September 29, 1994 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 26863 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS OPPOSE PRO-DRUG TELEVISION­ PULASKI DAY PARADE TRIBUTE TO COL. KATHRYN G. BOYCOTT MTV CARLSON, U.S. ARMY HON. GERALD B.H. SOLOMON HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY HON. IKE SKELTON OF NEW YORK OF MISSOURI OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, September 29, 1994 Thursday, September 29, 1994 Thursday, September 29, 1994 Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, today I pay Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, it was re­ Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in tribute to a dedicated U.S. Army officer and gentlewoman as she departs from her post cently brought to my attention by the Inter­ tribute to a wonderful annual event in New national Drug Strategy Institute that MTV is York City-the Pulaski Day Parade. This after 4 years as a Deputy Legislative Assistant once again broadcasting pro-drug messages. year's parade, to be held this Sunday, October for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to The MTV network recently broadcast "Straight 2, will be the Nation's largest, with over one the position of commander, Military Entrance Dope: A News Special on Drugs," which sup­ million people attending. I would like to give a Processing Stations, eastern region. Col. Kathryn G. Carlson deserves our tribute ported legalization and portrayed pro-drug ad­ special note of tribute to Mr. Thomas and honor. She has been connected with the vocates and users as drug experts. This pro­ Wojslawowicz, president of the Parade Com­ Congress in one position or another for over drug special was assisted by the Drug Policy mittee and a leading citizen in the Polish­ 6 years of her distinguished 20-year Army ca­ Foundation; a well financed, pro-drug lobbying American community and to Grand Marshal reer. Colonel Carlson's challenges and accom­ organization. Leon P. Klementowicz, director of the Polish plishments read like an emerging history of Instead of responding to the concerns of and Slavic Center and a resident of my own the U.S. Army in its third century of service to drug experts regarding inaccurate and biased Greenpoint district. I would also like to add a the Nation as it fully r.ealizes the incredible tal­ information. MTV repeated the hour-long show note of thanks to all my loyal friends in six times between August 23 and August 28. ent and potential of women in its ranks. Greenpoint, a large and vibrant Polish-Amer­ A native of Latta, SC, Colonel Carlson grad­ The promotion of these pro-drug messages by ican community. Their continuing support has uated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of a network watched regularly by millions of been wonderful. South Carolina in 1970. She also earned a young children and teenagers across this Na­ Mr. Speaker, the Pulaski Day Parade com­ master's degree in counseling from Wayne tion is an outrage. memorates that great son of Poland Gen. State University. Her military career began in In response to this programming the Inter­ Casimir Pulaski, the Father of the American 197 4 when she received a direct commission national Drug Strategy Institute has joined with Cavalry. At the age of 30, General Pulaski in the U.S. Army. Upon completing her routine Drug Watch International to encourage par­ came to America on July 23, 1777, to help our initial training, she acquired an Adjutant Gen­ ents in the United States to "Pull the Plug on struggling Nation in its fight for independence eral Corps Officer specialty with an additional MTV." Both of these groups are nonprofit or­ against British tyranny. This heroic son of Po­ public affairs qualification. She served two ganizations concerned with effective inter­ land organized the cavalry forces of our infant separate tours with the U.S. Command in Ber­ national policies and strategies which discour­ Republic and died of a wound received at the lin, managing protocol, public affairs, and per­ age drug use, oppose legalization of illicit Battle of Savannah on October 11, .1779. sonnel activities. She has also been assigned drugs, and provide accurate scientific informa­ General Pulaski's career highlights the spe­ to key personnel positions at the U.S. Army tion on drug use. Parents are urged to contact Infantry Center and Infantry School, Fort their local cable television company and re­ cial responsibility America has toward Po­ land-a responsibility which is recognized in Benning, GA, and U.S. Army Forces Com­ quest that a "block" be placed on the MTV mand, Fort McPherson, GA. channel of their cable service. the recently announced Partnership for Peace program. However, I do not believe that pro­ This fine officer has held high level assign­ Furthermore, parents are also urged to con­ gram goes far enough. Poland had dem­ ments on the Army Staff, in the Army Sec­ tact the advertisers on MTV to oppose this onstrated her commitment to democracy. The retariat, and on the Joint Staff. She served type of programming. A number of major na­ bravery of her people in the struggle for inde­ consecutively at the Pentagon as executive of­ tional advertisers did respond to the calls of pendence inspired the world. I believe that Po­ ficer for the Army's civilian personnel mod­ concerned parents and drug experts by can­ land will assume an increasingly vital role in ernization project; personnel staff officer in the celing their support of the broadcasts. Accord­ central Europe in the years to come. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Person­ ing to Eric Voth, M.D., chairman of the Inter­ nel, directing enlisted promotion and profes­ national Drug Strategy Institute, "Because of That is why I strongly support the NATO Ex­ sional development programs; Chief of Special its pro-drug messages, MTV has caused con­ pansion Act, legislation that would guarantee Actions Branch in the Office of the Army's cern to parents in the past. But the network's Poland full membership in NATO by 1999 at Chief of Legislative Liaison; and finally in the inaction on this television special tells America the latest. I think it is time for America to look Office of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. MTV promotes drugs to children. Parents can to · the long-term security and stability of Colonel Carlson is a graduate of the Wom­ tell the network that they don't want drug use Central Europe. The inclusion of Poland and en's Army Corps and Adjutant General Corps glamorized to their kids in their own homes. the other newly reborn democracies of East­ Officer Basic Courses, the Adjutant General They can "Pull the Plug on MTV." ern Europe in NATO is the best means to that Corps Officer Advanced Course, the U.S. First as a father and grandfather and as a end. Army Command and General Staff College, Member of Congress I commend the Inter­ I am fighting hard for the extension of many and the Army War College. Her awards and national Drug Strategy Institute for their con­ of the benefits of NATO membership to Po­ decorations include the Defense Meritorious certed efforts to rid our Nation of illicit drug land. Poland was the forerunner of the demo­ Service Medal, multiple awards of the Army use and to protect our children from the hor­ cratic spirit which has swept through Eastern Meritorious Service . Medal, the Army Com­ rors of drug addiction. I urge my colleagues to Europe over the past decade. She deserves to mendation Medal, and the Army of Occupation join me in boycotting MTV and opposing this be treated just like any other European de­ Medal. misuse of television technology. I fear for a mocracy. America must not repeat the mis­ She has been one of the principal liaison of­ nation that delivers this type of message to its takes made at Yalta 50 years ago. We must ficers to Congress for two Chairmen of the future generation of leaders. start bringing Poland into NATO now. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Colin Powell and e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 26864 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 29, 1994 Gen. John Shalikashvili, during momentous riched the worst elements in Haiti, drove out mous damage done by our failure to follow times in our Nation's history-the end of the U.S. industries and tens of thousands of the eight point program I outlined some cold war, Operations Desert Shield/Storm, scarce jobs, and destroyed years of work that nearly three years ago after I had had an op­ we had invested in reforestation and soil portunity to study the situation. In my view, Provide Promise, Provide Hope, Provide Com­ conservation programs. there are at least five initiatives that must fort, Southe·rn Watch, Deny Flight. She has I'm also pleased that at long last the rest now be taken to give the democratic process served as the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff of the formula for resolution of this crisis any chance of taking root in Haiti: principal liaison with the House Foreign Af­ that I have advocated from the outset, is At least a $10 million program to get the fairs, Senate Foreign Relations, House and getting serious consideration. You may re­ Port Au Prince port up to competitive stand­ Senate Intelligence Committees, and earlier call from several previous letters I have sent ards in the region, $5 million for the actual with the House Armed Services Committee.
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