September 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E901 and nutrition classes and community care pro- accident, was reassigned to General Eisen- From children to veterans, the prevalence of grams. Sister Beth also oversaw the develop- hower’s extended staff and special services di- this condition is reflected in my own district. ment of many strong partnerships, especially vision. In this role, he oversaw logistics and The physicians and staff at the Children’s with the students and faculty of Niagara Uni- supply for U.S. bases in Great Britain and Hospital of San Antonio perform the brain sur- versity, and an expansion of private fund- supported Operation Torch in North Africa and geries necessary to treat many of the one in raising, foundation support and public grant Operation Overlord in Normandy. He was 770 babies across the country who develop awards to meet the growing demand for qual- awarded the Legion of Honor from France in hydrocephalus per year. Nationwide, these ity health and nutritional services. 2018 for his service. cases alone cost the U.S. health care system Sister Beth once said, ‘‘At Heart and Soul I Following his military career, he made his $2 billion per year. Veterans and active mili- feel as I’ve come home’’ and it is with her wel- home in Virginia and worked as a transpor- tary personnel, such as those stationed at coming smile, boundless energy and unwaver- tation logistics specialist. He was an advocate Joint Base San Antonio, are also ing respect for the humanity of others that she for minority participation in the transportation disproportionally affected. Medical researchers greets her clients, fellow staff members and all industry and volunteered his expertise to serve believe that two-thirds of our nation’s current who come to her in need. She makes every- on President Carter’s National Defense Execu- and former military service members suffering one feel like they have found a home as well tive Reserve and to consult on logistics for from moderate to severe traumatic brain inju- with her candor, commitment and complete President Reagan’s inauguration. ries are at risk of developing hydrocephalus. embrace of social justice. Sister Beth’s service Mr. Duncan was also very active in his com- In the midst of this pandemic, it is now more to others has blazed a trail for us to follow. munity and was named one of the 100 most important than ever to improve the federal Though truly humble and generous in her influential people in Loudoun County in 2016. government’s partnership with the hydro- gratitude to others, it must be acknowledged He served on the Loudoun County Transpor- cephalus community. Many individuals with that her legacy will live on in ‘‘Daybreak,’’ the tation Economic Development Committee and hydrocephalus live with other serious medical new one-stop center opening this year fol- as a board member of the Loudoun Sym- comorbidities, putting them at a higher risk for lowing a multi-million-dollar capital campaign. phony. He was also a passionate advocate for severe illness from COVID–19. We must do all More than 30 partner agencies will be housed caregivers, having cared for Elsie, his beloved we can to help patients, health care profes- under one roof allowing for easier access to wife of 72 years, as she struggled with Alz- sionals and families as they struggle to main- expanded services for the homeless and those heimer’s disease in her final years. Labor of tain and improve quality of life during these who find themselves in need of assistance. Love Day, which he founded, is celebrated challenging times. I am honored to have had the opportunity to every Labor Day in Loudoun County to raise I urge my colleagues to join me in recog- work with Sister Beth for the betterment of Ni- awareness of family caregivers and their loved nizing Hydrocephalus Awareness Month and agara Falls and our Western New community ones who struggle with Alzheimer’s. the 1 million Americans living with hydro- as she has become a voice for those tradition- Mr. Duncan passed away last year at the cephalus by joining the Congressional Pedi- ally not heard and a champion for those who age of 100, two months after he attended the atric and Hydrocephalus Caucus. deserve every opportunity to live lives of 75th anniversary and commemoration of the f value. Fueled by her deep faith, Sister Beth D-Day landings in Normandy, France. He is PERSONAL EXPLANATION Brosmer embodies the unyielding compassion deeply missed by his three children, eight necessary to foster healing in mind, body and grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren, and soul. And while she will be greatly missed, two great-great-grandchildren. HON. NEAL P. DUNN Sister Beth Brosmer’s home will always be at Today, the House of Representatives will OF FLORIDA Heart, Love & Soul. honor Mr. Duncan’s life and memory by pass- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker, I take this time to con- ing legislation to name the post office in Lees- Wednesday, September 30, 2020 gratulate, celebrate and thank Sister Beth burg, Virginia after him. I ask my colleagues to Mr. DUNN. Madam Speaker, I was unable Brosmer for her lifetime of service. She is truly join me in recognizing Mr. Duncan’s life and to be present for votes during the week of 9/ a beacon of light and hope and her work will his lifelong commitment to service. 