Easter Term 1895 NOTES FROM THE COLLEGE RECORDS. (Colltinuedfrom p. 346.) R John Tayler, from whose correspondence we select a few letters, was Master of St IID 38 to John's from July 15 1546. He was originally of Queens' College (B.A. 1523-4). He was learned, eminently pious and greatly esteemed as a preacher, and was one of the Compilers of the Book of Common Prayer. But his reign in St John's was neither a peaceful nor a happy one. Baker's account of the matter is not very easy to understand. The majority of the Fellows were not satisfied with the justice of Tayler's rule. Dr Tayler became Rector of St Peter's, Cornhill, in London in 1536, and the fo llowing letter from Edmund Bonner, Bishop of London, gives a curious glimpse of that prelate acting as tax collector to Henry VIII. Righte worshipfull and loving brother in my hartieste manner I commende me vnto you gyving you tunderstande that the iii t lres from the Kinges j h of this presente I receaued mooste excellent maiestie of the tenor ensuying. By the T King-e. o the righte Reuerende ffather in God, our righte VOL. XVIII 4 A 536 Notes from the College Records. trustie Notes from the College Records. and well beloued the bysshopp 537 Reuerende of London. ffather mate said lres, counsaill and moost hartelie greete j':n"'CS desyre 'you well, And where thC ,I 0 during the late Sess you botlle taccomplysshe youre self thole effect of J?arliamente holden at ion <lIllI Ill"ay Westm�, in the jth of " t' d lres as ys contayned . them and also to sette forthe xxxvi y S 11l in Reigne, there was eere of t le " God, righte trustie gramrted vnto vs by the I , e doinge to others that by yor good example and wellbelo of you common declar yor they ued and others the clergie and ced of oure p.ovince of indu to doo the lyke. WheTein ye and theye shalt theyre Convocation towardes Cant. 111<a y be the Alleviating.e of declare your selfes to be such persouns as ye haue of oure chardge some por at onelie in the warres, one Subsidie ti yet be taken for, faithfull, loving and firste to be pay �een and obedyent day of Maye nowe nexte ed, ensuyng, and to be levie subicctes to his saide maiestie, but also acquyre and purchase and gathered in such sOTte d as by your said graunt thcreb)'e vnto you righte especyall and loving hartie thankes more largelie appeare. e Alheyt the daye appoynted favour. And for my parte doo assure you I shall not payment of for with I the said Subsidie bee not to make verie honeste and faythfull declaration fully come, 'faylc of aB sydering that the paymentes thereof yet may as easlilie or doinges in this behalfe, God beste knowinge, who longe by you and a be J greate numbere of thothers of well preserue you. Wryttell my hGuse in London the of that the and at youre diocesse, nowe owte of of J anuerie. hande as at the Vl� lymyted by YOUTe graunte'. yor loving brother, thereof, shall stand vs in greate stede, and doo vs verie moc E. LONDON. gratuitie and pleasure. Having at this present greate som And forasmoche as of moneye to be defrayed, they within verie short tyme Addressed: To the righte and my verie lovinge thoughte good wee worshipfnll in respect thereof and the brother Doctor Ta lo r parson of saincte in confidence wee Specyall truste good y n Pctyres haue in your good bountie and Cornhill in London. affections to doo vs gratuitie and seruice, to pray and you not onelie requyre to paye or cause to be payed oure Thresourer appoynted for vnto thandes the receipte therof, before The letters which fonow refer thende of this presente to Cambridge matters. rnoneth of J anuarie all of moneye such sommes The first clearly refer to the fo unding of Trinity College. as by yor self and yor cath edrall Churche shalbe The due and oughte to be payed second would appear to be a request to allow some at the firste daye of Maye nowe nexte ensuynge, but also Scholar of the College, fo r there was no Fellow of the to extende yor good dexteritie and to travaile as diligentelie name of Dawes, to accompany some lads to the Con­ and earnestely as you may for asmoche to be payed by all others tinent as Tutor. of the clergie within yor diocese and collection as maye be hadde within the saide tyme wherein After oure righte herty commendationes Wher as the kinges wee eftsounes req1!yre you to employe