REPORT THE CENSUS OF t911 A'~ D. THE JUNIQADH STATE BY M. A. TURKHUD Esquire, F. O. S., •• 06C E:I 1913. PtUN,i;I<:1l AI', TIU~ J I'NAGADH STATI': PRESS. 1fo. 31 of 1911. L. ROBERTSON, EsQUIRE, I. C. S., Administrator, J unagadh. From M. A. TURKHUD, EsQUmE, .F. G. 5., Census General Superintendent, Junagadh. JUlIagadh, 29th Feb'l'tlary 1912. Sir, I have the honour to forward herewith my report of the Census of Junagadh State for 1911 with fh"e Appendices and six Charts. A domestic calamity, anxiety during the period of; the serioul ilkress of tILe Minor Nawab Saheb and pressure of other work ha.ve given rise to many interruptions in the continuity of working and writing. To my Assistant, Mr. Anantrai Nanalal Buch, my best thanks are due~ He has worked with· earnest' zeal and has deservedly earned the First Class Certificate froin your hands at the Coronation Durbar. I trust that his labours in this work of Imperial importance will receive some furthe~ t8.ugible reward. Other recipients of these certificates were in the 2nd class and Brd class. and t~r names are:- 2nd mass. Mr. JeysukhIaJ Rudm.ji l Volunteers. " Bhagv8nlal Fulshanker .s " Krishnalill Chhaganlal Port Officer. " A. Latifkhan, Overseer, Po W~ D. and " Vyankatrai Ambaidas- } " Tmmhttkrai J eyshanker Oil my office estRbliahment. Of these I must draw your special attention to. Mr. Vyankatrai, who has been retained to the mst and will remain on the .tal till the Census office finally closes on 31st H!Lrch next. Srd ClaS8. )lr. J..axman Madhavji ". Nurkhan AbdullakhlD " lIotilal Vallabbji 2 Mr. MahashBnker Jshwar .t Morarji 'Dulabhji. ; I must here state that lIr. Govardhandas Indraji Vaisbnav, ~hQugb recommended for B First C]as8 certificate,ldid not receiye it ; but I trwit -'that the excellent work done by him may now be acknowledged. In addition to the 'aoove, my Assistant recommends in his report the following names of the persons on the sta! for being broug~t: to your notice for,the satisfactory discharge of their dutie.s. , - .. !.' Mr. ,Vya~ka.trai. Ambaidas } already mentioned above . .r. "Trambakral Jeysbanker S " Harirai Madhavrai 4 ,,"Venisbanker Rupshanker 5 ,t RatilRl SlClasbanker ,6 '. ". Ranehhod JadlLvji. l·do this with great pleasure.' I have to thank the following for their co-operation and I hope SOli will be pleased, if you think proper, to'convey my thanks- to those officers through th,e Heads' of their Departments. Vahivatdars:- , . ~ : Mr. Chbelshanker Dulerai Rana.· " HBrprasad Udeslulnka~. Munsi! :- Mr. Shivdatrai Trikamrai' and MedicaIOfficer:- Mr. Shivshanket Vasudev, Pa~n. The work of such magnitllde and importance cannot be carried out as smoothly as it was done without earnest co-operation from everyone employ­ ~ in it. To everyone of them my best ack1!owledgments are due. Finally;I have to acknowledge with gratitude the assistance I have received from -the Administrators who have given me every facility for the .oonduct of the operations connected with the taking of the Census and for the work that followed. I have the honollr to ~, Sir, Your most obedient servant, M.A. TURKHUD General.Sl1perintendent of Censul. Appendix L To M. A.. TURKHU-D, 'Esquire; F. G. St General. Superintendent of Census, J unagadh State. Respeeted Sir, I have the honour to submit for your consideration a brief report of .the different stages through which Censlis operations were carried on in the .Junagadh State in the year 1910-11. 2. _The Censul3 oftiee was opened in the back part 01 the Faraskhana '.~'i'"e-n:-!t-8.OiB'X"lIiir":"-ee-1 b?ildings on the ~Dd Septem~r 1910, with a very mod~8t s~W, pc VIZ., myself as AssIStant Superintendent, one correspondeficeclerk . and ODe despawhing clerk. Moreover, it was opened rather late as compared :with other States and Talukas. 3. Hence it was necessary to lose ~o time in organizing and setting in ....A-p-pol-·-ntm-en-t- motion the machi~ery requisite fol' Census operations; The whole -or ~barge lio- State was divided into Charges which were subdivided into Circles penutendents. and blocks. The Vahivatdar and the Kunsiif were made joint Charge Superintendents of their respective Mahala -Ot- Distriets, and in "thuse 'Mahals where there was no Muns~ the Vahivatdar alone was made Charge Superintendent. The &gat Charge was entmsted to the Dangar Naib Tah,., 'sildar, and the Khangi Karbhari' was r~ue&ted to make the necessary arrange­ ments with regard to the Shahpur Division, which consisted of all the Khangi 'village8. As for the Yangrol Charge Mangrol was asked to appoint its -Charge Superintendent and make the necessary arrangements. Vadal and Navagadh formed one Maha! this time and so they were not separate Charges as they _ were in 1901 A. D~ Consequently we had in all 23 Charges instead of 24 in 1901. - 4. After the appointment of Charge Sll.perintendents they were instruct.. ~CI'iI'il""'l'cTle-8-.. -an'"""dl""""'ll e? to ~ivide thei~ __ .