![Fisherrow Yacht Club R$Mrnow 0131665 5900 HA.RBOI]RM Sitf,R 3 Stoneyhillgrove Musselburgh EH216SE L..--- IIANDEOOK 2OOE 0Ryc-> L ;;1* 0Fyc>' EANDBOOK 2OO8](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Fisherrow YachtClub MembersHandbook 2008 EANDBOOK2NS [ii"->v'.-'* CONTENIS COMMODORES MESSAGE FLAGOFFICTRS AND COMMITTEE"''"...''"....".' CLUBWEB SIT8....... 6 MEMBERSHlP TIDE TABLES CLUB COURSES CONDMONSOF ENTRY usEoF CLUBDINCHIES. .... ...... .... .. " 31 usE oF cLuB SAFETY8OATS... ..... ........ ". 32 CRUSIERAND DINGIIY RACING ''''- -- - -- YACI{T SAFETYEQUIPMENT DINGIIY SAFETYEQT'IPMENT SAILINGCALENDAR 2008 .... .. ... .... " 44 FORTHYACI{I CLIJBASSOCIATION EVENTS 2008 """"" SOCLA.LCALENDAR -;Y-c"' llANlrD0or 200r IlTb--, EANDAOOK2,UE COMMODORI,ISMESSAGE TI"AG OXIICERS AND COMMITTDE f,ONORARY COMMODORE Alex Stewart,Harbourmaster Wdcona to thc 20{8 |rltltrg rc$otr. COMMODORE .la'rc Tierney 01316641863 184 Giln€rton Dyk€slhiv€ I lopofully lhis ycar the weatherwill give us a moro co[sistelt seasotrthatr we sufforedlast Fdinburgh EHIT 8LW flc0ron. 'l'he sailing calcndar is looking promising, the midweek raceshave beetrdropped but tho sohcdulethis year is prominendy geared to weekendracitrg and cruisiag, with a couple of VICE OOMMODORE Chris Tierney 0l3l 5619441 picnios thrown in for good measure. Hop€fitlly this wil briry as many ofyou and yourtrotr SAILING Sf,CRf,TARY 58 Sixth SEeet sliling prrtners out otrto lhe wate! or beachto join in with the aotivities plannedfor the year. Newtongmnge (rcmcmber the sailing cale4daris not set itr sto&, and caa be ohangedas aod when required). EH22 4LA D€mis waltotr 0r3r 66s8227 In Junc, REAN,COMMODONT the Routrd Britain Powcr Boat Rac€ arrives in the Fortt- firrther details ofour HOUSE CONVENER 16 Carb€rryRoad pdioipation \ r'ith the organisersoflhis eveN will be givetr in the newsletter latei. Inveresk EHzI 7TN FYC Regartaweekend is followhg a similar format to last year, so pencil ia the vr€ekeDdof Carol Jone3 0r3r 66r t679 thc 160-I70 Augusl to your diaries. A Ceifdh will be held otr the Saturdaydghr iD the GENERAI Sf,CNETARY 3? AbercomCresen RsvelstotrHouse Hotel. Edtuburgh EH6 7HY Ifthere is arything yoo would like to seeor do aroutrdthe olub, pleasecodact auy ofthe colDDittee membels via email through our new Google Gloup at fish€nowasoostelrouos.con, TREAST'Rf,R cbris Nicrll 0136886 0390 44 High Stre€t Dunbar I hope to seemaly ofyou out on the water, on the shore,around the clubhouseand definitely EH42lJt1 in the bd on a Fdday dght (lh€ bar will be open aner all race eventsduring the season) MEMBf,RIIHTP SECTf,TARY Hill€ Tekotle 0131669 3210 Let us as a club, work to make 2008 both ott aod olf tho water as much a memorablcycar ag 43 Eart6eld our 2007 arnive$ary year was. Edinburgb EH15lJH Oood Sailing coMll[rTrf,f, JobtrMcManus, Cameron Petsie, Malcolm Stewart- 2 vac,rcies SAIIINC COMII{ITTEE Chis Tiemey,Malcotm Stewart,Arsu! Forsylh,Tim Jones Ja),neTiemey Commodore BAR COITVENER Gavh McDowell Fisherrow Yacht Club r$mRnow 0131665 5900 HA.RBOI]RM SITf,R 3 StoneyhillGrove Musselburgh EH216SE l..