![The American Legion Magazine [Volume 53, No. 1 (July 1952)]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
". / told him about the kid's first tooth. He really seemed glad to hear the news . Then he showed me a snap his youngster . s of I Before we knew it, it was time to catch the train. k Yes, that's a fragment of folks' lives that goes on every day across two glasses of Schlitz, the friendly liaison, the happy meeting ground. The clean, bright taste and the stand-up char- acter of Schlitz don't just happen. People tell us our folks have always had a "Gold Thumb" when it comes to putting together the sensitive ingre- dients of beer. J That's why more people prefer (and buy) Schlitz If you than any other beer. like beer... you'll love Schlitz © 1952 Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co. Milwaukee, Wis. The beer that made Milwaukee famous 1 900 HORSEY CARRIAGE had a wooden horse on 1 924 HEINE-VELOX SPECIAL was more a road loco- 1 939 MERCURY was hailed as the latest addition the dash. The designer figured this would motive than an automobile. It had a 12-cyl- to the Ford line of fine cars. This medium- keep "Old Dobbin" from bolting, as he often inder engine, 148-inch wheelbase and was priced, high-performance automobile caught did when he saw an early motor car. one of the first cars with hydraulic brakes. on quickly with the motoring public. FrOfTI the day the first car chugged wearily down the road, motorists have wanted more power. More power to climb hills ... to get away at traffic lights ... to pull them out of tight places. Today's modern high compression engines 1952 FORD offers many plus new features including "Ethyl" gasoline give power, economy and all-round per- a choice of two high- performing, high com- formance that was only a dream a few years back. pression engines— a 101- horsepower six or a 110- "Ethyl" gasoline is high octane gasoline. It helps modern horsepower V-8. high compression engines develop top power and efficiency. It's the gasoline you ought to buy. Remember, there's a powerful difference between gasoline and "Ethyl" gasoline. ETHYL CO RPORATION New York 17, New York Ethyl Antiknock Ltd., in Canada THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE CONTENTS FOR JULY, 1952 LAST TRIP FROM KUNMING (fiction) 11 TED CARMACK There were sixty-three passengers and no parachutes. HE LOBBIES AGAINST COMMUNISTS 14 IRENE CORBALLY KUHN When sun, wind, water dry out hair and scalp, try 50 seconds' brisk massage with Concerning the crusading Alfred Kohlberg. Fourth Vitalis Hair Tonic. Its exclusive formula A lot of July pa l ade rs will make . STRETCHING YOUR VACATION DOLLAR prevents dryness . feels stimulating, re- TV debuts this year. 16 freshing. You feel the difference right away! Do you have a make- ARTHUR H. CARHART up expert in your Post? Some mighty attractive bargains can be had. POSTMASTER: Please send copies returned under labels Form 3S79 THEIR INGENUITY SAVED KOREA 18 to Post Office Box JOSEPH P. O'CONNELL, JR. & CAPT. A. D. BRUCE, JR. 1055. Indianapolis 6, Indiana. Rebuilt weapons turned the tide. The American Legion UNCLE LEW'S HAPPY FAMILY 20 Magazine is the official publication of The Ameri- CLARENCE WOODBURY can Legion and is owned exclusively by The Ameri- The story of Scio. can Legion. Copyright 1952 by The American Legion. Published month- NEVER BET ON THE OLYMPICS 22 ly at 1 100 W. Broadway, ARTHUR DALEY Louisville, Ky. Acceptance for mailing at special rate The sure things have often fooled the dopesters. of postage provided for in Section 1 103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized Jan. IS BOYS' STATE BIG ENOUGH? 24 5, 1925. Price single copy, LONGSTRETH 15 cents; yearly subscrip- EDWARD tion, $1.50. Entered as This happened in California. second class matter June 30, 1948, at the Post Office at Louisville, Ky., HOW TO FINISH AND REFINISH WOOD 26 under the Act of March 3, 1879. Non-member sub- ROBERT SCHARFF scriptions should be sent to the Circulation Depart- Tips on how to make it glisten and gleam like new. ment of The American Legion Magazine, P. O. Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, THE NATIONAL LEGIONNAIRE 29-36 Ind. EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Features Indianapolis 6, Indiana You SEE the difference in your hair, after OFF! 4 ROD AND GUN CLUB ... 28 EDITORIAL AND SOUND 10 seconds' combing. It's far handsomer, ADVERTISING EDITOR'S CORNER . 6 NEWSLETTER 37 healthier-looking — and it in stays place 580 Fifth Avenue longer. (Vitalis PRODUCTS PARADE 8 PARTING SHOTS 64 contains new grooming dis- New York 36, N. Y. covery.) Use Vitalis this summer — you'll WESTERN OFFICE fi i l and see the difference! 