DIRECTORY.] CHESHIRE. LITTLE LEIGH. 235 !leech Waiter, kennelman to Col. Renshaw Wm. shoe ma. Sworton hth Wh;_tlow Mary (:Mrs.), farmer, Moss Cornwall Legh Rigby Thos. frmr. Swineyard hall Hall farm Mitehell Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, Shakeshaft R:chard, wheelwright & Wilkinson Edwin, frmr. Woodside fm Sworton heath farmer, Swineyard l'!lne J *Woodier Mary (Mrs.), Ogden lane Moss William, fal"Iner, Great Oak fm. Shaw .Ann (Miss), laundress, West la Wright Edward, farmer, Haywood crt (letters through Lymm, Warrngtn) Simpson James, tailor, West lane Wright George Edmund, farmer, Newall Toomas, farmer, Manor farm Smith Thos. frmr. Arley View frm Crow's Nest farm, Swineyard lane Newton Sarah (Miss), dress maker, Stelfox Edward, farmer, Moss farm Wright Henry, farmer, dairy farm Hobbs Hillock Stringer David, frmr. Brook Ho. fm Wright Hubert, farmer Okell Geo. frmr. Nth. Wood Lane fm Stringer Jonathan, frmr. Sink moss Wright James, farmer, Swineyard la Platt George (exors. of), farmers, Sumner Geo. frmr. Dean's Green Im Wr'_ght John, farmer, Crabtree farm Broad oak Taylor Alfred, farmer, Old farm & Bear's Paw farm Platt Jn. frmr. Northwood Hall frm Taylor l\Iary (l\liss), dress maker, Wright John, farmer, Sinkmoss frm Platt William, farmer, Mopping brow D~amond cottages Wright John Henry, farmer, Swine- Plumb William ·Henry, farmer, Ivy Tunstall Henry, grocer & provision yard lane farm House farm, Withers lane dealer, sub-postmaster, collect{)r {)f Wright Margt.(Mrs.),frmr. Sink moss Price Joseph, assistant to the Hon. rates & taxes & clerk t() Parish Wright Thomas, frmr. Sworton heath J. E. Cross, surveyor' to the High Council Yarwood Hy. smith, Sworton heath Legh estate Vast Thomas, farmer (letters through Yarwood 'l'homas, farmer, Goborn la Renshaw Thomas, farmer, Parksgate Altrincham) Youd William, farmer, Hob's hill farm, Wrenshot lane Whilow Arthur, Moss Hall farm LITTLE LEIGH (()r Leigh-juxta-Bartingt<Jn) iil a Warrington section of the London and North Western­ rownshiJ? and village and, with Dutt{)n and Barliington, was railway and 4 north-west from Northwich, in Bucklow formed mto a parish from the civil parish of Great Bud­ hundred, Runco·rn uniollJ and Northwich county court worth July xs, 1834; it is 3! miles north-west f.rom NO'I'th. district ; the Trent and Mersey canal intersects· the. town· wich station on the Cheshire Lines railway and .8 south ship. Here is a Wesleyan ohapel. The charities· are of from Warrington, in the Northwich division of t.he county, £I IS!. 7}d. yearly value. Hervey Talbot ~sq. of Astqn Bucklow hundred, Northwich union and county court Hall, is lord of the man()!' and chief landowner. The soil district,petty sessional division of Dewsbury, rUJral deanery is strong; the subsoil is clay and sand. The chief ~raps of Frodsham and archdeaconry and diocese of Chester; are wheat, oats, barley and pasture.. The area is 310, the river Weav~r, and Trent and Mersey canal pas•s on the ac.re\S; rateable value, £973; the populabion in 1891 south, and there are water works in Little Leigh f()l' the was• 83. !lllpply of Barnton parish. The church of St. Michael and Lette•rs through Northwich; _ Weaverham :is the nearest All Angels, erected in 1878-9 at a cost of £2,6oo, in place money order office & ·SavingS! bank; the nearest place of an older fabric, then removed, is a structure of red for posting letters is at Acton Bridge brick lin the Early English s•tyle f·rom designs by Mr. I Edmund Kirby, architect., <>f Liverpool, consisting of DUTTON is a ~{)wnsh!ip on the river Weaver, about :r~ chancel, nave, vestry and a turret with octagonal oak miles south-east from Preston Brook station on the Crew~ shingled ·spire, containing one bell: there are 183 sit.tings. and '\<Varrington section of the London and Nmth Western The register dates from the year x782. The living is a railway and 5 east from Frodsham, in Bucklow hundred, vicarage, net yearly value [250, with residence, in the Runcorn uruion and Warrington county court district; the • gift of the vicar of Great !Budworth, and held since x88o Trent and Mersey canal passes' through. Here is a small by the Rev. Lyon l>uncombe