Phylum: Annelida Polydora nuchalis Class: Polychaeta, Sedentaria, Canalipalpata Order: Spionida, Spioniformia A spionid worm Family: Spionidae Taxonomy: Polydora was revised in 1996 teriorly, at the base of each palp (Fig. 1) by Blake who noted two distinct categories (Bailey-Brock 1990) within the genus which were consistently Anterior Appendages: Tentacular palps are recognizable with both adult and larval phe- long and coiling and extend to 25 segments notypes. These two categories led to the (Fig. 2). two genera, Polydora and Dipolydora (Blake Branchiae: Strap-like branchiae begin on se- 1996). tiger seven (Fig. 4). Burrow/Tube: Orange tubes are Description approximately 2 cm in length. Size: Specimens up to 28 mm in length. Pharynx: Color: The illustrated specimen (Fig. 2) is Genitalia: pale orange, with a broad red vertical dorsal Nephridia: stripe, red cirri and palps. General Morphology: A small, thin and del- Possible Misidentifications icate spionid worm. Spionidae can be distinguished by a Body: Body morphology is easily recogniza- pair of long prehensile grooved palps which ble as Polydora because of a modified fifth arise from the posterior peristomium (Blake setiger (Fig. 4). 1996). Two other polychaete families have Anterior: Prostomium blunt, trilobed long palps: the Magelonidae, with adhesive and with obvious nuchal (olfactory) tentacle palps (not long and flowing) and with flat- dorsally (Fig. 1). Caruncle extends to third tened spade-like prostomiums and the segment (Woodwick 1953) (Fig. 1). Chaetopteridae which have palps, but their Trunk: Main body consists of eighty bodies are very obviously divided into three segments or more. quite different regions, which is not the case Posterior: Pygidium lacks papillae in spionids. The similar family Cirratulidae (Fig. 2). may also have a large pair of palps, but they Parapodia: Biramous. have tentacular filaments, which are lacking Setae (chaetae): The first setiger has sever- in the spionids. Spionids also have hooded al short and winged neurosetae, but no no- hooks in posterior segments, may or may tosetae. Setigers 2–4 have capillary setae not have prostomial appendages or (Bailey-Brock 1990). Setiger five is modified branchiae, the prostomium is well with special setae, no post-setal lobe and, developed and fused with peristomium, the instead, bears a crescent shaped row of pharynx is without jaws and the setae are spines (Fig. 4). Two types of spines are pre- mostly simple (Blake 1975). Often certain sent on setiger five: one simple and falcate segments are highly modified and have (Fig. 3a) and the other plumose (Fig. 3b). special setae, for example prostomial horns Hooded hooks on neuropodia begin on se- are present in some genera. Spionid tiger seven. parapodia are biramous, with acicula (see Eyes/Eyespots: Two eyespots situated an- Leitoscoloplos pugettensis) and sometimes A publication of the University of Oregon Libraries and the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology Individual species: https://oimb.uoregon.edu/oregon-estuarine-invertebrates and full 3rd edition: http://hdl.handle.net/1794/18839 Email corrections to: [email protected] Hiebert, T.C. 2014. Polydora nuchalis. In: Oregon Estuarine Invertebrates: Rudys' Illustrated Guide to Common Species, 3rd ed. T.C. Hiebert, B.A. Butler and A.L. Shanks (eds.). University of Oregon Libraries and Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Charleston, OR. have stout saber setae. There are 19 local pigment bands, anteriorly and dorsally. Poly- spionid genera (Blake and Ruff 2007). dora narica occurs subtidally off Monterey, Superficially similar species in the ge- California and has a large and blunt prostomi- Polydora spongicola nus recently separated from Polydora, Diplo- um and inflated caruncle. polydora, are D. elegentissima and D. so- is a commensal species living with sponges cialis (Blake and Ruff 2007). Diplopolydora that possesses a weakly rounded prostomium elegantissima, a boring species, has very and four eyes (Blake 1996). Polydora cornuta P. ligni short branchiae beginning on the eighth (= ), the type setiger, but rarely on the seventh, and its species for this genus is also the most similar P. nuchalis. Polydora cornuta nuchal caruncle extends back over several species to has a nuchal tentacle and its branchiae also begin segments. Diplopolydora socialis, common in San Francisco, California also has bran- on setiger seven. Its heavy spines on setiger chiae beginning on the eighth setiger. Diplo- five have an accessory tooth and its polydora species are recognizable from Pol- companion setae are feather-like. This ydora species by the following characteris- species has four eyes anteriorly, arranged in tics: hooded hooks having curved shafts and a square and, posteriorly, a large cup-like P. no constriction or manubrium, the main fang pygidium with dorsal notch. Differing from nuchalis P. cornuta is directed apically, notosetae are present , has a bilobed Polydora on setiger one and the anterior digestive prostomium, rather