all yor diligence as wee moste royall maiestye Erectinge a College wythin that your speciallie truste you and as ye tender thadvauncement of our vlliuersite of Cambrydge to thencreace of Godes glory, the affayres, geven vnder our Signet at our Honor of Hamptoune allvauncement of godly study, the dysyenge of good lerninge Courte the iijth daye of ]anuarye, the xxxvijth yere of oure and vertue haith taken certeyn of the felowes of sondry your Reyne. And bycause l ye being as ye are a man of grate Co lege theyr for the better fornyture of hys Maiesties sayd wystome and of such s notable qualities that ye canne and will Colleges in even degree accordynglye. And hath lefte certeyn shortelie consider thimportaunce and weighte of such matter ll1en of honesty and desyrouse to study that were of hys graces as this ys withoute large recytall, declaration or anny greate cx.hibiton before, vnplaced in his maiesties college theyr whom persuasion necessarie to be vsed with you, shall therefore, �v,e thinke mete for the kynges honor to be prouyded for. after ye haue well and maturelie I considered the contentes of I hes shalbe theyrfore on the Kynges Maiestyes behalfe to requyre yowe and euery of yow tadmytte and receyue suche Notes from the College 538 Records. Notes from the CoUege Records. 539 and so many of theym beynge vnplaced in the say ecame a Canon of.Win�hester and Preb:ndary Into yowre houses d Seton b & colleges as shalbe thoug hte met His name occurs a hst of' recusants made named vnto yowe by the direction e 111 of oure vere lovy york. Mr doctor Redman nge wherein he is styled 'learned but settled in who haith the doynges they of 61 Maiesties rofe 1'!l IS e ended his days abroad, but when and expres commaundment, by . H wherein no dow try' do that te yow paplS . own. that shall moch satysfye content is not kn & hys hyghnes. where we as your harty frendes shalbe righte glad of y oure worshypfull after dew commendacyon, wt condyng gentyl conformite Ryght & herin, thus we byd yowe for y ur sundre kyndnes towardes me, thes sbalbe to fayrwell, s frome London the vij of January. thanke U as my syknes hathe bene longe and in manner certyfy y , yt tynuall all thys hole yere, so now off layt ytt hathe bene most your louyng frendes, con e ost extreme and most dangerus. I was one wel' {e GEOHG CrC sor , m lU ESTER. Iyttyll loked for lyffe, notwithstandyng sesed not to yt I I EDWAR case D NORTH. serche remdy by dyuors fesysyons and other menys, wt thyng hath bene so costly to me (be sydes my borde yt costes me may like It you tonderstonde that myndyng wekly v s for me and my boy Robynson all thyng ys so dere) childern to trayne which be scolares of yor causeys me contrary to y I hadd purposed to desyre hous in lres in some t yt t Thvniversites on this syde y of the Sea, I have motch desier fir fallors in alowans off my commons. I desyre no new, no have my frende Mr Dawes with them. And not motch dou strange thyng, nor nothyng I tryst against any statute, only my of his good will to do u me pleasure, these be oonly in request ys yt so ye by y r fallor wold do to me as ye haue and haTty wise to praye youer ientle my m [avors towaTdes hym. intentle to order other fdowy sin lyke case. ye remembre God willing, after diverse yeres stvdye and travaile yOll yt I was not hole nor sOllnde when I last departed from the receyve agayn a man of motch knowledge and of no College my leg wt brast ther in my syknes ys not hole to thys experience of whom also as of yor own domestike rou shal ower. My trubles and deseses hath bene syche yt I cold gett fully assured to serve yor honest cOlll0dities to the most of none to see to my lege sens I came from Cambryge. How power. And besydes for my parte to have what I may be yt I passe myche lesse off yt than for the wakenes off my by my self or my frendes to requyt that you shall herin do stomak, and gritt feblenes off my body yt my longe lax and my desier. And thus most hartely fare you well, ffrom Calais CjuClrtane hathe brought me into. found remedy (thankes be xxij of December I 1541. to god) of my lax by one master Brok, controler of the kynges yor assured ffrende grace hys myntt, or ells yt hadde bene wronge wt me or thys, wold god were able to go and mak mery yU ther.
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