Canadian-American JOURNAL of History & Genealogy for Canadian, French and Metis Study Publication of the Northwest Territory Canadian & French Heritage Center #3 Spring 1996 ISSN 1075-2366 Contents lntter Fmn~The Editor 102 Baptismal Records 1835- 1887. LaPointe and Bayfield Indian Missions (part 7) . 103 John L. Schade Dictionary of History of the Canadians and the French Metis of the West (part 2) . 117 Fonnd In Other Periodicals . 127 Collection llpdate . 133 Queries 137 Book Reviews 143 Surname Index 1 47 Copyright 6 1996 Northwest Territory Canadian & French Heritage Center Photocopyine. in any manner is prohibited, as is any form of data retrieval. Arlnl~alindex in GPAI (Genealogical Periodical Annual Index, 'I'owle) and in PERsi. U.S. Subscription Rates $14.00 for 4 issues, $26.00 for 8 issues Canadian addresses $15.00 (4 issues), $28.00 (8 issues) US fonds Renewals and new subscriptions, please make checks payable to NWTC&FHC One free query per issue to subscribers. Advertisemenis are $1.00 per typewritlen line, $5.00 minimum. Submit typed copy exactly as it is to appear. Change of Address notification should be sent immediately. You will be billed for remailing charges if nolice was not sent. All correspondence, Queries, Exchange Periodicals, Books for Review and orders for back issues of Lost In Canada? or this Journal should be mailed to: NWTC&FHC, P.O. Box 29397, Brooklyn Center, MN 55429-03997 Canadian-Ameriemn JOURNAL or History & Genealogy for Cenadlen, French & Metls Study 101 Letter from the Staff Two letters arrived since the last issue was mailed that said esser~liallythe same thing. They pointed out a very important discrepancy that occurs time and time again not only in ourjoum.al but in many others. Not everyone who reads the journal is familiar with the place names mentioned. They may live far away or the name may be an old name no longer in use. To many of us they are common names, Bayfield and LaPointe (Wisconsin), but for someone who has spent their (entire life in California or Washington, they do not know whether we are talking about Minnesota, somewhere in Canada or some other place. We will try to make place names when ment~oned easier to locate by at least listing the state or similar reference. We hope that other editors will also take note of this and try to do the same. We do not claim to be perfect nor do we claim we ever will be, we will Jlowever keep trying to improve. While we are on the subject of periodicals and difficulty in realizing what is going on, we will list here some of our pet peeves. Why on earth would anyone use Ralman numerals? It becomes obvious as you track a publication that sooner 01. later someone botches the order of the letters used in Roman Numerals. I believe there are at least two that we receive that are currently incorrect. Another problem comes with periodicals that are the Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter issues. Probably the biggest problem with these is the winter issue, because one editor makes it the first issue of the year and the next makes it the last issue of the year We receive newsletters that say "winter 1995" and others that say "winter 1Wr"and they arrive ,at the same time. A suggested cure for this if you must use seasons is to call it "winter 1995-1'296." Next on the list is those that list only a month and year, this is all right if somewhere c~nthe title page it states that there are 4 issues per year issued in March. June, September and December or something similar. The last problem that comes along in cataloging are those where there are no page numbers. As we said we are not perfec~and there are probably those who will say, "what about yourjournal with it's sequential numbering." The issue numbers just keep growing and the page numbers are getting awful high. But I'll tell you this, you will be able to tell without a doubt if you are missing an issue, it will not take all day to figure it out. We are using seasons, but with only three issues a year, you will not find a winter issue. I will devote the rest of this letter to query suggestions. In nearly every periodical we pick up (ours too) we find those queries that read something like: "I am looking for anythingleverything on so and so." To make it short, I must be truthful. The query committee spends far less time on this type of query than on a query that is specific. "Need marriage date & place & parents of so & so who married so & so about 1823. They had a son John who married ..............." You should be exact as to what you require, if you really wsmt everything, write it all out. We do however suggest that you start with a simple question and sl:e what you get. Pf you are able to give some clue, that too is very