24 - EVENING HERALD, Fri., Jan. 23. 1961 Corruption claim NEW BRITAIN, Conn. (UPI) - Officials have filed a $7 million insurance claim to recoup losses from an alleged civil service corruption scheme. TV tonight The city, which holds a policy with the Insurance Co. of Connecticut Update North America to protect it against illegal activity hy employees, wants to recover losses from wages, pensions EVENING and other benefits fraudulently collected by workers con­ 6:00 victed in a promotion-selling scheme. Mayor William Starr was serving 3V4-to-5 years for third-degree robbery money which will be “lapsed” by state agencies this Maurliratpr 3MB^(22^t30 N«wt S) Slartky And Hutch McNamara said Thursday. and failure to appear. fiscal year. 9 Joker's Wild He said the city’s Finance Department has computed Anthony Milano, secretary of the Office of Policy, and 11' Profostional Rodeo Contin- the average loss for each employee involved in the scan- Management, has said he's hoping that departments will uesFrornDeyllmeFrom Mesquite. Sunny ,dal at 090,000. Rewards offered lapse, which means not spend, $55.7 million. By law he Texas k . Sunny today with highs in 2d Partridge Family About 80 present and former employees have been im­ HARTFORD, Conn. (UPI) - Gov. William O’Neill has isn’t required to detail where the money was saved. 24 Catalogue plicated in the scandal. approved three rewards of $20,000 each for information Van Norstrand said Tlmrsday 0PM explained only ^ . 1 WcATHCn themldJOs. 2T 3-2-1 Contact 3S' Hogan's Heroes However, a grand jury probe so far only has led to 12 leading to the culprits in three separate Connecticut million of the projected lapse. The question came up 40 Jim Rockford: Private convictions and another dozen arrests. ^ murders. during a hearing dn Gov. William O’Neill’s proposed $23.8 Investigator The rewards were offered Thursday in connection with million urban grants cut, which would mostly affect big 6:30 VOL. C, No. 97 — Manchester, Conn., Saturday, January 24, 1981 YOVR HOMETOfCy NEWSPA'PER • Since 1881 • Single Copy 2St • Home Delivery 20$ 9 Tic Tac Dough the killings of Salvatore Bonelli of Hartford, Darrell cities. 20l >nM3O NBC News Cancer surge Ashton of Burlington, and Dwayne Johnson, whose ad­ “I think if they (municipalities) are to shoulder that 24' Over Easy 'A Place to Live' Guest Or Man Hutchinson, execu­ HARTFORD, Conn. (UPI) - State health officials say dress was unknown. burden, then they are entitled to know what the state is tive director of the Bay Agency on lung cancer among Connecticut women has quadrupled The body of Bonelli, 22, was found Oct. 13, 1979, on doing to keep its fiscal house in order,” he said. Aging in Broward County, Flqrida. over the last two decades. Great Meadow Road in Wethersfield. He had been shot Hosts HughDownsandFrankBlair. (Closed Captioned. U S A ) There were 6.5 cases per 100,000 women in 1960, com­ several times. 7T Over Easy Quest: Actor Marlin pared to 26.1 cases per 100,000 in 1979, the Department of Ashton was stabbed to death May 11, 1980, in the No credit card fees Hostages to get heroes’ welcome Sheen, star of the film 'Apocalypse Health Services reported Thursday. bathroom of his home on Rte. 4 in Burlington. HARTFORD, Conn. (UPI) - Annual fees for credit Now' Hosts HughDownsandFrank Blair (Ctoaed-Captioned. U-S.A) Health Commissioner Douglas Lloyd attributed the rise The body of Johnson, 33, was found Dec. 4,1979, in the . cards would be prohibited under a bill introduced by Rep. WIESBADEN, West Germany 38 Bob Newhart Show Reprising her role from to increased cigarette smoking among women. sparsely populated and wooded area of Russell Road in Irving Stolberg, D-New Haven, cochairman of the Related stories and pictures 6:55 (UPI) — Embittered and in some 40 News the popular theatrical film, He said the rate for men also has risen, but not as Wethersfield. Johnson, a convicted drug dealer, had been Legislature's Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee. cases depressed, the freed American on pages 3 and 10. 7:00 Barbara Eden stars as sharply as that for women. shot in the head at close range. "In my opinion the fees charged by banks for their hostages will fiy home Sunday to 3 CBS News Stella Johnson, an In 1 ^ . 47.3 cases per 100,000 men were reported, com­ credit cards is double interest, it borders on usury,” their families and the heroes’ new cameras, watches and clothes. 