DISTASTEFUL P.A. TACTICS Mayers Will Head Now.that the Howe of (Representatives has voted contempt Times Closed M | | a citations against three officials of the Port of New York Au­ United Fund Drive thority for failure to produce records demanded by the Judici­ ion ary Committee, a reappraisal of the -situation may help clear OnLaborDayf f i ( ^ I I S Q | | Meyner As P.A. Salesman the atmosphere. The citations will take their due course, with, Because o f the Labor Day holt indications that course will be in the courts. day next Monday, September 5, Praise For School Board In brief, the Port Authority unveiled a preliminary study, The Times office will be closed. Rep. Dwyer For People proposing the world’s largest jetport fa Morris County, which Cooperation o f readers and ad­ is outside the authority ’s jurisdiction since it fa more than 25 DISCLOSURE that Gov. Meyner has~Yaken trips abroad at vertisers is requested to submit miles from the Statue o f liberty, designated as the center o f the expense of the New York Port Authority to'stimulate port material for next week’s issue a the 25 mile radius. business transforms the state’s executive head Into the role of day to advance o f the usual time. supersalesman, for one thing. W e are Inclined to believe there The public is probably®amlliar with the events that fol­ The Editor is nothing too reprehensible in this by itself. lowed, the great outburst opposition in Morris County and However,' there are other implications to be drawn from the appeal to Oongresmeftflb kelp protect their interests. The 1 As the result of a telephone this relationship between the. Gayernor and the P.A. in the light entire New Jersey delegation fa the House then petitioned that Gas Station And of recent events. body to check into this proposal of the Port Authority, the task Industrial Group appointment, the editor of. The The Governor has propqsed that the P.A. territory be eff being assigned to the House judiciary Committee sub-committee Customer Robbed Hillside Times Friday morning larged beyond' the 2S-mile radius limitation in the P.A. compact with Rep. Emanuel CeUer fMrN.Y.) as. chairman.. T „ had a visit from Thomas C. A gasoline, service station at He has also admitted responsibly for advising the P.A..not On January 18 last, thojState Senate adopted a resolution To Hear Bontempo Young, Jr., Supervisor Com* opposing the Jetport in Morns County or any adjacent county. Route 22 and Cornell’ place and munity Relations Publications to turn over internal records to a. Congressional investigating a customer were robbed o f $90.80 committee. , Since the consent of the legislature is necessary for construc­ o f the Port of New Y ork Au­ tion of the jetport, it appeals to be a dead issue. In Addition, by two holdup men late Tuesday thority aocompanied b y a mem- Aa^-sftlesmair-for+he^rn^-nvgtrgtABTtHgTns'eifdris'HIgHF’ flight, police reported yesterday: -be beneficial to New Jersey, we think the Governor iHsqmiUiw since the Morris County sitil fa beyond the 25-mile radius and her of his staff, The phottc cail- According to Deputy Police himself as an interested party. His role as far as the investiga­ Congress has reserved the. right to alter the bi-state compact er stated that this .newspaper under which the P.A. operates, that provides a second hurdle. Chief Charles Grant, toe pro­ fa one of the few weeklies in tion M concerned becomes somewhat suspect fo r it raises the ROBERT A. MAYERS But never underestimate thq ingenuity of the P.A. While the prietors, Frank Daidona and this area showing an interest , question as to What other disclosures may be contained In-the Philip Balik, both o f R.D. 1, Eng- internal records o f the P.A. Morris County jetport may ijppear to he dead, the P.A. has its in Port Authority activity and Robert A. Mayers, personnel Ushtown, were working on a car ^ F or remember, while the Governor may have’been abroad private store of adrenalin toSestore it to life.’* authority representatives would manager for the Thomas & Betts on a lift to the grease pit when like to discuss the P.A. with on P.A. business, at the same time the trip or trips had the ef­ The intriguing question jabput the proposal fa this: If the Cd., Elizabeth, will be In general Morris County site is out o f bouncls'for -the P.A., how did ail two men drove up. One inquiftd the editor. fect o f a bu|ldup fo r a man mentioned from time to time as a if they had a fuel pump lor sale candidate for President or Vice Prpgidpnt charge of solicitation to Hillside, group of. the nation’s most astute businessmen who comprise the This newspaper has-been a con* Linden, Roselle arid Roselle Park Authority permit the propoaal to get as far as it did without and when advised to the contrary ■latent critic o f toe P o rt AuthorjE All this is playing right into the hands o f the investigating -he-pulled pu t-a .22 automatic an d for the fall campaign o f the Uni­ making sure of their ground in advance? The answer to this ty. particularly ev er its opera­ committee and it is certain,to lend support to the commitee’s Said ‘.