HAPPY VEW .-.'EAil: Wu'f.' THE OVERLORDS OF BROOKSCAFE- TER1A IMPOSE FELLOW PLAS- TIC POLICE STATE TACTICS. CAMPUS PREDICTS LO3S OF i- DENTY (CARDS, THAT IS). (A REVOLT AGAINST TdE PLEAS- /ol. XCH, N" 64 January 10, I960 URE O ' E-VTMU OUT-'?', inaugural Demonstration Set for Capital During Christmas vacation, relax or disappear with any peace ing no physical confrontation. plans were slated for a pre~ in- gestures thai do noi: resait in the Rather W'..:- hupo to demo:"- -aie auguration peaca demonstration in complete pulhut of ail American a massi.'i show .;" strength on .he Wash; lgtoo, D.C, This is the of- forces from Vietnam; that e/ea issues of Vietnam and racism, ticiai letter from the National on the eve oftheinayuraiioathoi.1 the. day before Nixon takjs his Mobilization Qomra'tteo and es- are ihous.uids of people in the oaih for the Pi-esideacy pial is the basic groundwork streets demonstrating that a sig- In calling this a'.'iion w> \n- for the protest on the eve ot nificanl section of the people can- especially committed to reaching Nixon's inauguration. not participate in a consensus the widest possible constitue •• y. that is rooted in the war and To a ftitJro of -law aart orduj: , Dear Friends: racist policies of the past., and to Nixon, wliana vision of Wo are now ?eek! ig permits for military pow.-; 'iig'vas at iumeand The National Mobilization Com- the use of tiie traduiona! inaug- extends around the globe, w« must mittee is calling for a massive uration parade roule (from the say that this movemont will not demonstration on the eve of Capitol to the White House /ia be repressed, divide 1, or ijaorei. Nix >n s inauguration, Wo act at Pennsylvania Avenue), and for the We are \n the process of de- this time becaa.se of the urgency Ellipse, a lar^o ope-i area iireet- veloping id«as for activities o.< to step up pressure for an im • ly behind the White House for a January 19'..i ,i >A .juis-biy thoSOti medlata withdrawal; to let Nixon parade and rally. The date is know thai peace forces will not Sunday, January 19. Wo irs sink- CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 LOOK AT YOUR FUTURE Let -• g-y. ! rcited about IC1S- for? How about that book you d and Karin Arentzen, will be in the Individualized Curriculum like to write or field study you*ci the C'j January 13, 15 and 17 for Independent Study program. like to make? There s no end at 4:00. A!J interested students Have an idea or proposal for to the possibilities. The ICE wanting to do independent study- independent study this term, Committee, composed of Mr. are urges] :o find out about the something you ve always wanted Kleeman, Dr. Elias, Dr. Walsh, r.ev» program and come and dis- to do but couldn t find the course William Penniman, R:iy Cheely, cuss project ideas at that time. ASG: Time For Revision Las: term, fhr- CAMPJ.7 iamtasied ASG tor not having accomplished i 1a.T>" 'li'm•. By; airv.id, this term, President Steve Baker and Vice-- prr'.sid '.r Jim Oit-iev inus: !v recognized for doing their damnados editor: suzi kinde>:va;ter For- o ir. th a-iv.;u'3 L-.V< dollar will yield r JSUHS far abovs its managing edito": bill meicay in'V'iv.i vaiui>. W. .1 \;>O appropriated lauds for Baker and Dieter news editor; les zisicind to attend HIP national Associated Studea' Government conference Thanks- feature editor: glvin;; w.vkend, it is doubtful thai Council realized :he potential return.. sports editor: dale radcliff j Moving from ;I*K> smdco-filled room to the ne::t in D,C.. s Mayflower advertising: bill kirschner Hotel, the AUpgheny executives gradually realized :he root of AS 3 composition: karen patterson inadequacy, Compared to other collegia and universities and collegas ruth irwi'.i throughout th.^ country, thi^ structure of the Allegheny Student Govern- bill schmidt m-\it is archaic, Uiirei!is:io--and according to the reaction of other publication: jim rowdan delegates, laughable., photography; henry narducoi Sunday nigW.'s ASG meeting unveiled :he proposal for a new struc- ture: a s:ru^tu"e wlilch woald strengthen and coordinate studeu TOice aid p'.fortsjastruciar^ ii'ilih could gei ini%'= doie. BaicerJs pr >yos-ii tak •; full advantage of the power of centralization. Tue model follows LETTER thp basic pattern of the Federal government: a separate executive, legislature, and judiciary, POLICY Under the new system, which will be submitted to student referen- LeHers to the CAMPUS must dum next month, a president and vice-president would oe elected as carry the full namo of tht» writer, a tiCKe-;, thus assuring a unified and workable administrative program. Letters should be typed and not As ,jo-between wif.'