333 North Michigan Avenue Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not be returned unless a self-addressed, stamped envelope is included. Chicago 1, Illinois PROOF: VITALIS ALSO KILLS DANDRUFF GERMS Please notify the Donald R. Wilson, National Commander, Indianapolis Laboratory tests prove Vitalis Circulation Depart- John Stelle, McLeans- Lang Armstrong, Spo- L. Sears, Toledo, Ohio; kills germs associated with in- ment. Publications boro, Illinois, Chairman kane, Wash.; Charles George D. Levy, Sum- fectious dandruff on contact, Publica- Booth, Huntington, Division, P. O. Box of the Legion E. ter, S. C; Roland Coc- as no mere orl dressing can. tions Commission; Dan W. Va. Dr. Charles R. 10S5, Indianapolis, ; reham, Baton Rouge, W. Emmett, Ventura, Logan, Keokuk, Iowa; Indiana, if you have La.; George D. Baron, California, and Earl L. Dave H. Fleischer, St. changed your ad- Bethany, Conn.; Her- Use Meyer, A 1 1 iance, Ne- Louis, Mo.; Emmett dress, using notice schiel L. Hunt, Austin, braska, Vice-Chairmen. Safay, Jacksonvi lie, form 22S which you Tex.; Earl Hitchcock, Members of the Com- F la. ; Clovis Copeland, may Glens Falls, N. Y.; secure from mission: Max Slepin, Little Rock, Ark.; Paul your Postmaster. Be Philadelphia, Pennsyl- B. Dague, Downingtown, Edgar G. Vaughan, St. sure to cut off the vania; J. Russell lar- Pa.; Josephus Daniels, Paul, Minn.; Harold A. Vitalis address label on combe, Malta, Mont.; Jr., Raleigh, N. C; D. Shindler, Newburgh, Ind. your Magazine and Director of Publications A dvisory Editor Advertising Director paste it in the space James F. O'Neil Alexander Gardiner Fred L. Maguire HAIR TONIC provided. Always New York. N. Y. give your 1952 Managing Editor Eastern Adr. Mgr. and -the membership card Consultant Boyd B. Stutler WilliamM.DeVitalis James F. Barton Art Editor number and both Western Adv. Mgr. * your and Indianapolis. Ind. Al Marshall new your H. J. Prussing, Jr. A ss't to Director 60-Secohd Workout old address. Associate Editors Frank Lisiecki Robert B. Pitkin Detroit Adv. Rep. A Product of Bi istol-M yers Editor Joseph C. Keeley Irving Herschbein John D. Gillman 2 • The American Legion Magazine • July, 1952 MOBILE HOMES keep families together at Randolph Field The United States Air Force's largest combat crew training center is at Ran- dolph Air Force Base near San Antonio, Texas. It is headquarters for aircrew training activity and the 3510th Com- bat Crew Training Wing. Famous in recent years as the training center of thousands of air heroes, the Randolph base now assembles specialized B-29 aircrewmen into combat-ready teams. There are now forty trailer spaces at the base, and plans are under way for another park to provide sixty more. Trailerists on base are near work, medi- cal service, commissary, PX, laundry, movies and service clubs. The rent is only nine dollars per month. "WE'RE HAPPIER IN OUR TRAILER COACH," say Lt. and Mrs. Winfred W. Lackey, "than we ever were in other housing. We like having our own home and furnish- ings wherever we go. Moving is easy. We've pulled our mobile home 3,000 miles around the country. It has kept us comfortable in all climates, including 25° below in Wyoming". Priced from $2000 to $6000 including furnishings, these new TCMA trailer coaches offer attrac- tive, mobile and moderately priced housing for families in the Armed Forces, defense workers, construc- tion men, young marrieds, retired couples and many others. Make the TCMA emblem your guide to quality and satisfaction, for the members of TCMA are the leaders "OUR MOBILE HOME'S FACILITIES and equip- "THREE BEDROOMS WITH PRIVACY!" says Mrs. Lackey of the industry, pioneering improved ment are better and more complete than proudly. "The children sleep in the back bedroom. designs, dependably those we found in other available housing. The living room sofa converts to our bed, and the building to Housekeeping is much lighter, too", says dinette becomes the third bedroom. Our tiled bath- high standards. Mrs. Lackey. Lt. Lackey adds, "Trailer room has all new fixtures — including shower". This coach maintenance is very low compared is the Lackeys' second TCMA coach. They agree, to the upkeep of a house". "We've been far better off in mobile homes". FREE NEW BOOK! Complete infor- mation on newest TCMA mobile homes. Write TCMA, Dept. , Civic Opera Build- Chicago 6, Illinois. — . Mora Protection Sound Off! THAN ANY FAMOUS TIRE EVER OFFERED! Writers must give name and address. Name withheld if re- quested. So many letters are being received it is not possible to promise answers. Keep your letters short. Address: Sound Off, The American Legion Magazine, 580 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N. Y. PRO-BAGPIPES been claiming patriots ever since I can remember. They tried to claim Chopin, Sir: In reply to Tobias J. Fitzpatrick's let- Paderewski and many others. I have no ter in the May issue may I say that Mr. grudge against Liths. They have an idol Fitzpatrick's musical education has appar- in Jack Sharkey and us Poles have Stanley ently been neglected.
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