--- IIANDEOOK 2OOE 0rYc-> l ;;1* 0fYc>' EANDBOOK 2OO8 CLUB WEB SITE MEMBERSEIP p Whcn thc clubs first websitewas launchedaround *Eononry Maibedln bo,t thc world, you could cou[t the numberof Scottish club sitcs on one hand. Thc only notable club site M@hs Bo.t N.d. ot that time was Port Edgrr Y.cht Club, which is still goingstlong. Jt t it Sfuto AtL.n Nottdlatr Lbur.23 0131 6655496 Slln ik Ma. Angtt 01315571059 .Frrg ca 4E !.c csnhn. Jin & Morag Baird Sin Tao 0131669 8817 The screenshotright, shows what the very first page Kenny Baird Papillon Macwester27 0l3t 6200632 looked like in 1996. Ian And Utl Binnie Lom Rrval tuvtl34 01316651790 Allegro A lot has charged in the l0 years since our first Mark Bnd 01316536656 attempt. Technological advatrces,more compute$ Bob il Ottcr Blac* 01316692902 in the homes atrd schools and higher intemet acc€ss Pauline& Keith Christie Nol242 018?5811745 speedshave meadt that we can do more with the BeneteauOc€anis Clipp€r site to attract atrd encouiagemo.e members to the Toby Clark Mrs Chippy 00496154 803600 311 pleasuresof sailing. David RussellCollins Ha.run Scarum Laser 0l3l44l 3144 Gm.hamCrawford Moody 27 Mk I 01316571012 Curetrtly the website has on avemgearoutrd 150 visito4 per week. Some of th€se visitots Donald Denns Gnsy Gen Leisule 20 01316516601 havo gone on to joio us, and ia recent yearsthis has beeIro; biggest sourceof new members. MUb Dbh 0Br 669 349 Oat Otlh. Bb. P.Aatus 700 0131665 5192 Erghr8bn Angus& Geraldin€Forsld Hooch Solo3399 0l3l1361907 Charlie Harrison& Julie Faoilirn 0r896831 431 Informatiotr available olt the site Eileen Hendenon S$.rab 01620810651 holudes : Hugh Ard SheilaHend€rsor LaugbingMatler 01875853 602 Geofr& JanIngran Witchcraft OfFonh Southerlyl0l 01506883 004 Full Sriling Calcnder, Battbc Iryrt'rr 01E75t53212 All thc yc.rs rtrults, Atrdrew & SiaoJarman Miror 0t3l 446 0914 Upcoming Ev.rts, Alan & LouiseJohnston Midnight Blue Kelt29 01875815964 Photo Gr[.ry, Tim & Carol Jones seajay LaserII 0l3l66l r679 Pictodsl Hktory ofF.fc Noni€ & EiI€€nLaw Scarisl! 0l3l 6656245 Tom & Val€rie Liviqstotre 013166t6337 rnd roma othcr spocirl aved tiG.ifi. Ian Livingstone 01316615087 SonQ & Ioan lblngttone Ody$cr B€net€auOceanis Clipper Stuan& JaneMacdonald I,frs Chippy 0t3t 665 8749 You can help make lhe site better by 3ll emailitrg suggestions to the website Adam Mshoney 0131558 9976 team: Tony & Carrie Maftini Remedy Weste.ly Griffon ot3t 651 23t2 Fraler Mcallister 0r3t 66s 2313 irfo@fi sherrowyachtclub.com Gain Mcdolaou 0131 6532,t12 Jin McShee 01875612 091 Jobn& FionaMcmanus GryThon Laser 01875615025 AtchL i| Ihta MU.t V.fl.rv C.tttar u3149m53 David Monaghatr Kioqre Iagnar2l 0131665 6131 BiI & JanisNicol Lady OfRohan Chris Nicol Gpl4 01368860390 Alan & Kalhr),nPed€n Emerald 01896668952 David Petrie Shanal First 24 0131554 6946 Demented Las€r Sc.utr Lark 077305',70296 David & CarolyDQuine 01875612 531 I HANDBOOK 2OOE m EANDBOOK2WS TIDE TABLES Aydftf R.nklt 013122916tN The tidal hformation in this handbook is reproduoedwith the pentrissiotrofthe Unit€d Colin& Stcphuic Kingdod Hydrographio Offioe aod the author ofBelfield Softwsre Tide Plotter, Mr P West II ot3t 447 2647 Belfield. Angus& Susrn Scotr Naboo Sadle'26 01316533351 Frivolity Belfield tide plotter, used itr the production