1903 - 1928 Richard W. Shoemaker recently surprised NEWS Elwood Ross, 1st Lieutenant in the U. S. the New York Alumni Chapter by his ngineers, has been called to a year of presence at one of their meetings. He is Have you any bit of news about tive duty with the 19th Engineers at connected with the Chase Brass and Copper yourself or fellow Tech men? art Ord. Co. of Hartford, Connecticut. Kenneth Fenwick is now on active duty Marriages, births, promotions, job a Lieutenant, Civil Engineer Corps Re- 1912 change, papers published, or new rves, U. S. Navy, at Rorfolk, Virginia. F. Curt Miller was killed in an auto honors received are all items of Edwin McMillan and Miss Elsie Waliord accident near Elsinore, California last lumer were married June 7 at Haycock March 27. He is survived by his wife, Clara interest to the rest of us so write oint, Massachusetts. McMillan, who holds Paxton Miller, a graduate of the old Throop your information on a penny post- doctor's degree from Princeton, is now Normal School during the presidency of card and address it to the Editor, sociate professor of physics at the Uni- Dr. Scherer. irsity of California. 1921 CALTECH ALUMNI REVIEW Edward E. Tuttle and his father Edward Ed Champion is now associated with Pasadena, California f. T. Tuttle recently announced the forma- Gibbs and Hill, consulting engineers, New on of a partnership for the general prac- York City. He was formerly with the ce of law under the firm name of Tuttle lngersoll-Rand Company. id Tuttle, with offices in the Title Guar- I Gordon Mitchell is a Captain in tl ntee Building, Los Angeles. Tuttle had 1922 Army Signal Corps Reserve. He recent reviously been associated with the firm Glen Webster, a Captain in the Army received considerable publicity- for his c f Farrand and Sloss,on in Los Angeles. Engineer Corps, has been assigned for a ordinating work with the Army as Chai year of active duty as Instructor in the man of the Academy of Motion Pictur 192^ R.O.T.C. unit at Oregon State College. Arts and Sciences Committee to work wi 1924 the Army. Bill Mohr, Captain in the Army Engineer Wayne Rodgers was called to active du 'orps, was recently transferred from Fort Grant Jenkins is a Captain on active duty with the 19th Engineers at Fort Ord r tacArthur to Fort Belvoir, Virginia, where at Camp Callan, serving as staff officer in centlv. e is serving with the 34th Engineers Bat- charge- of supplies and chemical warfare ilion. service. Orrin Barnes was called for a year Walter Grimes is a Captain in the Army James Mercereau has just been promoted active duty as a Captain in the Coaist &ingineers Corps, and has been on active to the rank of Major in the Army Engineer Artillery Corps. He is stationed with t he d uty for several months at Fort Belvoir. Reserves, and called to active duty at Fort 3rd Coast Artillery at Fort MacArthur. Fred Wheeler is now a Lieutenant in Belvoir, Va. Glen Graham, Banning City Engineier, tl he Naval Reserve, and proceeded on March s acting Engineer for the Idyllwild-Ba n- 1, 1941, to the Philadelphia Navy Yard, 1925 ning Highway Project. Caryl Krouser was called to a year of vvhere he will serve on the new battleship, active duty as Captain with the 13th Army The f,ollowing personal notes were aLC- 1Vashington. Engineers at Fort Ord. cumulated at the Annual Alumni Banqilet 0. S. Larabee, Captain in the Army En- at the Athenaeum June 13, represent! ng 1930 gineers Reserves, was called to active duty the fifteenth reunion of the class of '26. Don Barnes, M.S., '30, was recently pro- with the Engineer Board at Fort Belvoir, Robert W. Moodie reports his son Repb- rnoted to Major in the Army Engineer Virginia. ert is now through the 8th grade and w ell Ireserves and called to active duty at Fort Ed Thayer, former president of the New on his way to Tech. With two girls a1 Is0 Iielvoir, Virginia. i York Chapter, reports the birth of a daugh- in the family, Mr. and Mrs. Moodie ire , Harris Mauzy passed the recent exam- ter, Julie Clark Thayer, September 20, not handicapped by too much spare tinne. I nation for license as a civil engineer in ( 1940. Mark Serrurier has a IS-months (,Id .atif ornia. 