DIRECTOR'S PAGE Dear Peace Corps Volunteer: emuon. SiVolunteers are now m the Zimbabwe, Namibia and Congo and re- Baltic nations of Estonia. Latvia and entered CBte d'lvoire, Uganda and Nige- Smce the Wmter/Sphg 1992 issue of Lithuania. Another60 will be at workm 38 ria. In the Lath American Region, we have theTimes, Peace Corpshasmwedp muniapalrnes m Ulaaine by the end of enteredArgenchla forthe kttime, andre- sively ahead on many fronts and 1 would 1992.The6ISt 1OOVolunternwillaniwm entered Panama, Nicaragua, Bolnia, Chile lke tonotesome ofthehighlrghts for you. Russia by November, 1992. AU these en- and Uruguay. These re-ennies haw oc- Asyouhow, qualitypkcement forvolun- cries mme from new funding. curred as hast gmmments have a@ teen is a tou ~rioriwfor me. To that end OurWdaflwsinthe formerSoviet Union become more hospitable to our ella. I have been Gh&th our headwe& Andtheyhaveoccurredmareasofnadi- staff to enswe that the opdrnum match is donal PeaceCo~psmterestanddedicadon. made between individual Volunteer MI Rehtedly, Irepresented %dent Bush lwels and eventual job placement. As we and the United States at the inaugumdon focus our ellom on redment, I am of%dent FielRamosof the Phhppes loohgatways tosttnplify theredttnent m July. Resident Ramas is a big fan of the process and dwelop better pmgrammmg Peace Corps. The Peace Co~sretumedto matches for Volunteers without wmpro- the PhiipmesonMarch 27.1992afteran misfng the qualiry of our candidates. As 1 absence of twenty months due to security navel to meet Volunteers in country after reasons. Currently. there are 18 Volun- country, 1 hear over and over again that teers serving m the Philppmes who are &ty placement is an am that needs mvobedm a pilot Small Integrated Islands improvement. So far, 1have visitedvolun- Dwelopment project. The pmppro- tern in Nepal. Sri lanka, Sierra Leone, vides technical assistance m such arras as agricultud production, fisheries and m- Gte d'lvok. Poland Hungry, Gabon, Director Chao at the June CIS naging. Thailand Niger, Honduras, Jamaica, Fiji, ter sanitation. The Philppmes was one of Tonga, Westem Samoa, Paiaguay and the fnst counaies to welcome Peace Corps Bolii. 1 am so pleased to have met with have caught the imagination of the Arner- Volunteersm 1961.Smce then.over6.500 over one-third of our better than 6,000 can people and the press. The media cw- Americans have served tn the Phhppines. Pcvs. erageofoureffomm the formerSoviet Bloc rhank you ford yourwok duoughout Gigse~cehere needed is the mle has reaped beneficial redfor Peace the wodd. We thiiof youdaily and hope of Peace Cop.Forthmyyem, the Volun- Corps m the Congrw,m the Adrninisua- that we are serving puwell. teer Wonhas been played out in mtly don andm the publiceye. This fond feeling My warmest pemnal regards to you. different pans of the world. Whiie the todPeace Copbenefits all the regions @&needs of the host counnies may we saw.It servesourobjective of mmpet- vary, our mMon has remained constant mg for enhanced funding for our Peace Corps propw. The legislatiw process through the years. Voluntm go overseas 52-Elaine L. Chao to share knowledge, to gatn knowledge which uldmately dtsinthe allocationof and to bbg that new knowledge back to vay scarce resources is an am that we Director. Peace Corps share with other Americans. closely monitor at Peace Corps. The situa- TN~to that nadition, we have begun a don respecting budget allocadonr m the newinitiabve to respond to the requestsof Conpis vqfluid and fastmoving. It is the Newly Independent States and the imp& that Peace Coplet the dea- Baltic nations for Peace CopVoluntern. sionmakershowpredselywhat ourneeds On May 6.1992. President George Bush are and be able to defend our proposals m dped a historic agreement with Ulaai- a lucid and fonhright manner m these nian President LeonidKravchukestablish- ames of conllicting budgemy demands. mg the ktPeace Corps program in the We are dedicated to mahg a persuasive former Soviet Union. On June 17. 1992. argument m favor of adequate and neces- Actingbskn Prime ~terYegor~sary Peace Corps funding. and I signed an agreement establishing a In tandem with the new developments Peace Corps pmpm m the RushFed- m the old East Bloc, we have entered FE AT U RES 4 SEEDS OF FRIENDSHIP Peace Cops'Jon Keeton'svisit to the new Eastern sector. Some lkhating reminiscences. REGIONAL UPDATFS Nem f~omthe three Regioruj mering both the pqrammadc and the penonal. DARWLN'S ISLAND Roben Drickey. Ecuador Country Eireaor, Ivlites about an island laden m adventure, history and scientific dismvery. Things there are changing. AFrER THE CURTAIN FEU RPCV Mike McCaskey writes abut his recent visit to Pohnd and CzechcsWa A unique look at the new East Europe. 