Department of Defense Ch. 2, App. G TABLE 3—Continued Number of copies Recipient of DD Loading (Prepared by shipper or Discharge (Prepared by receiv- Type of shipment Form 250–1 Government representative) ing activity) Tanker Barge Tanker Barge On all CONUS loadings ..................... DESC Region(s) 1 ..................... 1 ..................... 1 ..................... 1 cognizant of shipping point. On all shipments to CONUS Destina- DESC Region(s) 1 ..................... 1 ..................... 0 ..................... 0 tions. cognizant of shipping and re- ceiving point.****. For all discharges of cargoes origi- Defense Energy ........................ ........................ 1*** ................ 1*** nating at Defense Energy Support Support Center, Points and discharging at activities ATTN: DESC– not Defense Energy Support Points. BID, 8725 John J. Kingman Road, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060–6221. * With copy of ullage report. ** Dry tank certificate to accompany DD Form 250–1 and ullage report. *** Copies of the DD Form 250–1, forwarded by bases, will include the following in Block 11: Shipped to: Supplementary Ad- dress, if applicable; Signed Code; and Fund Code. **** See Table 4. TABLE 4—FUEL REGION LOCATIONS AND AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY a. DFR Northeast ........... Defense Fuel Region Northeast, Building 2404, McGuire AFB, NJ 08641–5000. Area of Responsi- Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New bility. Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia. b. DFR Central ............... Defense Fuel Region Central, 8900 S. Broadway, Building 2, St. Louis, MO 63125–1513. Area of Responsi- Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North bility. Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. c. DFR South .................. Defense Fuel Region South, Federal Office Building, 2320 La Branch, Room 1213, Houston, TX 77004–1091. Area of Responsi- Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Caribbean Area, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mexico, Mississippi, New bility. Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, West Indies, Central America, and South America. d. DFR West ................... Defense Fuel Region West, 3171 N. Gaffney Street, San Pedro, CA 90731–1099. Area of Responsi- California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. bility. e. DFR Alaska ................ Defense Fuel Region Alaska, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska 99506–5000. Area of Responsi- Alaska and Aleutians. bility. f. DFR Europe ................ Defense Fuel Region Europe, Building 2304, APO New York 09128–4105. Area of Responsi- Continental Europe, United Kingdom, Mediterranean Area, Turkey, and Africa (less Djibouti, Egypt, bility. Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia). g. DFR Mideast .............. Defense Fuels Region, Middle East, P.O. Box 386, Awali, Bahrain, APO New York 09526–2830. Area of Responsi- Afghanistan, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Oman, Pakistan, bility. Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. h. DFR Pacific ................ Defense Fuel Region, Pacific, Camp H. M. Smith, Honolulu, HI 96861–5000. Area of Responsi- Australia, Burma, East Indies, Hawaii, Indian Ocean, Japan, Korea, Malaya, Marianas, New Zealand, bility. Philippines, Ryukyu Islands, South Pacific Islands, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Thailand. [56 FR 36610, July 31, 1991, as amended at 57 FR 53602, Nov. 12, 1992; 58 FR 37868, July 14, 1993; 59 FR 27678, May 27, 1994; 60 FR 61615, Nov. 30, 1995; 65 FR 14398, Mar. 16, 2000; 65 FR 52953, 52954, Aug. 31, 2000; 65 FR 63803, 63804, 63805, Oct. 25, 2000; 65 FR 69376, Nov. 16, 2000; 66 FR 49861, Oct. 1, 2001] APPENDIX G TO CHAPTER 2—ACTIVITY G–101 Assignment and use of a number ADDRESS NUMBERS G–102 Activity address number data base maintenance Table of Contents Part 2—Army Activity Address Numbers. Part 3—Navy Activity Address Numbers. Part 1—General. Part 4—Marine Corps Activity Address Num- G–100 Scope bers. 619 VerDate jul<14>2003 09:51 Nov 23, 2003 Jkt 200198 PO 00000 Frm 00619 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\200198T.XXX 200198T Ch. 2, App. G 48 CFR Ch. 2 (10–1–03 Edition) Part 5—Air Force Activity Address Numbers. DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY Part 6—Defense Logistics Agency Activity Defense Logistics Agency, Acquisition Oper- Address Numbers. ations Team, 8725 John J. Kingman Road Part 7—Defense Information Systems Agen- Suit 2533, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060–6221 cy Activity Address Numbers. Part 8—National Imagery and Mapping OTHER DEFENSE AGENCIES Agency Activity Address Numbers. All other Defense agencies will forward re- Part 9—Defense Threat Reduction Agency quests for Appendix G maintenance to the Activity Address Numbers. Department of the Army, OSA(RDA)-PA. Part 