of a earthquakes are apparently for- one of the ushers had come down and Don Royalc's Cabal- dance garden. • H m aww-ff. Si gotten. The feuding and the ri- the aisle brandishing a severed {;rouperos, the alternate unit. The Casino Gardens will change HHWIAKIWR;!^^»«« valry are abandoned and even the leg, we wouldn’t have given it a The stage show entertainment stage shows every two weeks, and 1 climate hatchet seem to be buried thought. —and not in the other’s skull. The slugging starts right in at For Hollywood has spared no the beginning and doesn’t let up expense to paint the Florida fun until all the characters are a little capitol in lurid and lavish colors, punchy and when during the At Your Favorite pulsating music and such beauti- course of the film Ida Lupino sla|>s ful people one might almost TODAY MOVIE that John Garfield in the face, it's mistake it ior one of those trav- practically —Gratlot-Hmrper a caress. ICC—Harper tad Inmlrntr PL. 4*347 H ffilKCIIM—*321 Hamilton, at Canfield rpAL'nr—*o24 W. Jefferton VI. S-1247 it MCDfUDV * + Nrhaefer at 6-Mlle DAHCCUCIT FL. 5733 R elogues to Shangri-La. Edward G. Robinson is the sea- n\jL Cont 12 Noon. Cooled. Jon Hall, LULIJLUIm LATE OWL SHOW. UiVtnUb Mat. 1:00 Midnight Show ITILKLUM EXTRA LATE OWL SHOW iUIUjIVCLI Open 1. Cooled Park Free. The are. of Lynn Rarl in ••KIT CARSON.” B. Croaby, COME AS LATE AS » TO Air Conditioned. "LAB VEGAS NIGHTS.”i EVERY SAT. NIGHT COME AS LATE AS "ZIEOFEI.D GIRL." Judy Garland. John beautiful people faring megalomaniac in this case Bob Hop* in ‘ROAD TO Z4VZIMVK.“ AND SEE 3 FEATURES “MEET BOSTON BLACKIE.” C 10 30. SEE 2 COMPLETE FEATURES Garfield In "EAST OF THE RIVER.” course, Betty Grable and Carole and he is a horror to behold. Mat. Only. “SHERIFF OF TOMBSTONE.” Get Here Before *“00 and Save 10c ffil ANli|—^WutMlwart-Nlhlry Park Ere* rD»xm TUC4TCD —laAAI Woodward. Grwnd U|n||nN —Hatley, Grand River Avenue with Don Ameehe* and Never in his film-going career has jniUC—Or«nd (Irene Park lULUItIAL Open Night. McCrea, unAfiU InMlLn a ijd* w ITULniU.AH Air Open ;15A. nuamj All Joel m 30 m 8h Cooled 10 M Robert Cummings as their ardent he appeared as fantastically repul- Abbott * Coatello tn Eddie Braekan ”E. o. B. DETROIT.” Start* 10.30. Park Free. Air Cooled Jse SECOND BIG WEEK. Late Show a: 11. ROSEDALE- HF.Y KIDS' Don't Mlaa th# “IN THE NAVY." Flu* “TIOIIT SHOES.” “I'LL NELL MY LIKE,*' Ro*e Hobart. until 5. 20c until closing “PI..A\ <»1R1..”, "4 \I t.||T IN THE DRAtT." B-di Hope GIANT GRAB BAG at Thta Theater To- suitors. Even the comedians' sive as he is in this role of Wolf! with Broderick Crawford 9 llorgan in Mill* man of BQKXfco.' Dorothy Lamour. "AFFECTiDN dav. 70 FREE PRIZES FREE CANDY T<> -1 **34 M *<k Ave.™ Park Free * ATF.i.% Charlotte Greenwrxxl and Jack Larsen, the captain of th« LULUffilfiNYIT I Yol K*.“ Rii i Hayworth. Dennli Morjiato ALL. in Addition to Our 2 Giant Feature* Ghost! IInru f ord Koad-4'h*»e, OeartMirn Open s:3<i. Dorotlyr l.amour. Bing rpiUT—Ruaaell. .Near MlfMt ? Haley • r< -i , aren't bad to look at. Ship who thinks no more of tak- “LUr™ t. ‘ I'rf.’oc H.,t> rrn*h B HOM ROAII Tit /AN/.IRAH. ui\n™l Open Marjorie Wc. Avenue at i Woodward TO. MIG Ooen ( Jor, IP. M MlhTnU/KI-third antield Dncrnu r-lIV'o ABMIN," Hall, l.ynn Bari - KUjLIMLI human than the Jean Roger*. -LET’S MAKE WISH.' Plot ••KIT “Ml KIIEK AMONG ERIE.NDN.” A 811 mIUIUIYII Tonight and Ail Week. ADULTS 20c Open 115 P M. ing lives ordinary ' LOVES OLD STOKV Borit I (Elliott, • NAI eight -^ Errol Flynn and Brend Marahall. "FtMrT- Karloff “THE liKMI. H.MMAMI* |ZUZ7 <•"»-». TW. 8-B*lß * HEAOND r»IE RA.ME.N ro.” LOUIS VS conn PIUTC” 1 pet son would about insect lives. rnNINT- Grratett right STEPS IN THE DARK." Irene Dunne and I vUWRnI |• - « . MIDNIGHT SHOW Don’t Mi*» Tht* of AH Tima The plot is practically the same *-• Warren at Outer Or. M. 11*8 Mat ¦ Cary Grant In "PENNV SERENADE/* ALuLIYAlfFB” Char lee Chaplin, “GREAT Dll TATOR.” rnriT 1 ivrc—Uklto —'• Dl and WHAT A CREW Open 12 2*-. Last Show 10 F M Grand River a MIHTAWkl r «l Avenue nt 4 anfleld taratlot used in "Three Blind Mice” Grant, “I*lKAM.II KID.” with ('has flUrrft. vIiaLAI LAIiCj ITIIUIUTTn pflcryilI C —CUM at Avenue ' Adult* 2.*><- Plut Tax Cool. C Irene Cont. from 1 3<* r*rk 0,,,n 1.00 “Iavnl.-n.le «f lU/dCTILLC Betty Faye, Cartoon Jean Arthur "Three After Three. and circumstances Dunne. “PENNY SERENADE." Plu* Errol at Military j Free Air Cond A Oakie. “GREAT Np,,rt«." Bob Hope, “COLLEGE SWING.” A number of ” in "THE DEVIL AND Miss JONES.” Flynn “FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK fnirpTTCY—'em"' AMERIC AN HKD.AIHAST." Alao Rf A( II Geo. Raft. Dorothy Lamour Henry Fonda, two sisters with LUUniCOI 2bo Mlrkey! • F.ARG4) KID," Tim Holt. Carole are who. bring aboard hisfhdat a clever fic- Dltney Party.
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