l.. J.. - - . , I t .9 ' THE i SUN, SUNDAY, AUGUST. .19, . 1917. f ''J Austria Kronen (F GOVERNMENT nomlntl i 1 . U',70 II. t UPTURN EXPECTED SPURS Oiwn-Drach- ms (A),20A 20.00 :o no -- 4 I Swise-Fra- ncs (A) 4.41 1.4.1 4.4S e.4 Spain-Pese- tas (A)....i..;o K.M 22.5.1 Uratll-Milr- els (A).... IS'. : 2i STATEMENT UTILITIES' 2914 30.25 BANK Denmark-Kron- THE OUTPUT OF BIG GUNS en (A). Sft'k l IN PUBLIC , 3.1 Estab-- Sweden-Kro- nen (A).. 1IV 13 .10 An Exceptional Opportunity to Invest, in Old Norway-Kro- nen (A).. 30H 10A, 30.55 I CI.KAItl.Ml llOfHU MllXJIIKItS, ACTUAL Rprcle Included In (a) and (li) 11M.14I.0OO Aiunrat 17. Auxuat 10. l Argentina: Gold: foreign Oold (A) 102.14 102.10 102.30 CONDITION" HATURIIAY MORNING. trnltcd rltatea ilepo.lH. deducted... .$J0r,121,00 with n.1i:,tyD.oo lisbed Business Paying Net Profits of 23.96 on Sales eaceaa re- asenctea .... 1M1!.K0 00 Currency 4S vi August Changes. Accreitate reere, $3M,0,(T0: U.r serve, tU.m.fKO; tta,m.M. Oold with Federal ( .Revival, .of Investment Inter Unctiina Tool Builders and India RUpea (A) "J dlorounti. In. an l - 1 Iaan. Rum mar nf satatr banka and trut rctm. rceerve asent York Concern manufacturlnt- f. Japan: vestments, Ac $J,IJ0,4l8,(Xx) r In rcd'mpllon WANTED by a well known New (A) U!4 panlea In (Ireater N'en' York not Included In est, In Stock Exchange Would o Other Steel Workers Arc Yokohama Ttn ti tl Cash In own vaults Clearing furnished fund Federal art and historical furniture, a gentleman to act as Treasurer Chin: members Federal llouc atatrment. Flicurra ... on ::i.7tMs oo 71 70 y Xtate Il.nk.ln Drpartmrnt t reserve naiea. iM.ii:4i j the Company and make an" Investment in the business; may take Homkonr reserve hank (a) 19,131,000 Dec.. 1,OM,00 Act as a Tonic. Appealed To. sninrnai 1.03 m Reserve In Federal Auxuat 11. t;hanrea, full charge of the financial management, office, etc., New capital . t.lS.tnc.r.as II . Approximate parities of above are : Holland. Reserve Bank of Iean., dlicounta, In. Total gnlrt reaerve t4!7.1l.l is desired for legitimate business Mtenstda. That books have 40! cents; Italy, Greece and Swltaarland. member banka... 173,106.000 Dre. 1,81,000 veatmenta, Ac $fl,M!,700 lnr..$H,fW,tflO Leaal Irmi'T noiia. Mpecle f,4(3..V Dec. 340,400 silver cerllflcalep been audited by us and reports of full detail Are on file in our 1 1!4 lire, drachma and franca respectively; Reserve In imn IS irri7.wj.43 Only n small demand for public 51.4 cents; 20.24 Den- Sta e tenders 13.S2x.400 Inc.. 33.000 and aubaldtary ioln lo.tll.KO . offices. We consider exceptional opportunity for the .', HEAVY ORDERS OF ALLIES Kuiala, Austria. tenia; vault, t I'tal Kcrui-lllc- rnnrkod week which this an Sweden Norway, 26 cents: hank and truat Total dcno.lt 1,042,313.500 Inc., 10,173,100 , the ... - mark, and drpo.lta, ... consequence right one. No attention paid to agents or brokers.- Call or com- Draall, 32.44 cents; Arirnttna, paper, 42.11 rumpanlM (h). .,, 1,14,000 Dec. 451,000 Total tllml. lf41.311.SM.09 $4.23.11.U "'"""ed ycstordiiy. As j me amount, due Total reaerve. rents; Aratentlns, fold. l.Oies pesoa; India, 'Reserve In ctenoid' inline Bill . rllai minted ajid j'liiurttni wan Kenrrauy iuic, wuu inn municate with 12.44 41.11 tnrlee, Hlate hanks from rencrve depo.l. : -- centa: Japan, cents. imtisht xrvini torlca and from OB urisni leniurcn, a kcuitui iwu. Largo Contracts Placed for ant tiust com Comintrclsl paper U.M2.404.T7 ll.3iu.wat ,1 nn J flit! nu,a trnm tho panics 60,0,12,000 Dec, 1,130,000 other banka and Accrplantes 44.7f0.l 24 K.110.inois " '.' .Work on New INet dotiihiid de. tru.t companies In . comiinnles to nwnken tlio intnrest of tho PERLEY MORSE & .COMPANY posits $.419,330,000 Dec. tu.in.oon New York itty and Total' $T0.T7!.f3O II $4.2O.K7.0! public. Bonds were moderately strotn, t ' INCREASES IN BILLS Net time . jot, 111,000 Inc., 7(i.lu0 U. S. depni.lt 1SO.S22.200 Inc.. 14, !:,.) , dfilt.. Investments: and while the ilemnnd whs not keen Certified Public Accounttnti , ing Plants In U. S. Circulation 30.l,(a Inc.. 320.000 ItKSHIIVIl. tl, S. bonda , S.JIl.ViOIVI 4,$tl,t.VI.M re- Included In (nl anil IIU,!in.nriO 1.394.017.M several Ifiipnitnnt trnnsuctlons VlCe Hivl. (h)i Htatc bank.. I'.C. All oilier resources. cvo::.22 61 NEW YORK tCnlted Klatea dei.lt dvliieteil,.,.i;04,52,m) Ca.h In vault Ill, SHI. MO 10.47 ported BROADWAY IN RESERVE BANKS Awreeate re.erve, $S;,;54.