Vol. I. t a u * N o . 4z. EAL & WORTHLEY, Phillips, Drugs, Fur­ OORE, O. M„ Phillips, Job Printer; Editor healthy competition much to the advan­ nishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Ac. and Proprietor of the Phonograph. B M N, B, (Narrow Gauge) E. E, tage o f the producers in that region.— This firm now occupying the first A poor, forsaken fellow, who knew Eastern Argus. store in Beal Block, is composed of no better than to stai t a newspaper in This road has a gauge o f three feet, Phillips, Franklin Oo,, Me, two comparatively young men of busi­ Phillips, where he can’t expect to make and a mileage from Fredericton to [N o t e .— Evidently the Argus man ness tact aud enterprise, who have a a living without working for it. Grand Falls, including the branches means Fort Fairfield, instead of Houl­ Saturday, O ct. 5, 1878. stock of goods in their line as good as ORRISON, Jas. Jr., Phillips, Attorney at to Houlton and Caribou, of one hun­ ton.—-E d .] any this side o f Lewiston. M L aw . dred and fifty-three miles. In October Senator from Franklin County, for 0. M. MOORE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. EAL, H. E., Phillips, Sleigh and Carriage it will be opened 38 miles further to Communication. B Painter and Repairer. the second term. Don’t care if he has Little Falls, at the most northeasterly another. A good lawyer, farmer and A young man who has recently es­ point of Aroostook county, making P resque I sle, Sept. 23, 1878. p Q C f P f , tablished himself here in business, hav­ law-maker. a total mileage of 191 miles. From Bro. Moore—By your kindness I ing learned his trade with Benj. Low­ ARKER, B. T., Phillips, Watchmaker and Little Falls to the River Du Loup, the am the recipient of the first number o f P Jeweler. DON'T LEAVE THE FARM. ell, Esq., of Farmington. Well wor­ distance is 78 miles, and the proprietor An old established jeweler, who does the Phonograph, which is a very thy of patronage. of this road, Mr. Gibson, has offered readable and spicy paper, worthy of BY JAS. M’GRANAHAN. a great deal o f business on “ tick.” L A N C H A R D , S a m ’l A ., P h illip s, Boots and to build it through to conuect with the the support o f the people o f Phillips Shoes, made and repaired. RATT, B. E.. Farmington, A tto rn ey at L aw B and Notary Public. Grand Trunk railway at that point and vicinity, as well as of people at a Come, boys, I have something to tell you, P An old resident; well known and An enterprising lawyer who does a for 5,000 per mile. River Du Loup distance, interested in the affairs o f Come near, I would whisper it low: respected as an honest trader and good Are you thinking of leaving the homestead? lot of legal swearing. is the ultimate destination of the road Franklin Co. That county was once my workman. D on’t be in.*a hurry to go; RESCOTT, E. D., Phillips, Proprietor Elm­ and it will undoubtedly be constructed home, and I was then acquainted with The city has many attractions, LETHEN, A. J., Portland, Counselor and wood H om e, thither sooner or later— probably Attorney at Law. P many of the people of Northern Frank­ But think of the vices and sins I B As neat a landlord, landlady and within two or three years. lin, and the reading of your paper nat­ When once in the vortex of fashion, Mr. Blethen is well known in this hotel as may be combined in three, in­ N o road has more corteous and urally revives recollections of your lo­ How soon the course downward begins. county, having been principal of Lit­ separable, and a parental pair in car­ watchful officials and on no road is the tle Blue School for five years. He is cality. I knew well many of the old You talk of the mines of Australia, ing for the wants of their guests. comfort and convenience of the trav­ residents of Phillips, such as Col. They’re wealthy in gold, without doubt, now a prominent lawyer in Portland. OBINSON, E. M., Phillips, Furniture, Cof­ eler better subserved. It has been in op­ Marston, Gen. Sherburne, Seward But ah ! there is gold on the farm, boys, UTTERFIELD, A. S., Farmington, Boots, R fins and Caskets. Shoes, etc. eration from Fredericton to Aroostook, Dill, Charles Church, S. S. Lambert, If oaiy you’ll shovel it out; B Keeps a fiue assortment of goods in The merchantile life is a hazard, sixty-two miles, for five years. It has Keeps a large and well selected his line, and makes a