~harges-- into circles and . to 8ub.div~de the blocks. _ CIrcles Into blocks In such a way that each Circle contamecllO . _~ 15 blocks and each block contained from· 30 to 50 hous~; and to- submit lists of villages, khalsa, bh~yati, mulgimsia,.barkhali, &c., with their areall.-· In _the J unagadh city the blocks and circles were kept in the same-: order -­ as they were made in ]901; but it may be suggested that now that the city is being surveyed, it would be more convenient and appropriate if the city is :di vided into such blocks and circles which may agree with, 'the new survey 'numbers. -- 5. After making these preliminary amLngements- tll~ work of house nu~;; -'H-o-llII-e-n-um- .1 bering was soon taken in hand. Sanction was given to all the bering. _ Charge- Superintendents to buy clmnam and g~" for paintipg 2 DUlbbera on the houses and special printed instructions were issued to guide them in this work. As for the city ten clerks were supplied from the revenue and judicial departments to carry on the work. The work of house numbering eommenced in the city on the 10th September and in the Mahals on the 10th­ September and was finished throughout the State on the 20th October. House littl were al80 pre~ side by 'side with house-numbering. 6. Special precautions were taken this year to make the numbers more distinct and in uniform line. The derks were instructed to write clean legi­ ble numbers and on a certain side and on a certain height of every house 'where possible, and by an order promulgated in the Dastural Amal people were .war~ed not to erase or destroy numbers on their houses until the date of the final enumeration was over. This year the suggestion of the Census Superin­ tendeftt of the JUllAooadh State for 1901 about numbering the houses serially 'by each block a~d not by each circle was adopted. The serial numbe~s were changed afresh at the beginning of each block. In the beginning the work of painting numbers on the houses was found to be rather slack and therefore ~it was ordered that the daily average of work to be done should be at least from 15 to 100 numbers. 7. , As the work of house numbering was finished, sole attention was now' -.A-P-llO-in-t-m....en~ to be directed towards inspecting and checking the work already of Supervisors done and towards making all the preparations for the prelimi .. ~ Enumerators nary enumeration. Arrangements were to be made for the selae­ ',tion' of supervisors for each circle and for :enumerators for each block. The' ,Charge Superintendents were written to to ayail themselves of the State servants ,of the di1Ferent departments in the districts and of the vakilI, merchants &c. ,who may be willing to offer their ser'vices for .the work and to select amongst :them sucb men as j\re fit for the work of lIupe.rvisors and enumerators. In ;the Junagadh city all the heads of departments and other officers were com­ .municated with to send in a list of their Mut8adi staft and when boll the lists .were forthcoming the appointments of two supervisors per each ci'rcle and one ·~umera.tor per each block were made, keepiQg in view the capacity and general intelligence of the worker. As it generally happens, one or two officers did 'Dot like their men to be entrust.eci with Cens~s work and grumbled against the ',~sus Ofllce, but'when it was explained that the census 'work is an Imperial 'work and by its very nature ,requires the assistance a~d co-operation of every 'Agency, whether State or private, matters were smoothed over and not the least difticulty was experienced in making up the numbef required for the ''Work of enumeration. It must be said that all . the oftieara ",or)l;ed harmoni­ ously a~d _lously co-operated in th~ wo.,k. 8. Owm.g to the increasing work the strain was becoming heavy 011 the' """'O"'"'ffi,=-c-e--:staiF."""r=J limited staff of the Census Office an,d 80 reminders had to be '.ent tQ the Dewan office to make appointments of other olerks aanctioned In 'the budget. On the 8th October 1910 one account clerk and one record clerk , ~ere supplied and the appohltment of Sberistedar 'Q8' Dot made till the 1tb lloce~bef 1910. 3 ,.,9. Under, your orders I started on an inspection tour in the districts first Inspee:-Ilying on the railway side on the 19th November 1910.
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