(io: eirrrni Dcpn.ita In banka and tru.t Total resnurces...l711.I.IWI.I2 $72.711.f0.4l The gcnrrnl opinion In tho market Is ' Business' In steel products Is confined 1 ;d, Ca.tmO : Inrreate, $l,t20,20. lompanlra 101,300 14.42 that the next move In prices will be LIABILITIES. upward, particularly If securities In tlio klrhost entirely to QoVernment orders, CI.KAHINd 110CMK MKMIIKItS, DAILY Total . ... 111,421,100 55.05 AVKItAOK. Capital $12,111,000.00 112.123.4iO 00 .Stock Kxrhnmrr exhibit slcns' of a re- - placed either direct!)' or Indirectly by , , Tnwt rompanle.. - Ca.h hi SM.tOO.SW 1 29 Member, banka de- rVlvnl of. Interest by tho InvestltiR pub- army navy Aiitu.t 11. Cli.iiiro. vault poalts. (net) '4!2,011.2nC.01 41l.tSJ.SM9, manufacturer having and Acceptances Total $5,500,000 Ian., dUeoUnta, In- Dipoeltii In banka and tru.t lic. The del.ty In flxliiK prices, n duty i 12.37.400 19.14 hankie contract!. In the aggregate such orders veetmenta, Ac U,130,tl?tOOO Inc.. JW.Sa,0O0 panic. depnalta (not)....-- . Il.441.t33 10.017,120.S7 t In the hands of the Federal Trade although Cd.li in nun vaulta, are large, few Individual orders More Earning Assets Gain M.41 ftoveriuent.lepoUt 12,lf7,!.t9 misolnrt. lias held back all business. Reports Jujy gross earnings $541,713, Inc. -- ii)fintNra Total 11,I97,M0 . are' of magnitude. Federal Due to other Fe-1- oi1 104,146; $277,357, reeerve ,ank (at 11,111,000 J,3I,0M on ilppo'll', 121I1.SM,340: '(more less, and the public utilities net operating earning, BUMPER Much is In ef- J)ee. Araroitate re.erve oral rnirv. ItAnka Inc. $16,013; tntnl Income $216,11, Inc. SKuNS OF A i Interest centred the About $17,000,000. Ihwrvc In Federal 1h.4,700 drervaae. Per cent, of lecal reaerve, (r.Mi i,r.l4,T7.n 11,915,517.11 . stocks, with tho others, now Indirectly forts of the Government to Increase the rte.ertn Hank of 116,246; net before deduction for depre- Vatlrral trtarr nntrn reel the ifix interval existing until a ciation $129,141, Inc. $6,456. manufacture of bit; runs by calling upon member banks.., Ml.W.OOO Dee. 43,112,000 (net siuiiij.030 ro hi problem Ik Iteaerrc In own Federal Reserve Bank Statament. decision this reuchol. WESTERN HTATES OAS It ELECTRIC Machine tool builders and other steel Federal Reserve Dinlr In Was mostly professional last - $11,-71- DEPRESS CORN - Washington, Aug. 18. Substantia vaulti,. banka Statement of the $tMM,M.S Trndlntf CO. llepons July $109,869,- Inc. CROP In- state week ended 17, Totsl llablIUIes'.,rn.421.09l! rron work concerns. Additional orders for fximpa- - New York Jor the Auiuit I week, with the declines about offwet by net exprn.es $52,066; Inc. 15,. Increases In bills held and large net and trtiat - Federal reserve notes lifter ordnance calling for the expenditure of He (n).. 131,147,000 Dec. 4,3.15,000 comparetl with ptecedins- week: outstanding N1.312.JC 00 :I3.I12.31S.OO tlio advances. The professionals nave, 020: twehe months irots $1,320,91, Inc. $60,000,000 have been placed with many withdrawals of Government deposits are "Reserve In depnsl. RESOURCES Aralnat which thej-- main, been with narrow 1105, 124; net after expenses $632,141, Inc. Auruit 17. AuzuttlO. la deponllefl lth satisfied 140,21.7. of .these concerns. I indicated by the Federal Reserve Hoard's VV 2.iS(t,000 Dec. 4,06,1,000 Oold coin and ' reserve profits, and ciulck turnovers have been ) ,ntnirt Federal 1 a Outside of heavy forglngs for artillery demand d certificates: tho rule exception. There Wheat Eisos Cent Bushel , weekly statement. , tNet arent: rather than the buy-In- s; and plates for shipbuilding-- current 1,120.341.000 Dec. ;.727,000 Gold Mttlemenl Gold and lawful was not really day 1 Member banks' reserve deposits show NJ"tHnV oo a active .In the entire INDUSTRIAL NEWS. for,' the. of war muni- iVriii: iO4.K1.000 I I. e. 92i.Oi10 fund 1IW.401.000 00 $17,101,000.00 moner i21.112.MS 2'.,l2.3R;.0n weelf, general prices Record Price on Hogs manufacture a gain almost .as large as the loss shown 10,173.000 71,000 OoM In 2H.571.100.H paper ll.s77,0O.il 26.70e,0T4.M and the.
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