THE SPRING MUSIC ISSUE [IVING CHURCH AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY SUPPORTING CATHOLIC ANGLICANISM • APRIL 6, 2008 • $2.50 Celebrating 40 years ... part of an international, ecumenical organization dedicated to promoting effective and inspiring music-making in worship, and in the wider community. In the summer of 1967, RSCM America held its first summer training course in Princeton, New Jersey. As we begin our 40th Anniversary Year, the venues and offerings have greatly expanded, but the original vision remains the same. Benefitsof membership include: ► Fee discountsfor annual coursesfor choristers of all ages, in various regional locations ► Pricediscounts on VOICE forLIFE - the RSCM'sacclaimed structured choral training guide ► Accessto regional and local events for enrichment and continuing education ► Accessto RSCMevents worldwide, and Sacred Music Studiesthrough the Universityof Wales, Bangor Contact us to become a member and learn more Email: [email protected] • Website: www.rscmamerica.org • T 609.921.3012 RSCMAmerica Office• Westminster Choir College • 101 Walnut Lane • Princeton, NJ 08540 THE THELIVING CHURCH magazine is published by the Living Church Foundation, LIVING CHURCH Inc. The historic mission of the Living Church Foundation is to promote and An independent weekly serving Episcopalians since 1878 support Catholic Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church. )avid A. Kalvelage :xecutive Editor letty Glatzel THIS WEEK :eneralManager ohn Schuessler fanaging Editor :teve Waring News TewsEditor ITTIYGrau 11 Amid Controversy, Chancellor :raphic Artist bm Parker Asserts the Validity of Votes .dvertising Manager 'hais Jackson to Depose Two Bishops 'ulfillment Manager tenee Weber farketing!Prorrwti.onDirector Features ~ichaelO'Loughlin >-irectorof Associated Publications 14 Weaving a Tapestry IOARDOF DIRECTORS of Music Styles 'he Rev.Thomas A. Fraser The traditional and the modern Riverside, Ill. (President) ,iiriamK. Stauff converge at a Nashville church Wauwatosa,Wis. (Vice President) BY ERIC WYSE )aniel Muth St. Leonard, Md. (Secretary) foward M. Tischler Opinion Albuquerque, N.M. (Treasurer) 1he Rt. Rev. Bertram N. Herlong 16 Editor's Column Franklin, Tenn. rhe Rev.Jay C. James Like Any Church Member ... Raleigh, N.C. rhe Rt. Rev. D. Bruce MacPherson 17 Editorials Alexandria,La. Understandably Confused iichard Mammana, Jr. Stamford, Conn. rhomas Riley 18 Reader's Viewpoint Vienna,Va. Crossing Generations lfilssAugusta D. Roddis BYSCOTI ALLENSEEFELDT Marshfield, Wis. 'Editorial and Business offices: 20 Letters H6 E. Juneau Avenue It's Inconsistent vlilwaukee, WI 53202-2793 vlailingaddress: P.O. Box 514036 vlilwaukee, WI 53203-3436 felephone: 414-276-5420 OtherDepartments fax: 414-276-7483 E:-mail:[email protected] 4 Sunday's Readings www.livingchurch.org 5 Music Reviews l!ANUSCRIPTSAND PHOTOGRAPHS: THELrv­ NGCHIJRGH cannot assume responsibility for the ·eturn of photos or manuscripts. 22 People & Places fHE LJ\.1NGCHURCH is published every week, fated Sunday , by th e Living Church Foundation , !nc., at 816 E. Juneau Ave., Milwaukee , WI ,3202. Periodicals postage paid at Milwaukee, WI, md at additional mailing offices. Onthe Cover SUBSCRIPTIONRATES: $42.50 for one year; Camille Delaney, a 162.00 for 18 months; $80.00 for two years. 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Volume236 Number 14 APRIL 6. 2008 · THE LIVING CHURCH 3 8clid OA,l SUNDAY'SREADINGS CHOIR CHAIR EffectiveEvangelism 'Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him' (Luke 24:30) TheThird Sunday of Easter(Year A), April6, 2008 BCP:Acts 2:14a, 36-47 (or Isaiah 43:1-12); Psalm 116 or 116:10-17; 1 Pet. 1 :17- 23 or Acts 2:14a, 36-47; Luke 24:13-35 RCL:Acts 2:14a, 36-41; Psalm 116:1-3, 10-17; 1 Pet. 1 :17-23; Luke 24:13-35 Every major American city has its indeed seen a vision of angels who share of Christian street preachers, said that he was alive" (Luke 24:22-23), urging unintending hearers to accept but they obviously discounted this. the risen Christ as their personal Lord Then the stranger began to teach and Savior. In smaller communities, them. "[B]eginning with Moses and all with FIBRE RUSH SEAT door-to-door evangelists abound, the prophets, he interpreted to them offering literature as well as personal the things about himself in all the Since 1877 testimony about what Jesus has done scriptures" (24:27). A short time later, R.Geissler.2 Inc. in their lives. "[w]hen he was at the table