JULY, 1921. QUARTERLY PAPER - OP THE Rangoon Diocuan Jlssoclation. AFFILIATE.D TO S.P.G. Price SIXPENCE. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION AND POSTAGE, 2/· To be obtained of the Geneml Secretary, Rev. P. H. Cooke, l ckleton Vicaraqe, Great Chesterford, Essex. SEE OF RA~GOON. List of Clergy and English Missionaries. (Note.-The date given is that of an·ival in tlu Mission of English MissionaTies, of 01·dination of Native Clergy.) (Tlu address given is sufficient with the addition of "B1-1,rma "-except for Dagshai, Punjab, India.) Bishop. The Right Rev. R. S. FYFFE, D.D. 1904 Bishop's Court, Rangoon. (Consecrated on January 17th, 1910.) Bishop's Chaplain. A. 0. N. LEE, M.A., Cambridge and C.T.S. (on leave) 1916 Bishop's Court, Rangoon, and Insein Diocesan Secr-etary. J. W. SwiNNERTON WESTON, EsQ. 1921 S. P. G. Burmese Mission. Rev. D. C. ATWOOL, B.A., Worcester College, Oxford-(on furlough) 1909 Rev. A. H. BLENCOWE, B.A., Christ's College, Cambridge-B. John's College, Rangoon . 1913 Rev. E. H. Cox, M.A., S. Edmund Hall, Oxford, and Cuddesdon- S. Barnabas, and Syriam 1907 Rev. T. W. HOGARTH-Moulmein 1921 Rev. W. H. JAcKSON, B .A.-Blind School, Kemmendine 1917 Rev. W. C. B. PuRSER, M.A., S. John's Coll~ge, Cambridge- B. Michael, Kemmendine . 1904 Rev. C. R. PuRSER, Cambridge Clergy Training School-(?n furlough) 1910 Rev. D. Po SAH-Kyaiklat 1901 Rev. S. Po TIIE'r-Kemmendine 1901 Rev. H. M. STOCKINGS, S. Augustine's College, Canterbury-Shwebo 1886 Rev. G. WHITEHEAD, B.A., London-(on furlough) 1888 Rev. S. CHIT TWAY (Deacon) Moulmein 1918 Rev. J. KYAW MYA (Deacon) Mingladon 1918 Rev. P. SAN NYUN (Deacon), S. Barnabas, Rangoon 1918 Rev, T. KIN MAUNG (Deacon) 1921 Mr. R. H. CLAYTON, S.S.J.F., (on furlough) 1914 Mr. B. D. LLOYD Blind School, Kemmendine 1920 S. P. G. Winchester Mission at Christ Church, Mandalay. Rev. F. R. EDMONDS, M.A., S. Edmund Hall, Oxford 1906 Rev. C. E. GARRAD, 1\LA., Clare College, Cambridge 1906 Rev. W. R. GARR.AD, M.A., Clare College, Cambridge-(on f~trlough) .. 1910 Rev. N. S. AsiRVATHAM !Tamil P1·iest)-Maymyo 1911 Rev. G. KYA BIN (Bunnese P1·iest)-Mandalay 1911 .Rev. S. J. JosnuA (Tamil Deacon) Mandalay 1914 Mr. J. H. NEAL, ~oyal 8chool 1915 iii. S. P. 0. Karen Mission. Rev. E. W. BLYTH, Christ's College, Cambridge-B. Luke, Toungoo 1914 Rev. C. K. HuGHES, M.A" Queen's College, Oxford (Deacon) 1921 Rev. W. R. MENZIES, B.A., Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge- B. Peter, Toungoo 1906 Rev. MAw LAY (P1·iest)-Wathoko 1905 Rev. MAw RE (Priest)-Mawku Der 1916 Rev. MAW SHA Po (Deacon)-Kaw So Ko 1916 Rev. PAR U (Priest)-Tittoopoo 1901 Rev. PAu KEH (P1·iest)-Kasheekee.. 1899 Rev. RoPER (Priest)-Kasheekee 1899 Rev. SHWAY LAH (Priest)-Samapatee 1899 Rev. SHWAY NYo (Deacon).. 