The Weather THEDAILY FINAL Cloudy, cool with periods of > Red Bank, Freehold T~ rain today, tonight and tomr- I Long Branch / row. Temperatures mostly in EDITION 50s. 3R PAf.ES- Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper Plus Tabloid VOL.95 NO.209 RED BA1NK, NJ. THURSDAY, APRIL 26,1973 TEN CENTS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiinnnnifa Cahill Aides Offer Coverup Charge Rebuttal Evidence TRENTON (AP) - Cahill taining to the investigations. torneys General Peter R. The back of the check tive James J. Challender was administration officials have An Associated Press report- Richards and Edwin H. Stier. showed it was cashed at Gar- assigned June 19, 1972, to in- shown documents to reporters er was allowed to see the Capt. William Baum, head of den State Park racetrack, vestigate the extent to which to rebut charges they covered documents yesterday at his the State Police intelligence which is owned by Eugene other campaign checks might up an investigation into Re- own request by State Criminal bureau, was also present. Mori, father-in-law of former have been cashed at Garden publican fundraising during •Justice Director Evan W. The campaign fundraising State Treasurer Joseph M. State. the 1969 gubernatorial cam- Jahos. Two other reporters investigations began, state au- •McCrane. On the front of the paign. Kugler has since said cash- have been allowed to see the thorities said, in the spring of check was written in longhand ing checks at a race track is The documents viewed yes- documents. 1972 when Baum received notation, "Bill Cahill Cam- not illegal. terday were intended to show Attorney General George F. from the federal Organized paign." Copies of Challender's there were continuing and co- Kugler Jr. approved the dis- Crime Strike Force in Newark McCrane was one of Cahill's monthly time sheets show operative state and federal in- play of the documents, but a copy of a $1,500 check from top fundraisers during the that he spent 23 of his next 28 vestigations of the matter. Gov. William T. Cahill was the-James L. Parker Con- 1969 gubernatorial campaign working days on the in- The point is crucial to the ' not informed of it, according tracting Co. to Suzanne Phil- and reportedly is a key figure vestigation until his transfer 1 AP Wlrephoto administration's efforts to to a Cahill aide. lips, an employe of a South in the current state and feder- Aug. 1 to the Major Crimes YOU'RE TOO YOUNG TO FILE! — Teen-agers are turned down by disprove assertions by U.S. The documents were seen in Jersey public relations firm, al investigations. Unit. Attorney Herbert J. Stern that George Bloom, acting secretary of state, when they attempted to file the offices of Deputy At- Writers Associates. State officials said Detec- nominating petitions for the Assembly and Senate in a bid to challenge the the federal investigation be- See Coverup, page 2 minimum age requirements for legislative office in New Jersey. Spokes- gan last month after' a dis- man said the attempt was part of a strategy to make grounds for a court gruntled State Police detec- test of the age requirements. See Story, page 35. tive brought him information, claiming the' state in- vestigation had been killed. Reds Near Phnom Penh, State officials have said their investigation not only Say Nixon Team was not abandoned but they had been working on it all along in cooperation with Blast Refugees, Airport agents from the Internal Rev- enue Service. PHNOM PENH, Cambodia aced from the west. More The assaults across the riv- ons to the west bank across The documents consisted of (AP) — Cambodian insur- than 20 rockets hit the airport ers are the closest the antigo- from the insurgents despite 'Stuffed' TV Poll copies of State Police detec- gents have overrun a string of 2% miles west of the capital vernment forces have struck intelligence reports that they WASHINGTON (AP) - is the most stackable thing," the Same typewriters. tive's time sheets, copies of weakly defended government and an adjoining shantytown to the capital since Viet Cong are planning a large-scale at* Workers for President Nixon's he said. "When you're in- Shumway said "about 2,000 subpoenas served by detec- positions across the Mekong crowded with refugees early sappers raided northern tack on the capital soon. ballots and responses" were Phnom Penh and blew up a reelection committee mailed volved in an election, you do tives on various banks to ob- and Bassac Rivers from today, killing 19 persons and U.S. jet fighters from Thai- in more than a third of the fa- what you can. We assumed mailed by committee work- tain records, copies of sign-in Phnom Penh and now control wounding 62. bridge across the Bassac Oct. ers. 7. land bombarded