Homes for Sale 8 1 Automobiles ft Automobile* SSAutomobiles 95 Automobiles 95AutomoblIes 95 ^ANCE HERALD F'br""y *>< 1MT tfc. Automobiles » Anto Repairing 97 rk T K- 1 L NEW 2-BEDROOM HOME Let CARS CARS 10 50 We Specialize in ON </2 ACRE It's the MORAN CHOICE USED CARS AUTO PAINTING In nice residential dlatrlct of Lo LUCKY PEOPLE mils. Living room. Dining roorr 'VALUE BBK and Bedroome carpeted. Floor fur Help You BLESSED WITH KENDALL'S :1 nace. Tub A ehower, Venetian BODY and FENDER 1C P BBM blinds. Some available furn ture Are Getting. the Used Car Thrill of Their o i- With Your ^ PERSONAL WARRANTY You Get WORK ^ Transportation Lives This Week Because for the PHONE LOMITA 966-J . 1942 Studebaker 2-Door Club Sedan Signs by Lehr M Or Key at 1244 Pacific Coast HI way Problems. Radio, Heater, Overdrive ED JAMES MONEY FREE ESTIMATES |1 Lomlta, Calif. Budget Terms Arranged- : S&i Come in, 1941 Oldsmobile 6 4-Door Sedan SLASHES PRICES You Spend - We'll- Do the Rest Hydromatie ORRIS BROS. ! and That Really I $100 DOWN 1941 Ford 6 4-Door Sedan BODY AND FENDER SHOP , SAVE AT Counts. 25604 Narbonne Ave.. LornHC Immed. occupancy for qualified vets MORAN'S' WRITES OFF Brand new 3 bedroom home, 2 car 1941 Chevrolet Convertible Club Coupe l^l First come, first served. A SMALL FORTUNE '42 Plymouth With One of 1940 Plymouth Coupe ; Sedan. (520 Down AUTO These Beauties Economy Housing Corp for - '41 Pontiac PAINTING 1 '42 Dodge Sedan 1937 Buick Coupe Sedan. J320 Down Sales Office 50 NEW CUSTOMERS All Colors in Synthetic or . j One Block South Corner Carson Radio and Heater 1937 Pontiac 4-Door Sedan '41 Oldtmobile Lacquer : 'i & Santa Fe. Club Coupe. <520 Dow '41 Hudson Convert. A Good Deal '40 Pontiac Phone TErminal 4-6463 4 New Tires Clean- LEE KENDALL Sedan. $500 Down BODY & FENDER ^ ' '41 Packard Clipper CHEVROLET COMPANY For Good Will '37 Studebaker REPAIRING : Duplexes, with possession. Ol can Sedan. $245 Down Ik handle for S700 down. Beautiful Car 315 N. Camino Real, Redondo Beach P-.NIce 2-beDroom house on 184th at. SEE FOR YOURSELF RAINWATER'S j 9 Might Ol at only (7,000. '41 Lincoln Zephyr (Opposite High School) Ask LINCH L Residence lot close In with all Coupe LOOK THESE OVER 316 S. Elena Ave. ' 1645 W. ANAHEIM i improvement,, 64 x 1N ft, only Redondo 8422 Redondo Beach New Paint, Overdrive Phone Lomita 1965 ... j "j .': Phone Redondo 2122 Since 1922 I 3-Bedrodm vacant on BeeehT '40 Plymouth Sedan 1 933 Chevrolet Coupe ............,.......;....... .$195 A-l Throughout A clean, old car. Qood 16-Inch tires. (License 87te6i) 1 ALTER BUILDING CO. A * A GARAGE " ' . WITH REMCO '39 Ford Sedan (934 Hudson 8 Sedan Complete Automotive Sonic* , rod condition, aell cheap or. trad I 1405 Sartori Ave. New Upholi., Twin Pipes TELL US THE PRICE 1934 Pontiac 4-Door Sedan ....._........_.........._....$295 r cheaper car. (License J3E9«e) a UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT : 1 ' Phone 5 i ' " '38 Oldsmobile 1 940 Powell Motor Scooter Complete, Llflht Oar Motor overhaul. 6 Sedan »76. « : " Radio and Heater YOU WANT TO PAY . 