APPENDIX B: DATA TABLES Table B1 Literature references and values for biomass (t/km2), production/biomass (year-1), and consumption/biomass (year-1) for marine mammals and birds in the WSA and ESA ECOPATH models. WSA Biomass ESA Biomass Production/Biomass Consumption/Biomass Sperm whale 0.000929 See Table A2 (*) 0.000929 See Table A2 (*) 0.059 Chapman 1980 6.61 Reduced 80% from Reduced 80% from Toothed whale 0.00028 Pauly and Christensen 0.000028 Pauly and Christensen 0.025 Olesiuk et al. 1990 11.16 1996 for balance 1996 for balance Fin whale 0.027883 0.027883 0.02 4.56 See Table A2 (*) Midrange from Doi et Sei whale 0.005902 0.005902 0.02 al. 1967, Ohsumi 1979, 6.15 From daily ration and See Table A2 (*) Horwood 1990 Minke whale 0.001 - Not present 0.02 7.78 caloric requirement Northern fur seal 0.000246 0.000246 0.235 Chapman 1973 39.03 estimates in Hunt et al. Clinton and LeBoeuf 2000; see Table A3 (*) Elephant seal - Not present 0.00043 0.368 11.08 1993 See Table A2 (*) Dall’s porpoise 0.005986 0.005986 0.1 Kuzin et al. 2000 27.47 P. whitesided dolphin 0.003962 0.003962 0.14 Tanaka 1993 25.83 See Table A2 (*) N. right whale dolphin 0.003897 0.003897 0.16 Tanaka 1993 24.14 Common dolphin 0.001 - Not present 0.1 Hobbs and Jones 1993 24.98 Ogi et al. 1993 Albatross 0.00155 0.00004 0.05 81.59 (Midway Atoll) Shearwaters 0.001237 0.0004 0.1 100.1 Storm petrels 0.000157 0.000056 0.1 152.1 Kittiwakes 0.000115 Synthesis from Hunt 0.000052 Synthesis from Hunt 0.1 Average eastern Bering 123 Synthesis from Hunt et et al. 2000 (*) et al. 2000 (*) Sea estimates pooled al. 2000 (*) Fulmars 0.000151 0.000074 0.1 100.3 for “birds” group in Puffins 0.000322 0.000058 0.1 Aydin et al. 2002 104.3 Skuas 0.00008 0.000054 0.075 96.6 Jaegers 0.000061 0.000038 0.075 96.6 (*) See Appendix A text under indicated species or tables for details. Table B2 Literature references and values for biomass (t/km2), production/biomass (year-1), and consumption/biomass (year-1) for fish and squids in the WSA and ESA ECOPATH models. WSA Biomass ESA Biomass Production/Biomass Consumption/Biomass Shuntov et al. 1993 a,b, Approx. from Atlantic Pauly and Christensen Sharks 0.0247 0.05 Bonfil 1994 0.2 10.95 1995 porbeagle (Aasen 1963) 1996 Shuntov et al. 1993 a,b, (*)CPUE ratio to flying Murata and Shimazu Large gonatid squids 0.0472 0.03 2.555 7.3 Brodeur et al. 1999 1995 squid in research gillnet 1982 (Z=0.07/10 days) Savinikh and (*)CPUE ratio to flying Murata and Shimazu Clubhook squid 0.074 0.01 2.555 7.3 Brodeur et al. 1999 Chuchukalo 1996 squid in research gillnet 1982 (Z=0.07/10 days) Belayev and Ivanov, Murata and Shimazu Neon flying squid 0.022 0.45 Shimizaki 1986 2.555 6.205 Brodeur et al. 1999 1999 1982 (Z=0.07/10 days) Sockeye salmon 0.0031 0.0897 1.27 10.13 Chum salmon 0.0152 0.0541 1.93 14.51 Pink salmon 0.1973 Shuntov et al. 1993 a,b, 0.0233 3.37 Growth 18.49 Bioenergetics Run reconstruction (*) Coho salmon 0.0058 1995 0.0045 2.47 reconstruction (*) 16.55 reconstruction (*) Chinook salmon 0.0039 0.0093 0.8 5.333 Steelhead 0.0039 0.0093 0.8 5.333 Belayev and Ivanov (*)CPUE ratio to flying From P/B assuming Pacific pomfret 0.0531 0.21 0.75 Watanabe et al. 1997 3.75 1999 squid in research gillnet growth efficiency=0.2 Empirical method of Belayev and Ivanov Z from Hughes 1964; Pacific saury 0.0473 0.45 Shimizaki 1986 1.6 7.9 Pauly and Christensen 1999 FAJ gives Z= 1 to 1.5 1996 TINRO data N. Calif. anchovy (Field N. Calif. anchovy Japanese anchovy 0.1758 - Not present 1.5 5 synthesis (*) 2001) (Field 2001) Raised from 0.0171 in N. Calif. sardine (Field N. Calif. sardine (Field Pacific sardine 0.05 TINRO data synthesis - Not present 0.4 3 2001) 2001) (*), to balance model ECOPATH estimate ECOPATH estimate Considered similar to Considered similar to Misc. forage fish - - 1.5 5 using EE = 0.90 using EE = 0.90 anchovy anchovy ECOPATH estimate ECOPATH estimate Pauly and Christensen Lapashina 1988 reports Micronektonic squid - - 3.0 15 using EE = 0.90 using EE = 0.90 1996 B. anonychus =14.6 Mesopelagic fish 6.5 Beamish et al. 1999c 4.5 Beamish et al. 1999 0.9 Trites et al. 1999 3 Trites et al. 1999 (*) See Appendix A text under indicated species for details. Table B3 Literature references and values for biomass (t/km2), production/biomass (year-1), and consumption/biomass (year-1) for plankton in the WSA and ESA ECOPATH models. WSA Biomass ESA Biomass Production/Biomass Consumption/Biomass Set to approximately Pauly and Christensen Pauly and Christensen Large jellyfish 0.469 TINRO synthesis (*) 4 3 10 half of Ctenophores 1996 1996 