1919 Rev. TABBER BER (P1·iest)-Simido 1899 Rev. THA PwEE (Priest)-Kidderpur 1907 Rev. G. A. WEST, M.A., Lmcoln College, Oxford (Deason) 1921 Mr. D. SHIELDS-8. Luke's School, Toungoo 1903 S. P. 0. Tamil And Telugu Mission. Rev. V. N. KEMP, B.A., Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge 1904: Rev. D. P. DuRAIRAJ-8. Gabriel, Rangoon 1917 Rev. A. COILPILLAI (Deacon)-S. Gabriel 1920 S. P. 0. Mission, Nicobar Islands. JOHN RICHARDSON (Native Catechist) [Mr. E. HART, Government Commissioner.] Additional Clergy Society (Burma). Rev. J. G. CALDICOTT, S. Augustine's College, Canterbury-(on sick leave) 1914: Rev. G. S. CLACK, 1\I.A., Oxford and Lichfield Theological College- S. Matthew, Moulmein 1907, 1915 Rev. R. H. CouRTENAY, :M.A., T~inity College, Dublin-(on furlough) 1903 Rev. T. FISHER S. Augustine's College, Canterbury-Insein 1898 Rev. B. FoRo-Oil Fields . 1921 Rev. J. Smith-S. Philip, Rangoon 1921 ( Oontimud on page 11ii.) iv. RA.N800N DIOCESAN ASSOCIATION • .b1ounded in 1894 to assist the work of the Church in. Rangoon. Affiliated to S.P.G. 1905. President. THE RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF RANGOON. Patrons. The ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. The ARCHBISHOP o:F YoRK. The BisHoP OF BIRMINGHAM. The BISHOP OF MAN CHESTER, The BisHoP OF BRADFORD. The BISHOP OF NORWICH, The BisHOP OF BRISTOL. The BISHOP OF OxFORD. The BisHoP oF CHELMSFORD. The BISHOP OF PETERBOROUGH. The BISHOP OF CHESTER. The BISHOP OF RIPoN. The BISHOP OF CHICHESTER. 'l'he BISHOP OF ROCHESTER. The. BISHOP OF CovENTRY. The BISHOP oF SALISBURY. The BISHOP o:F DuRHAM. The BISHOP OF 8. ALBANS. The BISHOP OF ELY. The BISHOP OF 8. EDMUNDSBURY The BISHOP OF GLOUCESTER. & IPSWICH. The BISHOP OF HEREFORD. The BISHOP oF SouTHW ARK. The BISHOP OF LINCOLN. The Bis:aoP OF TRURO. The BISHOP OF LIVERPOOL. The BISHOP ·oF WAKEFIBLD. The BisHoP oF LoNDON. The BISHOP OF WINCHESTER. Vice-Presidents. The Right Rev. Bishop RYLE, DEAN OF WESTMINSTER, The Right Rev. Bishop WELLDON, DEAN OF DuRHAM. F. S. CoPLESTON, Esq. (late Chief Justice of Burma). Sir FREDERIC FRYER, K.c.s.I. (late Lieutenant Governor). The Bishop's Commissaries in England. *The Right Rev. Bishop KNIGHT, S. Augustine's College, Canterbury. •tThe Rev. G. CECIL WHITE, Pentwyn, Freshwater, I. of Wight. Committee. Chairman-The Right Rev. Bishop KNIGHT. Rev. E. C. BEDFORD. Rev. E. H. DAY. Miss LEVIEN. tA. R. BIRKS, Esq. Rev. A. H. FINN. Rev. C. W. LYNE. tRev. A. L. BROWN. Miss GIP~s. B. T. PETLEY, Esq. Miss LATHOM-BROWNE. Rev. W. E. HARDCASTLE. Rev. W. PE'ITER. Rev. F. C. P. CLARKE. Mrs. HARDY. Rev. H. A. RAWLINSON. Rev. G. H. CoLBECK. Miss HoDGKINSON. Rev. A. · 8HILLITO. Dr. CoRFE. Miss KNIGHT. Rev. G. H . C. SHORTING. Ven. C. P. CoRY. Miss LANGTON. t Miss C. WILLES. Rev. E. G. LEVIEN. Treasurer and Oeneral Secretary, Editor of Quarterly Paper. tRev. P. H. CooKE, Ickleton Vicarage, Great Chesterford, Essex. to whom all communications should be addressed. •Members of Committee. t Members of Winchester Sub-Committee. Ouild of Intercession and Work. Miss LATHOM BROWNE, 1, Talbot Road, W. 2. Forward Movement. Miss LEVIEN, 11 Parkhill Road, Hampstead, N. W. S. Secretary for O.O.M. THE GENERAL SECRETARY. ChUdren's Fund. Misa LANGToN, 78, Grosvenor Road, London, N. 5. Bankers. LLoYD's BANK, LIMITED, 16, S. James' Street, S.W. 1. Cheques and Postal Orders shouM be crossed a.s above. 55 J RANGOON.