Vol. 30 No. 194 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Thursday, November 13, 1975 Rumsfeld refuses to rule out possible V.P. bid WASHINGTON (AP)--Donald Rumsfeld There have been rumors since Ford refused to rule himself out yester- dropped Schlesinger 10 days ago day as a possible Republican can- that an ambitious Rumsfeld, Ford's didate for vice president next year. White House chief of staff, had However, Rumsfeld told the Senate been influential in muscling Schle- World News Digest Armed Services Committee considering singer out of office. his nomination to become secretary Under questioning, Rumsfeld said, of defense that "I would not be "I did not have anything to do with SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--A lawyer for seeking anything else" beyond the his departure." Patricia Hearst says a federal judge Pentagon post. In fact, Rumsfeld--who described has scheduled a special hearing for Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D-Wash., himself as an admirer and friend of Monday to consider whether to delay an announced Democratic presiden- Schlesinger--indicated that he Miss Hearst's trial. Attorney Albert tial candidate, attempted to "nail recommended against ousting Schle- Johnson said he spoke with Judge down," as he put it, whether Rums- singer. Oliver Carter following an appellate feld was thinking of staying as Armed Services Committee members court ruling that could affect the secretary of defense only a matter also showed concern about whether Hearst case. The court ruled that a ,'f months before leaving to cam- Rumsfeld would challenge the views judge can exclude time used for psy- aign for vice president on a tick- of Secretary of State Henry Kissin- chiatric exams from a requirement et with President Ford. ger if Rumsfeld differed with Kis- that a defendant be brought to trial "That would be really presumptu- singer as secretary of defense. within 90 days of an arrest. ous if I would stand up and take Ford has said that Schlesinger was myself out of consideration for DONALD RUMSFELD fired because of growing tension SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)--Federal something I'm not being considered in his cabinet between Kissinger Judge Thomas MacBride is to rule to- for," Rumsfeld told Jackson. and Schlesinger. day on whether the jury in the At the same time, Senate Demo- When Sen. William Scott, R-Pa., Lynette Fromme case can hear testi- cratic Leader Mike Mansfield of the vice presidential nomination. asked Rumsfeld whether he could mony from Edward Vandervort. Vander- Montana issued a statement asking Rumsfeld, at his confirmation "be your own man" in espousing vort's testimony deals with a tele- George Bush, Ford's nominee to head hearing, expressed agreement on views that might differ with those phone call he allegedly received the Central Intelligence Agency, to most defense issues with the man of Kissinger, Rumsfeld replied, from Miss Fromme. Yesterday, with disclaim any intention of seeking he is succeeding, James Schlesinger. "Absolutely." the jury and Miss Fromme absent, Vandervort said that Miss Fromme had asked him to kill the president Utilities officer of Kaiser industries. WASHINGTON (AP)--The Senate Budget Committee has amended its budget re- solution and voted to add funds for praises residents the President's Middle East assis- tance package. The action was at the for saving water urgent request of the administration. WASHINGTON (AP)--A final showdown Gitmo residents did something in vote on a federal debt-limit bill October that they have not done could come today in the House. Yes- since April. terday, the House refused to con- Lt. W.P. Pierson, the PWD utili- sider the administration's proposed ties officer, said Gitmo conserved $395 billion federal spending ceil- enough water during October to ing for next year. But it approved 0reclude using three evaporators a Ways and Means Committee recommen- .maintain a constant sufficient dation to boost the federal debt amount in storage. The last time limit to $595 billion through next Gitmo was able to operate on only March 15. two evaporators for a month was in April. Pierson said two evaporators produce slightly more than 1.3 WASHINGTON (AP)--Congress is ex- million gallons of water a day, pected to rush through a resolution which matches the average amount extending existing oil price con- consumed on the days when lawns trols for three or four weeks. That are not watered -- Tuesday, Thurs- SCENIC GITMO: FOWLER PARK - A young couple takes advantage of the facili- would give Congress time for a final day, Saturday and Sunday. However, ties at Leeward Point's Fowler Park. The pleasant setting is ideal for a vote on a compromise energy bill ap- on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, day