MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series I: Wexner Heritage Foundation, 1947-2004. Subseries 1: General Files, 1949-2004. Box Folder 69 2 Yale University. Class of 1938 reunion. 1988. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org Yale University Greoe EducatJon Bui~ng 48 A 4 Lauder Hall 9e B 4 51 Prospect Street 1H F 2 370Tempi.Street 148 Fl WotfsHead 10 C3 ~~m;~u;:i~":~~ Graduate School 20 O 3 lawSchool 21,22 03 n Prospect Street 171 F 2 399TemofeStroet 148 Fl AhJmn1 House 45 C 3 GreeleyMemonallaboratory 198 E 1 Lawranc:eHall 78 03 1tl Prospect Streee 174 F 2 405TempteStrMt 145 FJ =r:.r.~1~ ~13 e 3 Laboretory for An1m1l 109GroveStniet 147 F3 Leet Oliver Memorial Hall 170 F 3 124ProspectStrMI 175 E2 '32-434 T~ Street 143 F-3 WrexhamTower 14 CJ Sc1eocet 88 B 4 Grove Street Cemeierv 0 2.E 2 Stefling Memomtl Library 97 0 3 135 Prospect Street '35 F 2 442 Temple Strfft 142 F-3 Wright Memori•1 H•ll 73 0 3 School of Ard'utecture 11 C 3 Payne Whitney Gymnasium 19 C 2 Library Street 7 C 3,0 3 140ProspectStreet 134 E2 Un1vers1ty ThNtre 9 C 3 Arthur W Wright Nuclur SlruC1urti AnGlillery 11 CJ Helen Hadley Hell 144 F 3 Unsly-Chtttenden Hall 71 0.3 276ProspectStreet 183 F2 Ya re Repertory Theatre 52 C 3 Ubc>fatory 1119 G 2 SchoolofAn 11 C3 H411 of Graduate Studies 20 D 3 Manuscript 212 C 3 285 Prospect Street 184 F 1 Ray Tompkins House 115 C 3 20 Ashmun Street 89 0 2 1-tammond Hall 128 E·2 MarquandChai~ 200 F·1 301 Prospect Street 1815 F 1 Sara Wfl'(Tompk:ins Memorial Arl:~:!t:~~u~~r ~112ctura 28Aahmun5tl'Mt 88 02 HarknessTower 5 0.3 Marsh Boteniell Gardon 199 E 1 Raleigh..fitkin Momor!aJ Pavilion 79 A 4 Yale Cenier lor British An 53 C 3 SOAahmunStreet 87 02 Edward S Harkness Memonal MarshHa11 197 F1 Pavilion 72 A 4 Tomplcms East Building 91 8·4 YaleCo-opera1r.•eCorpar111on 95 C3 Benell Chapel 3 0 3 Hall 1 03 64 Mason Laboratory 109 F 3 605Khem Street 133 F 2 TrumbullCollege 15 03 Yale Daily News so C 3 Mary S Harkness Memorial Edwin McClellan Hall 84 0 3 70Sachem Street 132 E 2 85 Trumbull S1reet 152 F 2 Yal•New Haven Hospital ~?:~n:::"f:;d~plled Auditorium 42 8·4 School of Medicine 42 B 4 805.chem Street 130 E 2 87Trumbu11Strect 17 3 F2 Memorial Unit 51 A 4,9 4 Belnecke Rare Boo« and Manuscrlp1 William L Hartness Hall 27 E 3 Memoria1 Han 33 E 3 SageHall 178 F2 88TrumbuUStre-et 153 F2 Yale University Press 123 F 3 l1br1ry 21 E 3 Universrty Health Services Morte CoUege 18 C 3 Saint Anthony Hall 117 E-3 89TrumbullS1reet 172 F2 Yale Station (US Post Office) 74 0 3 BerltelevCollege 24,ZS 03 Center 151 F 3 M0ty's 1S 03 SaintThomasMoreHOUM 211 C3 Uni\lersrtyThNtre 9 CJ 149 Yori( Street 60 C 3 Ben~ius 141 G 3 Hendrie Hall 1ztli E 3 S....VGMuddLibrary 129 E2 Saybrook Collage 02 0 3 Vanderb4tt Hall 82 o 3 204 York Street 49 C 3 Cher1el:WBtnghamH1U 81 03 Hewitt Ouadningle 107 E 3 SchoolofMutic 112 E3 ScroUandKey 3e E3 53 Wall Street 202 F 3 212YortcStreet 48 C3 Bingham LaboratofV 195 G 2 26 High Street 56 C-4 MusiCll Instruments Sheffield-Sterting·Strsthoona 68W.11Street 121 F3 222 York Sireet 9 C 3 brdm.n Building 92 B 4 VHighStreet 55 C3 Colleccion 150 F 3 HaH 34 E3 98 w.11 S1ree1 1 oa e 3 232YorkStreet 45 C3 Book Ind Soeke 32 E 3 59 HighStrM1 &9 03 School of Nursing 47 A-4 Silliman CoUege 35 E 3 Wet:son Budding 133 E 2 254 Yortc Street 43 C 3 BowersHall 179 F2 1 Hillhouse Avenue 149 F 3 Old Campus O 3 SkullandBones 68 03 We1rH111f 67 03 Br.ctv-brdman Connector 93 9-4 15HillhouseAvenue 150 F3 School of Organ.zatJOn and Sloane Physlel Ubotatory 1 ao F 2 Welch Hall 80 0 3 Sr.ai,Memorialt.boraitOfV M 84 24H1llhouse~nue 154 F2 ~~ 39 f.2 S~ue Memorial Hall 37 E 3 155 Wtutney Avenue 139 0 2 Brtnford College • 0 3 27...._.......,,,.,. ,.. f, s..