the i d-deen 1 olrida Student football tickets still available.7 Emmitt ends holdout, MW w -- - signs with Dallas.20 low Oicially aMcitld W~hthe U hie.s,'y oi Figr dem SPubI.EdNby CaptsOonumcaion. ,w o. i. FSord VOLUME 94, NUMBER 7 WEDNEsDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1990 Humphrey detained on additional charges By DONYA CURRIE They're not blatant scrawls." and burglary charge came after an Alligator Staff Wnter Darnell also said the killer prob- Indian River County woman Brother )ossible suspect says ably spent some time in the apart- stepped forward and identified One of the top eight possible ments after stabbing his victims; Humphrey as the man who en- suspects in the Gainesville mur- "He did not go, we don't think, tered herhome, held a knifeto her Edward is target of exaggerations ders was charged Tuesday with an right in and out, "she said, throat and demanded she takeoff ByGEOFFBOUCHER Edward Humphrey was ar- unrelated sexual assault, while po- her clothes, said Indian River Alachua County Sheriff's Allgator Staff Writer rested early thursday at his lice reentered the crime scenes to spokesman Lt. Spencer-Mann said County Sheriff's Office spokes- family's home in Indialantic, a gather more evidence. he does not expect anyone to be woman Theresa Woodson To the nightly news audience, small city near Melbourne, after UF freshman Edward Lewis arrested soon in connection with In the report filed Oct. 6, 1988, Edward Lewis Humphrey is the he allegedly beat his grand- Humphrey was charged in a 1988 the murders, but investigators the woman described her attacker unshaven, rumpled young man mother The next (lay a judge attempted sexual battery and continue to track eight possible as a 24- to 27-year-old blond man staring at the judge with vacant raised his bail to S1 million, and armed burglary in Indian River suspects, Two of those eight are in with a mustache who drove a white eyes and a scarred face police dubbed him "extremely County, police said Tuesday Hum- custody, van. At the time of the incident, But to UF history senior (eo rge valuable to Gaiesville investiga- phrey was being held Tuesday Stephen Bates is being held in Humphrey was 16. His high Humphrey, Edward is the little tors night on another charge in school senior picture shows him brother whose life has been a se the Polk County Jail on charges of Police charged him tuesday Brevard County involving a family as clean-shaven, ries of tragedies armed burglary, aggravated as- with the 198 armed burglary and dispute. While Humphrey sault and battery Bates was ar was charged. With his brother in a Brevard attempted sexual battery of an In Gainesville investigators also rested in .akeland Aug 29 after the murder investigation widened County jail labeled a possible sus- dian River County woman who continued their field work, saying turning himself in, and police said Task force members sent offi- pect in the murders of five Games- stepped lorward after seeing his they believe the murderer of five he muttered suspicious things coal to West Virginia and Wyc- ville students, George Humphrey, photo His brother dismissed the college students taunted police by about the Gainesville murders ming and flew in a reflective light 22, reflected Tuesday night on the charge as ridiculous leaving messages in the victims' Humphrey. 18, has beer in the system from the University of events that have turned his life apartments. Brevard County Detention Center Southern Mississippi tosearch the upside down "Ed looks so different than he "The killer may have left sig- since Thursday morning He was Gainesville crime scenes. My family is dying fromn this, did back then," said George Hum- nals," Gainesville police spokes. charged with beating his 79-year- The light system is designed to he said ''m very concerned I'm phrey, referring to the fatdIl scars woman Lt. Sadie Darnell said. old grandmother and isbeingheld pick up hidden evidence such as concerned about my tarly, and and weigh] gain his brother suf- "They're very subtle. They're not on $1 million bail. ihe way this will affect my see Chargn. page 10 see Humphrey. page 9 written messages, necessarily The attempted sexual battery brother" Chiles, Martinez win state primaries Governor Governor Voters crush city-county consolidation *Lawton Chiles and Buddy Mackay 81% * Bob Martinez received 5,908 votes 67% By DEBBIE CENZIPER Juan Vitali joined a group of Chiles' received 20,603 votes supporters at the Alachua County ai MATTHEW SAUER Supervisor of Elections officeTues- 8Bill Nelson and Tom Gustafson received 4.678 MuMarlene Woodson-Howard received 970 votes Alligator Staff Writers votes Anthony Martin receded 326 votes day night. He said the voters rallied John Davis received 402 voles Former U.S. Sen. Lawton Chiles around Chiles' issues. "It's a clear mandate EWarren H. Foks received 133 votes and incumbent Gov. Bob Martinez from the US Congress ran by their opponents in city and Alachua County," Vitali US Congress Tuesday's primary and the much- said "Students are unified very *Ad Johnson received 10,992 votes 56% debated issue of a combined much with his issues." 