with them, Annoying though these folks might he took bread, blessed and broke it, 2641 E. Greystone Ct. sometimes be, one has to admire their and gave it to them. Then their eyes Eagle, ID 83616 Phone: (800) 862-3159 commitment to spreading the gospel. were opened, and they recognized www.rgeissler.com They're far more able evangelists that him" (24:30). we are, after all. Or are they? The same thing happens to us as Faith in the risen Savior, at least as catholic Christians, Sunday by Sunday. far as the gospels are concerned, usu­ As we meet together, we read the ~Deer.wood ally doesn't result from hearsay evi­ scriptures and have them explained to \2:!YMUSIC dence or from second-hand us in God's own name. And a few min­ testimonials. Instead, it almost always utes later, as we break bread together, springs from personal encounters with following his own commandment, we New from the risen Christ himself. know that the risen Christ is indeed in DeerwoodMusic Today's gospel recounts events on our midst. As was the case with the the Sunday of the resurrection. As two two disciples, the risen Savior is The DeerwoodAnthem Book disciples are making their way toward "made known to [us]" in the preaching FortyAnthems and Responses the village of Emmaus, a stranger of the word and "in the breaking of the for All Choirs appears and accompanies them. The bread" (24:35). Coil boundfor easy photocopying. stranger asks what they are dis­ We as Episcopalians encounter the $65 plus postage cussing, and they tell him of the death risen Christ both personally and inti­ of Jesus, their friend. Moreover, they mately in every Sunday Eucharist. It Cost Includes: explain, some women "were at [his] would seem, from today's gospel at License for the purchaser,or church tomb early this morning, and when least, that the most powerful form of to photocopy the entire contents for they did not find his body there, they Christian evangelism might be inviting use of the choir and congregation. came back and told us that they had our friends and neighbors to join us. Also available: 101 Hymns and Songs LookIt Up of the CelticSpirit Why didn't the two disciples recognize Jesus on the road to Emmaus? (same price and terms as anthem book) ThinkAbout It Purchase: How is our own faith strengthened through regular participation in the www.deerwoodmusic.com Eucharist? Call: (302) 684-2549 or (302) 249-2280 NextSunday The FourthSunday of Easter(Year A), April 13, 2008 Write: DeerwoodMusic Acts 6:1-9; 7:2a,51-60 or Neh. 9:6-15; Psalm 23; 1 Pet. 2:19-25 or Acts 6:1- 19610 Buck Run BCP: 9; 7 :2a,51-60; John 10: 1-10 Georgetown,DE 19947-5336 RCL:Acts 2:42-47; Psalm 23; 1 Pet. 2:19-25; John 10:1-10 4 THE LIVING CHURCH· APRIL 6, 2008 MUSIC REVIEWS TheShadow of YourWings pieces that use rhythm section, brass corporate worshiper with words that Hymnsand Sacred Songs band, and handbells . would create a prayerful soundtrack Fernando Ortega . Curb Records. $18.98. Though not the musical or liturgi­ for the day. One could easily hear this Curb 8789522. cal style that many congregations project playing in the background of would prefer , Schutte displays a fine a family home during a busy morn­ If you've never encountered the integrity of lyric . The words are ing. Several of the songs are struc­ music of Fernando Ortega , you have heartfelt and performed with sincer­ tured as verse/refrain, which would been denied a rare ity. This project is one that equips work very well with a cantor and treat. For more than both the at-home listener and the (Continued on next page) 20 years, Ortega has been successful in the contemporary Chris­ tian music (CCM) scene with his rare gift for balancing sim­ ple hymnody with lovely storytelling , fantastic musicianship in his piano playing, and a call to the church to ■ preserve the hymns of the past as part of our legacy of faith. The Shadow of Your Wings is no excep­ tion. Sin With this recording, Ortega has set his sights on the Book of Common Liturgical Music for the Revised Common Prayer, with some lovely settings of Lectionary, Year B collects used in the Daily Office. He Compiled by the Rev. Carl P. Daw,Jr. and ThomasPavlechko has done so with great success, par­ Hymns , songs, anthem suggestions, and organ music ticularly in the opening song , "Grace keyed to appropriate liturgical occasions for Sundays and Peace ." The arrangements on the in the Revised Common Lectionary three-year cycle .
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