
From the Office of For Release: May 12, 1958 Senator Hubert H. Humphrey Monday a.m. 140 Senate Office Building Washington 25, D. c. CApitol 4-3121, Ext. 2424 REGIONAL MIDE.A.sr.r . I OPEN SKIES I INSPEC,TlON PEOPOSED AS I PILOT I DISARMAMENT PROJEC'l' An 'open skies' a ~ial and ground inspection system in the Middle East was urged by Senator Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minn.) in Chicago last night as "a pilot project· of inestimable value for the cause of world disarmament. " Addressing the Independence Festival in. Chicago Stadium celebrating Israel's lOth Anniversary, Senator Humphrey, chairman of. both the Disarmament and Middle East Subcommittees in the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, called attention to Prime Minister Ben-Gurion '·s support for a regional dis- armament pact in the Middle East and declared that an adequate inspection system in that area "could allay apprehension over the possibility of a sur- prise attack by one state upon another." "All of the countries of the Middle East should seriously consider this proposal," Senator Humphrey declared. "The United States should take the initiative in calling.' it 1.1P for discus­ sion before the United Nations. "The people of the Middle East, who have already themselves shown their aspirations for peace by accepting new forms of peacekeeping machinery such as the United Nations Emer­ gency Force, could make another significant contribution to world peace if they would be the first to adopt, in their own region, the principle of inspection against surprise attack. "That many of the Middle Eastern governments favor this principle was demonstrated in 1955 ~en they supported a United Nations resolution on the open skies plan, and again a week or two ago when they continued their support of the concept in the Artie debate in the United Nations. These same govern­ ments could now assist in reduction of tensions in their own area by agreeing to a pilot inspection system to be conducted by themselves or by outside par­ ties as agreed upon," Senator Humphrey declared. "Such an inspection system over the border areas of Israel, the United Arab Republic, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia could be a pilot project of inesti­ mable value for the cause of world disarmament. "The inauguration by the major powers of open skies inspection in such other vital areas as the Arctic or Europe could be a major step toward a re­ laxation of tension between the two great power blocs. But this far, action has been blocked by Soviet obstruction and the veto." The answer, Senator Humphrey indicated, may be first proving the effec- tiveness of aerial and ground inspection as a force for peace and stability "in areas of the world which do not immediately and directly involve the Soviet Union or inspection flights over Soviet Territory." In order to create a "climate" conducive to such efforts as a regional disarmament pact and establishment of aerial and ground inspection against (OVER) surprise attack, Senator Humphrey called upon 11 all friendly pmv-ers to make an unqualified statement of determination to resist, under the United Na- tiona Charter, any forceful attempt to overthrow the sovereignty or destroy the independence of Israel or its neighbors. 11 "Such a declaration vTould introduce an element of stability into the Middle East that would then permit other pacifying factors to exercise a heal­ ing influence," Senator Hum!lhrey declared. "The Middle East needs a period of tranquility--it needs stability of borders, and an opportunity too for the more constructive forces within the area to gain the ascendancy. The Middle East needs economic development. It needs the guiding hand of the United Nations--a hand that insists upon peaceful pursuits and curbs violance and aggression. "We should ma.lte our own aims in the Middle East so clear that everyone will understand that an Arab-Israel peace is a primary objective of United States policy. "Again and again the statesmen of the vTOrld need to l'emind the peoples of the Middle East that war and violence in that area, as elsewhere, settles nothing, but could well destroy everything. What is needed is patience and a period of stability and tranquility. The people of the world need it. The future hope of the Middle East requires it." - 30 - (59-5/12/58) (Not printed at Government e.'tpense) <rongr(ssional ]Z(cord United States PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 85th CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION of America Tenth Anniversary of Israel-Senate Wednesday, April23, 1958 over which all men may walk toward a The resolution <S. Res. 294), Intro­ brighter day. duced by Mr. JoHNSON of Texas, on be­ Rabbi Philip S. Bernstein, Temple