5 M M.A.S.H. O^Neill unties yellow ribbon pared to 68.9 per 100,000 in 1979. At their disposal were 14'/2 months 8 40 ABC News outspoken, often flam­ Hospital accredited Stolberg said Thursday. welcome that doctors hope’ will help 9 Builseye boyant widow who upsets Lloyd said more teen-age girls now smoke than teen­ Maryland and several other states have enacted erase the haunting memories of their of video tapes of Walter Cronkite and 11 SportsCenter the hypocritical establish­ age boys so the lung cancer rate among women may MIDDLETOWN, Conn. (UPI) ^ Officials say an in­ HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. William O’Neill the CBS Evening News, a course on 14' insideTheNFLHostsLenDaw- similar legislation. deprivation and abuse in Iran. sonandNickBuonicoptiarebackas ment in the community of eventually equal that of men. dependent agency has acted favorably on a state appeal untied a yellow ribbon from a Capitol oak tree The State Department said all but the history they missed but were so they blend action highlightswithex- Harper Valley, m Ihe new of its original decision to refuse accreditation for the Friday, celebrating the freedom of 52 one of the 52 former hostages would much a part of. pert commentary and predictions NBC-TV comedy series Connecticut Valley Hospital. Americans held hostage in Iran and blasting Between medical tests and meals, tor t9 8 i sSuperBowtcontenders Professors^ raises hold a two-day private reunion with 18) Festival Of Faith HARPER VALLEY PTA. to Officials from the hospital and state Mental Health Pro-life rally the Tehran government. their relatives at the U.S. Military there was also a continuous showing 20) America's Top 10 of the "The Empire Strikes Back. ' be colorcast Friday, STORES, Conn. (UPI) - Union professors at the Department said Thursday they were informed the HARTFORD, Conn. (UPI) — Lt. Gov. Joseph Fauliso, O’Neill then presented the ribbon, which Academy at West Point N.Y., before 22' News University of Connecticut want a 15.5 percent increase in Back home, preparations for the 2C Fourth Estate January 23. Chicago-based Joint Commission on Accreditation of speaking before a rally of the Pro-Life Council of Connec­ will be delivered to the former hostages along meeting with President Reagan in pay and benefits in a proposed contract for 1981'-1982: official celebrations, starting in 2 f French Chef ' hK** (iSf'V.'j rO'HxM I 1'Vl Hospitals had approved 1-year accreditation for the 700- ticut, said Thursday no one can remain ’’morally with a huge yellow ribbon signed by thousands Washington, probably on Tuesday. 30) Face The Music The faculty's current two-year contract expires June 30. bed psychiatric facility. neutral” on the issue of abortion. of area residents, at a Hostage Freedom Day One former hostage, Sgt. 1st Class Washington with a meeting with 7:29 11:30 Bargaining for the new pact is expected to begin next Reagan, were well under way. In 30 Dally Numbers 3) All In The Family The action was taken after state officials promised to Abortion “is murder and a violation of the 5th Com­ ceremony outside the Old Statehouse. Donald Hohman, 38, has already been 7:30 8) Suparbowl XV-The Final month. increase the hospital’s nursing staff and make structural "All of us have shared in the anguish of the reuited with his wife Anna, a nurse in New York, Mayor Edward Koch said 3 PM Magazine mandment — thou Shalt not kill,” Fauliso said. Sunday Union leaders said Thursday the proposed raises would changes. He said abortion was clearly an issue of “imposing former hostages, and in the frustration and Frankfurt, and will remain with her he was planning the biggest ticker 5) AIMn The Family ill) SportsCenter tape parade in the city's history — 8 Family Feud '20)I2«(^ The Tonight Show‘Best allow faculty to keep pace with inflation^ and urged The commission had rejected the hospital’s request for death on the innocent unborn.” Abortion was a human loneliness of their families and loved ones. But in West Germany. bigger even than the one for the 9) Face The Music Ol Carson' Guests: Raquel Welch, * professors to "get angry if the administration reduces accreditation renewal last November, but the decision rights issue in which no one could remain “morally that sadness has turned to joy, the joy of Doctors cautioned that some of the 20) You Bet Your Life Tony Bennett. James Galway the proposal" astronauts who returned from the 22^ M.A.S.H. was suspended by the state’s appeal. neutral. Human life is not expendible,” he told the rally freedom,” O’Neill told about 250 people. hostages, who were beaten and (Repeal. 60 mins ) moon. 24) <3^ MacNelhLehrer Report 27 ABC Captioned Newt Lack of accreditation could have cost the hospital at the Hartford Public Library. O’Neill criticized the “ruthless and uncaring otherwise treated inhumanely in 30) Fight Back! 38) Movie-(Drame)*** "Naked But doctors cautioned relatives federal Medicare and Medicaid payments. Earlier, about 75 pro-life persons, some carrying in­ government” that held the Americans hostage Iran, suffered severe trauma, 36 Barney Miller And The Dead'' 1958 Cliff Robert­ Abuse program for 444 days and commented on the new ac­ that many of the former hostages 40) Tic Tac Dough son, Aldo Ray The story of Ihe fen- fants, conducted a silent vigil outside the Capitol to mark depression and guilt because of the 6:00 sionsofmenincombatduringWWII .
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