Weather Diftribjtttjos Today 7 a.m. temperature M. Sunny THE DAILY today, high « to JO. Tonight and tomorrow, fair. Low tonight in 25,775 the Hi. High tomorrow in the ( Red Bank Area J 7h. Friday, fair, mild. Set Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. weather, page 2. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS luutd duly. Mondty through Friday. Baeond Clui Puttii VOL. 88, NO. 66 Pild U B»d Buk vd U AddtUonJ Milllnj Olflcii. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Volcano's Toll Feared Ifeavy By Mario Roxas Tuesday. Officials feared a Taal as a precaution against burns. The Red Cross said Survivors who escaped across TA G A Y T AY, Philippines heavy toll among the island's 2,- another eruption and an accom- many appeared to have died the lake during the eruption told (AP) — The first rescue work- 000 inhabitants and in villages panying tidal wave. from fear and shock. of a rain of boulders that.cap* ers reached the blackened along the lakeshore 5 to 10 miles Bodies Recovered The rescue group on the is- sized frail fishing boats in which shores of the Taal volcano today from the island. The Red Cross reported 184 land reported thigh-deep volcan- the island's farm families tied. and reported "a wide expanse The party on the island re- bodies recovered on the main- ic mud, with two villages com- Frogmen began a search for of death and destruction." ported the 984-foot volcano had land, 104 of them in the lakeside pletely submerged in debris. bodies in the lake, parts of it 600 There was no immediate subsided to occasional rumbles town of Agoncillo. Many were The party said half the island feet deep, The once clear waters casualty estimate from the first and belches of smoke. The local killed by the great chunks of appeared covered with the vol- were murky with volcanic ash; to land on the 12-square-mile military commander ordered rock the volcano hurled through canic mud that rained for eight Thousands Huddle island in Lake Taal where the the evacuation of all persons the air. Some were enveloped in hours or more after the first The Red Cross reported 55,000 volcano erupted at 2:30 a.m. from low areas around Lake hot ash and mud and died of eruption. (See VOLCANO. Page 3) Young GOP Asks Genovese By WILLIAM HENDERSON club's session at the Old Union The controversial words were RED BANK - Members of the House, that the Passaic Young these: Monmouth County Young Repub- Republicans had sent the reso- "Those of. you who know me < lican Club signed a sharply lution here and to 20 other young know that I am a Marxist and worded resolution last night urg- GOP clubs throughout the state. a Socialist. Therefore, unlike ing the dismissal of Rutgers Prof. Genovese became the big most of my distinguished col- Prof. Eugene Genovese, But they issue in the gubernatorial cam- leagues here this morning, I do still want him to debate here. paign because, of his statement not fear or regret the impending Viet Cong victory in Viet Nam. VOLCANO — Smoke and debris soar from the Taal A motion also was made at saying that he would welcome I welcome it." Volcano in the Philippines at th» volcano on an island the meeting to censor Rutgers a Viet Cong victory in Viet University president Dr. Mason Nam. The recording, which lasted In Laka Taal erupted yesterday. This view was made Gross, of Monmouth Ave., Rum- The resolution, in part, reads: about 20 minutes, indicated that from Tagaytay Ridge, three miles away. A heavy toll son, for allowing the professor "Before the good names of the students applauded Genovese to continue teaching history at it feared among the island's 2,000 inhabitants and in Rutgers University; its patriotic for these remarks, as well as the seat of learning. The motion villages along the lake shore, 5 to 10 mites from the alumni, and all the millions of others he made. Genovese said was not carried. he would debate anyone.. Island. IAP Wimphoto) New Jersey taxpayers who sup- It was learned during the port this institution are placed There were at least three in further jeopardy, we the un- Young Republicans present who dersigned urge that Professor asked the club president, George Genovese be publicly repudiated Hespe, why their executive com- and dismissed from the universi- mittee had agreed several days MiddletownL ibraryty faculty and be replaced by a ago to send Prof. Genovese a eacher who appreciates the tra- letter asking him to debate on ditions and virtues of the coun- his Viet Cong statement so that try about which he teaches. people could be further enlight- "It is incredible that Ameri- ened on the subject. can