East Avenue Middle School 3951 East Avenue Livermore, CA 94550 Phone: (925) 606-4711 Fax: (925) 606-4763 Principal: Mistee Guzman Vice Principal: Holly Ellison August 5, 2019 Dear East Avenue Middle School Families: I hope you are enjoying your vacation and gearing up for the start of another successful school year. Wednesday, August 14th will be our Dolphin Day Orientation for all students. During this time, you will be able to purchase student planners, PE clothes and sign up to volunteer with our Booster Club. You may also drop off your sports physical, take a tour and pick up class schedules at the designated time. You must complete Infosnap in order to pick up your student's schedule. Instructions are enclosed for your convenience. We will have only schedules available in the designated alpha group during the assigned times. It is our goal to avoid long lines. Your adherence to the schedule is greatly appreciated. SIXTH GRADE DOLPHIN DAY is scheduled for Wednesday, August 14th from 9:00 until 10:00 AM. All sixth grade students whose last names begin with the letters A-L should report to the Multi-Purpose Room between 9:00 and 9:30AM. Those students whose last name begins with letters M-Z should report to the Multi-Purpose Room between 9:30 and 10:00 AM. SEVENTH & EIGHTH GRADE DOLPHIN DAY is also scheduled for Wednesday, August 14th. All seventh and eighth grade students whose last names begin with the letters A-L should report to the Multi-Purpose Room between 10:00 AM and 10:30 AM. Those students whose last names begins with letters M-Z should report to the Multi-Purpose Room between 10:30 AM and 11:00 AM. Schedules will be available August 15th and 16th in the office for those students unable to attend orientation. ITEMS FOR PURCHASE: Please be sure to complete the Orientation Checklist. In an effort to expedite the process of orientation, please purchase your items using our online web store. PE uniforms are required for class. You can pay for PE clothes, student planner and your Booster Membership, using the web store. If you make your purchases before August 12th, your items will be ready for you to pick up. If you make your purchase after the 12th, please print your receipt and attach it to your completed orientation check list. If you will be paying for your items with cash or a check, please complete the orientation checklist and fill out your checks prior to entering the Multi-Purpose Room. WEDNESDAY EARLY RELEASE: East Avenue will continue to provide meeting and professional development time for staff and will maintain the Wednesday modified schedule for the 2019-2020 academic year. Please keep in mind that on Wednesdays, students will be asked to exit the campus promptly at 1:31 PM. On the 2"d and 4th Wednesday of each month the office will close at 3:OOpm. The PAL program will accommodate the shortened day for students enrolled in that program. SCHOOL LOOP: This web-based tool allows parents/guardians to access information regarding their student's homework assignments on a daily basis from their home computer or smart phone. Staff is encouraged to post homework daily, and many teachers frequently update grades online as well. In order to utilize School Loop, parents must register online. Information on how to register will be available during Back-to-School Night on September 5th. Back-to­ School Night is an important event which provides important information about your student's classes and you are encouraged to attend. DRESS CODE: A copy of the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District Dress Code Policy is on line at https://secure.infosnap.corn/admin/login/login.rails. Please keep in mind while you shop for school clothes over the summer that oversized, saggy, baggy pants continue to be unacceptable at East, as well as low cut, strapless, and/or shirts that show the midriff. All straps must be at least two adult fingers in width (2 inches) or wider. Hats and caps are permitted outdoors only. ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Please remember that electronic devices (iPods, tablets, speakers, etc.) are not permitted at school and will be confiscated. Students are not permitted to use or have phones out on campus during the school day for any reason. Cell phone use during the school day detracts from the learning process. Students may use their cell phone before or after school in the front of the building only. Please know that if you need to contact your student in an emergency, a phone call to our school office is the best method of communication. FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: School begins Monday, August 19th at 7:30AM for students with a zero period. All other students begin at 8:25AM. Students will be dismissed at 2:31 PM. Enjoy the rest of your summer vacation! Mistee Guzman Principal ORIENTATION CHECK LIST Please bring this form with you to help with the orientation process on Wednesday, August 14th. You must complete the following in order for your student to receive his/her schedule. --- lnfosnap Update all information on https://secure.infosnap.com/admin/login/login.rails •!