MAY 23, 1963 THE TORRANCE HERALD 59 * Automotive Automotive * Automotive Automotive^ * Automotive Automotive * Automotive Automotive _ AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES ~~ AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES ~ AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES For Sal* J90 ^Forjjal*________190For Sale ^Forjal*________190For Sale ^Forjol*For Sale 190 ForForSol*________190 Sale ForForSal*________190 Salo ForForSaU_______190 Sal* P«fSal*_______190For Sal* For Sale 190 SCOTT ROBINSON PONTIAC WHERE EVER YOU ARE PLANNING TO GO TAKE ALONG A 1963 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX! . OR A NEW TEMPEST IF YOU LIKE! NOW 1RAND PRIX TORtANCI INCLUDES FULL FACTORY EQUIPMENT '62 PONTIAC Convertible '2895 GIANT '61 TEMPEST Station Wagon M595 Venture Hardtop Coupe '2495 '61 COMET Deluxe Coupe '1295 '61 PONTIAC USED '61 MERCURY Hardtop Coupe '2195 '60 JAGUAR Wire Wheels '2295 '57 RAMBLER Wagon '795 CAR '58 DODGE 9-Passenger Wagon '1295 '795 '60 Bonneville Convertible '2295 '56 PONTIAC Station Wagon SALE '60 PONTIAC '60 CHEVROLET Impala Hardtop Coupe '1895 No Reasonable PONTIAC Safari Station Wagon '2295 Offer Refused '56 '62 CHEVROLET Impala Hardtop Coupe '2595 LO, LO DOWN CHEVROLET Coupe Stick Shift '695 PAYMENTS '61 '61 CORVAIR Monza Coupe '1795 TOO! PONTIAC Bonneville Vista '2595 BEFORE YOU '2195 '62 CORVAIR Monza Coupe '2095 BUY ANY '60 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 Convertible USED CAR '60 CHEVROLET Station Wagon, Stick Shift '1795 SEE US! '60 FALCON Station Wagon '1195 EVERY USED CAR CARRIES OUR FREE 12 MONTHS OH 12,000 MILE WARRANTY 20340 Hawthorne Blvd. NEW GARS FR 1-3521 -- USED CARS FR 1-3525 Open Sundays _ YOUR TOMANCI NEW PONTIAC DEALER CLEAN CAR CORNER SURFERS SPECIAL '51 PLYMOUTH VACATION Italian Wagon. Cltan ear, i good. $145 '56 OtDSMOBILI 2-Ooor M. Rxl.o .nd haatar. automatic tra"imiti>on. Only (495 '54 OLDSMOBILE SPECIALS I. 4- Door. Radio. h«atar, utomatlo tranumaalon. A tranaportatlon apaciai. $95 LIKE NEW :ONALD E. "MORAN, INC '60 CHEVROLET Impala iport Coup*. Radio, haatar. automatic tranamla- ion. powar ataanng. M angina. FINANCING COME IN Special order your new Oldsmobile FALCONS I to ahooa* from. Aa low M SPECIALS I AVAILABLE $795 direct from assembly plant. SUMMERTIME SPECIALS 59 FORD MOtf, oil morrocoan '56 MERCURY COUNTRY tCDAN tTATION WAO. '59 VOLKSWAGEN '57 OLDS. I Equipped with hydromoHc, radio, heater, bucket tation Wagon. Radio, haat V-i. Automatic Tranamiaaion. Radio . V •r. automatic tranamliilon, and Htatar interior. for t CONVBMTIOLK , powar ataa.mg. Raady KARMAN OHIA Automatic Tranimltilon, < CUTLASS vacation. Powar ttaarlng. Brak» $495 '799 COUPE '56 FORD ONLY $2746 Itatlon Wagon. AutomatU ! $1299 $499 tranamlMion. radio, haatar Oolite flirting. $495 '56 FORD Equipped with hydramatlc, radio, hooter, white wall tlrot, carpel mat*, tTATION WAOON. PAMINOIR padded daihboard, oil filter. TRY US FOR PRICES V-i Automatic TranamlMlOfl. DYNAMIC ON THESE CARS PLUS Ridio and Htalar '62 CHEV. II MANY, MANY NICE '61 MONZA t-DOOn HARDTOP HOLI DAY COUPE CARS READY TO GO $399 4 »»««d. Madle, HMtor ONLY $3030 Term* to Suit Anyone! Madia. Haaur. Pawar Staar. Equipped with hydramotlc, radio, power tto«ring, powtr brokoi, podded AHER $1399 $2199 fllttr, carp«t mo»i. SUPER doihboerd, oil Walnut STAR STATION WAGON SPECIALS I MOTORS '59 '60 FORD '62 MONZA 12 Scoter) ONLY $3429 2084 TORRANCE BLVD. '/.,-TON PICKUP at Cravens Metropolitan Equipped with hydramatlc, power .leering, power brake*, floor contolo Downtown Torrance ihlfl, white wall tlrei, tinted glaii, electric windows. CLOSED SUNDAYS RADIO AND HIATBR $999 FA 6-6212 $499 $2199 STA IF!RE COUPE •55 PLYMOUTH 3 door V-«. ONLY $3736 Autonialla trutumluloii. At- auma 8 7« ».,-k Down n.,>. infill no problem I'M DO de­ '60 CHEV. liver*. Call Mr. Lowia at '58 CHEV. Equipped with hydramatlc, powor tteorlng, powor brakei, tinted 9)011, kt TK \-[>\L*. STATION WAQON PAMKWOOD WAOON '61 FORD NINETY-EIGHT wheel dlK«. '61 LANCtm dr.—Prtvata V-i. Automatic TrantmlMlon, wh||< wa|| t|fM ,)trtrle windcrwi, electric 2-woy leal, party can _ _. .... Radio, Haatar V-i Automatic Tr«a»mliilon ICONOLINK VAN ca.il down—pay 13341 month Radio. Haattr, Powar iUar. HOLIDAY I11U9. Kur financing Infornux- $699 tl<m and lomliuu call IVttlflc $999 SPORTS SEDAN ONLY $3760 Acceptance Co. DA s-1410. Mr. $1699 TA K B evar paymenta.Si month. 'U Triumph Sport* Car. Na«da riiik* ualttji,. ut MM. Call :i3i-l6tl3.____ RONALD E. MORAN, Inc. «TGALAXIK Kutback. T-Blrc eimlna. Autoiiuttlo trannmU alun. Full |j>iw«r. Alumna YOUR OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC DIALER 115.74 wa«k D, , . iirubleni. VJ5.UO dnllvera. Call BAHER CHEVROLET 900 Pacific Coast Highway REDONDO BEACH 'W~PLYMOirTII "Sta Wagon— 2901 PACIFIC COAST HWY- HERMOSA BEACH l>rl»ate parlv ran lakti o\cr- lf no ciuli down—pay |31.( FR 2-1151 SP 2-1371 Open 7 Days a W.ek , FR 2-2181, SP 2-2811 Inforumiion and 1m ntlon >•& Pacific A c •• u'p t U n c a Co DA 1-1410. Mr. 7 odd..
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