C 47 E/50 EN Official Journal of the European Union 25.2.2010 Thursday 16 July 2009 MINUTES OF THE SITTING OF 16 JULY 2009 (2010/C 47 E/03) Contents Page PROCEEDINGS OF THE SITTING . 50 1. Opening of the sitting . 50 2. Approval of the Minutes of the previous sitting . 50 3. Composition of committees . 50 4. Voting time . 51 4.1. Appointments to committees . 51 5. Announcement by the President . 51 6. Documents received . 52 7. Forwarding of texts adopted during the sitting . 52 8. Dates of forthcoming sittings . 53 9. Adjournment of the session . 53 ATTENDANCE REGISTER . 54 ANNEX APPOINTMENTS TO PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEES . 55 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SITTING IN THE CHAIR: Alejo VIDAL-QUADRAS Vice-President 1. Opening of the sitting The sitting opened at 09.00. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the previous sitting The Minutes of the previous sitting were approved. 3. Composition of committees The President had received requests from the PPE and ECR Groups for the following changes to be made to the Conference of Presidents’ proposals on appointments to committees: PETI Committee Erminia Mazzoni to replace Elisabetta Gardini Michał Tomasz Kamiński to replace Timothy Kirkhope 25.2.2010 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 47 E/51 Thursday 16 July 2009 TRAN Committee Christine De Veyrac to replace Dominique Riquet ENVI Committee Andrea Češková REGI Committee Roger Helmer LIBE Committee Edward McMillan-Scott FEMM Committee Timothy Kirkhope DROI Subcommittee Nirj Deva SEDE Subcommittee Ryszard Antoni Legutko 4. Voting time Details of voting (amendments, separate and split votes, etc.) appear in the ‘Results of votes’ annex to the Minutes. The results of roll-call votes are available in electronic form only, as an annex to the Minutes, and can be accessed via Europarl. 4.1. Appointments to committees Proposals of the Conference of Presidents: Appointments to committees Declared approved (see annex) * * * Rebecca Harms said that the human rights activist Natalia Estemirova, who had been abducted the previous day in Grozny, had been murdered by her captors. 5. Announcement by the President The President read out an announcement by the President of Parliament concerning the death of Natalia Estemirova. Parliament observed a minute’s silence. C 47 E/52 EN Official Journal of the European Union 25.2.2010 Thursday 16 July 2009 6. Documents received The following documents had been received: 1) from the Council and Commission: — Proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 21/2009 — Section III — Commission (N7-0003/2009 — C7-0087/2009 — 2009/2058(GBD)) referred to responsible: BUDG — Proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 22/2009 — Section III — Commission (N7-0004/2009 — C7-0088/2009 — 2009/2059(GBD)) referred to responsible: BUDG — Proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 23/2009 — Section III — Commission (N7-0005/2009 — C7-0089/2009 — 2009/2060(GBD)) referred to responsible: BUDG — Proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 24/2009 — Section III — Commission (N7-0006/2009 — C7-0090/2009 — 2009/2061(GBD)) referred to responsible: BUDG — Proposal for a Council directive on the marketing of seed potatoes (codified version) (COM(2009)0299 — C7-0091/2009 — 2009/0080(CNS)) referred to responsible: JURI — Proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Statute of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) by the European Community and on the exercise of its rights and obli­ gations (COM(2009)0326 — C7-0092/2009 — 2009/0085(CNS)) referred to responsible: ITRE opinion: ENVI — Proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 establishing common rules for direct support schemes for farmers under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers, amending Regulations (EC) No 1290/2005, (EC) No 247/2006, (EC) No 378/2007 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 (COM(2009)0321 — C7-0093/2009 — 2009/0084(CNS)) referred to responsible: AGRI opinion: BUDG 7. Forwarding of texts adopted during the sitting Pursuant to Rule 179(2), the Minutes of that day’s sitting would be submitted to Parliament for its approval at the beginning of the next sitting. With Parliament’s agreement, the texts that had been adopted would be forwarded forthwith to the bodies named therein. 25.2.2010 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 47 E/53 Thursday 16 July 2009 8. Dates of forthcoming sittings The next sittings would be held from 14 to 17 September 2009. 