TOBBDilT,'Al MancKesier Evening tierald Average Dally Circulation The Waather Fag tha MaaUi at dnly. 1M4 Feraeaat #C C. 8. Weather Bm eae chester children. Alt of them had Sergeant Alphonse J. gained tn health. Jpt Elder, chair­ Fair and Mttla atamga ta tom-. The Senior'and Junior tiUther General Welfara OenUr, Ka. M, will have a meeting tomorroir eve­ of Mra. Sarah Klrka, 118 Oak Kiwanis Camp man of the Kiwanis Camp commit­ 8,728 peratnry toalght; Thaiaday eon- Ucagues of: the Emanuel Luiheran ning at 8 o’clock at tiM School street, is an aircraft mechanic at tee was pleaaed with the reaulta Member af tha Aadit tinned hot aad humid with eeat- church will have a hat a aub-depot the children had gained through tored afteraooB tauaderahawara. mt Town Street Recreation Center. Tha Bfffaaff a( Ctranlattoaa Tueadav Aug. 22, at 6i30 at the n e a t spanker wUrbe Seaman Ben- wrhere battle^maged ^17 Fly 'Guests Pleased the camp life. The boys and glrla HALE’S home of Mr. and Mra.' Herman ecal, whose subject will be ‘‘^ llg- ing Fortresses of the VIII Air are provided with good health­ Manchester-—A City o f Village Charm , TtndrtUo, Jr/, Johneon of 51 Kensington street Idus Propbeoy' on the Post-War Force are repaired “somewhere In building. fobd, plenty of reat and Members who wash to attend W x«. Stive Vemlrlllo, of Alton World.” Ehigland.” Sergeant Klrka was 50 Kiddies from This entertainment which is educa­ Wed. Morning Specials wee Sve year* old Sunday, aaked to oalj Vivian Anoeaeon, nRduated from th« MEnchc*tcr tional. VOL. LXllI., NO. 270 (Claeaifled AdyerUahif oa Page IX) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, ^UGUST 16, 1944 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT91 ■tfmte save a party teuvtaam 4W*.____ I.,ocal bovs who are spending Stftto Trad® ■chcR>l In 1933, nnd a Town Close 2 Weeks The children returned to their iTevent, which wae aWroded two weeks at Camp Pioneer, the prior to hla entry Into the military homes this forenoon by a bus that Light WeigbL 50% Rayon, 50% Cotton Knit number of relaUvee frlwde A daughter, their Arst^ child, Boy Scout camp at Winated, In­ service September 28, 1942 at Venture at Coventry. waa fdmlahed by the camp organi­ fiielahbore. Gamee and moUon was born August 13 to clude Richard Owens, Allan Ander­ Fort Devena, Ayer, y-** zation. \ gSna were taken outdoore and and Mrs. Chester Frinkhn at tl« son David Donovan, Reynolds an electrician. He has been /Sta­ The delegation of the Klwanla BlilEF PANTIES Staten Island hospital, Staten tioned In the European Theater of fUtUe boy eecefved nmneroua Deacon. Robert Harrison and Theo­ members that went out to the sum- T ^ e ideal garment for Sum- ^ d N. T. Mts. Franklin was the Operations six months. Sergeant dore Chambers, Jr. n>er camp last evening at Coven­ /rtier wear. Elastic back at former Miss Ridh M‘’Cu> Klrka has two brotheia In the FOR TOP VALtHi armed forces. Stanley, Is s ser­ try Lake were highly pleased with daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John For exemplary conduct In com­ IN A NEW HOME , waist line. White only. Tj- AUOK OOFBAN I McCullom, x>f 64 School street geant, Stationed a t' the Yuma the progress the 50*boys and girls each Allied Invasion Troops 8 bat, Tech. Sgt. Wilson Greenough Slmall. Medium. Large. (Eaown Aa Queen A B^) has been presented the Armjra Army Air Base, apd Cheater la an had made during the two weeks’ tn iU T C A L MEDIUM A-C stationed In' Hondo, Texas. Sec the Ones Being Bailt By I DnmfeMr of a Seventh Son Rev. George W. Gilbert who will newest award for Infantn^**'. ___ vacation. According to the chil­ address the Rotarlans at the the Combat Infantryman Badge. dren they had a very pleasant and GREENBROOKE Close Out Small Lot -loeTwith • VeU. Awarded for exemplary conduct In Second Lieutenant Philip A-Du-, profitable outing and one that they DnSy, tnclodlng Sonday, country Club this evening hw X been voted tha •‘Nations Be.st Ru­ combat or for combat action In a pont, son nf Mr. snd Mrs. Albert will never forget. HOMES. INC , MTto » P. Mi Or By Appolnt- major operation, ‘ h» new medal la M. Duppfit, of 482 Adams street, The camp director was entmisl- _ la the Sendee ef the Peo- ral Preacher.” He is author of the SUMMER HANDBAGS beat seller, *Teifly Years a tmin- a silver fffle on a Held of blue with .is hpine on a six-day furlough. He aatlc -over the work of the Man­ On Wsiker Street k fier M Veara. a silver border, Imposed on an was .graduated last week from the i Chnich Street. Hartford, Cona. try Preacher/* For nsrtber tolomiatiou eaS at Values To 11.98!' Leaflets Urge eliptical silver wreath. S e r g ^ t ChUdresf, Tex., Bombardier achool Phone #-t#2d S lid received hla commlasion. He Alexander Jarvla Oo. office oa Ckwe Out Price: The August meeting of the Man- Greenough - la the son < Katherine Greenough *« ^ o o ^ expects to report at Tampa, Fla., Center street or nt 28 Alexnnder 69 cheMer Coon and Fox club wUl ^ land street. He s t a r ^ hla tour on completion of hla leave. Lieuten­ TRUSSES street. held at the club grounds hrlday .'