1 935 Chevrolet 1 '/2-Ton Stake Truck' $395 Runs. Private party. Labor 140.00. ; 1* 1 *cr», 2- bid room home, garage. Nearly new rubber, flood motor. (License X6660) 'PHONE TE 3-111G Motor Overhaul. Tune Up. Body.* 1840 Meteor Ct., Banning Homee Fender Repair. Brake Service. Qonv San Pedro ' plete Paint Joba. Expert Color to center of town. Matching I If -you want to buy or Mil ie* '36 Ford Coupe THE KIND OF USED CAR Radio. Solid, mechanical transportation. ( License' 99R843f ' ~ ~ at corner Ma'ln -st- & Carson av Like New FOR SAUB 1936 Studebaker sedan JACK CASTOR, 'Manager I THOMAS R. PEARCE 1937 Packard "120" fine condition: rive good tlrea 1 Roil Estate Broker Convertible Sedan $595 21725 Halldale, Torranoe. Ph. Lorn. 83 24800 Narbonno AV*. MORAN'S New paint. Excellent tires. A good buy. (License 1X8475) LomltaTcalif. .0.. f YOU WANT. TEARPROP Camping trailer; Full si 1 M61B Moon St. Lomlta, Ph. 662 -J BARGAIN COUNTER* double bed. Bunk lor child. 182 2019 Border ave.. Torrance.^^^ '35 BUICK SEDAN WE'LL ENDEAVOR TO SECURE FOR 1 938 Studebaker 4-Door Sedan YOU Dictator model. Tip top mechanical shape. I BY OWNER '36 LA SALLE SEDAN (License 1X7869) Accessories 9" COMPLETE . ' j '35 CHEVROLET SEDAN AUTO PABTS * '35 DODGE SEDAN A QUALITY USED CAR 1 938 Chevrolet Master Dlx. Town Sedan $695 RRAlfP QPDVIf^P "J nette, dining and living room car- Radio. Solid transportation. (License 1U7031) '• peted, dual furnace with therm. USED AUTO PARTS Relining, Rebuilding, -Repairiiif I control, newly decorated thruout. Cash - Trade - Term* IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. 1 938 Lincoln Zephyr & ACCESSORIES Guaranteed Work DROP BY Convertible Coupe $895 For All Model, of Cart I 261th at.,' Lomlta. EVENINGS Radio, heater and overdrive, (No license) 101 BEAR SERVICE OPEN 'TIL 9 P. M. OR SUNDAYS > A. M. t P. M. THATCHER & OH Window Glass 2SI6S South Vermont - 1 Well built 2-bedroom frame home 1 94 1 Stude Champion Cruising Sedan..... $995 Steam Cleaning 1 Bloek South of 101 Hlway^ Solid and Economical. (No leteiy fenced, family orchard, guest Authorized De Soto-Plymouth Dealers License.) Rebuilt Tranimistions Rouse, good chicken equipment. MORAN AUTO SALES Phone Lomita 1990 E »7,500 Terms. and Rear End* 1420 Cabrillo Ave. Torrance II 44 1 940 Pontiac Deluxe 2-Door Sedan....... ..$ 1 ,095 I For All Makes and Models Cecil E. Perry, Broker of Cars P. H. "PAT" HUFF1NE I 24402 Narbonne Avt. 25 and 26 Camino Real 1 942 DeSoto 4-Door Sedan MOBILGAS STATION t. i Telephone, ...............$ 1 ,095 LOMITA AUTO- Lomita IOIO-J Both Sides of the Street Match this for only (1,095. (License 9X1339) WRECKING COMPLETE -• j - f $10,000 8UYS DUPLEX 2025 Pacific Coast Highway LUBRICATION ., This property In A-1 condition. Phone RE 5282 SEE THE NEW JEEP 1 940 Chev. Special Dlx. Club Possesflon of 1-bedrm unit 60 days Coupe $1,095 Phone Lomita 322 or sooner. 2-bedroom unit rente, -Hermosa Beach Radio and heater. A clean car. Overhauled motor. (No license.) TIRE RE-CAPPING I 147.50 month. » 1.700 handles. Immediate Delivery i-i---. 1 - LUTHER MUMFORD BAHERy SERVICE 1 Realtor 1941 DeSoto 4-Door Deluxe Sedan ..... ....