• If you have moved over the summer, you must provide proof of residency. Please call the office for more information. --- *Proof of TDap Immunization (7th Grade ONLY) To pay using the East Avenue web store: Parents can pay for orientation items using a credit or debit card. * Preferable method of payment » Go to the East Avenue website http://www.livermoreschools.org/east » Click on the online payments link (shopping cart icon on main page) » Add the items you wish to purchase to your cart VISA » Check out » Print your receipt along with this form (there will be an express line) ITEM PRICE SIZES T-Shirts $10.00 Adult: XS S M L XL Shorts $10.00 Adult: XS S M L XL Sweatpants $15.00 Adult: XS S M L XL Sweatshirt $25.00 Adult: XS S M L XL (Hooded) Leggings $20.00 Adult: XS S M L XL ITEM COST _Student planner $7.00 _Boosters Membership $10.00 _ PE Clothes (See Above) TOTAL Method of Payment: Ocash 0 Check/Money Order Please make one check payable to EAMS Boosters lnfosnap You must complete lnfosnap before your student can pick up their schedule. For the safety of your child, please be careful to provide complete and correct information. The office staff uses the information you provide to contact you or someone you designate in the event of an emergency. If you provide incorrect or incomplete contact information, there may be a delay when picking up your child. Before you begin make sure you have: 1. Doctor name and phone number 2. Dentist name and phone number 3. Medical insurance information 4. Emergency contacts: We cannot release your student to your designated emergency contact unless we have both first and last name. a. First name b. Last name c. Phone number Things to remember: •!• The guardian field is for legal guardians (other than parents) only. Parents please do not list yourself as an emergency contact or legal guardian. In the event of an emergency, we will contact a parent or guardian first. If we cannot reach a parent or guardian, we will contact the emergency contacts. •:• Check the phone numbers you enter for accuracy. If a phone number is incorrect, we cannot contact you or the emergency contact. •!• If you are a returning user, last year's information will populate for you. Please carefully review your student's information and make necessary corrections. You will receive a separate email from the Livermore Valley Joint School District containing your lnfoSnap code and instructions. Sports at East Avenue Middle School 2019-2020 I All sports offerings at East Avenue are subject to funding and coaching availability. Requirements: t All students participating in sports must have and maintain a 2.0 GP A and have completed the green district ' physical form PRIOR to trying out for the sport. Physical forms may be obtained from our website or the office. Sports Offered and Suggested Donations All sports are self-supporting. If sufficient funds are not raised to cover the cost of the sport, we will not be able to field a team. The donation covers the Athletic Director, coaches' stipends, team expenses, tournament registrations, etc. Please make your donation to the sport of your choice via the web store https://www.livermoreschools.org/east and selecting online payments. Complete the information below and tum into the East A venue Office. Please note, donations are non-refundable and should be paid once your student has made the team. Student Name: ____________________________________ Sport: Season Suggested Sport Starts Donation Cross Country (Co-ed) August $175.00 Boys Basketball August $175.00 Girls Basketball October $175.00 Boys Volleyball Janua_!y $175.00 Wrestling (Co-ed} January $150.00 Girls Volleyball March $175.00 Golf (Co-edl March $300.00 Track (Co-ed) March $150.00 *Please Note: Donations are non-refundable Parental Support: Each sporting team needs a parent coordinator to assist the coach with car pooling schedules, end-of-the-season party, and other clerical duties. Please consider volunteering. Your participation is essential and very much appreciated. If you would like to be a "Team Parent Coordinator", please contact Athletic Director Rob Dayton at [email protected]. Transportation East Avenue Middle School does not provide transportation to away games. Families are responsible for getting their students to all home and away games. EAST AVENUE MIDDLE SCHOOL BOOSTERS VOLUNTEER-SIGN UP (Please Complete) Parent/Guardian(s): Student Name(s): Grade(s): (Circle All that Apply) 6 7 8 Address: Best Contact #: Best Email: Din restaurants to set up .
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