-00.-...,. 151~tnit¥"'9noe 138 G 2 Ye&e Center for Bl'ltJtih Alt 53 C 3 21~......,_ 1H f2 115\\"htl'llfY-"enue 140 G2 ~ t1S F2 l..t>ora1CW¥ ''' f 2 Calhoun CoUege 21 E 3 30~.tw.rut 117 F 1 20iht\:Slrwt ,,. ., Swflno~tv~ ., f1 MO~~Atenue 190 G2 304CedarSlfeet 102 BS 3t~...,.,._, .. ,., lt1 ,att:St'tllt 111 BJ SWt.ne~1ofJ.'~ .,,,. 4.2 •• W.Ullll"I" Winchester 333CederStree1 42 84 35ttiill'°"9e~ 1N ,2 215P"ar\su.t 1• CJ St.rql..-w...__.JJ.,.,....,2203 ~ 21.,ll OJ lui 9 • B• Central Powet Ptant 90 0-2 37.....,..--.,. 1to f"2 211hr\St,.. , .. c~ 011tdS1udyCenter 104 94 43~.._, 111 F2 ~~~ 101 8• O•n.c:Bu11d•ng ee 8' 51 ................ 1&2 F2 ~"'-~=~ ,. 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J(Wah Willard Gibbs Resurch Ltboratort.. 191 F 2 2• 2' 2 2 2 2 2 7 Library Street C 3,0 3 Z 8 Jonathan Edwltrds College C 3 Z 9 Unrversitv Theatre C 3 10 v.tolr• Head C 3 11 An end Architecture Building C 3 12 Pierwn College C 3 13 Davenport College C 3 14 Wrexham Tow.r C 3 15 TnJmbull CoUege D 3 16 Mory's 03 17 EzraStilesCollege C3 18 Morse Coflege C 3 • .... ~~ 1.: n ;;:wr, -. rt~- 197 Vale UnwerSlty• a wa1kiog tour and plctom1I map of bu1ld1ngs 1n the center of New Haven - 201 Pub/1srnid by the Off!Ct! of 1he Secretary Vole University, New Haven, CT 06520 On1wnby°"1th1a MrtchellT&v)Ce, BA74 M Arch 77 TVPOQraphy bvtie1d1 Humphrey, BA 75; MFA 78 ... ~ .3 Copvnghtte"· 1985 by Yale university 182 ,. ..._-- '- • ,.... ~1iologyTower 168 189 -:; .:;)~ij _;,~ l 190 School of ~ry and "1 .~ ~ - ~ 1 Environ tudles 180 :~ ~ -} .~ 40 / 9 - 178 ., 1 ~t; ~:. : ·~~ .;;,- -=-- 7i•2----..... - ~4f. ;:f" ···Ii!· - ' ,.,. 171 153 88TrumbullS1reet F2 154 24HillhouseAvenue F2 155 27HillhouseAvenue F2 158 28HillkouseAvenue F2 157 JOHillhouseAvenue F2 158 31 Hillhous-e:Avenue F 2 159 35 Hillhouse Avenue F 2 160 J7H1llhouseAvenve F 2 111 43HillhouseAvenue F 2 162 51 Hillhouse Avenue F 2 163 52 Hillhouse Avenue F 2 164 217ParkStreel Cl 165 Becto!l Engmeering and Applied Science Center E 3 166 51 Pro1pec1 S!reet F 2 187 Kirtland Hall F 3 168 Dunham Labor11ory F 3 169 Mason Laboratory FJ 10S •Wlll5'"'9t E.J 170 Leet Ofiver Memorial Han F 3 109 290C:O.-.•-~ cc 171 n PrMpect Street F 2 1 10 30Col9geS.rwt C4 172 89 Trumbulj S1tee1 F-2 111 l.abot •llOf'Vof~ 173 87 Trumbull Stteet F 2 er'Cll P'liblioC Hwtn C4 174 111 Prospect S1reet F·2 112 oseo...,.St'°"' El 175 124 Prospect Stree1 E 2 178 Osborn Mamorial t.Abor-tnorl!L!S F 2 ~~= ~~~3(3 1n Plerson-SagePowerP!ant F2 111 .205P1RSlf'tel 83 178 ~eMall F2 111 493~ St,... £3 179 BowersHaU F2 117 Saint A.nthOny HaO E 3 180 Sloane Phyt.ics Laboflitorv F-2 118 211 ParitSiroet BJ 181 Sterung Chemlstry 119 Timo1tly0wightCollege FJ Laboratory F 2 120 320Temo!eStreet FJ 182 Kline Chemistry laboratory F 2 121 68Wal1Street F3 183 276 Prospect Street F 2 n Farn&m Hall 0 3 122 Cort>ev Coun E 3 184 285 Prospect S1ree1 F 1 78 L..awrancetHaU D 3 123 Yal4tl..n1Vet11fYPress FJ 1 SS 301 Prospect Street F 1 79 Sar.h W., Tompldns Memorial 124 143 Etm Street.
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