Lyo~-Bennett; adjoining iron church erected in 1873, in which divine service is the church is a Vicarage home, rebuilt in 1864. There is conducted every Sunday afternoon by tihe vicar of Little a Baptist chapel, with Sunday .school attached. The Leigh. ArtJ:mr Hervey Talbot esq. J.P. of Dutton Lodge, charities for distribution are of £3 yearly value, and there is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil and is 16s. far providing wine for the sacrament. Lord Leigh, subsoil are clay and sand. The chief crops are wheat, of Stoneleigh Abbey, WaJ'Wick, who is loTd ·nf the manor, oats, barley and potatoes. The area is• 2,054 aores of land Sir Gilbert GI'eenall bart-. of WaJt.on Hall, and Mrs. and 36 of water ; rat~able value, £ 9,'760.; the population Samuel Massey are the chief landowners. The soil is in 1891 was 421, including X45 <J:fficers and inmates in light; subsoil, .sandy. A good deal of the land is in Runcorn W()rkhouse. · ' pasture. The chief crops are wheat, oats,, potatoes, Letters through Presrt()n Brook, which is the nearest money turnips and a few beans. The area of the township is order & telegraph office & savings bank . r,566 acres of land and 29 o.f water; rateable value, Pillar Letter Boor, cleared at 8.45 a.m. & 7 p.m £4,173: the population in r891 was· township, 410; The Runcorn Union Workhouse stands on an eminence in paritb, 888. this township, about halfway between Runcorn & North­ Sexton, James Bennett. wich, and was erected in 1857; it is a plain structure of Letters through Northwich; BarntQn is the nearest tele­ red brick with a firont elevation in the Elizabethan style, grap~ money order office & .savings bank. Wall Box surmounted by a turret with clock; the h()use is avail­ cleared! at 6 p.m. on week days only able for 250 inmates; Joseph Cunnah, master; Mrs. Parish School, erected in 1840~ the land & timber being Ellen Ounnah, matron; Harry Allison, schoolmaster; presented by Lord Letigh & now partly supported by Miss Cla,tworthy, schoolmistress; Rev. Lyon Duncombe Lord Leigh, who gives the rent of the shooting on his Lyon-Bennett, chaplain; Thoma,s J. Selby, surgeon estate here; a sunday school :iJs als·O· held in the school­ A School Board of 5 members was fO!I'med fo·r Duiton, room; it will hold xoo chiildren; average attendance, October 23, 1877; C. E. Linaker, Frodsham, clerk to 75; John William Garner, master the boa.rd Board School (mixed), built with master's residence at­ BARTINGTON is a township and small village, 2 miles tached in 1878, for 6o children; average attendance, north-west from Acton Bridge .station on the Crewe and 6o ; Sydney Edward Stokes, master LlTTLE LEIGH. Horton John, farmer, Weaver view Cowap William Turner', farmer Aklis Rev. John (Baptist) Horton Ralph Franc~s, fanner Denn£ng Thomas, hay & corn dealer Bower M;ss J ackson J ames, Bridge iun Houghton J oseph, brick & tile mkr Lyon-Bennett RPv. Lyon Duncombe Leigh Eliza (Mrs.), farmer J ackson Enoch, farmer & grocer (vicar), The Vicarage Massey Daniel, frmr. Crumley Hth.fm Lowe James, farmer Mossey Mrs. Holly bank Millingt{)n John, farmer :Moore George, shopkeeper COMMERCIAL. M:illington J oseph, grocer Mounfield Peter, farmer Ashbrook Joseph, farmer Millington William, farmer Rutter Elizabeth (~Irs. ), shopkeeper Brock William, farmer Moors George, wheelwright Brocklehurst Thomas, grocer Plant J ane (:M:rs. ), farmer, D"CTTO~. Cowap Mary .Ann (Mrs.), Horns P.H Platt Robert, farmer Talbot Arthur Hervey J.P. Dntton ldg Cowap Richard Turner, Bowling Grn. Platt Samuel, farmer P.H Rig by Harriet (~Irs. ), farmer COMMERCIAL. Curbishley Peter, farmer . R;gby John Smith, farmer Drinkwater James, farmer Saunders Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Astbury Sarah (~Irs.),frmr.Dutton pk Egerton Thomas, farmer, ·willow grn 'Vood ·william, farmer Atherton John, Talbot Arms P.H Haddock J oseph, farmer Young George, blacksmith Baxt.er Thomas Hall, farmer Haslehurst Hadwen, farmer Billington Mart ha C~Irs. ), farmer Hayes Joseph, bricklayer BARTINGTON. Blain John, blacksmith llaywood Joseph, wheelwright Clarke Bros. coal merchant& Buttrey John, farmer .
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