$1,195 1 2215 Torrance Blvd. - Ph. 609 COMPLETE LINE OF SOOD USED CARS LOMITA RADIATORS HIGHEST POSSIBLE (License 3W6518) AND BLOCKS 1 FOB 8ALB by owner 6-room house. AT O.P.A. CEILING. PRICES REVERSE FLUSHED thermostat-controlled f u r n a c e. PRICES PAID AND UNDER AUTO PARTS E near achools, transportation and V markets. Immediate poss.. 12.600 for I94I Pontiac J.B. Dlx. "6" Sedanette. ..$1,395 24634 Narbonne Avenue '} down. :!007 Andreo. phono Tot. Complete Shop Repair Facilities Radio. One-owner car. Very clean. (License 7W7236) 2034 Pacific Coast Highway f, ranee 30-J. LATE MODEL PHONE LOMITA 447 3-BEDROOM home partly furnished I on bus line, near school and Tor- USED CARS Vie Crawford, Service Mgr. 1941 Lincoln Zephyr 4-Door Sedan $1,395 Phone Lomita 1290 1 ranee Park, liruonablo terms. Jf See owner, 2309 247th St., Lomltu. f Telephone Lomlta aB6-J. See ATCHISON & PRICE MOTOR REBUILDING AUTO TOPS C. C. BROWN 1942 Olds "76" Series 4-Door Sedan $1,495 REBORING I Bnaflneaat 90 r ( ) AND UPHOLSTERY" F OWOHTOW1T1KS 128 S. Pacific Ave., San Pedro COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP PAUL GILBERT Extra Seats Built in Coupes Phone TE 3-3586 1947 Studebaker Stake Truck Fine Tailoring on Sport fop* SMALL at 11/3. ton. Driven only 729 miles. (License XU83) RESTAURANT 2025 Pac. Coast Hwy. C&G GRINDING CO. We Sell Materials Phone Lomita 322 CARS WANTED CHAS. F. loMllloJ^and^leas^^or PLUS VALUE USED CARS Crankshaft Regrinding COX three^years We are still paying the highest SEE US FOR 2155 240th St., Lomita * be aold lor less than replacement USED CARS iricej for used cars. cost. FOR SALE LATE MODEL motalizing, rebabbitting. ' S«« CASH WAITING CARS 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays, 10 to 4 1M2 Ford 4. door sedan, 6 cylinder, We Specialize in BOB L. HAGGARD '•at any make or model, paid A-1 shape. S480 down. TORRANCE ^iB or or not. Heavy Equipment Realtor NEW TRAILERS NOW 1*41 Mercury, 4-door sedan, radio AUTO LAUNDRY NORMEL 16-ft., fully insulated, , ?nd heater, fog lights, 2 new tires, ED JAMES 1409 MARCELINA AVE. butane, electrlo brake*. A beauty. SEE US new seat covers. J4BO down, We Pick Up and Deliver STEAM CLEANING . COLUMBIA 22 ft alT-algrninum. NOW World's Champion Studebaker Torrance 354 ' 1M1 Ford coupe, new tires, Mer.' Dealer LUBRICATION 800 thia before you buy any Before you itll cury motor. Less than 2,000 miles. 2130 233rd St. Lomita 90-J trailer and compare Ita value. your car. Only S3W down. WASHING - POLISHING *| WAXING : I Oarage In downtown Torranea. 3-room, beautiful mahogany fin­ 1(4,1 Ford sedan, super deluxe ra­ 1850 S. Pacific Ave, TE 3-3378 Completely eaulpped. electric and ish. WRIGHT & HOWARD MOTORS dio and heater, <og lights, new Specializing in acetyllne welding. Compress and paint, A-1 shspe. HSO down. jess M. Reddington R E' ting equipment. All parts and 727 W. Anaheim, Wilmington ssorles Tryjso 1B37 Chevrolet coupe, motor Just San Pedro Included. Good building Ph. TErminal 43363, overhauled, GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING 1328 pabrillo Ave. Torrane* J , long lease. 16,600. new tires and new Phono Torrance 2160 I STANDARD TRAILER SALES After aix, 22844 paint.
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