V o l u m e 2 , I s s u e 5 “ W I N G S O F V I C T O R Y ! ” MAY 2 0 0 8 Task Force XII on the move again Story by Sgt. 1st Class Chris Seaton CAMP TAJI, Iraq - Multi-National Di- vision – Baghdad’s current aviation bri- gade, Task Force XII, will move again to support a realignment of aviation assets in Iraq beginning in early summer. According to the plan, approved by MNC-I Commander, Lt. Gen. Lloyd Austin III, the moves will occur in late June and into July as 4th Infantry Division’s Com- bat Aviation Brigade moves into Camp Taji to assume the role as the MND-B aviation brigade. 12th Combat Aviation Brigade was originally deployed to Logistics Support Area Anaconda, Balad in the summer of 2007, and was subsequently ordered to relocate elements of the CAB to Camp Taji in December, 2007. Task Force XII at Taji is comprised of about 700 Soldiers from the 12th Com- bat Aviation Brigade at Balad, including the brigade’s headquarters, most of 3rd Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment, and a forward logistics element from 412th Aviation Support Battalion. They were joined by 4th Squadron, 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment, which deployed in November, 2007 from Fort Hood, Texas, and Company F, 7th Battal- ion, 101st Aviation Regiment from Fort. Campbell, Ky. Headquarters and Headquarters Com- pany, TF XII will return to Balad airbase to reassume the role of command element for MNC-I aviation assets. Illustration by Cpl. Travis Turner Other elements of TF XII, currently as- Task Force XII will move again to support a realignment of aviation assets in Iraq beginning in early signed to Camp Taji, including 4/3 ACR, summer. This will be the third move for many Soldiers just months prior to redeployment. much of 3-158th AHB and the forward Also joining those Soldiers in MND-C company, Co. G, TF XII, will remain at logistics element from 412th ASB will will be HHC, Task Force 49, currently Camp Taji until August, when they will relocate to Baghdad International Air- serving as the aviation command element move into Kuwait. port to support Multi-National Division- at LSA Anaconda, Balad. All units assigned to U.S. Army Eu- Central. The task force air traffic services rope’s 12th Combat Aviation Brigade, They will replace 3rd Infantry Div- company, Co. F, 7-101st Aviation Regi- regardless of location in theater, are sion’s Combat Aviation Brigade, which ment, will return to Fort Campbell, and currently scheduled to return to Europe deployed in May, 2007 as part of a highly 12th CAB Soldiers assigned to the task early this fall, at the end of their 15- publicized surge. force tactical unmanned aerial vehicle month tours in Iraq. Check out what’s inside ... RECORD BREAKING SUPPORT, Page 3 WHERE THERE’S A WILL..., Page 5 ARE YOU REGISTERED?, Page 7 P a g e 2 T H E G R I F F I N V o l u m e 2 , I s s u e 5 Griffin 06 Sends ... chapter three begins Soldiers and Families of Task Force XII Balad, we look forward to rejoining the 12th CAB “Griffin” Family. The front page of this month’s Grif- For those of you who will move back fin says it all; Task Force XII is on the to Balad, you already know the chal- move again. For many of you, including lenges we face. I’m confident that you’ll 3-158th AHB, HHC/12th CAB and the continue to do well during your 4th, 5th Forward Logistics Element of the 412th and finally 6th relief in place processes ASB who moved with us to Taji, this will to close out this deployment. be your third stop in Iraq during this very With that said, I want to stress one fluid deployment. more message to you: We will do every- I have heard some equate our time in thing in our power to set up our succes- Iraq to chapters of a book, where each sors at Taji for success. new move begins a new chapter. As the 4th Combat Aviation Brigade While this is certainly not the ideal moves in to take on this vital mission, I storyline for those who know the strains want them to have every opportunity to of moving to a new location, it is reassur- succeed immediately. ing to begin what will likely be the final Ensure that what we are passing along chapter in our combat deployment. to them is the best system, facility, or You can all be rightfully proud of the product that we can give them. Their track record of safety and achievement success here will become our legacy with now behind us, as you continue to focus MND-B. and remain committed to the missions Finally, to the Families at Fort Hood, yet to come. Fort Campbell and in Germany – I again Clearly it is not yet time for reflection done all in our power to return safely to ask for your continued patience and and celebration as there is still much to our Families back home. support. If you’ve been through a move be done in our service to Multi-National Complacency and lack of respect for already, you know the stress of changing Division-Baghdad and Multi-National the dangers inherent in all we are doing battle rhythms, phone and internet ac- Corps-Iraq. is still a greater threat to that mission, cess and yet another mailing address. If you continue the high standard you than our elusive enemies here in Iraq. With each new challenge comes yet have set thus far, we will look back on If you are among the majority of the another opportunity for success that I am this final chapter of the deployment with current TF XII Soldiers at Taji, who will certain these great Soldiers and Families a great sense of accomplishment. If we move to BIAP, I assure you that you will will conquer together. get caught looking too far ahead, at the be in good hands. Thank you again for all that you do expense of the mission at hand, we risk COL Skip Sherrell and the staff of Task for our country and our Army. failure. Force 49 have their own impressive set That failure could not only be in the of achievements leading Griffin Soldiers “Wings of Victory!” mission in support of our brothers and at Balad, and that will surely continue sisters on the ground, but in the mission at BIAP. Col. Timothy Edens we have to each other to insure we’ve For those same Griffin Soldiers at Commander, Task Force XII Command Sergeant Major’s Corner Hello Griffin Families and friends, is that these guys are taking care of me, and more importantly they’re taking care It’s great to be back amongst the of each other. We have achieved some barrel-chested, steely-eyed killers of Task really amazing things down here, and Force XII. I won’t lie to you, I enjoyed most of it is because of the quality of the every minute of my R&R leave this month Soldiers assembled in this brigade and (though my wife says I spent more time in this Task Force. at work than I should have), but there’s No matter how many missions we’ve something about being with these Sol- flown, or how many insurgents we’ve diers that just feels right. stopped, my favorite statistic is the I want to thank Command Sgt. Maj. number of major accidents we’ve seen: Cuomo for filling in for me while I was Zero. gone. To be honest with you, I was kind We’re the first aviation brigade to of worried about leaving back in early come down here and not have a major May. CSM Cuomo kept me in the loop mishap in the first six months. Amaz- during my absence, and did a great job. ing! If you haven’t been home for a while, As we get ready to move again, I want you should know that your Families are to challenge you all to keep up the great doing great back in Germany, and they work - here in Iraq and back at home. can’t wait to see you. While I was there, Four months doesn’t sound like much they broke a world record for support. time, but I’m here to tell you, the last four Almost 1400 Griffin Families and friends months can sometimes be the longest. Keep sending care packages, keep showed up in Illesheim to make the The last weekend in May is Memorial talking on the phone, and keep loving World’s largest yellow ribbon formation. Day. I hope that you take the time to each other. We’ll all be back together I couldn’t be prouder. recognize this as more than just another soon enough, but there’s still some work Also, while I was home, I was stopped holiday. This is YOUR holiday. It honors to do. After 11 months of being deployed by a few wives who all had the same Soldiers and Families, just like you, who with this group, I know you can do it. question: “Are you taking care of my have sacrificed over the years, and have husband?” endured the wars of our nations to keep Wings of Victory! I usually told them that I was trying our great country free.
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