University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-2-1902 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 08-02-1902 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 08-02-1902." (1902). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/421 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,1 VOLUME 11 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, AUGUST I, 1002. NUMBER 37 Ran on tho pistol. victs raised all tho vegetables, etc., greens from Seed," C. S. Harrison, of receiving tomorrow The case or tho territory against four tho first Install- which aro used at tho penitentiary. York. Tlie convention $2G0,-00- young men chnrged will conclude Its ment of Interest, nmountliig to 0, with stoning Mrs. Mnrta Torres do Jaramlllo, for- sessions tomorrow. on freight trains nnd assaulting railroad merly Andrew Carnegie's endowment Territorial Topics of Santa Fe, but now living nt consisting or $10,000,000 at United employes, was concluded In Judge Ablqulu, has been doubly afflicted Marinette Chautauqua. Double Hanging. Welsh's court. Two of tho men wero lately. hus-rniii- Murinctto, Notwilh-stntiuin- g Only a few days ago her Wis., July 31. Wise, Va., July 31. Is be. discharged. C. 11. Glllam wns given tho ad- Thero to DEMINO. I opened If silver continues to advance, Ramon Jaramlllo, 28 years of fact thnt a number of n double hnnglng hero tomorrow, the I ninety days and lion fine. John Roy age, died, and last Saturday only ditional cottnges havo been mid at an early date. J. T. Graham, got their erected first In tho history of tho county. The. From the Headlight. ! r I sixty dnys or $i0 fine Both men slnco year mir.i rnl innnnt-n- Itmlata tlint tin surviving child followed tho father to last the accommodations prospective Black-ma- aim. were committed to Jail. gravo. are ndequato victims are Charlie n J. T. Glvcns returned from n nlens- - down Im onlv temnnrnrv. nwlnir in tlm tho The child s nnmo was Epl scarcely for tho crowds nnd Robert. Foy, both colored. This office turned out week 100 1 in ses- lire trip to the coaBt. slump In silver, this faulo and was yenr old. Mrs. Jam nttendnuce on tho sixth nununl Blackmail was mur- copies semi-annua- l convicted of the Dr. Swopc nnd family have rnturneil 12. Mcintosh of Morfollon mining of the report of mlllo Is the daughter of Cornello Tor sion of the Northern Chautauqua as- the Defender lodge, 20, der of Thomas Bates at Tom's Creek from a lirlcf sojourn to Pacific coast district loft last week for Cape Nome, No. to tho grand res, nn old nnd respected resident of sembly, wlilch opened todny. The month, lodge of New Moxleo, I. O. last while Foy's crime wnH tho pleasuro resorts, accompanied hv tho1 Alaska, to superintend some minim? O. F. The Snntn Fe and a veteran of tho civil racord breaking attendance Is duo killing of n man Dayton repot t shows lodge largely to pro- named Miller doctor's mother, jmnttotn. thnt the had on wnr. tho excellence of tho nt the same plnce Inst January 1, 1C02. slxty-nln- n gram winter. John Corbctt lias heen laid tin with . members. offered for tho twelve oays of rheumatism for the past week, and ' FARMING-TON- It Inltlnted during the past term four- LAS CRUCE8. tho nssombly. Among the prominent To Discuss Life Saving. Frank Wyinan haa heen handling the teen, nnd reinstated ten, tnnklns a to- lecturers ninTspeakors to be heard are Paris, July 31. A dispatch from From the tal of ninety-three- . From Progress. tnrottlo on the Ice wagon In his stead. Hustler. From this number the Captain Hobson, Miss Ellen M. Stone, Nantes says that several reprencnta-tlve- s they by two, Mis-nour- l; Electric lights have been imt In the, Excess travel and express tins no lost card suspended for Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Kozcr loft for Congressman Champ Clark, of of America aro attending tho in- opera house of this city, nnd the pat- rcesltatcd the putting of two singes on of dues one, expelled one, couthern California for n visit with Congressman Chnrlcs B. I.nndlc. ternational congress of life saving, rons of plnro many tlm line between hero Durango. leaving them with n net membership relatives. They expect to be gone sov of Indiana; Miss Belle Kearney, of preservation or maritime, that will he under nnd . health and obligations to Manager Irvlno for tho It will ho n business proposition for of eighty-nine- Tho lodfio has ical es- oral weeks. Mississippi, and