3 Joan L Wollin received 8,495 votes *Cfford Steams received 6,442 votes 82% Gainesville and Alachua County Both Chiles and Martinez will government failed miserably represent their respective parties N Larry Gallagher received 1,352 votes State Legislature District 23 With 67 percent of the state pre in the Nov 4 general election. cincts counted, 71 percent of Flor- But much of the focus Tuesday *Cynthia Moore Chestut received 51% State Legislature District 23 ida Democrats tossed their support night was on the voters' answer to 4,178 votes *Sinfalr Eaton received 1.332 voles 78% behind Chiles, a former UF profes- the consolidation question If passed, the referendum would UClay Php received 3,285 votes N Johnny D. Days received 386 votes sor now living in Tallahassee. The *Larry Harvey received 545 votes voting results ended an intense have forced the merger of the city campaign scrap between Chiles, and county governments into one 60. and Melbourne U S Rep Bill strong-mayor government But the County Commission District 4 Nelson, 47. citizens answer was a resounding *Leveda Brown received 12,480 votes 60% in the race that wasn't, Martinez "No," with 66 percent of voters E Ron Fuller receIved 12205 votes 43% garnered 66 percent of the vote, going against the plan. City Commission District 2 cruising past four Republican op- State Rep. David Flagg, D- t Jim Notetein receded 1,072 votes ponents who never showed a glim. Gainesville. was on hand to hear Jim Painter received 668 votes mer of hope in the polls. the results Tuesday night at the Will Howali received 536 votes Alachua County voters mirrored elections office and said he was the statewide results With 100 per. glad the voters got to decide on the cent of the votes cast Tuesday to- future of their local government taled, the unofficial results showed "That's what we wanted to do," that Democrats supported Chiles he said "Fl give people a choice " with 81 percent, while Martinez In the hotly contested race to fill received 67 percent of the Repub- retinng Hawthorne Democrat Sid The couratywide consolidation referendum laded with 66 percent of voters saying no to the merger lican vote Martim's state senate seat, 78 per Former Student Senator and stu- see Romults. page 5 saorce AiachuaCounVyupisor at EtoleionfOfcs Numberwat Aiackua Countay My dent body presidential candidate 'nfl 'AIJII;AIR. W )NI SUlAY norZl' MBI'd. 1i) WHAT'S HAPPENING L ailing all DI)emocrats: I1k (, (h misirv Iluilding RoI 2: NeW More engineering: Ihe iBeon 1,g ,mt t rils will meet tonight IF members wek ne, and piuni will bh I ngine ring fouml will be having h in Relz Union Roarm 165 to ds served, its first general meuting Thursday ils Nov( mber elet on, (LI I Broadcast news: Alp hi psi on night it 730ini Weil Hall Room 2,0 Iiwn 311ctr Rho broad astmng friturinI will be (all 392 0994 G(it in the game: Th ato having its first meeting toeiighit On Alpha Kappa Psi: he first tit Water Folo Club will have is first Wuimer Hall Room 1094 (all 116 ing has been postponed until lues meeting and practice today at5 atthe o480 day, Sept 11 and the Rush Snoker Ilorida Iool Call Ilon Luiton, i 3 Transferaedvilies:ThelTransfer is t-ntavely s- for Wednesday Loci Afiv ities Council will be having its Sept 12 Che k glass case across Fun, food and fellowship: The first meeting tonight it 7 30 in the from Matherly Hall Room 151 for I lutheran College Students Renz Union Room H 60 Allare wi-- lotion ( all 3347197 vite all students to a free barb or kne Call Matthew Hald. 176 1757 At your service. Alpha PhI tonight at 6 at the Activity Center at Pushing for peace: C itens who Oniga, a national service firater the church, 1801 N W Fifth Ave If wish to promote .I peaceful resolu- nity, is now holding rush through you need a ride, call 376-2062 ion to the crisis in the Gulf can Join Sunday, Sept 9 Stop by the mnforma Get smart: [le Society of fin other concerned people tonight at lion booth near the Hub or call Mike. gineering Science will be holding its 7 30 at the Catholic Student Center, 334-5585 first meeting Thursday afternoon at 1738 N W University Ave Call 376- Heads up: The UF Women's Sot i I the Fngineering Sciences Build 6292 cer Club will be holding practices On ing Room 224 Call Pjblo.
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