oflh€ tide tables, oanbe do&Tloaded from N€il SimFon BrightArgel Scahawk 0181534t7t7 Alyn & ElaineSnuihwaite JeanneauEolia 25 01316658683 BiU S&phetr& Victoria Haftison 07643691105 Disclaimer: the author, Mr P Belfield acc€ptsno responsibility for the accuacy of this AIaSeN t Itqfuv.r 01316655901) progr6m or any hfomation derived from it. The author acc€ptsno liability for loss persotral Malcolm & Carol Stewad Signa 33 ol3t 657 2854 or material, resultitrg ftom the use oflhe dataproduced in any way. Solo3503 G€orgeSugedor Colvic Sailor 01316651760 Wrrnirg: No trrtiond hydrognphic oltct h.s v.rih.d th. hformrtiotr h thlg MiaE n Tolac 0131 66550t6 plblicrtioD rrd Dotrc.cccpt lirbility for thc .ccurrcy of nGpnoductionor rry Eu.a!& Fio0a Thorisor 0131669 9066 Dodifcstiorr madc th.rcsftcn Bryrn & JayneTiem€y cab?so SartyDog 0131664r863 Chris & LeasaTiemey TipsyTunT L'fer 2 0l3l 5619441 David Toltervey & Hitle While every oarchas beentak€n in the compilatiotr ofthe iDfotuation given herein, Siesta West€rlyPageant 01316693210 Fishenow Yacht Club cannot be responsiblefor atry ero$ offor any consequencesfrom HuEdinger Enter!rise them. Robe.t& Ells Tollervey Si€sta 013166931?9 Sylvia & JajrVan Bameveld Svb Pico 01875341741 Deonis& Cath€rinewatton Sulurnar Moody 27 o13t 665 8227 -0131653 Dlvid & Ca.rolincWilkie CoutessLhda Counte$ 28 6434 vJefilL(i&.*r \> 6*, Loreito School 0t3t 665 2567 MusselbwghSe{ Cadetj ot3t 665 2184 Lefth,,.January2@8- GliT (io!o) 013,'$ jH 023333 ;fl 03?t;3 ;iil 04fril ;:il 05#$l!il 06$ti i9t lue 1424 22m l/ad t5:2823m Thu 16X8??m Frl rl:,:6 z.rm sat, 1*r1 1.d; sun 13.is{7m 20147.4.4iii 2148 4,9.r: ?2;55 43in .?3]5344n! {9 16 1.5m 073i$ 1{r .08i3'1fl.if# 0s8*ff ilfr {08i;i'rr:!tK'li,frTlzft{r''a !'"0 *" rhu 1!.-415sqr Fn t6:23E6m Srt 1l0t stm ia:*l3r 3" lfi#,i# liig3:n, 21500:?m l?:28 0.h .lJ:0807m 13iiffilfl I4{istH, r5i9,31 llH 103#?;:il 17'r#3lil 1813j?]lfl I 9ln 1'141 s,jidr Mdr J6 4 n3in, wad f&!e i,Bd,l Th'r 1500l qir Fn jE24 l.6m a:59.q:.9rn B" :a'gnl ?131 41tn: lf,Xl;* :Q"14 eatl! -4i?m hgH,$ l*' 20 213;;,;; 22H: 23 2affi;9 Sat Sun ffii813il lj#, i;fr 3il3t:ft iiil Ji 4, 1Eh1 t2'42 4gm Mon fi:dg 5 2n R" ta.?a€.sm Wed f51B t 7m Th! lF 53 5 Zm 18a47't:ii,!' ls4, dsm u 203t 08m t1:14 0.5rn 2,154 05m 25rjffiiffi 28f{*3i.*fi 2e 30 Fn sff t# $g*:il !5 ?A {71n Mglt r?.,16:5l0nt Tle 12'301&n Ped rlto z.tm 22t! 0,6m 181614h (' 1g3B44m 31 I 'tli Sliii.lil u:i'i.&n ,037 41iir I il <j it <l rv!\ oi 0134*ifl 02#[?:fl oi il$'i:* 04ffi?l i:fi 05&13 iiil 06rigin Fl ls.as 24m Srit 17:oi 2,3m Str:n i6:i6 l'alin Mar 1iS0 q.bm Tl.rd 1335 49m Wid ri:tiJ:5:3m 2203 ?,qni 23.25:4.1trl {€3}} l$rn 1gt9' I tm 20:1! 0:9{1r ,ln 0413955m a,l 05.165-1m 0733,31 i* 0s3$33 iifl 0eB3'9f SIEH rv loti osm r I to55 ogm 12'ii.#i,in Fri 15:32 5.9!n s€r th99 lqr 3un 16,455gt Mon t7 24 S7m T!6 1!r.Q9:5,5r1l l" 'liiff;*n 2134 OAm 2t:00 O4rn 2?q7 05m )3 )7 a)1n 138f;H ;n {a 39,i1liil 1533,.iT* r,6sgiH 17nylX ,|8$3,11i* ** Fd: 14:35i {tltnt sa iilt,i rt.sni €un 1l3g 16rn lvloi flj! 4r8|n ];;?l'lfl s" 11[]T 4n 44n Z2.l9A:an 181d413m le #:;31:# 203i:l i;il 21H,i?ilil 22l:,3: ::I 23ffi'3333il 24fr??l;il Tt.
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