mu uuuu ui iiui imi uui iiui imi lull uui uiu mui uu uii mi (12) United States Patent (lo) Patent No.: US 8,005,314 B2 Ortyn et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 23, 2011 (54) EXTENDED DEPTH OF FIELD IMAGING (56) References Cited FOR HIGH SPEED OBJECT ANALYSIS U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventors: William Ortyn, Bainbridge Island, WA 3,497,690 A 2/1970 Gunter et al . .............. 250A61.2 (US); David Basiji, Seattle, WA (US); 3,555,280 A 1/1971 Richards, Jr . ................. 250/201 Keith Frost, Seattle, WA (US); Luchuan 3,586,760 A 6/1971 Dillenburger ................. 348/339 Liang, Woodinville, WA (US); Richard 3,922,069 A 11/1975 Kishikawa et al. ........... 359/633 Bauer, Kirkland, WA (US); Brian Hall, (Continued) Seattle, WA (US); David Perry, Woodinville, WA (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS EP 0 154 404 9/1985 (73) Assignee: Amnis Corporation, Seattle, WA (US) (Continued) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this OTHER PUBLICATIONS patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 1267 days. Pietro Ferraro et al. "Extended focused image in microscopy by digital holography", Optics Express, vol. 13, No. 18, Sep. 5, 2005, 12 (21) Appl. No.: 11/609,269 pages.* (22) Filed: Dec. 11, 2006 (Continued) (65) Prior Publication Data Primary Examiner George Neurauter (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Ronald M. Anderson US 2007/0146873 Al Jun. 28, 2007 (57) ABSTRACT Related U.S. Application Data A high speed, high-resolution flow imaging system is modi- (60) Provisional application No. 60/748,888, filed on Dec. fied to achieve extended depth of field imaging. An optical 9, 2005. distortion element is introduced into the flow imaging system. Light from an object, such as a cell, is distorted by the dis- (51) Int. Cl. tortion element, such that a point spread function (PSF) of the G06K9140 (2006.01) imaging system is invariant across an extended depth of field. G06K9164 (2006.01) The distorted light is spectrally dispersed, and the dispersed G03H 1/00 (2006.01) light is used to simultaneously generate a plurality of images. G02B 3110 (2006.01) The images are detected, and image processing is used to G02B 13106 (2006.01) enhance the detected images by compensating for the distor- (52) U.S. Cl. .......... 382/275; 359/30; 359/721; 359/725; tion, to achieve extended depth of field images of the object. 382/279 The post image processing preferably involves de-convolu- (58) Field of Classification Search ................ 359/1 35, tion, and requires knowledge of the PSF of the imaging sys- 359/368398, 721, 725; 356/457-458; tem, as modified by the optical distortion element. 382/209-210, 275, 279, 280; 348/79-80 See application file for complete search history. 23 Claims, 15 Drawing Sheets 120 150 20120' 7120 110 rJ 120' 108 118 10 105 " 106 103A IN 116 104 102 I I J 100 199 98 I I 5B I CUVETTE MANIPULATOR g l US 8,005,314 B2 Page 2 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,381,363 B1 4/2002 Murching et al . ............ 382/164 6,473,176 B2 10/2002 Basiji etal . ................... 356/326 4,313,734 A 2/1982 Leuverin g """""""""""' 23/230 6,507,391 B2 1/2003 Basiji et al. 356/28 4,414,575 A 11/1983 Yamamoto et al. 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