ATBngB Daily Net P iw s Run T h e W e a t h ^ MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1971 B o r n e Weak BaOed Chance o l ttannderaliower Bits •Y. May 39, 1911 evuilnc, cooler by dawn; low p a g e t w e n t y -f o u r near SO. Tamorroiw beoanliig fair, pIcauMUit; Ugh naar 80. Tbursday fair and mild. M an ch ester CSiapter, 15,550 Bdgar Circle of South United Manche»ter— A City of Vittage Charm Methodist Church wlU have a BiPBBSqBA, YYlll rehearse to­ About Town salad luncheon and mission pro­ night at 8 at the Army and TIRES David M. Caldwell, aon <rf Navy Club. The r ^ a r a a l la PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS gram tomorrow at 11:80 a.m. VOL. LXXXX, NO. 211 (8DCTBBN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1971 AdYWtMMr «$ Vk«e U ) Dr. and Mra. David M. Caldwell at Susannah Wealey House of q^ien to aU men wishing to ! PANTS BATTERIES Jr. of 158 Boulder Rd.; and the church. Baby-aittlng w ill be sing four^iart harmony. William W. Bnleeton, eon of available. DRIVE IN TODAY . ONE STOP CAR SERVICE HEAOUQARTiRS Warren H. Bgileaton of 114 There yyIU be <q[>en casting for Downey Dr. and Mra. Una P. Stanley Circle of South United the Little Theatre of Manches­ BcKleaton of Newlnfton, are re­ Methodist Church w ill meet to­ ter's September production of < SLACKS House Passes Bill Pilots’ Study Listed cent (raduates from the Loomla morrow at 8 p.m. at the By- "The Price” by Arthur MUIer GLEANED AND School in Wlndaor. sannah Wealey House paridng tonight and Wednesday at 8 at y 4 COMPLETE FRONT END SERVICE lot to go to Mra. Gordon Dun­ the clubroomS, 32 Oak St. The Robert Cart Bartel, eon of lap’s l«k e Haywood cottage for play calls for three male and ( PRESSED TUNE-UP MUFFLERS AND TAILPIPES lA LA N C IN G For Formation Of New Haven Airport Mr .and Mra. Oeriiard Bartel of a potluck. one female middle-aged roles. 8«1 Hackmatack St, recently graduated from Kimball Unkm Miss MUUcent Jones of B<ri- Academy, Meriden, NJl. "United Aircraft and Bnvlr- ton w ill speak on the care of BETTER CLEANERS BROWN’S WILSON onment” tvlU be dlacuased by indoor plants, at the meeting of Enviromnentiil Unit As Dangerous Site Carl Bristol at a meeting of I I . i: 1.1 s i:i I \ I > ^ ' I I ■ ■ ■ : • ■ " ' AUTO SERVK'E TIRE SHOP SUPERIOR SERVrCE MlM Janice B. Havey, daugh­ the Transatlantic Brides and the IQwanU Cub of Manches­ Parent’s Association Wednesday VIUXS-MMI' ll'l HARTFORD (AP) — A 248-page bill creating a NEW HAVEN (AP) — The Airline Pilots Associa- MPRl'CE STREET ter of Mr. and Mre. Andrew M. ter tomorrow noon at the Man­ IM W. MIDUL.K TPKE. Havey of 48D Sycamore Lone, at 7:80 p.m. at the Veteran’s new state Depaihjnent of Environmental Protection, tion ALP A had listed the site of the state’s worst air MS-ISIK Mt-MM chester Country Club. haa been elected to Alpha Memorial Hall, Sunset Ridge, one of the major efforts of the 1971 legislative ses­ AiunntAr as one of the nation’s 10 most dangerous . • MOBIL CBEDIT C’ARO • crroo CREDIT CARD Lambda Delta, national echo- Bast Hartford. sion, was passed by the House early Tuesday morning airports. "" laatlc fraternity for freabman Hiere will be a potluck to­ and sent to the Senate for final action, The statement issued In Sep- em electronic aids to guide pl- women, at BuckneU Unlveralty, morrow at 13.80 p.m. In the Memorial Temple, Pythian n e oammlMSaner who beada -------------------------------------- tember 1909 included Tweed-New lou in Mind landingB in bad library of the Buckley School Sisters, yyIU meet tomorrow at Haven along with uch airports weather. Lewiabuig, Pa. W6,000 to the amount for all library Yrorkera. 8 p.m. In Odd Fellows Hall. The ATTENTION Jurladictian over “ all that which - ■ - ....................... as Kennedy Internatlo^ to New Tweed-New Havoi YYas among Initiatory Degree will be con­ a__ A. ■ m __ , beingfc«xaaa« ^lentmutav v«aon awmleatlpolaoning de- Mlae Barbara H . Bebnke, ^ t o do with mvlroimeiit. In- tecOon progiama York, Mteml Internatlotial and thoee singled out in the A P The administrative board of ferred on a class of candidates. daughter of Mr. and Mra. Al­ n<*so.” —Make the state enqiloyea re- toe airport at ItanUngton, W g, lacUng a glide slope South United Methodist Church Officers and members of the Va. where 75 were killed a plane’s angle o f de- len F. Bdinke of 178 B. Center degree staff will wear white TEEN-AGERS O m v h , Urement fund actuarUy round YYlll meet tonight at 7:W In the In a craeh laet November. ^ St, baa been named to the Waterbuiy, House chairman o4' over a period of 40 years by church reception hall. There