PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. VOLUME II. WEDNESDAY JULY 1803. PORTLAND, ME., MORNING, 15, ίWHOLE NO. 328 .»iuuwv.v<t »»'· Hic rUitlJLiAWLF JJ AiJu 1 rituioo, I ens ιι»··<·γ. pi CSV IIL Ciuur- MI NULL 1J Λ Λ1<AJ υ rs. gency ami gone to the front. It is a pity the CARDS. FOR SALE & TO LET. JOHN T. OILMAN, I LEGAL & Editor, lii-tory and glory of a regiment should be so BUSINESS OFFICIAL. Is at No. divided, and it will be a published 82J EXCHANGE STREET, source of regret to J L. the J. R. COAL «fc WILLOW, Agent, C'oinitiiiif Kooni to L«*t. cm of IN FOX BLOCK, by returning portion that they cannot share (;»LI)FJt, Λ\ΓOOD, iiifum. what was no within CHEAP It MANUFACTURER OF KOOM over No. 90 N. A. FOSTER & CO. easily their grasn. The KO CASH, Commercial 8t. COUNTINGThomas Block, to let. to In reception of the regiment will not oecur un- Apply the Year (Me Thousand DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY S J. MILLER, Eight Ihindrtd and til the whole when a warm and enthu- Furniture and Steam .Sixty-three. ΤenriH : returns, Crockery Engines, Steam Boilers, mch'il dtf Over 92 Commercial Street. siastic will be them all. Thk PoRTLATfD Daily Pbmh if published every reception given The In second ORDINANCE concerning morning excepted), at year colored rezlment—the Mass. 55th— s η am ο mountain AM IVEKY DESCRIPTION «F lACHlSERÏ, Hoard of Meeting* of the (.Sundays #6.00per WAREROOMS, i.ehig.h, AN Mayor a».d Aldermen, and advance, to which will be added twenty-five cent* for will leave next week with full ranks. A HΛΖELTON I.F. till; II, ΟΙϋ«·«· (ο Let. of the City for splen- Nos. 11S and ISO Middle Council. each three months' delay. and if not paid at the did stand Street. COLEKAINE Steam Cocks, Valves. Pipes and Connection*», Whole socond floor, Middle Street, cent situated be discontinued. of colors is to be them LEHIGH, and rally lie it onlained the eud of the year tin· will presented LOCUST sale or Retail. ON eaay of access. Apply at No. 01 Commer- by Mayor, Aldermen, and Com- paper this week. MOUNTAIN, mon three cents. cial Street." Council of the City <\f Portland, in Single copies ..... JOHN'S. feblO tf City Coun- Thnrs- A STEAM AND cil ataemàied. α· Thk MainkStatk rrtKSf*in published every second exhibition of the electric light Fashionable THE OAS FITTING, folio** in Parlor, Chamber, GENUINE LOMIERY, .Sicr noR I. State·! dav morning, nf 00 per annum, advance; 1*2.26 will be to-morrow In same Done in meetings of Ifce City Council given the and the best manner. «hall if r»aid within six mont hi ; and £2 60, If payment be evening To Lfl he held on the first of manner as on Pnre nn<l Frpp Rnrnine. Monday evening each the the Fourth. The city will also month, at neve» and a half o'clock delayed beyond year. Work» β Union St.f and 233 A 235 Fore St.» commodious Chamber in the cor Special meet- ι have another exhibition of fireworks at the northerly ing* of the M or and COJIMOX ITRMT1RK. TUEnerof the new brick block, corner of Limci and ay Aldermen, and of the City IlateH of Advertieineî I saine lime, in honor of the recent victories. I CUMBERLAND COAL JnUdtf PORTLAND, Mb. Milk the Council, «ball be called by the Mayor at such timet Street*, directly facing market, ltei>tluw. as he Both will 1 ALSO at office of may deem expedient, by causing a notification first week : 75 cents week !>e fine, and, being free froina Fourth ^ Enquire to be left at SI.25 per square daily per FOK SMITHS' USE. the u-ual residence, or place of after; three insertions or leas, $1 <K>; eve- of will be OCEAN INSURANCE CO., of each business, continuing duly crowd, enjoyed. member of the Hoard or Hoard* to be other day after first week, 60 cents. This Glasses and Mattresses. PLeal Sept.15,1%2. dtf No. 27 Exchange 81 vened. con- ry is the last week at the Howard. A Looking Coals are strictly of the bent an Estate, Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; one quality, transient is AL*0, DEALER IN AND IMPORTER OP warranted to ffive satisfaction. wock, SI.00; 60 cents week after. company giving entertainments at THESE INVESTMENT» ! In Board per H»ii«<- anit Lot or Mayor ard I Under head of A wcskmkxtp. ft 00 the Museum. The are full for S1WO. Aldkbmkr, per square per Buckleys drawing 6. 