.x; overseas service on May 28 1 » « . ant Dupont saw hla aon, Philip. Jr., Pbonesi 411S sr 1X28 evening, August and saw hla first combat axperl- yesterday for the flrst time. The First Photo— Allied Landing in Southern France FOR YOUR NEW meeUng will be to tha form of a baby is over a year old and hit fa­ BELTS Holland Vellum Stationery dog roast and all members are re­ ence In the Bougainvill# campaign. Reds Making Real ther has been in the South for 19 24 sheets, 24 envelopes. All li Initial X)Bjectives quested to come with a big appe­ months. EXPERTLY FITTED AND Cpl. Wilfred R. Thebodsau. son / ____ tite. , of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Thebt^ white. ,!Club size. box 2 9 ® deau. Is s member pf a unit .which ..Pfc. Marry Buckmister, aon of ^W’ednesday Morning: • Bid for Warsaw; OLD WORK has received a commendaUOT Mr. and Mix. Harry Buckmister, from Brigadier-General Jesse C. of .l$ l Cooper Hill street, a combat Auton, Wing Commander, Its engineer, has arrived aafely In Shower Se« CAR NEED REPAIRS? contribution In aiding an Eighth Close Out Lot of Se« Me F or Prompt, Expert England.'^He recently took a courae Air Force fighter group to become in electricity at York, Pa. Resistance Stiff filliam Kanehl Auto Repair Service operational In e>«ven days after Girdles and PantieOiMles ABEL’S SERVICE STA. arrival ‘.'somewhere In England. General Contractor Corporal Thebodeau entered tha A light weight honeless gairment of" ■ Rear — 26 Cooper Street____ Another Menace to Ger- C h a ilR C Center St. Tel. 7773 Army Air Corps In February. FLOOR LAYING Rayon material. Regular $3.96 and ® M Q C Steel on 1943, and at the present time Is a manm a n DefenseTla>f«>na«> SystemSvatfim . O . member of the station complemant: a n d SANDING $4,50. squadron. He was formerly em­ BeSnlstalng and W axing Close O u t :: Increases Below East In Status Irne Troops ployed by First National Stores as Ksttmates Oladi.v Given. \Revolt Tide II cle.-k and cashier. His present TED SOI.Vt)! D IN AMERICAN Prussia Where So­ can Column Within Blocking work is that of a radio operator. TELEPHONE 8254 HEARTS Bas0nent Specials viets Driving Toward O f General 40 Miles of Paris- Jjff F v a itC C iuforceni^ntXfor Foi aiflord J. Sault at » Foster . there l» no Rail Center o f Lyck. street, Pharmaciafa Kate, >e, has feer. There !• d e c o r a t e d TEAPOTS Threatening New En­ German Resistanc RE-CAP comi^eted a six montba' course at only the mireBees " 6-Cup Slxa. Regular 82.25. SI 98 Montgomery Remains as circlement of Fleeing: Rises High Generally Gimtiiiuc Harvatil University, and bh com­ of purpone engen­ Eojpy coolcf tummen, wMmc<| Moscow, Aug. 16.— (A*)— pletion o f a short furlough Is to re­ dered by deep re­ Special ........................................................ ... ................... ^ The Red Army appeared to­ Eisehhower*s Deputy Nazis; Most of \Ger- ----- Relatively Wcak> winters! Install snowy-lighf 4-Gup Size. R e g u la r $ L 7 5 ^ ^ p e r ta ^ ^ ^ j^ ..j-.* •.» Your Tires Now port at Norfolk. Va., where he will ligious c o n V I c- Reynolds Cotton insulation in day to be making its real all- take a special course .la advanced tions nnd Rrm Commander in Fiel^t man Armor Pulled Underground Forces sault Forces Fight your tnic im a frw hmn. An out bid for Warsaw against medldne. patHotlsm. ' TOILET BOWL BRUSH average actic costs Youta Bitter resistance in the Praga Directs Ground Units, Out in Normandy.! II i 8 i n g Everywhere; Night from Beachc may cost le^ or slightly iaora» iii> Manchester Grange Is scheduled - White fibre. 19c district just across the broad Get our estimate today! S p ecia l............ J................. - • ” Maquis Start Attacks to hold a meeting tomorrow night and awift Vistula from the Supreme Hcadquartera Allied London, . Aug. 16.—(JP)— Rome, Aug. 16.— (JP)— J at sight o’clock In the Masonic p it o n c Expeditionary Force, Aug. IS —(P) On German Garrisons. lied invasion troops hi i Temple. Every member la urged Besieg^ Polish capitaL An­ The Allies showered steel and YAST REYIIOtDS “ MINUTE MOP” —Supreme beadquartera aaid to struck eight miles inland 1 to be present as reports on the Complete with attachment that fits any pall, for other menace to the Uerman surrender leaflets on the Ger­ .jMimiMSfW day in an official atatement that London, Aug.
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