Ortonville Preston KVOX -FM -Co -Owned with KVOX(AM)

Ortonville Preston KVOX -FM -Co -Owned with KVOX(AM)

W. 104th St., Bloomington (55431). (612) 881 -2633. Minnesota Radio Storz Bcstg Co. (group owner; acq 1 -56). Net: NBC. Morris Rep: Blair. Format: Mod country. Robert H. Storz, KMRS(AM) 16, 1956: 1230 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 pres; Dale G. Weber, gen mgr; Gary Stone, prog dir: -Sept w -N. Box (56267). (612) 589.3131. Western Bob Bundgaard, news dir; Doug Thompson, chief engr. 231 Minn. Bcstg. Group owner: Hedberg. Net: MBS, Hed- WLOL(FM) -1956: 99.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 880 ft. berg Farm. Rep: McGavren -Guild. Format: Farm. C &W. KDIO(AM) -July 23. 1956: 1350 khz; 1 kw -D. Box Stereo. 1370 Davern St., St. Paul (55116). (612) Paul C. Hedberg, pres; Gene Steinhorst, gen mgr; 115 (56278). (612) 839 -2581. Tri -State Bcstg Co. 698-5566. Emmis Bcstg Corp. (acq 10- B -82). Rep: Larry Best, mus dir; Joe Matrick, news dir; Mike Rep: Cooke. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Farm 10 hrs Selcom. Format: Adult contemp. Doyle Rose, gen Hendrickson, chief engr. Rates: $13.50: 12.50; 12; wkly. Richard S. Schultz, pres & chief engr; W.F. (CY) mgr; Dave Hellerman, chief engr. 9. McCormick, gen mgr: Donald P. Egert. VP & prog dir; 'WMCNIFM) -(St. Paul) Sep 15, 1979: 91.7 mhz: 10 KKOK -FM -Co -owned with KMRS(AM). Sep 16. Cindy Hayes. news dir. w. 1600 Grand Ave., St. Paul (55105). (612) 696 -6082. 1976: 95.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 474 ft. Stereo, Dups AM KBAA(FM) -Co -owned with KDIO(AM). Not on air, Macalester College. Format: Prog. Spec progs: Class 15 %. Format: Adult contemp. Bill Eckerson, prog dir. target date unknown: 106.3 mhz, 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. 4 hrs, jazz 20 hrs, news /public affairs 5 hrs, loc music Rates: $14; 14; 14; 9. 5 hrs wkly. Michael Dickens, gen mgr: A.J. White. 17, 1970: mhz; 10 w. Ant 70 chief engr. KUMM(FM) -Sep 89.7 Owatonna ft. (CP: ERP 223 w, Ant 57 ft.). University of Minnesota- 1390 khz; 500 w -D. Box K WWTC(AM) -Aug 10, 1925: 1280 khz; 5 kw -U. DA- Morris (56267). (612) 589 -2220. University of Min- KRFO(AM) -1950: 451 -2250. Owatonna Bcstg Co. (acq N. 123 E. Grant St. (55403). (612) 871 -2608. nesota. Format: Prog, top -40. Spec progs: Jazz 3 hrs. (55060). (507) 1 -56). Format: MOR. Spec progs: Sp 1 hr. farm 9 hrs Metropolitan Radio Inc. (acq 5- 16 -78). Net: MBS. Rep: ed 1 hr wkly. Curtis A. Nelson, gen mgr. 5- Allen, pres & gen mgr; Todd Hale, prog Masía. Format: MOR, oldies. Robert E. Short, pres: wkly. Duane Charles Loufek, gen mgr; William Knowles, coml mgr; New Prague dir & prom mgr; Gerald J. Boos, coral & stn mgr, chief Dick Driscoll, opns mgr; Don Thompson, chief engr. engr. Rates: $7.20; 5.05; 7.20; 4.95. Rates: $24; 24; 24; 24. KCHK(AM) -Sep 22. 