Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1990 Daily Egyptian 1990 11-28-1990 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 28, 1990 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1990 Volume 76, Issue 66 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 28, 1990." (Nov 1990). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1990 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1990 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian So uthern Illinois University at Carbondale Wednesday, November 28, 1990, Vol 76, No. 66, W Pages Major elected British prime minister LONDON (UP/) - Chancellor mJniSlCf th is CCfllury. received J 31 votes and Foreig-n "II is a very exciting thing 10 be the early 19805 because he was 001 John Major, who was groomed by Although Major fe ll IWO \'Ol es Secretary Douglas Hurd gm 56 10 a leader of the Conscrvati\-e Pany, afraid 10 stand up 10 her and she Ma!garel Thatd!cr 10 succccd her. short of the 187 he nooJcd 10 win Major's !~ 5 . and particularly exciting 10 fo"",,' saw him a s "'a u-ue lJ'1 an 01 the Tuesday was elcacd the youngcsl outright on a sccond-ro J' ~ hallol MP Cran' .. Onslow, vic". one of the most n:martabIc 1ca<I-",; p""ple. " " Ma!garel Tha<chcr will prime minister of Britam in more of C OnSeTv2u\,e m crn ~ o f chairman o f th"e eommiut:e thai the Consavativc Pany hM ever be secn as a very great prime than 150 years. ParliamenL, his IWO OPI enL" oversaw lhe election, cancelled a had. .. be said. ~ indeed, .. Majo< said. Thatd!cr, prime minislcr for II conccdod defeal and wged that ~.c th ird·round ~allOI scheduled for "Our job DOW is quite dear. We Thatcher, the longest ruling If2 years, is fonnally to tender her be made party leader and prime T~u r sday to dete rmine a final are going 10 unite, Imitc lOIally and prime ministe.- this ccnWfy, said resignation 10 Queen Elizabeth II '" mmi.sl£7. wmner. absolutely and go on 10 win the she was " thrilled" by Major's Buckingham Palace al 9:40 a.m. Renegade MP Mic" ael Major, accomi'anied by his wife neu cIcction. .. eleaicn, a<u'rILn8 10 a cloge aide. Wednesday. and minulcs laler Hescltine, who deall the blow = Norma " appean."d briefl y on He also praised the womon who Majo< will become the 20th prime led to Thatcher's resignation, Downing Su= 10 c.'aim victay. Itandpicbld hilll as her ~ in SeeIlAJOR, Page 5 Economists: Fake money Recession new to states here until '91 found in area WASHINGTON (UPI ) - The U.S . By Douglas Powell economy alrcaey is In recession, bUI we StalfWriter downturn should b(' mild and lasl only thruugh the middle of nexl year, the National Couruafeil CUlTClIcy never before passed Associauon of Business Economis-L'O sa id in the Unilcd SLaLeS has appeared in Tuesday Otrbondale. Thrcc·quartcrs of the associa ti o n '~ 51 The Carbondale Police DepanmCllt and the economic forecasters bel ieve Lhe ()"'OOOOly is Secret Srtvloe are investigating the discovery slogging through a recession. and lwo-thirds of two counterfeit SIOO bills passed in bc.lizvc the reccs5Jon \VI II be VJewed as mild Ca-bondale over the woel:end. In a historical comcx L The type of bills, passed at K man and BUI lhal forecast \I.~ based on interViews Walgreen Drug Store at the University Mall. conducted in August. ami th e fo recasters are the rust bills of their kind", appear in the assumed that oil prices. which ha ve United Slates. said Special Agenl Dodson skyn.>ekclcd since the Aug. 2 invasion of Reaves of the Secret Service in Springfield. Kuwail ~ )' Iraq, would retreat. said Richard He said several million dollars worth of Rippe. !.he association s prcMdent and chief these particular bills have been seized tn economist a1. Dean Witter Reynolds lor. Milan, ltaly, ..,i lhin~ list. decade, " h would be our bc.'i;l judgm~\l that over "'This bill has De'.... btfore been passed in the nc~l year oil prr...cs will come dO\\fJ1 and the Sl31es, and if some 'had. then we would that will ~imi n is h the (negative) impact on Ihe econom)':' Rippe "",d. See MONEY, Page 5 Rippe ':did the gears of the na lion 's cconom ic engine had been slowing befon: the Persian Gulf Oared. bUI nol necessarily 10 the point of recession. " The economy was on a slow-growth traCk before the Persian Gulf crisis and this track has been converted 10 a recession outlook."" he said. Assuming th a i the c urrent econo mic expansion ended al 93 months. Il "Jived a long and prosperous life"' ar,d fell short of Naughty or nice? the postwar record expansinn of 1961 to 1\169, the assocmuon said. Tt,omas t3 '., Keller, son 01 Yvonne Keller of Murphysboro, sits on Sant;)'s lap a. too University Mall Tuesday morning. Gus says C-)Unlerfelters passed t ile See ~ECESSlON , Page 5 buek, but whO pays the bill? Com In ittee slue to remain open SchoolblfH helps1 to offer help asthmatics in spite of prediction -Page 3 with wastes By Erie Reyes Comedian has I StalfWrite, hypnotic show By Eric Reyes I and .;ttristina Hall The SIUC hoBo >lOd halls of Staff "'riIers learning WlAl'l be; h.