288 THE BELFAST GAZETTE, 16TH AUGUST, 1968 liabilities of the said firm, and all accounts due to claiming to be incumbrancers against All That part the late partnership should be paid to the said of the lands of Curragh, Maghera, containing nine Alexander Gill. acres statute measure or thereabouts situate in the Dated this 9th day of August, 1968. Parish of Maghera, Barony of Loughinsholin and County of Londonderry and which said premises are Signed by the said Thomas now in the possession of the Defendant, Ernest James Hewitt in presence Rainey, are on or before the 20th day of September, of: Thomas J. Hewitt 1968, to send by post prepaid to Dermot S. Badger, Harold M. Thompson, Solicitor for the Plaintiffs, at his Office, Broad Street, Magherafelt, County Londonderry, their Christian solicitor, Portadown. and Surnames, addresses and descriptions and in the case of firms the names of the partners and the style Signed by the said Alexander or title of the firm, the full particulars of their Gill in presence of: claims and the nature of the securities held by them Harold M. Thompson, Alexander Gill or in default thereof they will be excluded from the solicitor, Portadown. benefit of the said Decree. Every person holding any incumbrance is to pro- duce the same before the Clerk of the Crown and Peace at the Courthouse, Magherafelt, on the 25th day of September, 1968, at 12 o'clock noon being ADVERTISEMENT FOR the time appointed for adjudicating on Claims, and INCUMBRANCERS of which sitting all persons interested are hereby required to take notice. IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR THE DIVISION Dated this 26th day of July, 1968. OF MAGHERAFELT R. E. Burns, Clerk of Crown & Peace. BY THE RECORDER OF LONDONDERRY D. S. Badger, Solicitor for Plaintiff, Maghera- Ulster Bank Limited, having a registered place of felt. business at Crumlin Road, Belfast, in the County of the City of Belfast, Plaintiff, Patrick Hurl, of "Sundown", The Creagh, Toomebridge, in the County of Londonderry, Farmer, Defendant. Pursuant to a Decree of His Honour the Recorder SEIZURE NOTICE of Londonderry dated the 29th day of November, THE IMPORTED LIVESTOCK ORDER, 1958 1967, made in above Suit all persons claiming to be incumbrancers against All That part of the lands of I, James Hayes, Constable, being an authorised The Creagh (Etre & Otre) containing 27 perches or officer for the purpose of the Imported Livestock thereabouts statute measure in the Barony of Lough- Order, 1958, hereby give notice that on the 10th insholin and County of Londonderry being the lands day of August, 1968, at or in the vicinity of The comprised in Folio No. 9898 of the Register of Harbour, Belfast, County Borough of Belfast, the Freeholders of County Londonderry and which said undermentioned Eight (8) livestock were seized in premises are now in the possession of the said accordance with the provisions of the said Order. Defendant, are on or before the 20th day of Septem- ber 1968, to send by post prepaid to Dermot S. Any person claiming that the livestock were at Badger, Solicitor for the Plaintiff, at his Office, Broad the time of seizure his property and either Street, Magherafelt, County Londonderry their (a) that they were not imported, removed or Christian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, brought into the United Kingdom from the the full particulars of their Claims and the nature of Channel Islands, or the Isle of Man or the the securities held by them or in default thereof they Republic of Ireland, or will be excluded from the benefit of the said Decree. (b) that they were not so imported, removed or Every person holding any incumbrance is to pro- brought in in contravention of the said Order, duce the same before the Clerk of the Crown and may give notice in writing to that effect to The Head Peace at the Courthouse, Magherafelt, on the 25th or other Constable in charge at Musgrave Street day of September, 1968, at 11.30 o'clock in the fore- R.U.C. Station, Belfast, 1, such notice to be received noon being the time appointed for adjudicating on within 21 days of the date of seizure, or, where Claims and of which sitting all persons interested notice of the seizure is published in the Belfast are hereby required to take notice. Gazette, within ten days of such publication, which- Dated this 26th day of: July, 1968. ever period shall terminate the later. R. E. Burns, Clerk of Crown & Peace. If no such claim is received as aforesaid the said Order provides that the livestock shall be deemed D. S. Badger, Solicitor for Plaintiff, Maghera- to be condemned as forfeited. felt. James Hayes, Constable, Authorised Officer. 12th August, 1968. Belfast Bank Executor & Trustee Company Limited, Executors of Harry Kennedy late of Rainey PARTICULARS OF LIVESTOCK SEIZED Street, Magherafelt, in the County of London- derry, Auctioneer and Director, Plaintiff, and Type Colour or other description Ernest Rainey of Curragh, Maghera, in the Cattle (Eight) Five red and white County of Londonderry, Farmer, Defendant. One blue Pursuant to a Primary Decree of His Honour the Recorder of Londonderry dated the 16th day of One roan February, 1968, made in above Suit all persons One black and white PRINTED BY DORMAN & SONS LTD. FOR THE CONTROLLER OF HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE being the Officer appointed to print the Acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland BELFAST : PUBLISHED BY HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE 1968 Price Is. 6d. net Annual Subscription £3 15s. Qd. PRINTED IN NORTHERN IRELAND SBN 337 7250°.
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