VERBUM DOMINI AND THE INTERPRETATION OF SCRIPTURE MARK KENNEY SM LITTLE OVER a year ago on 11 Nov- Pope believes that the first exegetical princi- ember 2010, Pope Benedict XVI is ple has been well practiced through the use of sued the apostolic exhortation, Verbum the historical critical method; however, the A1 Domini. This document was the response to second method, the theological method, has the synod on the Word of God which took not been adequately utilised in exegesis. In place in Rome two years earlier from 5-26 order to correct this imbalance, numbers 29 October 2008. Since Verbum Domini ap- to 49 of Verbum Domini directly address the peared, only a few journal articles have issue of the proper exegesis of Scripture. The emerged that address it. Three of these pro- remainder of this article will explore how Ver- vide summaries of the content and themes of bum Domini expresses Pope Benedict’s un- the exhortation.2 One article treats the pasto- derstanding of exegesis. This will be devel- ral aspects of the document.3 The most recent oped in the following way. First, the ‘two publication, a book, presents a summary of the senses’ of Scripture will be discussed. This will proceedings of the synod on the Word of God be followed by an examination of the two ex- followed by an explication of the exhortation.4 egetical methodologies found in Dei Verbum. Since these works provide summaries as Third, there will be a presentation of Pope well as discussions of the major issues of Ver- Benedict’s interpretation of Dei Verbum 12. bum Domini, rather than repeat these, this ar- The article will conclude with the Pope’s ap- ticle will concentrate on a single issue of the plication of the twofold exegetical method as document: the interpretation of Scripture. The found in Verbum Domini. reason for selecting this particular issue is that it was the only topic on which the Pope per- The Two Senses of Scripture sonally commented during the course of the synod. During his comment, he also requested We begin with the two senses of Scripture be- that this issue be incorporated into the final cause this is basically where Christian bibli- document on the synod.5 cal interpretation began in the early Church. In his reflection, the Pope stated that the The early Christians saw Jesus as the fulfil- Vatican II document, The Constitution on Di- ment of the Old Testament but they wondered vine Revelation (Dei Verbum) 12, called for how the Old Testament spoke about Jesus. Did two methodologies to be used in the exegeti- it refer to Jesus in a literal sense or did it refer cal process. The first is historical criticism and to Jesus in some other way? This question led the second is a theological process that in- to the development of the two senses of Scrip- cludes three aspects. First, the unity of the ture: a literal sense and a more-than-literal Bible must be kept in mind. Second, the pas- sense that is frequently called the spiritual sage being interpreted must be seen in the con- sense of Scripture. text of the living tradition of the Church. Third, The literal sense is the meaning of the text the analogy of faith must be observed.6 The ‘which the human author directly intended and 3 CompassIssue 2012-1B.p65 # 4 2012 text.indd 3 3 7/03/2012, 11:34 AM 7/03/2012 12:54:14 PM COMPASS which the written words conveyed’.7 The spir- itual sense is not so easy to define. Basically, Fr Mark Kenney is a it is a meaning that goes beyond the literal member of the United States Province of the meaning and which was not originally intended Marists. Formerly he by the human author. Such a definition is open was the Director of to a variety of interpretations. Pope Pius XII’s Formation for the encyclical, Divino afflante Spiritu, and the Atlanta Province, and Pontifical Biblical Commission’s document of now he lectures in 1993, The Interpretation of the Bible in the Scripture at the Cath- Church, define the spiritual sense as the olic Institute of Sydney. Christological meaning of the Old Testament. The spiritual sense arises from the inspiration come distorted and needs to be corrected. This of the Holy Spirit and is part of the living tra- balance was expressed in Dei Verbum and he dition of the Church.8 is calling for a better application of the inter- The history of biblical interpretation can pretive directives of Dei Verbum in order to be summarised in terms of the use of these two restore the proper balance between the literal senses of Scripture.9 Although both senses are sense of Scripture and the spiritual sense. The essential for a proper interpretation of the Bi- article now turns to an examination of Dei ble, at various times, one has held preference Verbum’s understanding of how exegetes can over the other. During the patristic