than incised. cornuta is found in mud or water-logged wood tract is enlarged (Blake 1996). The genus Polydora contains ten lo- and it is also an oyster borer (Blake and cally occurring species (see Blake 1996 for Evans 1973). dichotomous key), most are known only to Ecological Information California, but many likely occur in Oregon Range: Type locality is southern California as well. Polydora alloporis is a subtidal spe- (Blake 1996) and the distribution ranges from cies and bores into the shells of Stylaster Oregon to California. californicus. It has a rounded prostomium, Local Distribution: Coos Bay distribution in- no occipital antennae and two eyes. Polydo- cludes South Slough. ra pygidialis and P. websteri bore into mol- Habitat: Mudflats of estuaries and bays lusk shells, ectoprocts and other calcareous (Blake 1975) or bottom of a drainage channel, substrates, the former species with a round- Salicornia sp. marshes and on non- ed prostomium and up to four eyes, while calcareous substrates (Blake and Evans the latter has an incised prostomium and 1973). four eyes. Polydora bioccipitalis occurs in Salinity: Collected at salinities of 10 in sur- southern California and Chile in intertidal face waters of Coos Bay. and shallow subtidal zones and has a pro- Temperature: Collected at temperatures stomium with a deep anterior notch, two oc- ranging from 8–18°C in surface waters of Co- cipital antennae and four eyes. Polydora os Bay. brevipalpa can be found among bivalve and Tidal Level: Collected at +1.4 m in South gastropod shells and P. limicola can be Slough. found in large groups and attached to rocks, Associates: Associates include amphipods, wharves and ships. Polydora brevipalpa has isopods, the gastropod Ovatella sp. and the a rounded prostomium and palps with black alga Fucus sp. bands. Polydora limicola has a weakly in- Abundance: cised prostomium and four eyes and black A publication of the University of Oregon Libraries and the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology Individual species: https://oimb.uoregon.edu/oregon-estuarine-invertebrates and full 3rd edition: http://hdl.handle.net/1794/18839 Email corrections to: [email protected] Life-History Information 1. BAILEY-BROCK, J. H. 1990. Polydora nu- Reproduction: Fertilization is internal and chalis (Polychaeta: Spionidae), a new Ha- females release pinkish eggs (120 µm in di- waiian record from aquaculture ponds. Pa- ameter) into transparent capsules through cific Science. 44:81-87. nephridial canals (Woodwick 1960). Up to 2. BLAKE, J. A. 1975. Phylum Annelida: 100 eggs are kept in the capsules in chains Class Polychaeta, p. 151-243. In: Light's or attached to adult tube walls. Only 1–8 manual: intertidal invertebrates of the cen- larvae (of 100) will survive. Larvae develop tral California coast. S. F. Light, R. I. by ingesting nurse eggs within the capsules Smith, and J. T. Carlton (eds.). University and at 9–12 segments, they leave the cap- of California Press, Berkeley. sule and become planktonic (Woodwick 3. —. 1996. Family Spionidae, p. 81-224. In: 1960). Taxonomic atlas of the benthic fauna of Larva: The early larval development was the Santa Maria Basin and Western Santa described soon after the description of P. Barbara Channel. Vol. 6. J. A. Blake, B. nuchalis (Woodwick 1960). Trochophore Hilbig, and P. H. Scott (eds.). Santa Bar- larvae are 180 µm in length at 18 hours and bara Museum of Natural History, Santa possess rudiments of a prototroch and te- Barbara, CA. lotroch, by 72 hours the larva elongates to 4. BLAKE, J. A., and J. W. EVANS. 1973. 200 µm and, although the telotroch is well Polydora and related genera as borers in developed, there is no segmentation. By mollusc shells and other calcareous sub- five days, the larva has two segments, is strates. Veliger. 15:235-249. 260 µm in length, with budding anterior 5. BLAKE, J. A., and E. R. RUFF. 2007. Pol- palps and a distinct pygidium. One day later ychaeta, p. 309-410. In: Light and Smith the larva has three segments, three pairs of manual: intertidal invertebrates from cen- eyes and begins to feed on nurse eggs. tral California to Oregon. J. Carlton (ed.). Five segments are reached after one week University of California Press, Berkeley, and 15 by three weeks (Woodwick 1960). CA. Spionid larvae were collected in plankton 6. WOODWICK, K. H. 1953. Polydora nu- samples from under the South Slough chalis, a new species of Polycheatous an- Bridge in June in concentrations between nelid from California. Journal of the Wash- 300 to 4000/m3 in February (Blake and ington Academy of Science. 43:381-383. Evans 1973). Larvae settle, metamorphose, 7. —. 1960. Early larval development of Poly- and begin building tubes at the 13-17 dora nuchalis Woodwick, a spionid poly- segment stage (Woodwick 1960). chaete. Pacific Science. 14:122-128. Juvenile: Longevity: The longevity of Polydora nu- Updated 2014 chalis is not known, but its congener P. ligni T.C. Hiebert completes a life cycle in 30 days.
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