>llow Dec;. j despite pncdi Clions .If a possible A Uni versity adv(gyy committee ~ior earthquake. S!UC Pncsidcru will he lp de velop possible Joim C. Guyon said. schools were talcing. None of the programs for managing hazardous Guyon's response came after a universities are """,ceiling classes. W3>." generntcd by SIOC nood of calls in October from 'We have no provisions for Dec. The hazardous waste oversight ooncemed students and facuUy. 3: he said. " We have a campus advisory comrr.iuec will assess the 8en'j3ITIln A. Shepherd [ben Browning. a New Mexico disaster plan." . generation of ha7.ardous waste scientist and businessman has G uyon said earthquake prepared. materials by academic u.rits as well large amounl in chemistry, cinema prmicted a majo< earthquake aloog ness aeli vilies are occu) ring but as sLOred hazardous waste, said and photography and agriculture." the New M3drid faull for De!". 3. only as a Iwoader emergency plan. Benjamin Shepherd. vice presidenl " I thoughl a faculty advisory "Then: wac about forty or 6 fly Guyon disputed Browning's of ~dcm i c affalIS a;ld re£eafCh. group would be helpful in calls (from part:Ilts and students) in predicLions in a o v. 26 Daily More than 10.000 COO lailOers o f promulgating guidelines about the Iasl month," Guyon said, noting Egyptian advcnise mcnl . ~y in g hazardous waste ranging from a ha 2.ardous waste generation," thaI some part:Ilts wanted 10 Imow most s!ismologisLS di spute the fe w grams 10 15 gallons a rc Shcphcnl .aid. if Ihe Unl\"CTSily would be closed prediClJon because "'~ "simply generated b) the Un,versilY each " The Iarges! amount (of w.. <;te) is Doc. 3. lacks the ability If) predicl exactly YOlT. said John MeislCf. director of by a result of i nstruction,­ He Sd id SI UC . like other area whe n a nd whelc 3 '-Iuakc will Pollution Conuol. S hepherd said. " The second is unjversities, wiIJ flOl cancel cJas.ses. happen."" Aboul 85 percenl of thaI waste researc h a nd both are fac ull y Guyon said Uni vc:sity Relations G uyon said scismologiq,\ agree comes from insLr uc lio n 31'd activities." contacted Southeast Missoori SIaIC. there is a 30 ~"CCnt chance of an = h, MeiSICT said. Shepherd scs id the commiucc Memphis StaLC, Murray StaLe, L'>c rarthquake measuring al 7.(1 on the Shepherd S31d, " In panieular the a lso wi ll consider rccommCII- University nf Evans.rillc and the Richter Scale on the New Madrod faculty is in volved in instruction, Univcrsi ly o. 'ioulhcm Indiana to which, for cumplc generales a See WAS'; E, Page 5 to fi nd out what act.ion ~ those See QUAKE, Page 5 No-embcr 28, 1990 Sports (I,lIh I ~\ pTI.t-R- " Olson case brings Saluki women bring show home to Arena fines to three Patriots By Paul Pabst made it all the way to the Stafl Writer NEW YORK (UP!) - Three instructional materials f", al! NFL Philip Heymann of Harvard Law second round of the NCAA players and the New England personnel, including players, on School. lOlunamcnl The home opener tonight for "I don 't have to remind our Patriots were fined a total of responsible dealings with the HC}'Ii1aJIIl, formerly a prosecutOr the women's basketball team $ 72,500 Tuesday by NFL media. in the Watergate scandal. was players what they did to us last against Nonhern DlinDis CQI,;d year." Head Coach Cindy Scou Commissioner Paul Thgliabue in Owner Victor Kiam , in a appointed OCL 1 to investigate give the Salukis a dose R & said. "They embarrassed us. connection with the sex'Jal sLatement released through his Olson 's allegations. The report or was R. NO! rest and relaxation, but Northern is one of th e besl harnssmeru of sportswriter Lisa public relations agency in New submincd 10 Tagliaboe 00 Nov. 7. running and revenge. team, we'U play this year and I Olson in the l13JJ's Ioctcr 1Il""'.
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