Baseball: ’Canes level Panthers on diamond /B1 TAKE YOUR WEDNESDAY PICK TODAY CITRUS COUNTY DURING OUR & next morning MARCH HIGH SPRING CLEANING 73 Mostly cloudy, LOW slight chance of at VILLAGE TOYOTA thunderstorms. 47 PAGE A4 000EDW4 PAGE C12 www.chronicleonline.com MARCH 20, 2013 Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community 50¢ VOL. 118 ISSUE 225 NEWS BRIEFS J.C. Penney at Campbell gets death Crystal River Mall to close The J.C. Penney store at the Crystal River Mall will close on Aug 3. “Everyone was made aware last week,” store manager Angela Anderson said on Tuesday. She added they will be working with the neighboring J.C. Pen- ney stores in Spring Hill, Ocala and Gainesville to try to find jobs for the employees. “I was surprised by the decision,” she said. “But certainly I can un- derstand and respect it.” It will be business as normal until June, when the closing process begins. The announcement about the local J.C. Penney comes just about a year after Sears closed its store at the Crystal River Mall. Gun mistake triggers school lockdown MATTHEW BECK/Chronicle Three Crystal River Citrus County Circuit Court Judge Richard “Ric” Howard reads convicted murderer John Campbell’s sentencing order Tuesday afternoon schools were locked while holding the murder weapon Campbell used to attack and kill his father in August 2010. Campbell received the death penalty for down for less than an bludgeoning his father with the hatchet, killing him in his Inverness home. hour Tuesday after- noon over a misunder- standing about a gun Convicted felon bludgeoned father to death, led police on high-speed chase that never existed. Assistant Superin- A.B. SIDIBE charges to double. He is a seven-time tendent of Schools Staff writer felon including a conviction in which Mike Mullen said three he hid in his former sister-in-law’s Crystal River High INVERNESS — John William closet and attacked her with a ham- School boys had cut Campbell, the man convicted of mer when she got home in a quarrel class and were head- hacking his father to death, is now over custody of his infant son. ing back from a fast- facing death by execution. Howard read a detailed sentenc- food restaurant. While Campbell, 39, was sentenced to ing order that ascribed “weight,” walking through the death Tuesday by Circuit Judge Ric “slight or little weight” or “no Howard for the Au- weight” to both the woods, they encoun- gust 2010 killing of prosecution’s aggra- tered a snake and his father, John The vating factors and yelled for someone to Henry Campbell, 68. the defense’s miti- aggravating “ get a gun so they Campbell also was gating factors. could shoot it. sentenced 70 years factors outweigh In the end, A passerby heard for robbery crimes Howard said the the boys yell something “ he committed dur- the mitigating prosecution team of about a gun and noti- ing the time of his fa- Rich Buxman and fied school authorities. ther’s death. That factors. Pete Magrino Deputies re- sentence is to run proved four out of sponded, searched the consecutive with the Judge Ric Howard six aggravating explaining his sentencing of 25 years he was factors. boys, and found no John Campbell. weapon. They will be handed in Her- After his convic- disciplined for skipping nando County for at- tion in January, it school but not for the tempted murder for ramming his took the same jurors less than an non-gun incident. vehicle into a parked deputy’s vehi- hour to return with a death penalty cle during a police pursuit following recommendation to Howard. The Sheriff’s the killing of his father. Campbell vote was 8-4 in favor of death. deputies bust also was tagged a habitual violent While the 12-person panel had to felony offender, which caused the be unanimous in deciding a guilty grow house maximum sentences for his robbery verdict, a simple majority vote was On Tuesday, mem- needed to recommend to Howard bers of the Citrus A chained-and-shackled John Camp- whether Campbell should head to County Sheriff’s Office bell stands in court prior to being Tactical Impact Unit sentenced Tuesday afternoon. See VERDICT/ Page A5 served a search war- rant at 4715 E. Hills- dale Lane, Inverness, in reference to a possi- ble marijuana grow house. Company lists pan/scraper at $159,000 Upon entry to the four-bedroom, two- sponding to a reporter’s in- bathroom home, de- County: As-is price much lower quiry, called the com- tectives found one pany’s offices to find out bedroom dedicated to MIKE WRIGHT perplexed to learn that more about the online the cultivation of Staff writer Ring Power Corp., which offer. marijuana. credited the county about Assistant County Admin- Michele Mederos, CRYSTAL RIVER — $36,000 in trade-in value istrator Ken Frink said in a 49, and Christopher