LMI huh (Mif.), Mwrty M. 3, W3 PRESS.TELEGRAM-B-71 LOOKING AND LIStENING KiAC-570 KECA-790 KPOX-1280 KNXT Channel 2 KECA Chdrintl KFI-640 KHJ-930 KFAC-1330 KNBH Channel 4 KHJ Channel Crosby Will Appear on TV KMPC-710 KFWB-980 KGER-1390 KTLA Channel 5 KTTV Channtl RADIO KBIG-740 KNX-1070 KVOE-1480 TV KLAC Channtl 13 DR. COWEN FM KLON-88.1 KFOX-102.3 KNOB-103.1 on Once-a-Month Basis GIVES YOU ALL THE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1953 8:11 KNBH. (4)—Foods for : By JOHN FREDERICK CREDIT YOU NEED A MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1953 4:00 P.M. KHJ (9)—Amateur BaxUs; Thought, L. -Kingston . WIlmlna^oD, Golden Biggest news on the "TV front Harry Owens Show, KNXT (2) _ _ • (5). Gloves Seml-Flnala 12:00 NOON KHJ—Tituj Moody (0:55) KNX— Ma Perkins 'Trouble' Chasers," is the announcement that Bing at 8 'p. m. » . 4:00 P. M. KGER— Tommy Balrd Billy Gilbert KNXT (2)—i-ux Video KNXT m—Garry Moor. KECA <7)—Al Jarvls. Theater: "Inn' of KNBH (4)—BIB Payoff Crosby has a'greecT'to go Into TV Raids in Norway by British YOU UCIN h*w HHH yew crwKt |My»wt> tWuU KLAC—Gene Norman 10:30 • £nlis," Macctouald 10:00 P. M. KHJ (S)—SUr 'Time 'Carey . • U:15' Commandos will be seen in close- I*. IH gcctpt «ny i •l* 13 MMthl KFI—Llfs Beautiful KFI— Strike It Rich KTTV (11)—Naney Dlxon KNXT (2)— Alr:Force ' on a once-a-moritlr basis-for his KMPC—Johnny Orant KFI—Richfield Reporter JCECA— My Tru« Story KLAC (13)—Bob Mc- KNBH (4)—Voice of Jlre- up films made.'during the war KSCA—Mary M. McBrld* xECA—News; E. C. Hill KHJ— Answer Mar Laughlln, Time lor Music . stone, Mildred Miller KECA (7)—Film* Short radio sponsor, General; Electric. on "Victory at Sea" over KNBH K8.I—Kuiton Lewis Jr. •CHJ—Answer Man KNX— YounE Dr. Malone KECA (7)— Farooua Pliy- !*:»• KFWB—Red Kowo Rancho KFWB—Larry Flnley XKOX— U.S. Marine Corps 4:is house: "Portrait of . KNXT (2)—Calif. Living Format of. his ."show still is up (4) at 7 p. m. , KNX—News: Robert q. KNX—10 o'clock Wire KFAC — Your Sololit KTTV. "(11)—Movleland. Toby," John Qualec ' KNBH (4)—Welcome Tra- QUICK. KFOX—Lover's Lane Mat.: "Open City," KLAC (3)—Legion Wres- in the air and his writers and Lewis: Jimmy Wakely KFAC—Crossroads KGER— Helen Markbam tllnr: Berry-Christy and velers, Tommy . Bartlett Return ot servicemen from • WVSNH1CT! KFOX—News 10:49 Anna Uagnanl (Ital.) KECA (7)—News producers are -meeting with KFAC— Masterpieces KQER—Dr. E. F. Webber ;l:30 ' Pawndak-Bockwlnkle KHJ (8)—World New«: ( Korea aboard the USS Essex in KGER—Commuter Car'sel 10:15 KHJ — Jan Garb«r KLAC 113)— Movie Night Suijxcti -Wanted agency representatives to ..work San Diego Is pictured on .the KNX— Guiding Light KHJ (9)—Gene Norman II: "Bridie of Sin KLAC (13)—Hollywood on out a plan. Alter seeing Bing as 4:15 KFI—A Joy Forever KFOX— Music •4:48 Lulu Rey, ' Lynn Bari, "News CaraVan" over