1969: 1350 khz; 500 w -D, DA. 25821 Langford Ave. (56071). (612) 758 -2571. KRFO -FM- December 29, 1966: 104.9 mhz; 2.9 kw. Kingsley Murphy, Jr. Net: Minnesota News. Format: Ant 175 ft. Prog dups AM 70 %. C &W. Spec progs: Old -time music 18 hrs, farm 4 hrs Montevideo KRPC(FM) -June 12, 1978: 90.1 mhz; 130 w 315 wkly. Kingsley Murphy Jr., pres; Jack B. Ludescher, Grove St. (55060). (507) 451 -2710. ext 205. Pillsbury KDMA(AM) 21, 1951: 1460 khz: 1 kw -U, DA -N. gen mgr; Rick Hennen, prog dir & prom mgr; Rick -Dec Baptist Bible College. Net: UPI. Format: Ed, rel. Dr. Box 738 (56265). (612) 269 -8815. Midwest Bcstg Co. Hennen, mus dir: Kim Elliott, news dir; Dick Johnson, Joseph A. Rammel. pres; Randy L. Miller, gen mgr & Group owner: Linder. Net: ASCII; Linder Farm Net. chief engr. Rates: $9; 9; 9; -. news dir; Dale McConachie, prog dir. Rep: Torbet. Format: Adult contemp blend, news, info. Spec prog: Farm 25 hrs wkly. Don Linder, pres; Dan New Ulm Carlson, VP opns; Dee Hodge, VP sls; Dwight Mulder, Park Rapids prog dir; Lou Oullette, mus dir; Janell Hunt, news dir. KNUJ(AM) -May 1949: 860 khz; 1 kw -D. 510 1/2 KPRM(AM) -Dec 1, 1962: 1270 khz; 5 kw-D. (CP: Rates: $12; 12; 12; 11. Third St. North (56073). (507) 359 -2921. KNUJ Inc. khz; 2.5 kw-D, 1 kw -N. DA -N). Box 49 (56470). Net: APR. Rep: Pro Radio, Hurley. Format: Farm, div. 870 (218) 732 -3306. E.P. De La Hunt Jr. Group owner: De KMGM(FM) -Oct 1, 1982: 105.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 Spec prog: Ger 3 hrs wkly. Daniel Kemnitz, gen mgr; La Hunt Bcstg Group. Net: NBC. Format: C &W. E.P. ft. Quad. 308 S. 1st, Rose Radio Mall (56265). (612) prog dir; Mike Stark, mus dir; Don Brand, news dir; Hunt Jr., pres. gen mgr & chief engr; Carol J. De 269 -6451. Western Minnesota Stereo. Net: RKO II, Bonnie McCarvel, farm dir; Gerald Walston. opns mgr De La La Hunt, stn mgr. Rates: $10; 10; 10; 10. RKO Radio, Minnesota News, AG- American Radio. & chief engr. Rates: $35; 19; 19; 19. Format: Adult contemp, farm. Rep: Walton. Eqing. KPRM -FM -Dec, 1967: 97.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 410 ft. Jerry Hennen, pres & gen mgr; Gary Hetle, KXLP(FM) -Nov 21, 1966: 93.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant top -40, Stereo. Prog dups AM 30 %. Net: NBC. Format: Btfl mgr news dir; Al Matzborgg, mus dir; Scott 362 ft. Stereo. Dups AM 10 %. Format: Contemp hit opns & mus. Rates same as AM. Hennen, prog dir; Vern Jordahl, gen sls mgr; Jeanette radio. Mike Stapleton, mus dir. Rates: $15; 12.50; Hennen. prom mgr; Mike Stokes, chief engr. Rates: 12.50; 12.50. S15; 13; 12; 10. Pequot Lakes Northfield KTIG(FM) -April 30, 1978: 100.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 Monticello -KRLX(FM)- January 25, 1975: 90.3 mhz; 10 w. Ant ft. Stereo. Box 409 (56472). (218) 568 -4422. Min- 72 ft. Carleton College (55057). (507) 663 -4127. nesota Christian Broadcasters Inc. Net: UPI. Format: KMOM(AM)- November 1981: 1070 khz; 10 kw -D, Carleton College. Format: Prog. Spec progs: Jazz 2 Rel. Spec progs: Farm 1 hr, class 2 firs wkly. Richard 2.5 kw -N, DA -1. Box 900 (55362). (612) 295 -2300. hrs, class 3 hrs, Fr 1 hr, Sp 2 his wkly. Julie Gannon, Beals, pres; Mike