Knights of Columbus convention — Pages 13-15 ¥OL. LX NO. 31 r Each name and piece ' Of paper is a link to our faith roots ^Archives a priceless treasure By Patricia Hillyer Some of the Archive documents are in ^ Register Staff Latin — others are in French, Spanish or The wise man who said that “treasures Italian, reflecting the varied backgrounds are always found in the strangest places,” of the faithful who have comprised Denver ^must have known about the three tiny Church history. rooms on the fourth floor of the Pastoral There is a treasury of material pertinent ^Center where a cache of historical riches to the five bishops who have shepherded the are housed. archdiocese, including their spiritual notes, j, A priceless collection of religious re­ letters, financial accounts, decisions and cords, unique scrapbooks,, time-worn diaries. The story of Archbishop Urban J. ^ newspapers and original photos span more Vehr's reign is vividly portrayed in four I than a century of local religious history — shelves of scrapbooks carefully assembled from I860 when throngs of gold-seekers first by Sisters who attended the prelate. flooded into Denver City to the present time Bound copies of the Denver Catholic Reg­ 'Srben the archdiocesan Catholic population ister extend back to 1900 bringing to life the ^tops 250,000. times and people of the Church for the past ' * Known formally as the Archdiocesan 85 years. Archives, the record center is under the Parish histories and the biographies of careful direction of Sister Ann Walter who, priests who served in them, stand beside ^ not only gathers and assembles the moun­ papers of all of the Religious congregations tain of materials, but also congenially as- of both men and women who have so gener- - -«ists those who stop by to research a his­ ou^y given their time and talent to the toy Jamas Bses torical monument or search for their roots. (Continued on Page S) Archivist Sister Ann Waltsr ‘I just keep thinking how much I’ll miss everyone’ Terminally ill youth called ‘special gift’ By Patricia Hillyar Register Staff “Sure. I'm scared of dying...that means I can never come back and be with the people I love.” Poignant words expressed by 16-year-old Lonnie DelReal, who is terminally ill with muscular dystrophy (MD) and every day experiences the nearness of death. “I just keep thinking how much I’ll miss everyone,” he said. Lonnie openly discusses death with his parents, Harold and Martha DelReal of Denver. Although he admits concern, "because 1 don’t know what it’s going to be like in the other place,” he also exudes an enthusiastic love of life that is readily apparent to everyone he meets. “I'm just happy every day I’m alive aind I know God has been really good to me,” he said. Lonnie siu in an electric wheelchair during mMt of his waking hours — his body withered from the deteriora­ tion of his muscles — a classic symptom of muscular (Canlinucd on Pa«t 1) Page 2 — The Denver Catholic Register, Wed., August 1,'1984 New deanery anti-poverty formed for Bishops’ Permanent program misrepresented Diaconate who contribute to the annual viewed by the local bishop. Archbishop James V. WASHINGTON (NC) - A Father Mottet said the Casey has announced the es­ document criticizing the CHD collection do not know tablishment of a new dean­ Campaign for Human De­ where the monew goes. He critique frequently used the ery for the Permanent velopment misrepresents said every priest receives term "the left" in regard to Diaconate community, and the purpose of the bishops' CHD promotional material social change. "By implica*., has appointed Deacon anti-poverty program and describing its intentions, tion. the author does a dis­ Alfonso Sandoval as the first fails to acknowledge the tre­ policies and practices. service to persons who do^ dean of the new deanery, mendous good it has done. Also, he said, dioceses are not think of themselves as known as the Southwest Father Marvin Mottet, CHD encouraged to have repre­ part of the so-called 'left,' Deanery. executive director, said in a sentatives of funded groups but who are also concerned, Father Marcian O’Meara, July 24 statement. spent nt parish meetings, about and involved in im­ director of the Permanent The 16-page criticism of diocesan newspapers carry proving the structural condi­ Diaconate, said that the in­ CHD. which was unsigned, stories on the groups that tions to which poor people in crease in the number of per­ said the program funds "lef­ receive grants, and the fund­ the United SUtes are sub-_ manent deacons following tist political activists" ing of a group must be re­ jected," he said. the recent ordination neces­ without the knowledge of sitated the establishment of most of its Catholic donors. the new deanery. Three Texas