S336 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 28, 2010 This extraordinary woman educated ployed to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, as the sionalism with which he has carried herself on VA policy in order to provide chief of air operations, U.S. Central them out reflect a keen intellect and the best assistance to these men and Command Forward from 1991 to 1993. an unrivaled grasp of national security women and went so far as to accom- In 1993, now-Lieutenant Colonel Car- policies developed through both per- pany many of them to the VA to ensure lisle returned to the F–15 Eagle, as op- sonal experience and academic instruc- that they were served as thoroughly as erations officer of the 19th Fighter tion. General Carlisle earned a mas- possible. However, she knew that this Squadron and then commander of the ter’s degree in business administration wasn’t enough for her and that she 54th Fighter Squadron at Elmendorf from Golden Gate University in San could serve these veterans even more. Air Force Base, AK. Following com- Francisco, attended the National Secu- Ricki arranged for speakers from the mand, Lieutenant Colonel Carlisle at- rity Management Course at Syracuse VA, American Legion, Disabled Amer- tended Army War College in 1996, was University, the Seminar XXI—Inter- ican Veterans, State of Nevada, and selected for promotion to colonel, and national Relations programs at Massa- others to address the members of the returned to the Pacific in the F–15 chusetts Institute of Technology, and Siena Veterans Club. Ricki knew that Eagle as the Deputy Commander, 18th the Executive Course on National and she would not rest until she had served Operations Group at Kadena Air Base, International Security at George the needs of these veterans, and serve Japan. Following Kadena, Colonel Car- Washington University. While he has them she did. lisle was selected to command the 1st received many distinguished awards Ricki left this Earth for a place much Operations Group at Langley Air Force and decorations, it is General Carlisle’s better, but her time on Earth was Base, VA, then the 33rd Fighter Wing commitment and sacrifice to this Na- heaven-sent for all those whose lives at Eglin Air Force Base, FL, and fi- tion that make him stand out among she touched. She began her advocacy nally, after a short staff tour, the 3rd his peers. by her husband’s side, and she has fin- Wing at Elmendorf Air Force Base. Today, General Carlisle is once again ished this tireless crusade to be by his General Carlisle has served several at the tip of the spear, leading our side once again.∑ tours on the Air Staff to include chief service men and women as commander of 13th Air Force, commander of Joint f of the plans and programs directorate, director of the operational planning, Task Force—Support Forces Antarc- TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT policy and strategy, deputy chief of tica, Operation Deep Freeze, and the GENERAL HERBERT J. CARLISLE staff for air, space and information op- Pacific Command’s Joint Forces Air ∑ Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, today I erations, plans and requirements, and Component commander. On behalf of pay tribute to LTG Herbert J. Carlisle, two tours in the Legislative Liaison Congress and the United States of former Director of Legislative Liaison Division, as deputy director and direc- America, I thank Lieutenant General for Office of the Secretary of the Air tor. It was in these positions that I wit- Carlisle, his wife Gillian, and their Force and the current Commander of nessed firsthand General Carlisle’s daughter Summer for their continued 13th Air Force, Hickam Air Force Base, adept ability to handle a myriad of commitment, sacrifice, and contribu- HI. A command pilot with more than complex issues that directly impacted tion to this great Nation. I congratu- 3,400 flying hours in the T–38, AT–38, our national security. General Car- late Lieutenant General Carlisle on his YF–110, YF–113, and F–15 Eagle, LTG lisle’s engagement with Congress dur- recent promotion to lieutenant general ‘‘Hawk’’ Carlisle has commanded at the ing his tenure as both deputy director and wish him Godspeed as he leads our squadron, group, wing, and now Num- and director of the Legislative Liaison military in protecting this great na- ∑ bered Air Force levels. He has partici- Division was faultless. tion and its way of life. pated in Operations Restore Hope, Pro- Under General Carlisle’s leadership, f vide Comfort, and Noble Eagle, and his the Air Force developed a comprehen- REMEMBERING DAVE DEDRICK selection to lieutenant general and sive congressional notification plan, ∑ Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, I wish commander of the Jungle Air Force is ensuring timely and accurate passage today to recognize the life and career a testament to his exceptional of information on the Air