The unlikely story of a Cit- for the piece of landfill Tuesday memo to County Garifalos, 37, were ar- rus County landfill equipment, posted the ma- Administrator Brad rested and face multi- pan/scraper continues chinery for sale online Fri- Thorpe that Ring Power’s ple charges. Twenty- even as the heavy equip- day at $159,000. list price included im- Special to the Chronicle eight plants were ment transitions away Ring Power withdrew provements and a new The county received about $36,000 in trade-in value for from county ownership. the online advertisement this landfill pan/scraper, but a company wants to sell it seized during the County officials were after county officials, re- See PRICE/ Page A5 for $159,000. operation. — From staff reports INDEX Comics . .C7 Three nabbed New details in UCF plot Community . .C5 Crossword . .C6 Editorial . .A12 cluded drinking at a bar near Entertainment . .B6 in meth bust Former student had checklist campus and pulling the fire Horoscope . .B6 alarm — which investigators Lottery Numbers . .B4 A.B. SIDIBE Associated Press James Oliver Seevaku- believe was meant to flush out Lottery Payouts . .B6 Staff writer maran was crossing items off potential victims. A photo of Movies . .C7 ORLANDO — The former his list ahead of his planned the list shows the final item Obituaries . .A6 Three Hernando residents are facing student behind an aborted at- attack on classmates with guns reads: “good luck & give them Classifieds . .C8 multiple drug charges, with bond for each tack plot at a Florida univer- and homemade explosives, hell!” TV Listings . .C6 set at $155,500. sity was working off a University of Central Florida Instead, Seevakumaran Jacob Stuebs, 21, William Isaac checklist that included plans Police Chief Richard Beary shot and killed himself as po- Leonard, 29, and Denise Robin Stuebs, 29, to get drunk, pull a fire alarm said at a news conference. lice officers arrived in and then “give them hell,” au- The list found along with his See BUST/ Page A5 thorities said Tuesday. dead body early Monday in- See PLOT/ Page A4 A2 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 2013 LOCAL CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE Hospital, YMCA agree to partnership Special to the Chronicle This rendering depicts the joint-use facility envisioned by YMCA and Citrus Memorial Health System officials. Crystal River, Homosassa Y or the hospital.” she said. “It just makes Deal waiting on legal approval and Inverness. Joanna Castle, execu- sense to have one place for Mulligan said he expects tive director of the YMCA people to go with so many high usage when the new Citrus County branch, activities for a better qual- MIKE WRIGHT facility is built on the 18- said Tuesday the agree- ity of life.” Staff writer Hospital Chief Executive Officer acre site. ment benefits the Contact Chronicle re- “It’s not going to sit there community. porter Mike Wright at 352- INVERNESS — Citrus Ryan Beaty sent letters to 800 under-utilized,” he said. “We’re all very excited 563-3228 or mwright Memorial Health System “It’s going to be used by the about this collaboration,” @chronicleonline.com. and the YMCA of the Sun- contributors letting them know of coast have entered into a the potential change. He said he 000ECH8 partnership for a new YMCA and wellness cen- hasn’t heard a negative opinion ter on County Road 486 in Lecanto. from any of them. The CMHS foundation board of directors unani- he said. “We think there’s bers at first were reluctant mously approved the enough win-win to go because contributors agreement Monday night. forward.” made donations under the Because the foundation is The YMCA arrangement belief the hospital well- using private contribu- is not what hospital organ- ness center would be at tions that were meant for izers had in mind when Allen Ridge. another project, the ap- they began a fund-raising Hospital Chief Execu- proval is contingent upon drive for a wellness center. tive Officer Ryan Beaty a written opinion from an The hospital raised more sent letters to 800 contrib- attorney that the founda- than $2 million for a well- utors letting them know of tion’s actions are legal. ness center at its Allen the potential change. He The agreement calls for Ridge medical complex in said he hasn’t heard a neg- CMHS to contribute $2 Lecanto. ative opinion from any of million toward the project. YMCA organizers, how- them. The YMCA must raise $5 ever, suggested a partner- Still, Beaty said he million within 18 months. ship with CMHS at the awaiting a legal opinion to Chronicle Publisher planned YMCA facility be- make sure the hospital can Gerry Mulligan, co-chair- cause many of the amenities shift the project’s location.
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