Rounded up from ESA Aglantha from Pauly Pauly and Christensen “High” est. from Pauly Ctenophores 10 9.1 4 110 biomass and Christensen 1996 1996 and Christensen 1996 Rounded up from ESA Pauly and Christensen Pauly and Christensen Salps 10 8 Purcell 1996 9 30 biomass 1996 1996 Down from 53.0 in Pauly and Christensen Chaetognaths 25 6.6 2.555 12.05 TINRO synthesis (*) 1996 Assumed similar to Assumed similar to Sergestid shrimp 8.134 5 2.555 12.05 “other pred. zoop” “other pred. zoop” 10% of euphausiid 10% of NEMURO Other pred. zoop. 8.134 5.0688 2.555 12.05 biomass predatory zoop. (*) NEMURO predatory. NEMURO pred. zoop Belayev and Ivanov 20% of NEMURO zoop P/B (*) Q/B (*) Amphipods 8.51 10.138 2.555 12.05 1999 predatory zoop. (*) 20% of euphausiid 20% of NEMURO Pteropods 16.268 10.138 2.555 12.05 biomass predatory zoop. (*) Belayev and Ivanov 50% of NEMURO Euphausiids 40.67 25.344 2.555 12.05 1999 predatory zoop. (*) Belayev and Ivanov Copepods 46.71 34.848 NEMURO lg. zoop (*) 23.73 NEMURO lg. zoop. (*) 112.4 NEMURO lg, zoop (*) 1999 Up from 22.7 in NEMURO sm. NEMURO sm. NEMURO sm. zoop. Microzooplankton 46.71 35 48.91 233.2 TINRO data synthesis zoop. (*) zoop. (*) (*) ECOPATH estimate ECOPATH estimate Pauly and Christensen Pauly and Christensen Bacteria - - 18.45 25 using EE = 0.90 using EE = 0.90 1996 1996 ECOPATH estimate L. phytoplankton 69.7 NEMURO lg. phyto (*) 42.34 NEMURO lg. phyto (*) - No consumption using EE = 0.90 ECOPATH estimate NEMURO sm. NEMURO sm. Sm. phytoplankton 76 129.6 - -No consumption using EE = 0.90 phyto (*) phyto (*) DNH3 - 50% of living outflow - 50% of living outflow - No new production - No consumption POM - 50% of living outflow - 50% of living outflow - No new production - No consumption (*) See Appendix A text under indicated species for details. Table B4 Data quality as determined by data pedigree method (Table A1). Values indicate range as +/- proportion of point estimate used in ECOPATH model. Colours highlight range from poor (red, range ~ 0.8) to acceptable (yellow, range ~ 0.5) and excellent (green, range ~ 0.1). Table B5 Parameters for the WSA ECOPATH model. Shaded values were estimated by the model. Shown are: trophic level (TL), biomass (B, t/km2), production/biomass (P/B, 1/year), consumption/biomass (Q/B, 1/year), ecotrophic efficiency (EE, proportion), growth efficiency (PC, proportion) biomass accumulation (BA t/km2/year), unassimilated respiration (UnAss, proportion) and the proportion of detritus flowing to NH3 and POM, respectively (proportions). Group TL B P/B Q/B EE PC BA UnAss DNH3 POM Sperm whales 5.4 0.00093 0.0596 6.61 0 0.00902 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 Toothed whales 5.3 0.0002 0.0252 11.16 0 0.00226 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 Fin whales 4.3 0.02788 0.02 4.56 0.83384 0.00439 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 Sei whales 4.3 0.0059 0.02 6.15 0.83391 0.00325 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 Minke whales 4.4 0.001 0.02 7.78 0.83385 0.00257 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 N. fur seals 5.2 0.00025 0.235 39.03 0.0709 0.00602 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 Dalls porpoise 5.2 0.00599 0.1 27.47 0.16678 0.00364 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 W. sided dolph. 5.2 0.00396 0.14 25.83 0.11914 0.00542 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 R. whale dolph. 5.2 0.0039 0.16 24.14 0.10424 0.00663 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 Common dolph. 5.1 0.001 0.1 24.98 0.16677 0.004 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 Albatross 5.5 0.00155 0.05 81.59 0.33357 0.00061 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 Shearwaters 4.8 0.00124 0.1 100.13 0.16671 0.001 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 Storm petrels 4.7 0.00016 0.1 152.08 0.16651 0.00066 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 Kittiwakes 4.7 0.00012 0.1 123 0.16679 0.00081 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 Fulmars 5.1 0.00015 0.1 100.26 0.167 0.001 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 Puffins 4.8 0.00032 0.1 104.33 0.16672 0.00096 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 Skuas 4.9 0.00008 0.075 96.6 0.22327 0.00078 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 Jaegers 4.9 0.00006 0.075 96.6 0.22267 0.00078 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 Sharks 5.3 0.0247 0.2 10.95 0 0.01826 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 Lg.
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