bishops have "Deacon Sandoval is a linked the writing and man with high leadership circulation of the document ability, and possesses a to Thomas W Pauken, a Children beautiful spiritual depth," longtime CHD critic who said Father O'Meara, "and I directs ACTION, a federal am sure that he will be a agency that coordinates vol­ and Youth goexi leader for the deacons unteer programs. Pauken of this new deanery." had no comment on the Although his diaconal min­ dwument, which first sur- istry at All Soul's Parish fac«?d in Texas Collection will be lessened. Deacon The three were Bishops Sandoval will continue in his Charles V. Grahmann of I>-ar Family in Christ: assignment at All Soul's Victoria, Joseph I’. Delaney ,\s we all know, the growing number of neglected Parish of Fort Worth and John and dependent children is a serious problem in our D<‘acon .Sandoval's wife. Fitzpatrick of Krownsville .•iociely tiHlay For many years. Catholic Community abi Frances, will .serve as the Ullimatu l«rg«l S<Tviccs has been meeting the needs of abused and unwanted children here in Northern Colorado. representative of the wives Father Mottet said the ul­ of the deacons for the new Foster home care is provided through Catholic Deacon Alfonso Sandoval Phale by Joaapfi'a Camara timate target of what he deanery calh-d "the I’auken draff Community Services to infants identified by the courts as neglected and abused Typically, these children have IS the Catholic hierarchy and its promotion of the suffered both emotionally and physically, resulting in Chureh s social teachings problems which frequently require extensive therapy. within the U S politieal The sptTial care which they nc?ed from loving foster Co-op is formed to iK-onomy parents and concerned social workers is made possible The soealli-d 1‘auken through this annual Collection document cited CMI) s 1 iisturtx-rl sch(x)l age children, the victims of seri­ o u s vxial .md emotional problems, find a healing save urban churches <• r 1 1 «• r 1.1 tor s e I f h e I p ,®P projMts Ih.il bs-nefit the environment in the residential treatment programs of pcxir and are directed by the Mount St \ incents home This Collection is necessary By NC Ndws Sdrvied Indianapolis may form a co­ sources. lo sust.iin the high sUindards of care for which Mount Twenty-one inner-city par­ operative union that would Father Clarence Waldon. p<M>r to bring about social change ll then asks Hut St \ im enis home has long bt>en recognized. ishes in the Archdiocese of pool their knowledge and re- chairman of the h in.ills ( atholic N'outh .Services seeks to involve archdiocesan Urban Min­ where does the money raiMHi by the Campaign lor our \(xing |H-ople in the life, mission and work of the istry Study Steering Com­ ( .ilholic community full range of personal en- mittee. said the plan to pool Human Development actual ly go"’ To support the work ruhmeni ,ind spiritual growth programs are made efforts of the 21 struggling .iv.iil.ible through this agency lo the Parishes of the Official parishes was approv^ by ol Mother T eresa’’ Or Archbishop Edward Father Bru«'e Hitter who WtM AKCHHISHOP'S OFFICK operates Covenant House, a 1 ask your kind consideration of this annual Collec­ 200 Josephine Street O'Meara of Indianapolis in tion lor the Ixmi'fit o( our children and youth. May God Denver. CO R0206 early July. shelter lor runaway youth■* I suspi-ct that the average bless you (or your generous response to the needs of our The goal of the co-op young people would be to increase parish Catholic assumes that s APPOINTMENTS where the rnohey goes Hut Establishment of a new Permanent Diaconate Deanery, staffs and update parish It Your brother in Christ, Southwest Deanery Deacon Alfonao Sandoval la appointed buildings, making them doesn I dean for a three-year period, effective August 1, I9M. energy efficient. The Father Mottet said the au­ James V. Casey Deacon Kenneth Hawkins. Coordinator of CoaUnuing project, expected to be com­ thor IS dissatisfied "with the Archbishop of Denver Education for the Permanent Diaconate Community, and also pleted by the year 2000, has essential thrust of the to serve as a member of the Permanent Diaconate Board. an estimated 96 million cost. bishops' program ■■ The collection will be held the weekend of Effective. August 1. 1004. Father Waldon said. Poor familiou Aug. h. Patrick Nelson. Seminarian for the ArchdlocaM of Denver, Conception Seminary College, ConcepUon, Missouri. Effective The co-op would be com­ lie said hundreds of August M, 1004 posed of representatives thousands of poor families Robert Luke Gilmer, Seminarian for the Archdiocese of from as few as 16 or as many have been assisted "in the Denver, Conception Seminary.
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