the east bank vorable responses recorded in the other side would do the sheets and lawyers' daily a long stretch of the east bank No aircraft were damaged, this morning as hundreds a local'television poll last same thing." In other Watergate devel- diaries showing visits by IRS paralleling the capital city, but one rocket killed an offi- Attack Plan Seen watched from the riverside year of reaction to the mining The final result of the poll, opments: agents to State Police head- refugees from the area said cer and wounded seven sol- However, the military com- mall in front of the former of North Vietnamese waters, as announced by Metromedia — Vice President Spiro T. quarters and copies of State today. diers at the entrance to the mand was not moving any royal palace. a campaign official said station WTTG, was 5,157 Agnew told a news confer- Police file memoranda per- Phnom Penh was also men- military part of the airfield. more troops or heavy weap- today. agreeing with Nixon's deci- ence, "I want to make itvery Four of the missiles landed DeVan L. Shumway, sion to mine Haiphong harbor clear that I have full con- in a rice field 200 yards behind spokesman for the Committee and 1,158 disagreeing. When fidence in the integrity of a military camp and three for the Be-election of the WTTG reported the results President Nixon and in his de- termination and ability to re- others hit in a heavily popu- President, said he didn't re- May 15, it said that it had re- Fauver to Be Prisons Chief lated refugee area behind the solve the Watergate matter to gard it as rigging the poll be- ceived several thousand post- military academy. cause "we felt the Democrats cards that were of a sus- the full satisfaction of the TRENTON (AP) - The increasingly under fire as would do the same thing." picious nature because they American people." man credited with easing ten- overcrowding in the prisons, a Weeping survivors wan- "That type of voluntary poll apparently had been typed on There have been published sions at Trenton State Prison more militant brand of inmate dered through piles of straw reports quoting unnamed as- has been chosen as the next and finally a series of riots and palm fronds that once sociates and friends of Agncw chief of the state prison sys- and disturbances focused at- were their homes as the sun as saying he was upset over tem. tention on the institutions.' rose. Bodies of men, women the break-In and bugging at Gov. William T. Cahill an- Wagner was at the helm in and children were laid out, Deadline Near the Democratic national head- nounced yesterday that Wil- November 1971 when a riot some so blown apart they quarters in the Watergate and liam Fauver of Annandale, flared at Rahway State Pris- were unrecognizable. felt the President had done the Trenton State Prison su- on. Some 500 rebellious in- too little to uncover the facts. perintendent, will succeed Al- mates surrendered voluntarily "Let me emphasize that I bert C. Wagner as director of after releasing the last of Tugboat Hits For Candidatesdo not speak through such un- the Division of Correction and eight hostages taken in the TRENTON (AP) - Barring band have a net worth of identified sources," Agnew Parole. riot. Amboy Span, any last minute changes, a nearly $1 million. She also re- said. He read a prepared , Wagner, 62, will shortly go • Fauver took over at Trenton seven-way race for the Demo- vealed campaign contribu- statement, then declined to on extended medical leave on last November. He moved cratic gubernatorial nomi- tions totaling nearly $20,000, answer questions. the advice of his physician, quickly to open a direct chan- Halts Trains including $6,000 of her own Cahill said. Fauver, 40, will nel of communications be- PERTH AMBOY (AP) - A nation and a two-way fight for The Los Angeles Times said tugboat pulling a barge ram- the Republican candidacy was money and her husband's. it is standing by its story of step up to Wagner's office tween himself and the in- while Albert D. Gray, Jr., 36, mates by spending at least a med the Raritan River Bridge expected to become official DeRose submitted his peti- April 14 that Agnew "is re- this morning, knocking out of today. tions to the Secretary of ported to be personally ap- former executive director of part of each day walking the Essex County Youth through the institution and lis- alignment tracks servicing The filing deadline for the State's office and promised to palled by the affair and by the Penn Central and Central June 5 primary is 4 p.m. Can- disclose his finances in a few way the administration has house, will succeed Fauver at tening to grievances, requests Albert Wagner William Faover the prison.
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