KNBH KFI—News: Burrltt . KECA—Frederick Balles KGER— Rev. I*Roy Kopp Louis Calhern TV, Betty Wh[t»- guest on 3. couple of snows, we Wheeler •CHJ—Frank Edwards KNXT (2)—Tlra .McCoy's (4) at 7:45 p. m. KHJ—Frnnk Hemingway KNX—Kcnncally; Harmon 10:55 Wild West 9:00 P.M. KECA. <7>—Noon Movie: feel sure he'll be a hit in TV. 10:30 KECA — Whispering Streets KNBH (4)—Gabby Hayei KNXT (21—1 Love Lucy, Celebrating her second anni- QUICK KFOX—i-uslc KLAC (13)—Dr. Ernest "Blonde Savage," ' Veda The programs will. be filmed or Ixtra Charge for Crtdit _.»»••• 4:30 KFI—Repeat Performance C. Wilson-(4:50) Lucille Ball, D. Arnsi Ann. Borg . versary on board "The Dixie KECA—Puccini's Mass 11:00 A. M. KNBH (1)—Meet the KHJ (B)—Movie Matinee: by Bing Crosby Enterprises. niUNGS at Dr. Cewtn'i. Your Dental D ENTAL KMPC—T=olero Time "French Key," Albert Showboat" over KTLA (5) at KECA—Nancy Holme KHJ—Reporters' Roundup KTLA (5)—Roller Derby BHDOZWOBK Work completed in 1 to 3 KHJ—Curt ilassey Time Ocn. Omar Bradley KFI— Double or Notnlnt 5:00 P. M. KSCA (7)—Fenture Film Dekker. : Evlyn Ankers 8 p. m., Ginger Smock plays "To KNX—Phillip Norman KHJ— Ladles Fair KNBH (•!)—Jr. Crossr'ds ON TV TONIGHT days (difficult <at*i *x- PLATE KNX—City Editor; Haw- KNX — Second Mrs. Burton • "Womin In the Hall," Each His Own." Happy Hall, rumwou thorne's Mallbar (4:35) KFOX—Jesse's Fenced Inn KTLA (5)—Playcrafters Jean Simmons (Br.) 1:00 P.M. «pl«d); pay UTTER, in imaH D,D-,De KFOX—Name a Tune KGER—When Day Is Done KFOX— News; Rhythm KLAC (13)—Webster Repeat of President: Eisenhow- who skates on a drum, is a guest mum KFI—Sports Final (10:55) Webfoot KNXT (2>—Strike Jt Rich er's address.is on KNXT (2) at weekly or monthly amount! JtCrAf••> 4:45 KFAC — Masters Miniature KNXT f2)—'Red Buttons KNBH (4)— Kate Smith Metropolitan Opera Soprano' you can eaiily afford. KNBH (<)—Robt. Mont- KTTV (ID—Clneran Chet 6 p. m., with filmed highlights Mildred Miller is the "Voice of auunrs KECA—Frank Blngman 11:00 P. M. KNBH (4)—Jump Jump gomery Presents: "M»s- "Lt. Daring. R. N.," IXAMINATION WITHOUT APPOINTMENT KHJ—Sam Hayes KECA—When Girl Marries 0:30 gle. Pack Your Bass," Geraldlne Fitzgerald shown again on the station's 10 Firestone" on KNBH (4) at 8:30 KFI—llth Hour News KNX—Perry Mason KNBH (1)—Howdy Doody Sobt. Preston, Margaret o'clock news. •••'•..• 5:00 P. M. KHJ— Lurry Chatterton KFAC—Folk SOL KTLA (5)—Cowboy Thrills Hayes 1:30 ' p. m. KNX—Newu; Scoreboard KECA (T)—Ladles • KTLA (51—Your Town KFI—Art Baker: P. Bishop KFOX—Music KGER—Sunshine Matinee, .Jack Rourke KNXT (S)—Bride It Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New KGER—Brother Clarence' 11:30 Mayor Bowron Groom York will be guest on "The March ON RADIO TONIGHT KMPC—News; Sports KTTV (ill—Cartoon Time KHJ (9)—Kint of Jllni; . 1:48 KECA—Elroy HIrsch 11:15 KFI—Ev'rv Day KLAC (•!