.i I he administration, the pr^sideui wou'd heal a to exceed 250 words. cabinet of ni-ie dlre<;iorss The c.abine-. divisions wer 3 derived by All letter:; 1. : subject to r•>.:• breaking dow-i Vt* ••i-yoasibilities of the praseai: two /ice-presi- densation by the editor, and any dents in order to accomplish a concentration a/id specification of con- letter which tends to libel, scan- cern; student affairs, student services, social services, residence dalize, or falls outside the rules (incorporation of RA3), social events, treasurer, educational affairs, of journalistic ethics will not be public events, and attorney general. published. In addition to serving in tie president s cabinet, the n'a* /".';e-prs3- ident would prdjldt- as chairman of ASG Council. Tne key to the in- novative potential of the new structure lies in this separation of the passing the legislation and its execution. Within Council, a coorn'tteo structure also promises effectiveness. Elected member would divide into six com,11 tl^ .-;.- finance, com iimications, acaiarnios. student life, rales, camp," jvv.t.s; a moi'on from t'ae "oor would bo refei\rad io the appropriate comi'ii'.i'i. ?.)r a ••/.; '.: ~, study and recommendation for srtion. R<'organization nf the o^'.ege courts system, under scrutiny of a studt':u-a1;nii;s:raaon con\v.ttee, will be prjposad later ihis m.'cft. \% i ,n-. :\ >r 1 •• ma;" 1 Via', contemp ;> T.•/ •• -liberal arts institution, AllegiiiV:. !ia:> played too long with toy government. The proposed ASG reorganization is the needed framework for making things happen. PEANUTS Co, CU will sell br3akfdj jvery Sunday beginning January 12. Cof- fee, pastries and newspapers will be provided, 9:30 to 12:00. All those who are interested in joining SOC-RHC, Allegheny s Social and Recreational Organi- NO ri.;~: I....._.- contracted the The Pre-meLs will hear Dr. zation, are invited to a -Social Hong Kong flu, Dr. Aiaii Watts Archie E. Tate (Allegheny 37, Hour Tuesday, January 14th in will not be able to appear on cam- Pe.insylvaiia 41) speak on The Narvik Lounge of Ravine Hall at pus next week. The theologian Practice of Medicine a' their 7:00 P.M. may be rescheduled for April, first meeting this term. Soc-Rsc adds to the social, rec- depending upon his previous com- 11 will be held on Wednesday, reational, and cultural exper mitments. Jauuary '•'>> ai ••* 15 P»'n- m iences ;.: Uleghe:i.-'. ?ra.>hmen do Henderson Auditorium, Quigley not have to wait to join. The Hall. payment of $10 in dues is the only Tea&iars College, Columbia Summer matriculants who requirement •:>- membership. University is now accepiiig ap- have returned to College are Men'-;-. : participate only in ac- plications for the Program for particularly invited to attend if ti/ities they wish to, and are en- Educational Leadership for stu- the/ are interested in study; 13 couraged to help plan theso acti- dents with a high potential of medicine, de.iirtsixy, etc. vities. Dances, movies, parties, educational leadership. Notices will be mailed to all guest speakers, and Dorm League The P.E.L, program is struc- pre-med st-rio:'• "3 at their urst sports activities are scheduled for tured around course in the hu- term jvi losses. this term. manities and social and be- havioral sciences, professional and administrative studies, and Anyone interested in super- Anyone wishing to play in the rotating internships culminating vising the C U, Sunday mo; ng pep band for this year s home in a research project. breakfast; i-vl setting up ihe basketball games please contact Anyone interested in this pro- weakly activity calendar; in the Richard Stadtmiller, 100 Ravine gram should contact Mrs. C,U. lobby please contact Roger Hall, 336-9331. Fletcher >" the Placement Office, Lewis at 333-9020. T'ae pay is The pep band especially needs Ruter Hall. three dollars per weok. a drummo\ trombones, and woodwind instruments, but any- The SET production of -No Exit one who can play a band inslru- will not be presented this week- meit is welcome. A special in- end, or this term for that matter. ART' vitation is offered to summer s matriculants, who did not have RESTAURANT the opportunity to play for foot- CU. DANCE ball season. Friday nite 3:30 - 1:00 966 Park Ave. 332-5023 music by the Frisco Mint Open Sundays 11:00-8:00 FUN WORKING IN EUROPE IS all GUARANTEED JOBS ABROAD! Get paid, travel, meet people, Featuring: MtM SUMMER and YEAR ROUND. 20 countries, 9 paying job cate- gories offered. For FREE cultural program literature including Col Sanden fltci it 'ur details and applications, write: "ISTC admissions, 8GG United KESTVCKY fRiE 0 ClilCKE\' Nations Plaza, New York, N.Y.
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