Above all, 0 Father of us all, we pray B'rlth Kodesh, Rochester, N. Y., of­ half of himself, Mr. KNOWLAND, Mr. SAL­ for peace; for as Thou art one, Thy TONSTALL, Mr. FLANDERS, Mr. IVES, Mr. fered the following prayer: children are one. No nation is an island JAVITS, Mr. BEALL, Mr. PROXMIRE, Mr. 0 Thou, watching over Israel, we lift unto itself. None can or need Pl'Oftt at our hearts to Thee, DOUGLAS, Mr. SMITH Of New Jersey, and as our fathers did the hurt of another. With Thy bounty Mr. NEUBERGER, was read as follows: before us, in gratitude and hope. we and their ingenuity, there is enough fo1· thank Thee Whereas the establishment of Israel as for the heritage of faith all. Help us, then, to seek out our an Independent state on May 14, 1948, repre­ that has sustained men and nations, for brethren of every creed, color, and clime, sented a triumph not only for the Jewish the light Thou didst shed on their way to join with them in lifting the burdens, people but also for all men who believe In by Thy revelations of truth, for the · the chains, from men eve1·ywhere, and human freedom, justice, and dignity; and ideals that have moved Thy children to make Thy gift of life, liberty, and hap­ Whereas during the 10 years of Its exist­ at their best and to their best. piness the heritage of all. Amen. ence as a sovereign nation, Israel has success­ Standing before Thee at this historic fully defended Its indepe.ndence, developed hour in this historic place, our thoughts Its economy; and turn to the ancient people who early REMARKS Whereas during such period, Israel has found their way to Thee, clinging to OP admitted approximately 900,000 Jewish lm­ Thee with unflagging devotion, bearing mJgrants from displaced persons camps in HON. LYNDON B. JOHNSON Germany, Austria, and I taly; from coun­ witness through the generations to Thy tries In North Africa and the Middle East ; living presence. It was Thy love that OF TEXAS and !rom other countries throughout the sustained them, Thy promise which pre­ Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi­ world; and served them through every trial and dent, on behalf of myself and the distin­ Whereas by Its achievements during the tribulation, and brought them, creative guished minority leader (Mr. KNow­ period of Its existence as an Independent and faithful, to this momentous hour. LAND], I submit a. resolution for which I state, Israel has developed democratic In­ Be with them now as, risen from the request immedir.te consideration. In stitutions In the Nea.r East, and has played ashes of persecution and slaughter, they order to permit other Members to become a constructive role In the !amlly of nations; stand erect, strong and free in their an­ aud cosponsors of the resolution, I ask unani­ Whereas the 24th day of Aprll cestral homeland. They that sowed i.n mous consent that it be .held at the desk is the lOth tears have come home with joy, bearing anniversary, according to the Hebrew cal­ until5 o'clock this afternoon. endar, of the establishment of Israel as an their sheaves. Guide Thou their way, The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there ob­ Independent state: Now, therefore, be that out of Zion shall come forth It the jection to the request of the Senator from Resolved, That the greetings of the Senate law, Thy law of justice for all mankind. Texas? Without objection, it is so ot the United States a.re hereby cordially and Thy word of light, healing, and ordered. extended to the State of Israel upon the hope for all Thy troubled children, from Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi­ occasion of the lOth a.nniversary of Its estab­ Jerusalem. Help them and their neigh­ lishment as an Independent nation; and be dent, the resolution speaks for itself. It further bors, who are bound together by their It expresses the feelings of the American common humanity and need of Thee, to Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate people who have watched the steady Is directed turn their swords into plowshares, their growth of Israel for to trans.mJt a. copy of these spears Into pruning hooks, and to learn a decade. resolutions, through the Department of Americans have been deeply im­ State, to the President of Israel. war no more. pressed by the courage, the tenacity, As we pray !or the peace of Jerusalem, and the determination we thank Thee for this sweet land of with which the Israelis have built their country. It is REMARKS liberty which is our home. We thank a heart-warming demonstration of what Thee for its opulent bounties, Thy gift, OF for Its manifold beauties bursting from can be done by determined men and the earth these lovely spring days, for women against great-and sometimes HON.
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