10—Miscellaneous Defense Activities * The Navy and Marine Corps Activity Ad- Activity Address Numbers. dress Monitor for assignment of two-char- Part 11—Defense Microelectronics Activity acter call/order serial numbers is: Office of Address Numbers. the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (RD&A), Part 12—Missile Defense Agency Activity 2211 South Clark Place, Crystal Plaza 5, Address Numbers. Room 506, Arlington, VA 22202–3738. Part 13—Defense Commissary Agency Activ- ity Address Numbers. G–102 Activity address number data base Part 14—United States Special Operations maintenance. Command Activities Address Numbers. (a) The Defense Logistics Agency, DLA– AUTHORITY: 41 U.S.C. 421 and 48 CFR chap- PS, Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA 22304– ter 1. 6100 is the executive agent for maintenance of six and two character code assignments. PART 1—GENERAL The executive agency distributes blocks of two character codes to department/agency G–100 Scope. activity address monitors for further assign- This appendix identifies the activity ad- ment. dress numbers to be used with the uniform (b) Contracting activities submit requests procurement instrument identification num- for assignment of or changes in either the six bering system prescribed in DFARS subpart character or two character codes to their ac- 204.70. tivity address monitor in accordance with department/agency procedures. Activity ad- G–101 Assignment and use of a number. dress monitors— (a) Activities coding solicitations, con- (1) Approve request for additions, dele- tracts and related instruments shall use only tions, or changes; those codes assigned by their respective de- (2) Notify the executive editor, Defense Ac- partment/agency activity address mon- quisition Regulations System, itor(s). OUSD(AT&L)DPAP(DAR), 3062 Defense Pen- (b) The six-character code is used in the tagon, Washington, DC 20301–3062; and first six positions of the procurement instru- (3) Provide a copy of the notification to the ment identification number (PIIN). When re- executive agent. quired, activities also will be assigned a two (c) A copy of the appendix G data base is position code. The two position code is used available on tape or MS–DOS compatible floppy diskettes from the executive agent. in the first two positions of the call/order se- rial number. PART 2—ARMY ACTIVITY ADDRESS (c) Activity address monitors are— NUMBERS ARMY DAAA08, B7 Rock Island Arsenal, ATTN: SOSRI–CT, Rock Island, IL 61299–5000 Department of the Army, Attn: OSA(RDA)- DAAA09, BA U.S. Army Operations Support PA, 5109 Leesburg Pike, Suite 916, Falls Command, ATTN: AMSOS–CCA, 1 Rock Is- Church, VA 22041–3201 land Arsenal, Rock Island, IL 61299–6000 DAAA10, 9X Blue Grass Army Depot, Pro- NAVY * curement Office, Building S–14, ATTN: Defense Finance and Accounting Service, SMABG–IOO–P, 2091 Kingston Highway, Cleveland (Code AADB), 1240 East Ninth Richmond, KY 40475–5115 Street, Cleveland, OH 44199–4000 DAAA12, ZM Sierra Army Depot, Building 74, Herlong, CA 96113–5009 MARINE CORPS * DAAA14, BK Tooele Army Depot, Con- tracting Office, ATTN: SOSTE–CD, Build- Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, 2 Navy ing 501, Tooele, UT 84074–0839 Annex, Room 2135, Washington, DC 20380– DAAA22, BV Watervliet Arsenal, ATTN: 1775 SOSWV–IML–P, Building 10, 1 Buffington Street, Watervliet, NY 12189–4000 AIR FORCE DAAA31, GJ McAlester Army Ammunition SAF/AQCP, 1060 Air Force Pentagon, Wash- Plant, ATTN: SOSMC–PC, 1 C Tree Road, ington, DC 20330–1060 McAlester, OK 74501–9002 620 VerDate jul<14>2003 09:51 Nov 23, 2003 Jkt 200198 PO 00000 Frm 00620 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\200198T.XXX 200198T Department of Defense Ch. 2, App. G DAAA33 U.S. Army Materiel Command, DAAE07, BR TACOM ‘‘Warren, Acquisition Combat Equipment Group ‘‘Afloat, 103 Center, ATTN: AMSTA–AQ–AMB, E Eleven Guidance Road, Goose Creek, SC 29445–6060 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48397–5000 DAAB07, BG U.S. Army Communications- DAAE08, SF TACOM ‘‘Warren, Acquisition Electronics Command, CECOM Acquisition Center, ATTN: AMSTA–AQ, E Eleven Mile Center, ATTN: AMSEL–AC, Building 1208, Road, Warren, MI 48397–5000 Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703–5008 DAAE20, DG TACOM—Rock Island, ATTN: DAAB08, 2V U.S. Army Communications- AMSTA–AQ–AR, Rock Island Arsenal, Electronics Command, CECOM Acquisition Rock Island, IL 61299–7630 Center, ATTN: AMSEL–AC, Building 1208, DAAE24, BH TACOM ‘‘Anniston, Directorate Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703–5008 of Contracting, ATTN: AMSTA–AN–CT, 7 DAAB15, BD U.S. Army Communications- Frankford Avenue, Building 221, Anniston, Electronics Command, CECOM Acquisition AL 36201–4199 Center Washington, ATTN: AMSEL–AC–W, DAAE30, 2T TACOM ‘‘Picatinny, Center for 2461 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA Contracting and Commerce, ATTN: 22331–0700
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