25 FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT RPCV JeU Hughes describes Urban Envimnrnental Management projecrs m fica Inn nr*J&rr. d $lhe 1 Rgml rrpat m wws up AIDS: THE GLOBAL ISSUE OF TOMORROW Ph* Gestiin andJudy Benjamin tadde a pressing issue m this Informadon CoUection and Exrhange (ICE) feature. PEACE CORPS PROGRAM UPDATES 1 h4ATEF5 INTERNATIONAUST PROGRAM 33 ON THE COVER RVLd P&hrnnrtrHor.bm+ PARTNESHIP PROGRAM 4 sthqwakm&l(apwzd~p. Epmqi'bm&baMmd WORLD WISE SCH00 5 hpdinblk4&b rmldlmdm.h,b$~D. REWRNED VOLUNTEERSERWC 6 wk Seeds of Friendship e are convinced that, step by step, it tation. The Soviet Union was the enemy. Nikta will be pmsible to remove &ring Khrushchwhad not yet pounded htsshw on the ((W suspicion and disuust and cultivate United Nations podium, but air raid rnm and seeds of hiendslup and pracdcal cooperadon be- bomb shelters were a part of Amertcan He. The tween our peoples." book, The Ugfy American, had told a generation Nildra Khrushchw about the image we had overseas. January 21. 1961 Congress had a more serious tone, howwer, when it added the requirement that "mhing here Nikta Khruschw's promtsing words were m m above provided for, shall indude insauction m response to John Kennedy's ringing inaugural the philosophy, snategy, tactics, and menace of exhorndon: "My fellow ddzensof the world: ask communism." not what America will do for you, but what By 1963Sovietpublicationswere calling Peace together we can do for the freedom of man." Corps the 'Spy Corps." An artide tn 1971 Those hopeful words, however, were soon emsed entitled, 'Dedine of the Peace Corps," tnduded by the invecdve of the cold war. the Iollowhlg: Over 130,000 Peace Corps Volunteen would serve in over one hundred nadons before the "The Peace Corps is an insuument of opponunirydwelopedm 1992 for Peace Corps to the ideolo@cal expansion of American address those hopes in the former Soviet Union. impe&m. Fmm the outset is pur- Thisarticleisanattempt torecord the wensof pose has been to spread antl-commu- the last few years that haw brought Peace Corps to nist ideology, to culdvate the spirit of this fuli7lling stage ofits hirtory. The artide has a capitalist enterprise, establish contact pe~naltone, for I have been given the sped with loQl reactionary political groups. privilege of parddpating m these events. While and hinder m weryway the dwelopmg manyopponunideshavebeenmine. Ihavesrated munnies' transition to non-capitalist mmtantly that itis theenbe familyof Peace Corps dwelopment. The cophas obviously which brought ur to rhis point. Ewry RPCV been a hilure." should feelthat he/shehasconnibuted to rhisnew era of peace. Several years ago I requested that the Ubrary of The psibiliry of a Soviet Union program had Congress RE%& Divtston pull some quotes been foreseen fmm thebeginning. SargentSher hmSoviet publications. They soon informed me ma 1961 congresdonal tertimonystated that the that they would have to hit their mearch to legrslation Peace Corps wbc requesting would English language publications because there was permit a program m the Soviet Union "within the somuchhthe Rushlanguage. Andeverywhere discretion of the President and the Semtaiy of the Rnt programmmg team went in Rush, the State." That statement may havesulprkd some propgnda accusadom surfaced. One o5d m Congress for it was a heof mld war mn6un- told me that only the C:IA had been more By Jon Keeton uitidzed than Peace Corps over the years. welcome to the Volunteers. right for PeaceCop. The American Ambas- Yet after a week of naveling with the Peace AnditfjustnotmtheoldEastemEumpe sador. Mark Palmer, had suggested that it Corps team. m the UralMountzins this past and the former Soviet Union where Peace waseblethat PeaceCopmuldbemme winter,aformer KGBcolonelmucducedus Corps has embarked on a new era The a topic for Resident Bush's upcomingJuly to an audience of ~mfmrsbv starhe:- 'If -mwthofthe last fewyeaahasbeen unprec- niD,andHungar~hadmdiatedsmngmter- C.I.A hadbeenlidthesepeo~e,wshould edented. Since president Bush announced es;. For his id&, understanding ofpeace have brmed a parmenhfp long ago." Com- mJune, 1989thatPeaceCopwasprepared Corps, and enthusiastic push. Ambassador ing fmm hi.l hew. i;warhe supreme tosendVoluntemto Hungary.PeaceCop Palmer deserves credit for inidadng Peace compliment PeaceCopVoluntms,how- has entered 28 counnies, wen m &a. Copin Europe. He would have made a wer, m their allages and ddes around the hdubgre-enaymto Nigeria,andswenm gmt Volunteer hhnxll. world had been disproving the mld war Inter-America, mduding Argenh for the Theseaetwaswellheldundladaybefore propaganda fmm the bemhg. ktthe. And there has wen been some mydeparmreinlateJune. On thatday 1had On -lune 17. to inform a wupm 1992, when Peace mining fo; chjna Corps Director that due to the Elaine L Ulao sat tragic events on down with Deputy Tianmen Square, Prime MinisterYegor theChneseCoMm- Gaydar in the Ben- ment had jun de- jamin Franklin cided to paspone Room of the State indefinitely the Department to stgn Peace Copprojen the rJqAomaticagree- That China pup ment to begin a pla)~,an impormt Peace Corps pro- role m Peace Corps' gram m Rush, one history.
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