helpful. We would rather see a member submit three short and to the point queries than to submit one query asking for everything. The shorter and to the point query is much more likely to get an answer from the query committee, or from another member, than one which is eilther vague in what it is you need or goes on and on with multiple questions. We are more than willing to run more than one query in an issue so long as space permits. Six pages are allotted for queries and so far that seems adequate. Members are welcome and encouraged to submit original works to be considered for publication in the Journal. The publicationscommittee will determine if and when an article should be included. If you submit an article, you will hear from us prior to your article being published. Them are incentives for authors. A1 Dahlquist vice president, library & publications 102 Canadian-American JOURNAL or History & Genealogy ror Canadisll, French & Melis !Study Baptismal Records, 1835-1887, Ke~tm at LaPointe & Bavfield, Indian Missions, By Iraneus ~redericBARAGA The following records are extracted from the Parish records of the Indian Mission done by Father Iraneus Frederic BARAGA. All entries were made by Father lraneus Frederic BARAGA unless otherwise stated in the entry. Please remember to checkeach entry closely to make sure you do not overlook the individual you are searching for as many of the Indian names are very hard to read on (he microfilm. The entries begin with the date 28 July 1835 & end with the date 15 Dec 1.887. Records extracted from microfilm by John L. SCHADE. The records were microfilmed by State Historical Society of Wisconsin as "Baptismal Records of Father Raraga" &are on microfilln reel M12-2352. Marriage & burial records remain in the custody of the parish, Holy Family at Bayfield, Wisconsin. It is a good idea to see what families participated during the visit of the priest. as relatives often came together. WABADJIDJIG, Dominic (WAWIABACHI): aged about 16 years of Lac du Flambeau, (parentage ungiven); baptized 25 Dec 1847 by Otto C.SKOLLA; Godparents: Ambroise DERAGON & Magdeleine MEDWEGWAN. CAUDIN, Angelique: born 13 Jan 1WatLapointe, the daughter of Jean Baptiste GAUDIN & Felicite BRISSETTE; baptized 16 Jan 1848 by Otto C. SKOLLA; Godparents: Joseph COMLLON & Angelique GAUDIN. PINESSI, Therese: born 01 Sep 1847 at Lapointe, the daughter of PINESSI & WIWASSAMOKWE; baptized 19 Jan 1848 by Otto C. SKOLLA; Godparents: Jean Baptiste ROY & Angelique PEMACHIKWE. BRISSK'fI'E. Helen horn 27 I-cb 1848 at Lpointr, the daughter of Charles RRISSETTK & M.~nrCHAR1.M: hnptiled 27 Fcb 1818 hy Otto C. SKOI.1.A. (;odparcnts: IA)II~\ NKVEL' & Isabelle PERINIER. GOSLIN, Magdeleine: born 06 Mar 1848 at Lapointe, the daughter of Jean Baptiste GOSLIN & C;troline MADJIANAKWADOKWE; baptized 12 Mar 1848 by Otto C. SKOLLA; Godparents: Antoine LAMOUREUX & Marthe LAMOUREUX. ROY, Louis: bor~i22 Apr 1848 at Mauvaise Riviere, the son of Vincent ROY & Elisabeth LACOMR; baptized 07 May 1848 by Otto C. SKOLLA; Godparents: Antoine GAUDIN & Elisabeth CORNOYER. CHOUINARD, Antoine: born 18 May 1848 at Lapointe, the son of Lucien CHOUINARD & Marie HEFLETTE; baptized 26 M ay 1848 by Otto C. SKOLLA; Godparents: Antoine PERINIER, Sr. & Mathilda PERINIER. ROY, Elisabeth: born 23 Jan 1848 at Lake Vermillion, the daughter of Francois ROY & Marguerite DUFAUT; baptized 11 Jun 1848 by Otto C. SKOLLA; Godparents: Joseph DUFAUT & JulieDUFAUT. ANAKWAD, Stephen: aged about 5 years of Lapointe, (parentage ungiven); baptized 18 Jun 1848 by Otto C. SKOLLA; Godparents: Alexis CARPENTIER & Marguerite BEAULIEU. Canadian-American JOURNAL or History & Genealogy lor Canadian. French & Metis Study 1 03 COUTURE, Robert: born 18 Jan 1848 al Red Izike, the son of Jostmph COUTURE 2li Marie TCHETCHIGWAIS; bapti7,ed 18 Jun 1848 by Otto C. SKOLLA; Godparents: Antoine TCHETCHIGWAIS & Angelique ROY. CHARETTE, Antoine: born 31 Mar 1848 at Lapointe, the son of Charles CHARETTE & Flisabeth ROY; baptized 18 Jun 18.18 by Otto C. SKOLLA; Godparents: Jean Baptiste1SAINT JEAN & Angelique SAINT JEAN. BEAULIEU, Catherine Elisabeth: born 15 Nov 1846 at Lac du Sables, the daughter of Paul BEAULIEU & Marie FERBANX; baptized 18 Jun 1848 by Otto C. SKOLLA; Godparents: AntoineBISSON& Marguerite BEAULIEU. DUFAUT, Marie: born 10 Oct 1847 at Portage de la Savaine, the daughter of Jean f3aptiste DUFAUT & Josephte SAGANACHI; baptized I8 Jun 1848 by Otto C. SKOLLA; Godparents: Charles CHALOUP & Isabelle CHALOUP. LAPRAIRIE, Leopold: born 08 Oct 1847 at Lac du Flambeau, lhe son of Jean Baptiste LAPRAIRIE & Elisaheth OGIJIACHIKWE; bapti7,ed 25 Jun 1848 by Otto C. SKOLLA; Godparents: Jean Baptiste GAUDIN, Sr.
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