Prof. P. M. Penrson, security, which opened In that city to- Improvement. tho voters of San Juan county to this tate nnd personal propeity valued nt Mr. and Mrs. Fry and little daughter of Harvard university. dny tinner tho nusplcec tho Society n year tho $1,088.75, and cash on hand, $521.02. ni Mr. Fry fill of con- Mrs. Hansom, popular society lady elect entlro republican ticket. rived in Lns Cruces. will Cowhldlng Life Savers of Br'ttany. Tho of El Paso, Toxns. The special school Defender lodgo can bo proud of Its pulpit tho Presbyterian Por Minister. gress will life In the exclusive circle. lew voted the at church. Klchmond, Va 31. At consider saving water arrived, nnd will bo guest on by our Monday Tie comes Albuquerque. July Amhcrnt nnd piloting In fog, sav- the for some citizens was carried. from today Judgo Clarenco Campbell from lire, life time or Mor friend, Miss Lllllo "'y tlireo dissenting votes uelng The band has succeeded in raising J. wns ing on board steamships, l.awhon. cast. TUCUMCARI. arraigned for on n charge fel- tho moral Tho bell for tho new Catholic Our town Is badly In need of a town enough money to defray tho expenses trial of nnd physical development of church onious assault on Hov. C. W. Crawford, sallora Hint is being l.ullt In nr-- ImH. Scarcely a week passes but or coneeils every Sunday night for tho and fishermen, nnd this city has what From the Pathfinder. whom ho horsewhipped In front of several kindred rived, and last Tuesday Qcorgc Ches- - it could he utilized to good advantage 1) next month or so. Tho band Is doing the subjects. W. Merrill, of Geneva, Neb., wns court house nt the June term of his ter came near stampeding the town by for pubire" purposes, Belling fruit trees nnd ornnmcntnl better on every appearance. ringing It. beautiful,1 Woolmnn Waggoner Newberry & Forbes, who run- court. Tho case has attracted wide at- Public Ownership Party. Tho bell has a nnd associates shrubs in Tiicumcnrl and vicinity this nrc tention, owing prominence cleor tone, and while was engaged drilling for oil on the Blake ning the t'tuge to Modoc, stnto that to the of St. Louis. Mo., July 31. Followers Chester week. the pnitles, and the trial will be fol- showing It to Father Morlu, he rang It property, nro making splendid head- - Fellno Vennbldcn, of Pajnrlto, on they nro now running through to Van oi the public ownership party, tho way. Is King s. will lw n great conven lower with much Interest. promoter Is Meri- loud and long. Everybody In tho v. rtio machinery wot to Thursday, sold 10,000 pounds of wool Patten This Rev. Mr. Is chief of which Leo elnity of bank perfection, every ndd'ng to I'.'iico to tho people of tho valley who Crawford editor of tho wether, tho labor of city, the corner rushed out hour the to Gr.Idonberg & Co., receiving there- Christian Federation, a paper publish- leador this to sac where flro was. well's depth, 12 wish to visit the Major s resort. met In today to tho for cents per pound. ed In this city in too interest of tho conference discuss Nordhaiis Sc. Son closed a con George C. Howmnn, who was recent Tucum-car- the lato rains seem to have been plans for perfecting a thorough have At the Inst meeting of the l nntl-saloo- ago stato & ly appointed fairly Heavy re- movement. Some time organization ndoptlng tract with Hosch Leopold for tho deputy revenue collector Townslto & Investment company, general. rains are tho Campbell and a platform $.1,000 Arizona, ported editor criticised Judgo The, erection of a building on their for is making his last round W. B. Jarrell wn3 elected vlco presi- nt El Paso and both cast and for dismissing of principles. new pnrty la an now lot adjoining p:esent in this section, ns ganger. Wo will west of thut place. Heavy rains nrc the ense against n man off shoot of the allleil party which wa their store. dent. charged with selling liquor In Am- completed miss Mr. Bowman's cheery Moth-odl- also roported In Chi- organized by Meriwether and When this enterprising firm counter It In expected that tho First northewestern herst. Mr. Crawford osked In his paper others will have fifty feet of plate glass fiont nnco, but congratulate him on his pro- Episcopal church of Tucunicarl huahua, and northwestern Sonorn. The last year at Kansas City. It Is pur- on motion. He Is an all good part of New Mexico got n which was doctored tho most, the posed to In tho Gold avenue.
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