Neuberger, gen mgr; Jon Petersen, KMOM Radio Inc. (acq 10 -83). Net: MBS. Format: stn mgr. news dir; Dennis Jesson, chief engr Adult, variety. Mike Diem, gen & prom mgr, prog dir; Marvel Winn. coml mgr; Scot Combs. mus dir; KYMN(AM) -Sep 27, 1968: 1080 khz; 1 kw -D. Pine City Box 201 (55057). (507) 645 KYMN Inc. Margaret Hauck, news dir; Del Dayton, chief engr. Stereo. -5695. (acq 2- 1 -73). Rep: Ewing, PRO Radio. Format: Adult Rates: $12; 12; 12; 12. WCMP(AM) -June 13. 1957: 1350 khz; 1 kw -D. RR contemp. Spec prog: Class 2 hrs wkly. Wayne Eddy, Two. (55063). (612) 629 -7575. WCMP Bcstg Co. (acq pres & gen mgr; Bob Matheson, gen sls mgr; mgr; 1- 1 -68). Net: ABC /I. Format: MOR, old, div. Spec prog: Moorhead Rich Harris, prog dir; Paul Hoffer, mus dir; Pat Jorstad, Farm 10 hrs wkly Gerry Robbins. pres & gen mgr; office & prom mgr; Don McRae, news dir. Rates: Tom Albrecht, comí mgr; Charlie Pitts, prog & mus dir; $12.48; 10.40; 12.48; 10.40. 'KCCM -FM -Jan 1, 1970: 91.1 mhz; 67 kw. Ant 640 Tim Jacobson. news dir. Rates: $13.87; 13.87; ft. Stereo. Box 72. Concordia College (56560). (218) 13.87; 13.87. 'WCAL(AM) -Nov 23, 1918: 770 khz; 5 kw. (shares 299 -3666. Minn. Publ Radia Inc. Net: NPR, Minn time with *KUOM Minneapolis.) (55057). (507) WCMP -FM 15, 1977: 92.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 Public Radio Net. Format: Class. news, pub affrs. -Oct 663-3071. St. Olaf College. Net: NPR (assoc). Format: It Stereo. Net: ABC /E. Format: C &W. Rates same as William H. Kling, pres; Dennis Hamilton. gen mgr: Ed, rel, class. Spec progs: Norwegian 1 hr, Swedish 1 Michael Barone, mus dir; Lois Hanson, prom mgr; AM. hr. German 1 hr, Latvian & Estonian rotate 1 hr wkly. Gayle Kern, news dir; Steve Terhaar, chief engr. Paul E. Peterson. mgr & prog dir; Jo Ann McClanahan, Pipestone KKIB(FM) -See Breckenridge. opns mgr: Marty Pelikan, prog asst; John Zech, ennui prod; Cindi Paulsen, prom dir; Jeri Hoban, traf opera- KLOH(AM) -June 1955: 1050 khz, 1 kw -D, DA. Box KOWB(AM) -See Fargo, N.D. tor; Tim Valley, chief engr; Donald Onsgard. mus dir. 512 (56164). (507) 825 -3363. Wallace Christenson (acq 8- 1 -76). Net: ABC /C. Rep: PRO Radio, Masía. KOWB -FM- November 1966: 98.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 'WCAL -FM -April 5, 1968: 89.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Format: C &W, farm. Spec prog: Farm 10 tirs wkly 460 ft. Stereo. Box 2983, Fargo, N.O. (58102). (218) 400 ft. Stereo. Prog dups AM 10 %. Net: NPR. Format: Wally Christensen. owner & pres; Verlyn Menning, gen 236 -7900. Midwest Radio Co. Rep: Torbet. Format: Class, ed. Spec progs: Black 5 hrs, jazz 7 hrs, folk 3 mgr, prog dir; Mylan Ray, mus dir; Clarence Auscham, AOR. Larry Lakoduk, pres & gen mgr; Wayne Hiller, hrs, wkly. chief engr. Rates: $16.20; 13.50; 16.20; 13.50. prog dir: Jon Erdahl, mus dir; Linda Hogan, news dir; Paul Titchenal, chief engr Rates: $22; 20; 22; 18. Olivia KLON -FM -Nov 20, 1968: 98.7 mhz; 36 kw.

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