goYYns. Refreshments will be 10 TBIABS TO 18 TEARS the Environment Oommlttee. aprlng aemeater dean’e Uat at served by Mrs. Irene Vlncek, gradually Increasing the state's fe r a e ^ t ^ ^ e S - N w and Qreen Mountain OoUege, Poult- YYlll be a presentation of the Mrs. Walter Potyra and Mrs. ENTER "WORLD STTLIBIAKER OONTESer’ tormeriy 1^ contributions to It said Monday nitfit, “This is one ney, V t, where ahe la enrolled Planning Conference $md ptx>- in 11 boards, Indudbig clean air, John Keegan. —Oontfauie the oorpoiation tax airport YYhero yy« have alYYays In die retailing curriculum. gram acceptance. water reaouroeai, park and SAVE forest, fish and gaime, shriMIsh (See Plage Bight) r ”^*®.vS^m’“ r e ^ C * ^ ^ ^ The Bfellowcraft Club of Man­ John' Mather Chapter, Order and othen, ave been trans­ Jeffrey P. Harrlaon of 88 Sewing Classes “ jSiTlnSJSLl on toe AIJ*A UP s ^ 5 1 chester Lodge of Maacfia will of DeMolay, will meet tonight ferred to the conunterioner, Myrtle 8t. waa commiaaloned a at 7:30 at the Masonic Temple. Ust le Bradford, Pa. which YYas ^ aecond lieutenant in the A ir have its annual picnic for mem­ said Ctenqil. The first degree will be confer­ LESSONS $4 .S O the site of two Allegheny crashes Force reaerve program at yea- bers only tonight at 6:45 at 7 In addman, the commisrioner X8 days apart around New ^ « * * * * '« ^ l^kham Park. Later in the red In honor of Edward Slade oi adU have authority over “strty State House terday’a Unlveralty of Connec­ 3 HOURS EACH X i Year’s 1969. and yybs scheduled to continue ticut cmnmencement exerciaes. evening, there w ill be a bualneas Meriden, state executive officer, 6 mining, abandoned automobUea Mkmday's crash of an AUe- NeYYport Ncyyb, V o. after stop- who YYlll Inspect the chapter. WIN FABULOUS PRIZES and other areas never before Buy all your summer wardrobe sesalon. gfaeny Alrtlives Cknvalr 680 h ^ New Haven. The Mothers dub yyIU also meet touched by state law," dampl Kills Bill On The board of Oiriatlan con­ pened. YYfaen^ toe plane was iq>- Page Eight) needs now on these popular styles tonight at 7:30 at the Masonic Trips for 2 to San Francisco. Over 8,000 prises Including said. cern of Center OongregaUanal The executive bodUYl of the Singer SeYYlng Machines prooching Tweed-New Haven in Church YYlll meet tonight at Volunteer League of the Luts Temple. Ihe new department yyIU In­ Health Unit dense fog. Twenty-eight of toe 7:80 In the Robbins Room of Junior Muaeum w ill meet to­ clude ftmotiatiB now haaiBed by 51 persons on board were killed. Manchester Lodge of Masons For Enrollment Information Call the church. morrow at B:15 a.m. at the the Health,, , D^iartment^ and Uie HARTFORD (AP) — Dr. Mior- The plane bit a power line, muaeum. YYlll meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. D e p u ty of Agriculture and oohen’a latest attempt to (AP plwto) ripped through three vacant Airliner Hit m Tlw executive board of the at the Masonic Temple. After SINGER SEWING CENTER „ curb the rising coat of hospital Mayor Lindsay looks' from helicopter window as he surveys this morning’s beach cottages and crashed in y -j The paator-parlah committee the business meeting, a lodge, of Sen. Kennedy Manchester Property Owners 850 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER, CONN. iwaanrt wUhout dUaent came to nothing early traffic situation in New York City. Supervisors reopened wme of 25 draw­ a marshland. of North United Methodlat instructioii will be conducted by Aaaociation yfIU meet tonight at XELEFBONp: 047-1435 bridges into Manhattan, easing massive traffic j^ s that hit the city. The manager of the airport, M arine Jet^ 8 In the Circuit Court romn at Church YYlU meet tonight at 9 Lyle T. Neddow, lodge historian. Oommlaslon warn Hits Nixon At James Malarky, said the plane the prdlce atatlan. at the church. Refreshments will be served. wto original- ^ ^ vote In the was attempting an instrument ly cftvorM 9k oQoraiiMLting council »» landing in dense fog. Officer Says ^ 'm e H ou«, had prevlouriy de- He said the minimum operat- Protest Rally By LYLE PRICE style #173 .. Style #73 Stylo #187 _ feated 86-71 an amendment Uiat ing ceiling at the airptul is 580 niyMi Cretr-YcnF. naytea^Cren-Year- Playtoi Crota-Tour- Associated Preps Writer Hatrt* FIberMMiaee Htart*$trttcklr»— R e i»»a e «ta tlv e Oohen, a Demo- Sewage Treatment Workers WAflHiMnmN (API — Sen. <**lrman of toe Btiffe tIreWi are full tact Cupt WASHDIGTON (AP) ^ National Transportation Safety tlieer elestle eMei ttietcb sn for perfect end from BloomBM^ had un- The and beck M, B.
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