of fun or relaxation. This is one of several locations in Gitmo proved yesterday by House and Senate the daily average goes up to be- where residents may go for outdoor recreation. (Photo by PH2 Dave Clarke) conferees. Oil price controls are tween 1.45 and 1.5 million gal- due to expire Saturday. lons. WASHINGTON (AP)--The White House He said October's daily average says plans for President Ford's trip use of 1,355,000 gallons must be to China are proceeding on schedule. attributed to conservation, as Spokesman Ron Nessen said yesterday rainfall for the month was .33 Rejected that an advance planning team is inch. October's average rainfall scheduled to go to Chitta next week. is 6.12 inches. The level of water use during Senate committee kills nomination of Blackburn (AP)--Winter--and lots of it-- October was so low, Pierson said, has arrived in parts of the U.S. that for two days near the end of WASHINGTON (AP)--The Senate of a present or former member of There already is eight to 12 inches the month Gitmo operated with only Banking Committee voted yesterday Congress. of snow on the ground in extreme one evaporator to avoid overflow- to kill President Ford's nomination The bank board regulates the Northern Wisconsin. And a winter ing the storage tanks. of Ben B. Blackburn, a former Geor- savings and loan industry and ad- storm has left nine inches of white gia congressman, to head the Fede- ministers the National Fair stuff in the North Dakota's Red The utilities officer also ex- ral Home Loan Bank Board. Housing Act, one of the civil River Valley and four to six inches plained that the third evaporator Opponents said Blackburn, 48, a rights bills which Blackburn voted in parts of Minnesota. Heavy snow is not normally on the line the Republican who served three terms against when he was in Congress. warnings are out for parts of majority of the time. He said the with Ford in the House, was too Nessen said that Ford was not Michigan. third evaporator is only used to insensitive to the needs and rights aware of a quotation attributed to maintain an acceptable water level. of minorities to serve in a post Blackburn that caused some senators BANGKOK, Thailand (AP)--A high- flew to Because the average use for a that sets federal policy on equal to question the nominee' s views on level Hanoi delegation month does not greatly exceed the access to home mortgage money. civil rights. He said that did not Saigon yesterday to begin negotia- average production, the third At the White House, Press Secre- come up "and would not normally tions for the reunification of evaporator is usually used to main- tary Ron Nessen said Ford will come up" in an FBI check. North and South Vietnam, Radio tain a minimum level. start looking for a new nominee The quotation was from testimony Hanoi announced. and "He will send up a new nomi- Blackburn gave before the House In conclusion the lieutenant nation." Banking Committee several years NEW DELHI, India (AP)--Jayaprakash said PWD appreciates the efforts The 8 to 5 vote against Black- ago. The transcript of the hearing Narayan, a prominent Indian opposi- of the community in its conserva- burn in the committee crossed quotes Blackburn as advocating tion leader arrested when Prime tion efforts and continued efforts party lines. public hanging as an object lesson Minister Indira Gandhi assumed auth- will be appreciated in view of It marked the first time in the for public housing tenants behind oritarian powers five months ago, rising fuel costs (required to memory of veteran senators that in their rent. Blackburn told the was paroled last night, official operate the desalinization plant) any Senate committee has voted to Senate committee he cannot recall sources said. and forthcoming budget cuts. reject the nomination to any post the remarks. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, November 13, 1975 r"\ ________________ POSTAL NOTE: C The Fleet Branch P at Office ommunity' reports receiving many thin of- ** ficial flats (large mailers) daily YARD SALES from many commands around the base. Bulletin If the contents of each flat were There will be a garage sale to be folded and inserted into an at Paola Point 15 on Saturday official envelope of the long from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. letter size, money could be saved locally. In this period of austere There will be a four family 0 Board budgets, and reduced optars, any yard sale at 1178 Center Bargo 0 savings that could thus be made on Saturday beginning at 10 a.m.0 could be spent where more critically * * needed. There will be a five family * * yard sale at 113 Oil Point CRESCENDOS APPEAR AT CPO CLUB MEETINGS NAVSTA LIBRARY NOTE: * Saturday from 10 a.m. til 2 p.m. * * After 1 p.m.
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