1868. week; three in't'rtions or houses GOOD LOT over 1700 This Jnly I lets, $1.50. notwithstanding the warm weather, an A for beat of Nova containing square feet, bill having been twice read, China, Alio, «ale, quality Scotia and other with a passed to be or- 8pkciAL Noticks. *1.75 per squ%n* first week, being irresistible, and the Seven Mile Mirror Crockcry, CRIAT CHUCI fOR BARSAIVS BEFORE TBI RISE ! A very good House, on Montgomery street. dained. JACOB McLELLAK. •1,00 per square after; three insertion·* or less, 91.25; For particular» inquire of JOHN C. PROCTER, Mayor. is in full tide of success. Ir Com m oh half a three one I would say to I'ort- Hard and Sod lVood. Lime street. tf Council., 6, 180S. square, insertions, £1.00; week, GLASS WARE, ap34 This bill been twice July •1.25. landers that il omit to hear Morris Bros. 2ft HOUSES, at prices from flftOOto #fiOOO. having read. to be or- any dained. TIIOS E. TWin BtJsiNB** NoTK'Ka. In column·. 12 cents lftft HOUSE LOTS. at prices from §20oto «3000. iif.LL, President. reading Pell A· Tiowbridge's Minstrels while in your Plated 6, 186Π. line for one insertion. No less than Britannia, Ware, 2,0ftn.0ftft feet of FLATS. Approved July per charge fifty it will lie a The public are reoetsted to call, as we ar*> deter To 1m* Let· city sin of omission they will 1,000.000 f»»et of LAND. JACOB M» LKI.LAN, Mayor. cents. AND ruined to (five bargains to those who cash. the second over Store M good pay 2 STORE ou story, A true LteoAL Notices at usual rates. heartily repent. Arlington. LOTS Commercial Street. CHAMBKRSinMiddlestreet—Mitchell's Building. Possession copy, attest, Advertisements inserted in the Maijik 8tatf. TABLE »y»<ew J. M HEATH, CUTLERY, Office, Commercial St., head of Maine MOSKS Middle given immediately, inquire ot City Clert. I'hkss (which has a large circulation in every part of 1Γ7VJ c;orLn,74 Si., jan2tf A T. DOLE. of which be sold LOW for CASH. the State) for 38 cents per square in addition to the ty-AU will very SAWYER A' WHITKEV. nov27dtf Up Stair*. U. 9. yinmhnVn abore rates for each insertion. myl8 If I Notice. Transient advertisements must be for in ad- mchSO'GSdty paid For Sale. Critkd Statrr or Amrrita, I vance. The Great Indian l>i*trict Maine, mm. Remedy ALBERT WEBB &< THE Three Story Brick l>welling House, »j j !ΠΓ*Α11 communications Intended for the «„ to a Monition from paper FOK FEMALES· Scotch CanvRN, No. 1H6 Con greas street. corner street. the Hon. Arthur should be directed to the "Editor the Prr*$, and Ouincv Ware. of the United of GARDINER & DKALKItH IK Said lionne contain* fourteen flniuM Pl'RSUAVTJudge State* District of a DR. BROW*, M those busiue«« character to the Publiahern. MATTISONS INDIAN EMMEN POU I* A LE BY Court, within and for the District AGOGLE. rooms; is warmed by fhrnace: of hard and of Maine, I hereby tr Γ he poRTLANi» Daily and Maink State plenty not ire that the i'hi» celebrated Female Medicine, 02 Middle soft water; an abundance of cNwet room. public following Libel has been Press Cfflce, in Pox Block. No. At Street, Corn, Flour and Enquire led in said vis 82j Exchange possessing virtues unknown of any- JAMES T. PATTEN & Grain, of .1A M ES Ε. FEKNALD, ike Coert, Street, is open at all hours during the day and eve- CO., A Libel against Γ μ rtt-two thing else of the kind, and provins fy Opposltrthe Custom House, HEAD OK MERRILL'S WHARF. ap23tf 87 Middle Street. ιιγλπηιμ Cioarr, ning, from 7 o'clock in the morning to 9 in the effectual after all other» have failed, tintli, Mv. seized by the Collector of the District of Portland and Falmouth, on the evening. in designed for both married and *»li- Have on hand.and arc the lat- Commercial Street. I'ertlnnd. Me· eleveutb day uf June instant, Frintimo executed daily receiving at Portland, in «aid £y\JoH o| overy description ait ladies, and in the very beet thine ί)ΛΜ BOI.T8 8opcrlor Bl««:lied | aerand mowt dksiharlr atylkb of je23tf District. with and all business to the of- FOR KALE. Which seizure was for a dis|>atch; pertaining known for the an it will JkmU" 300do All Long flax "(»ov· *»»«· breach of the lawa of the fice or transacted on a- purpose", AI» Work,, ν House IS United i« paper promptly application bring on the sickness in cases coutract,■ No. Adam «treet. two stories. and States,jh uior·· set forth in mnafAljr ... ; particularly abovc. "nmeuj Arbroath. CLOTHS, OVERCOATINGS, nIJ t'1'' 12 iinMi'-Ί room-, said Libel : that a of obstruction*, from auy cause, and 300 do Kxtra All LongAJUK llMflax | <onlfc, Pantn, Venin, Jacket·, liiij repair. plenty fcetriujr and trial will be had there- hard and on at F.
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