Force’s most of Dave Dedrick, most well known for airmanship, leadership, and judgment. difficult issues including the $40 billion his role as Captain 11, a children’s tele- General Carlisle graduated from the KC-X acquisition program, creation of vision program in the upper Midwest. U.S. Air Force Academy in 1978 and Air Force Cyber Command, force struc- He passed away on January 22 after a was selected to attend pilot training at ture changes, and creation of Air Force lifetime of bringing together South Da- Williams Air Force Base, AZ. He ex- Global Strike Command. General Car- kotans of all ages. Dave’s welcoming celled in pilot training and was se- lisle prepared over 200 announcements spirit and warm heart touched children lected to fly the Air Force’s premier to the Hill, cleared of over 500 witness and adults alike. air superiority fighter, the F–15 Eagle. statements, transcripts, inserts, and The Captain 11 Show, broadcasted Stationed at Bittburg Air Base, Ger- questions for the record through the from 1955 through 1996, is the longest many, with the 525th Fighter Squad- Office of the Secretary of Defense and running children’s program ever. Dave, ron, the Bulldogs, during the heart of the Office of Management and Budget, dressed in a blue and yellow pilot’s uni- the Cold War, then-Captain Carlisle and managed over 1,000 Congressional form, led a program filled with car- again excelled in the air and on the travel events to all 7 continents includ- toons and games. Captain 11 had the ground as a pilot, flight lead, instruc- ing 100 congressional Member visits to ability to control time through his tor pilot, and examiner pilot. His prow- the Central Command Area of Respon- Time Converter and ended every show ess in the air earned him a selection to sibility. Finally, General Carlisle led with Freezeburg, a dance the audience, attend the Air Force’s Fighter Weap- the drive for what I consider the Air and everyone watching at home, knew ons School, and upon completion of the Force’s most pressing issue: recapital- by heart. Dave always made children of course he joined an elite team of fight- ization. Through General Carlisle’s all ages feel comfortable, and with his er weapons school instructors. He be- leadership, the Air Force secured a show, unified generations of South Da- came the chief of weapons and tactics budget of $1.7 billion for bomber and kotans. at Holloman Air Force Base in New air-to-ground weapons, yielded $8.2 bil- Dave was inducted into the South Mexico, only to be brought back to lion for fighter and munitions pro- Dakota Broadcasters Hall of Fame in Nellis Air Force Base to become part of grams, and laid the foundation for $200 1997 and the South Dakota Hall of a recently declassified Air Force train- million in supplemental munitions Fame in 1999. His set is displayed in the ing program in which he flew Soviet funding. The leadership, insight, and State Historical Museum in Pierre, fighters as adversaries against U.S. pi- dedication of General Carlisle have representing the important role Dave lots to increase their capability and been instrumental in building lasting played in so many lives. On air and off, survivability in combat. Selected for and trusting relationships with the his friendly personality extended to all promotion, Major Carlisle departed U.S. Congress, resulting in an overall areas of his life, representing South Nellis Air Force base for Maxwell Air increase in U.S. national security. Dakota values in all he did. I would Force Base, AL, to attend Air Com- The breadth and depth of General like to extend my deepest sympathies mand and Staff College and then de- Carlisle’s assignments and the profes- to his family on their loss.∑ VerDate Nov 24 2008 00:54 Jan 29, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28JA6.004 S28JAPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with SENATE January 28, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S337 TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM OUELLETTE bring critical funding to rural commu- visory Council, Delta Trust has com- ∑ Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, I rise nities across Michigan. Countless com- mitted to serving the banking needs of today to recognize the Federal service munities now have safe drinking water women, their families, and their busi- of William ‘‘Will’’ Ouellette of Rapid and efficient waste water systems that nesses. City, SD. Mr. Ouellette is concluding a protect the environment due to the ef- Mr. President, I salute the partners, dozen years of service in South Dakota forts of Frank and his team. associates, and employees of Delta and is transferring to Pennsylvania to Those who have worked with Frank Trust for their dedication to serving continue his Federal service career, describe him as devoted, loyal, and pas- the people of Arkansas.
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