period (2nd- study the two senses of Scripture while main- 8th centuries) up until the scholastic period (14th taining the unity between them. and 15th centuries), the spiritual sense domi- nated. One of the most popular forms of the The Interpretation of Scripture in Dei spiritual sense in both periods was the use of Verbum allegorical interpretation in which aspects of Scripture were given meanings outside the bib- The section concerning biblical interpretation lical text. For example, the city of Jerusalem in Dei Verbum is quite short; yet it addresses was understood as the Church of Jesus Christ. both senses of Scripture. In order to determine In the 16th and 17th centuries, the literal sense the meaning intended by the human author, the of Scripture became prominent and the his- exegete must pay particular attention to the torical critical method was developed in or- literary forms used by the writer. In addition, der to arrive at a better understanding of the ‘due attention must be paid to the customary literal sense of the Bible. The 19th and 20th and characteristic styles of feeling, speaking centuries continued to emphasise the literal and narrating which prevailed at the time of sense but within the last 50-60 years there has the sacred writer, and to the patterns men nor- been a renewed interest in the more-than-lit- mally employed at that period in their every- eral sense of Scripture. This has been seen in day dealings with one another.’11 the development of new methodologies such Even though the historical critical method as narrative criticism, rhetorical criticism, psy- is not mentioned by name, it is evident that choanalytical criticism, canonical criticism, the document is referring to this methodology. and advocacy exegesis which includes libera- The Council purposely avoided mentioning a tion and feminist studies.10 specific methodology in order to leave the door This brief outline of the two senses of open for exegetes to use any appropriate meth- Scripture has been provided because it forms odology in determining the literal meaning of the basis of Pope Benedict’s vision of the fu- the biblical text.12 Dei Verbum only cites the ture of biblical interpretation as expressed in elements that are always essential to uncover Verbum Domini. He believes that the balance the literal sense of Scripture. between the two senses of Scripture has be- Dei Verbum then addresses the criteria nec- 4 CompassIssue 2012-1B.p65 # 4 2012 text.indd 4 4 7/03/2012, 11:34 AM 7/03/2012 12:54:14 PM VERBUM DOMINI AND THE INTERPRETATION OF SCRIPTURE essary for determining the spiritual meaning approach to scriptural interpretation; yet, each of the Bible. First, the exegete must place the person who employs the method brings his or biblical text within the context of the entire her own agenda to the text.16 The historical Bible. For example, Deut 24:1 permits divorce critical method divides the biblical text into but in Mark 10:1-12, Jesus prohibits divorce.13 many parts and fails to see the unity of the Second, the interpreter must take into consid- Bible.17 In attempting to arrive at the original eration the living tradition of the whole sources of the biblical books, many hypotheti- Church. This criterion includes several cal theories are produced that complicate the sources: the teaching office of the Church (the interpretation of Scripture rather than clarify magisterium); the teaching of the fathers of the it.18 In view of these shortcomings, the his- Church; the use of the Scriptures in the liturgy torical critical method, by itself, is inadequate and in prayer; and the testimony of the saints. for the exegetical process. A third and final criterion is that the biblical Cardinal Ratzinger explained that a two- interpretation must be in harmony with the el- fold methodology is necessary for an adequate ements of faith. This means that the biblical exegesis of Scripture: an historical approach interpretation must be in agreement with the as well as a theological approach.19 Despite doctrine of the Church. its inadequacies, the historical critical method remains necessary for exegesis but must also Pope Benedict XVI’s Insight into Biblical be supplemented with other interpretive as- Interpretation pects that include the tradition of the Church as found in patristic and medieval thought.20 The intervention that Pope Benedict gave at A clear description of Pope Benedict’s the synod on the Word of God regarding bib- understanding of comprehensive exegesis can lical interpretation expressed certain growing be found in the Forward to his book, Jesus of concerns that he had with the direction that Nazareth.21 The Pope refers to his methodo- biblical exegesis was taking.
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