£)—TeleventtUft of Time" when films of Formosa Gen. Omar N. Bradley, chair- KHJ—Bobby Benson KFI—Frances Farwell KECA—Hits 4 Encores 6:00 P. M. 10:00 P. M. KNXT (2)—Search lor . • KNX—Eriward R. Murrow KHJ—Editorial Roundtable KHJ—Queen for a Day KNXT <2)—KNXT New« Tomorrow are shown over 'KTTV (11) at man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, KFOX—Sunshine Mission KNX—Merry-Go-Round KNX—Nora Drake KNXT (21— Pres, Elsen- KTLA (5)—Teleforum. KFAC—Sunset Serenade KFOX—Tempo of the Time hower Address Dr. R. von Klein Smld 2:00 P.'M. 7:30 p. m. will be interviewed in-' the Pen- 8:13 11:30 KFAC—Music Hall KNBH (4)—Peanut Circus KLAC (33>—Movie Night Robert Preston stars .on the tagon on "Reporter's Roundup" KFI—Walllngton at Giro's KGEK—Luth. Bible School KECA (7)— KECA News III: "Small Back KNXT '2)—Love of 'Ufa KFI—News KBCA—Eddie Gomez Orch. HJ (0)—Action Theater: Room," David Farrar KNBH '4)—Star Salon Robert Montgomery Theater over at 10:30 p. m. over KHJ. KMPC—John T. Flynn KFOX—Variety In Revue 11:45 "Trail of Terror," Bob KECA ;7)—KECA-TV KNBH (4) at 9:30 p.'m. in "Mag- "Messa di Gloria," discovered KBCA—Virgil Plnkley KNX—This I Believe 11:40 KFI—Bob Hope Show Steele KNXT (2)— Chronoscopu News KNX—Tom Harmon KNX—Brlfjhter Day TTV (11)—Welsh at the Gen. Frank Howley KHJ (B)—Mama Weiss gie Pack Your Bags." A retired only two years ago among the KFOX—Let's Go to Town 11:45 KGER—Dan Gilbert KNBH (4)—Here's to Your KLAC (13)—Dick Haynes Army officer decides to go back KGER—Weather (5:25) KHJ—CIO & the Com- Health effects of the late Puccini, will 107 W. BROADWAY 5:30 munity, Walter Rcuthor 12:00 NOON :NBH M>— Komedy Klub KECA (7)—Hank Weaver into the service-and-his present be broadcast on KECA for a full COKII rill • iprOJIII IIMUBf KLAC—News: LA Today KNX—Dwlght Cooke, Asltt ,ECA (7)— Jack Owens KHJ (9)—Newsp. of Air KNXT (2)— Guidlnc Light wife realizes that his first wife hour beginning at 10:30 p. m. It KFI—Voice of Firestone, (Japan) KFI—Furm Reporter 6:30 10:46 . .KECA (7)—Mercedes OMN DAIIT » A.M.-» f.M., t»T.T1U lt>.M. Mildred Ml'ler. sopr. KECA—Noontime News NXT (2)— Dour; Edwardl KNXT (2)—Tuble In Hlwd. Gaffn«y'« .Kitchen is trying to get" him'back. is a mass for chorus and orchesr KMPC—Stars of Song 12:00 MIDNIGHT KHJ—Sid Fuller. News TLA (5)— Flyboy KECA (7)—Moonllte 1:38 'A man who can see while blind- tra. KECA—Chet Huntley KNX—Bill Kennealiy TTV (ID— Sheriff John Movie: "City Without KHJ—Wild Bill Hlckok KLAC—Alex Cooper to G KFOX—Judy Canova LAC (13)— Telepaper Men," Linda Darnell KNXT (2>—Arthur God; folded is the main attraction of KNX—The World Today KFI—Midnight Flyer KFAC—Luncheon Concert 6:45 KHJ (9)— Mystery Th'ter: You Asked For It" over KECA Congressional and editorial KFOX—News KMPC—Midnight Serenade KGER—Songs 'or Lunch.
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