21 and on 9/28 due to a minor medical proce- leave a lasting impact on the Niagara Falls f dure. Had I been present, I would have voted community. RECOGNIZING HYDROCEPHALUS YEA on Roll Call No. 196; YEA on Roll Call f AWARENESS MONTH No. 197; YEA on Roll Call No. 198; NAY on PERSONAL EXPLANATION Roll Call No. 199; NAY on Roll Call No. 200; YEA on Roll Call No. 201; NAY on Roll Call HON. LLOYD DOGGETT No. 202; NAY on Roll Call No. 203; NAY on HON. RUBEN GALLEGO OF TEXAS Roll Call No. 204; YEA on Roll Call No. 205; OF ARIZONA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NAY on Roll Call No. 206; NAY on Roll Call IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, September 30, 2020 No. 207; and YEA on Roll Call No. 208. Wednesday, September 30, 2020 Mr. DOGGETT. Madam Speaker, I rise f Mr. GALLEGO. Madam Speaker, I missed today to recognize Hydrocephalus Awareness HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE two votes on September 29, 2020. Had I been Month. Every September patients, caregivers OF FRANCIS V. EGELER present, I would have voted: YEA on Roll Call and their families come together throughout No. 207, and YEA on Roll Call No. 208. the nation in support of the more than HON. JACK BERGMAN 1,000,000 people of all ages living with hydro- f OF MICHIGAN cephalus in the United States. As co-chair of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COMMEMORATING THE LIFE OF the Congressional Pediatric and Adult Hydro- NORMAN DUNCAN cephalus Caucus, I believe Congress has an Wednesday, September 30, 2020 important role to play in both raising aware- Mr. BERGMAN. Madam Speaker, It is my HON. JENNIFER WEXTON ness of this condition, as well as crafting poli- honor to recognize the life of Francis V. OF VIRGINIA cies that result in better treatments and poten- Egeler, who passed away recently after a life- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tially a cure. I urge my colleagues to join the time of service to his fellow Michiganders. caucus to learn more about this devastating Through his extreme dedication to public serv- Wednesday, September 30, 2020 condition. ice, Frank became an indispensable part of Ms. WEXTON. Madam Speaker, I rise today Anyone can develop hydrocephalus, an ab- the state of Michigan. to commemorate the life of Norman Duncan, a normal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in Frank was born on December 28, 1963. World War II veteran who dutifully served our the brain, at any time. This can include pre- After graduating from Traverse City Saint country, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and mature babies, active duty service members, Francis High School in 1982, Frank spent a his Loudoun County community throughout his veterans, and seniors. Individuals can also be year working with Young Americans as a light life. born with hydrocephalus, develop it as part of and sound operator before studying account- Mr. Duncan was born in 1919 to Lithuanian the aging process, or acquire it as a result of ing at Northwestern Michigan College. Fol- immigrants and grew up in Manhattan before infections, brain tumors or traumatic brain inju- lowing his education, Frank found his passion moving to Washington, D.C. He was drafted ries, among other causes. The only present and calling in life while working on his first po- during World War II, and, following a training treatment for this condition is brain surgery. litical campaign in 1998. This launched a VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:28 Oct 01, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30SE8.009 E30SEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS E902 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 30, 2020 twenty-two career in Michigan Republican poli- Ms. Lowe grew up in Dumas, Arkansas in Ms. Lowe was also a sage counselor, men- tics, where he would go on to greatly shape the painful shadow of Jim Crow. When she tor, and role model to countless civic leaders, the political makeup of Michigan, especially in was just fifteen, her family moved to Kansas community organizers, and elected officials Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula.
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