\ DIOCESAN ASSOCIATION. QUARTERLY PAPER. VoL. ix. 3. JULY, 1921. No. 99. General Secretary :- REv. P. H. CooKE, ICKLETON VICARAGE, GREA'l" CHESTERFORD, EssEx. RATE OF ExcHANGE. We are very thankful that exchange has righted itself. Indeed it has got quite low, and the rupee is at 1/3. It will be a gain to the Diocese if subscribers will send their gifts now instead of waiting till the end of the year, that the money may be sent out quickly. A draft was sent at end of June, the next should be at end of July. • MICIIAELMAS. The prayers of our members are asked on the Feast of S. Michael and All Angels at the Altar, and at home, for all the work of the Diocese. We ask all incumbents whose parishes support the mission at all, to arrange opportunities. ANNUAL MEETING. - The Annual Meeting was held in Sion College, on Thursday, June 16th, Bishop Knight presiding. Amongst those present besides the speakers were: (Present andPastmembersoftheStaff) Ven. C. F. Cory and H. C. Blandford; Revs. D. C. Atwool, F. C. P. C1arke, A. H. Finn, W. E. Hat·d­ castle, C. W. Lyne, H. A. Rawlinson; Misses Druitt, Peddar, 56 and Slocombe. (Members of the Conunittee) Rev. A. C. Bedford, Misses Lathom Browne, Gipps, Hodgkinson, Langton, and Knight. Also Revs. A. A. Braund, J. G; Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Arbuthnot, Mr. and Mrs. Farewell, Mr. F. Wood, :Mr. Bland, Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. Jones, Misses Blyth, Martin and McCulloch. After Prayers,. the Secretary read the Bishop's Letter as follows:- ' BISHOPSCOURT, RANGOON. May 16th, 1921. Dear Mr. Cooke, I must send a word of greeting to the Annual ~eting. I have still fresh in my mind what a very happy gathering we had last year. I think I cannot send you a better wish than that this year may be as much like last year as possible. I wonder whom you will have with you as speakers. I hope Mr. Courtenay will be there refreshed after his voyage and walk across France. He deserves some refreshment and a very warm welcome from you all after his, seventeen years of work for S. Philip's. When he comes back we intend that he shall find a really fine Church to commemorate his long and devoted service. He will be glad to know that the last instalment of the Rs.60,000 raised by the Philippians for their new Church site was punctually paid on April 1st. I am now giving the order to the architect to proceed with the building. We have not got all the money necessary to complete it, but we have arranged to build the whole Church up to a certain height and then, if we still have not ~nough to finish~ to put on a temporary roof which we can afterwards raise. It will seat 500, and looks rather like a miniature S. Paul's with a central dome. Needless to say I am quite willing to receive contributions towards the building. Perhaps Mr. Clayton will be present also. He has done us excellent and most unselfish service, and we hope soon to see him restored in health among his boys at Moulmein. And Moulmein reminds me that Miss Burnett will very likely be present.
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