boys continue to die for their Mr. Hespe said the club would Site Issue Waxes Hotcountry's freedom while a self- choose a highly-qualified man to MIDDLETOWN - The library site purchase, but has not turned Township Engineer Richard M. admitted Marxist professor at debate Genovese and . the lite question became a full- blown the money over to the board. Schultz said he has not been Rutgers is paid with our state clash would draw a big crowd. controversy yesterday as the Li- Not a Word asked for estimates. Business Ad- tax money to preach America's "We don't want him here," brary Board, in a special after- Although Library Director Wil- ministrator Richard W. Seuffert defeat. We do not challenge his shouted one member. noon session, formally endorsed liam J. LeKernec attended last said the board asked him for right of free expression. Prof. Genovese has not yet ac- the Spruce Dr. site and the Town night's committee meeting, the estimates but he has not yet We'do challenge his right to do cepted the challenge to debate ihip Committee refused to place word "library" was not men- passed the request on to Mr. it at our expense." next month. tioned during the session. Schultz. the matter on its agenda last Some of the club members Freeholder Marcus Daly; Lin- POLITICKING IS FUN —The political game isn't always serious business as noted in night. Board President Mrs. Karl F. Mr. Schultz said improvement signed the resolution when it was croft, as guest speaker, said this picture of Freeholder Marcus Daly, lefViincroftt Mn. Alic« Cilli, Little Silver, Mayor Ernest C. Kavalek, a Wihtol said yesterday afternoon it work will be costly but that "it brought.to the floor. Others.did "Our youths are the Republican board member, promptly blasted was her undemanding that the will take quite a bit of study to so after a surprise tape record- party of the future. They will vice president of the Monmouth County Young Republican Club,' •nc)\&eorge_Hesp«1 the board for its action and de- site question had'been placed on determine a figure." ing of the professor's sit-in help.us retain the two-party sys- Middlatowrt, club* pr»iicf«nt. Occaiion was maetTng "of t^a Young RepuWicans at the the committe's agenda for last Asking price for the 10-acre speech at Rutgers last April, was tem which President Johnson is clared that he will continue to Old Onion House, Red Bank. Mr. Daly was guest speaker. •-''-''•';'• < • - - • oppott the aite. night. Site Is $45,000. working to eliminate." Committeemen told The Regis Mayor Kavalek criticized the Other members of the govern- ter that it had not been, because board for selecting the site be- ing body conceded that they are more time is needed to discuss fore obtaining all cost figures ; divided over the issue. the entire question. which would be related to it.! ' Candidates Assail Formey Leaders Middletown Committeeman Douglas R. At its previous meeting, the He said he still feels that town- Burke, who said he has not de- board said it would obtain esti- shipowned land should be used cided which site he prefers, noted mates from the township engi- "to save the taxpayers money."' that the board, under state law, neer as to costs for improving the Mr. Kavalek's first choice is the has the power to designate a Spruce Dr. - Kings Hwy. inter- property in the rear of town hall, Keyport Democrats Split cite, but the Township Commit- section, and widening Spruce Dr. about 3% acres. His second tee can block it by withholding Mrs. Wihtol said yesterday the choice, and the second choice of funds for purchase. KEYPORT — Democratic candidates mitteeman, replacing a committeeman who site vote was taken even though the board, he said, is the seven- last night repudiated former Mayor Norman moved out of town, and that "it is clear that The committee has "ear- these estimates have not yet been acre tract, township-owned, on the 'J. Currie, former Mayor Charles E. Apple- Mr. Applegate is trying to get in position to Plans for Sewfer marked" {40,000 this year for obtained. (See LIBRARY, page 3) gate and Democratic leader William C. run for office next year, with Mr. Currie's Friedrich. ^ aid." MIDDLETOWN — Municipal Mr. Vliet lost-the case in. Mu- Mr. Schein hit the two men for opposing Issue Held Still Deadlocked The candidates are Fred J. Schein and sewer engineer Charles J. Kup- nicipal. Court but won an appeal. David S. Pangborn, for council; Henry Da- the recent school referendum, and charged per was authorized by the Town- Mr. D«Maio -tpld: th,e committee miano, for assessor, and John W.
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