great deal of or­ W m . H . Josselyn and others. It is The goods are first high and then low, run as regularly as ordinary railroads now twenty years since I have seen stock of goods aud can furnish most namental work in fancy bracket saw­ Better risk the old farm awhile longer, any thing made o f leather. and has had not a single" accident in Phillips, but remember it as a smart, Don’t be in a hurry to go. ing, sign painting, etc. He is also en­ its whole length by which any passen­ stirring village, of enterprising busi­ URNS, Mrs. M. j ., Farmington, M illinery gaged in a grave business, which ac­ The great busy West has Inducements, and Fancy Goods. ger has been injured. It is capable B counts for his inability to smile. ness men, with good schools, well at­ And so has the busiest mart, A lady from this village, we under­ of doiug all the business on the route tended churches, and intelligent peo­ But w ealth Is n ot m ade In a day. boys, OBERTS, R. L., Farmington, Artistic Pho­ stand, whose ability as a milliner, is tographer. and all that will offer for years to come. ple. I rejoice that they have at length Don’t be in a hurry to start 1 R well known. • The bankers and brokers are wealthy, A first class artist, and an accepta­ The business now is not small. Cari­ a local paper which, if supported and Y R O N , j . H ., P hillips, Dry Goods and Gro­ bou alone averages four cars of freight cherished as it should be, will be to They take in their thousands or so ; ceries. Fine Family Flour a Specialty. ble successor to Capt. Merrill. Ah ! think of the frauds and deceptions, B daily, Houlton more, and every station that town and vicinity an element o f A small sized man doing a large AWTELLE, Frank, West Waterville, Tax­ Don’t be in a hurly to go. idermist and Stationer. of course makes a contribution. prosperity and advancement in every and well-deserved business. S The farm is the safest and surest, Keeps a. stock o f best goods, and As to the actual cost o f the road, thing desirable that nothing else can HANDLER, W . M., Phillips, Black Smith The orchards are loaded to-day, C and Job Worker. whose windows are filled with speci­ the public have no official data. For supply. For the small sum o f $1.50 You’re free as the air on the mountains, An inventive blacksmith—yes, ar­ mens of his skill. Has a fiue little some reasons it is believed by many annually, less than three cents per And monarch of all you survey; steamer on the lake near his home, that the cost is stated at a higher fig- week for each man or head of a fami­ Better stay on the farm awhile longer, tistic, with perseverance and pluck and does a thriving business. ure'than the actual fact. This state­ Tho’ profits come in rather slow, enough to abash a regiment of small ly, each business man, the town may Remember you’ve nothing to risk, boys, men. Engulfed by the flood, he AWYER, P. A., Phillips, Attorney and ment is $12,500 to $13,000 per mile, have an organ through which they SCounselor at Law. Don’t be in a hurry to go. emerges Phoenix-like to laugh o’er the including all items o f construction and may communicate with each other up­ — Words from Cur eh’x Musical Visitor. One of our enterprising lawyers aud the rolling stock. Here are some on all the affairs o f life, advertise their distruction, and, always striking while public-spirited men. iron’s hot, hits many a nail “ on the facts bearing on the question. The business, their public gatherings, MITH, E. B., New Vineyard, P rop rietor o f head” in the interest of the town and S the Franklin House. town o f Caribou agreed to grade aud w'hether religious, political or social, humanity. The travelers’ friend. fence the road, pay land damages and keep the world informed upon what provide sleepers from Fort Fairfield to they are doing, or what they wish to The Business of Phillips. ILL, Harry P., Phillips, Surveyor and Pub­ OULE. J. M., Phi!'L ( Manufacturer of Dlish er. S Grave St jilts, Ac. f v that village, a distance o f twelve miles, do, and in a thousand ways they now The boss of the boys, and pioneer W ho erects tablets o f enduring mem­ in order to obtain an extension o f the think little or nothing of, promote the W e do not wish to appear selfish or of fun ; enterprising and genial; a ory to the souls of the departed in a road to that place.
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