‘This is a stickup.” ted Pund o f Eastern Union Coun- question may never be forthcoming. tions In the field of aviation since : . demand for records which the P.A., at the behest o f both Gov. The pair took $70.30 from the Ity, There fa another question, based on Gov. Meyner’s state­ the plane crashes in Elizabeth Meyner;^^jOT,r,fioekefelitm;BfcM^^ bash register and $20 from John ! This'was announced today by ment That the states of Newt York and New Jersey have ade­ and- mere recently In con nection to witthqjd. Yanpsy of 958 Carteret avenue. Francis. Charles, ..'Linden: plant quate. oontrols to prevent abases by the P.A. The governors o f with the Morris C ou n ty jetport Union, and then locked all three manager for 'General Aniline & -both New Jersey and New rank have veto power over P.A. op­ proposal, and the discussion was APPOINTMENT o f a fo m e r president o f the Board -of men in a back room. They es­ Film Corp., drive chairman.' erations b y the simple expedient of declining to approve min­ -concentrated ch ie fly . on the P,A, 5 Education for the jtoterim vacancy caused by the removal from caped in a waiting car, police Each of the" fourt towns will utes of P.A. meetings. But until thp jetport proposal was spread aviation operations. the township Of A be Charnack, predicted by this column, was believe. Compared With Roads a happy solution of the problem. have Its own chairman, heading across the front pages, neither governor gave any inkling o f A local organization covering it. This ysould seem to indicate they had no knowledge of the SALVATORE A. BONTEMPO Mr. Young pointed out that The board Is to be commended for resisting the pressures such areas as sipall industry, plan or .that they gave their-tacit approval, knowing that it in­ with the. increase in a ir travel and brought to bear and deciding on a man with experience, Joseph Leaders Address Commissioner S a l v a t o r e A. business, professions, s c h o o 1 s , volved a location beyond the confines of . the Port District. cargo transport in th is area, it is Ram, who will be able to make an Important contribution dur­ I public employes and residential. Which one of these alternatives fa oorreot? That answer may Bontempo of the New Jersey incumbent on the P .A . to pro­ ing the approaching deliberations on preparation of the. 1961-62 Mr. Mayers pointed out to ac­ never be forthcoming either.for in the light o f subsequent de- Kennedy Citizens ipartment of Conservation and vide additional facilities because school budget. Mr. Ram likewise is to be commended for con­ cepting the appointment that velopments, it would prove jjibarassing at the least and could E c o n o m i c Development, will existing airpo.rts w ill be Insuffl. senting to serve after completing his two terms on the board. I Representatives o f Hillside's each municipal chairman will be even place both governors in the position of having failed to I Citizens for Kennedy for Presi­ speak at the opening meeting of dent tq handle thet tra ffic fore­ It would be good public relations, we believe, if the board to direct charge o f the drive ii report to their constituents jp e brazen P.A. proposal. Much o f dent Club Monday evening attend­ toe 1960-61 season o f toe Hillside cast for lkS5 with still greater used this precedent for future policy in filling vacancies. In the his own community. As “towns’ the current unpleasantness liquid have been avoided had the ed a. district meeting at the Ba- Industrial Aesoelaton at toe Win­ Increase anticipated In the l<i70s. past vacancies have been filled by the runner-up in the Reced­ Chairman, he hopes to provide Port Authority -And the governors taken -the trouble to stop, I varfan Room, Elizabeth, which field Scott Hotel, Elizabeth, Sep­ He posed toe question how the ing election and there were efforts to pressure the board Into an avenue for an exchange of look and listen, The method of procedure followed makes the I drew many persons from toe tember 15, It was announced to­ problem is to be solved if the selecting someone who had not even sought election.
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