1926 daughter who keeps her parents wond er- ing what she'll do next. 193 1 Herbert Ingersoll has been assigned to Jeff Wineland is the proud father of a active duty with the 1st Engineers, Fort James Carter has twins James and Me iry laughter, Judith Laura, born April 28, in Devens, Massachusetts, effective May 15. (10) and another son, Robert (a), to hi 21~ ,Denver. Herb holds a commission as Captain in him save on income tax. Carter says t1iat Walter Dickey and Isadore Thompson the Army Engineer Reserves. in spite of all defense activity he remains ,were successful candidates in the recent Stu Seymour was called away from his as an oil sniffer, trying to supply an al- ixamination for license as structural engi- insurance business April 15 for active duty ready overcrowded market. leers in California. as a Captain in the Coast Artillery Corps J. Ed. Kinsey reports three deductees for Edward Crossman, Lieutenant in the at Camp Callan. Stu writes that he con- income tax purposes when needed. ICalifornia National Guard, was called to tacts his family occasionally with the J. F. Voelker, engaged in cement w<irk active duty on March 3, and is now taking at Victorville, was glad to see the gctad assistance of a San Marino radio operator, .i. training course at Fort Benning, Georgia. Wasson Nestler '36, a neighbor of the turnout of '26ers. He has a young daug;h- ;Crossman has conducted courses in bal- ter. 1listics at U.S.C., and is the author of Ira Triggs has a 4%-year-old daught er. iumerous articles on guns and marksman- the patio for short-subject sound movies John Howell, now making electric n10- , including a movie of the life of Rndolpl- ihip. His father was attached to Fort Ben- tors for defense, reports a 5-year-old ning as an experimental officer when the Diesel; his invention of the Diesel Engine daughter for an Oxy coaching candid ate , and the subsequent development of oil ir ,infantry school was first developed there, and a 3-year-old son for Tech. some 20 years ago. the laboratories of the Standard Oil Com- Charles Bidwell and wife Laura ;in- pany, for use in Diesel Engines. This film nounce the birth of their first child , a was shown through the courtesy of Howarc daughter, November 22, 1940. 1932 Vesper and the Standard Oil Company Edward C. Keachie announced the birth and was most interesting The entire even 1927 of his first child, Stephen Keachie, on May ing was a great success, under the efficien' 9. Keachie is a teaching assistant at the management of Mr. and Mrs. Vesper anc Ted Combs, former Alumni Associat ion Stanford University School of Business Louis Erb. president, was promoted to the rank Administration. Our Chapter wishes to extend an invita Major in the Army Engineer Corps ;: Bill Shuler is now a captain in the Corps tion to any of you who may come to thi April. Ted is currently on duty in the ot Engineers and is in charge of the Officer Bay Region. We meet every Monday a Washington office of the Under-Secret ary Training School at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. twelve, for lunch in the Fraternity Clut of War, handling supply contracts. dining room at the Palace Hotel at Nev Dick Darling is now serving as a s taff 1933 Montgomery and Market Streets, Sai officer at the Enlisted Specialists Sch 001, George H. Anderson, Ph.D., '33, is now Francisco. Camp Callan, California, with the rank of director of industrial relations for the Texas Alex J. Hazzard '30. Captain. Power and Light Corporation. June 1941 1935 W. Bruce Beckley is now connected wit1 John Klocksiem, chief of stress analysis, the firm of Boykin, Mohler and Gordon Hughes Aircraft; no wife, no children. Dick Jahns. and his wife, on a vacation patent attorneys, with offices in the Crock from U. S. Geological Service work in Art Frost, engineer, Douglas Aircraft er Building, San Francisco. Beckley grad Co.; no wife, no children. Washington, D. C., visited Los Angeles uated from Stanford Law School in 193' in April. The couple were honored at a re- Paul Hammond, Holly Heating Company and passed the bar examination the sami of Pasadena; married and 7-months old union banquet attended by Warren Potter. year. Elmer Leppert, Herb Woodbury, Chet daughter. Davis, Lind Davenport, Hugh Colvin, and Victor Veysey, after a year at Stanfort Holley Dickinson, in charge of special respective wives. Before returning to Wash- University, will be back as a teachinj aerodynamic research at Lockheed; mar- assistant in the Institute's Industrial Rela ried, no children. ington, the Jahns visited the Pacific North- Wally Swanson, assistant to area engi- west. tions Department this fall. Victor is cur Davenport Browne, Jr., and Miss Pene- rently teaching one of the full-time summe neer, U. S. Army Engineers, Ogden, Utah. lope Anne Freer (Flintridge School) were courses in industrial management unde Married-yes. Children-no. recently married in Chevy Chase, Mary- the EDT program at the Institute. Peter Serrell became the father of a 6- land, and are now residing in Arlington The following men were among thosi pound, 7-ounce daughter, Barbara Janet, Village, Virginia.
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