9. Adjournment of the session The session of the European Parliament was adjourned. The sitting closed at 09.15. Klaus Welle Jerzy Buzek Secretary-General President C 47 E/54 EN Official Journal of the European Union 25.2.2010 Thursday 16 July 2009 ATTENDANCE REGISTER The following signed: Abad, Áder, Agnew, Albertini, Albrecht, Alfano, Allam, Alvarez, Alvaro, Alves, Andres Barea, Andrikienė, Angelilli, Antinoro, Antonescu, Arias Echeverría, Arif, Arlacchi, Arsenis, Attard-Montalto, Audy, Auken, Ayala Sender, Aylward, Ayuso, Van Baalen, Bach, Badía i Cutchet, Balčytis, Balczó, Baldassarre, Balz, Balzani, Barnier, Bartolozzi, Băsescu, Batten, Baudis, Bauer, Bearder, Becali, Béchu, Belder, Belet, Bélier, Benarab-Attou, Bendtsen, Bennahmias, Beňová, Berès, Berlato, Berlinguer, Berman, Besset, Bilbao Barandica, Bisky, Bizzotto, Blinkevičiūtė, Bodu, Böge, Bokros, Bontes, Borghezio, Borsellino, Borys, Boștinaru, Bowles, Bozkurt, Bradbourn, Brantner, Brepoels, Březina, Briard Auconie, Brok, Brons, Brzobohatá, Bufton, Bullmann, Busuttil, Bütikofer, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Cadec, Callanan, van de Camp, Cancian, Canfin, Capoulas Santos, Caronna, Carvalho, Casa, Cashman, Casini, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cavada, Cercas, Chatzimarkakis, Chichester, Childers, Chountis, Christensen, Claeys, Clark, Coelho, Cofferati, Cohn-Bendit, Collino, Colman, Comi, Cortés Lastra, Silvia Costa, Cozzolino, Cramer, Crețu, Creutzmann, Crocetta, Cutaș, Cymański, Czarnecki, Daerden, van Dalen, Dăncilă, Danjean, Dantin, Dati, Daul, Davies, de Brún, De Castro, De Keyser, Delli, Delvaux, de Magistris, De Mita, De Rossa, De Sarnez, Désir, Deß, Deutsch, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dodds, Domenici, Donskis, Dorfmann, Duff, Dušek, Ehrenhauser, Eickhout, Ek, El Khadraoui, Enciu, Engel, Engström, Eppink, Ernst, Ertug, Essayah, Estaras Ferragut, Estrela, Evans, Fajmon, Fajon, Falbr, Färm, Feio, Ferber, Fernandes, João Ferreira, Elisa Ferreira, Fidanza, Figueiredo, Fisas Ayxela, Flautre, Fleckenstein, Florenz, Fontana, Franco, Gahler, Gál, Gallagher, Gallo, García Pérez, Gardiazábal Rubial, Gardini, Garriga Polledo, Gauzès, Gebhardt, Gerbrandy, Geringer de Oedenberg, Giannakou, Giegold, Gierek, Glante, Glattfelder, Godmanis, Goebbels, Goerens, Gollnisch, Gomes, Göncz, Goulard, Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein, de Grandes Pascual, Gräßle, Grech, Grelier, Greze, Griesbeck, Griffin, Groote, Grosch, Grossetête, Gruny, Grzyb, Gualtieri, Guerrero Salom, Guillaume, Gurmai, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Győri, Gyürk, Häfner, Haglund, Hall, Händel, Handzlik, Hankiss, Harbour, Harkin, Harms, Hassi, Hatzigeorgiou, Haug, Häusling, Hautala, Havel, Hedh, Helmer, Hénin, Hennis-Plasschaert, Herczog, Herranz García, Hibner, Joe Higgins, Nadja Hirsch, Hoang Ngoc, Hoarau, Hohlmeier, Hökmark, Honeyball, Danuta Maria Hübner, Hudghton, Hughes, Iacolino, Ibrisagic, Ilchev, Imbrasas, Iovine, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Ivan, Ivanova, Jaakonsaari, Jäätteenmäki, Jadot, Jahr, Járóka, Jauregui Atondo, Jazłowiecka, Jędrzejewska, Jeggle, Jeleva, Jensen, Jimenez-Becerril Barrio, Joly, de Jong, Jordan Cizelj, Junqueras Vies, Juvin, Kacin, Kaczmarek, Kadenbach, Kalfin, Kalinowski, Kalniete, Kamall, Kamiński, Kammerevert, Karas, Kariņš, Kasoulides, Kastler, Tunne Kelam, Keller, Alan Kelly, Seán Kelly, Kiil-Nielsen, Kirilov, Kirkhope, Klaß, Klinz, Klute, Koch, Koch-Mehrin, Kohlíček, Kolarska-Bobinska, Koppa, Korhola, Kósa, Köstinger, Koumoutsakos, Kozlík, Kožušník, Krahmer, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kukan, Lamassoure, Lambert, Lamberts, Lambrinidis, Landsbergis, Lange, de Lange, Langen, La Via, Le Foll, Legutko, Lehne, Le Hyaric, Leichtfried, Lepage, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marine Le Pen, Lewandowski, Liberadzki, Lichtenberger, Liotard, Lisek, Lochbihler, Lövin, Lope Fontagné, López Aguilar, López- Istúriz White, Lösing, Lucas, Ludford, Ludvigsson, Luhan, Łukacijewska, Lulling, Lunacek, Lynne, McAvan, McCarthy, McClarkin, McGuinness, Macovei, Madlener, Maňka, Mann, Manner, Marcinkiewicz, Marinescu, David Martin, Hans-Peter Martin, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Maštálka, Mastella, Matera, Mathieu, Matias, Mato Adrover, Matula, Mauro, Mavronikolas, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mazzoni, Meissner, Mélenchon, Melo, Méndez de Vigo, Menéndez del Valle, Messerschmidt, Meyer, Louis Michel, Migalski, Mikhaylova, Mikolášik, Milana, Millán Mon, Mölzer, Moraes, Moreira, Morganti, Morin-Chartier, Morkūnaitė, Morvai, Muñiz De Urquiza, Muscardini, Nattrass, Nedelcheva, Neuser, Newton Dunn, Nicholson, Niculescu, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Obermayr, Obiols, Olbrycht, Olejniczak, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Oviir, Pack, Padar, Pafilis, Paksas, Paleckis, Paliadeli, Pallone, Panayotov, Panzeri, Papakonstantinou, Papanikolaou, Papastamkos, Pargneaux, Parvanova, Pașcu, Paška, Patrão Neves, Paulsen, Perello Rodriguez, Alojz Peterle, Pieper, Piotrowski, Pirillo, Pittella, Plumb, Poc, Podimata, Ponga, Poręba, Portas, Posselt, Pöttering, Poupakis, Preda, Vittorio Prodi, Protasiewicz, Provera, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rangel, Ranner, Ransdorf, Rapkay, Rapti, Reimers, Remek, Repo, Reul, Riera Madurell, Ries, Rinaldi, Riquet, Rivasi, Rivellini, Rochefort,
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