PAGE TPiCNTT tmmSDAY, JULY 9, 1989 AvEragE Dally |MEt PrEEE Roi» liattrliPBtpr ^tt^ning l^pralb The Weather , Fee the lYeak Eatled Fiir<m«t,,a« 0. a. WaaOwr OaraM. - May ttrd. IMB Aa tradlttonal through tha ybart, ing for court appearance tomor­ CTaartag, analar tMUglit vrttli ^11 Zion Bvangallcal Lutheran Church row. About Town will recrtgntae Ita church dedica­ Police Arrests L T . WdOD 00. 12,925 tawmt near #5. nmtstr4»y partly Ma'rin M. Ptirro, 47, of Provi­ Member of the Audit rlondy, attermom tmapmtmSwtm tion, which, took place July 9. ICE SLANT " M*mberi of Kr*nc«« H e r r o n 18P3. during the aervtce thia f|\in-. dence, R. I., was arrested at 8 . Bnraaa. of Olrenlattoa Erneat Reed, 40, of 295 Main St., 51 BIS8ELL ST. CJounclI, P>-thi«n Sunihine Girls, day at P a.m. The paalor. the Rev.,: o'clock ^ this movning and was Maneheft^r— A City of V iiltige Chtirm waa anreated laat night and tssisted Mrs Jane Smith, grand Paul G. Prokopy. will speak on charged with passing In a no-' Jii heA-Cruthed-Blockit ehlef rtf the Pythian Sisters. In •'My Christ-Centered G h jirch ^ charged with intoxication. He was passing zone. Free under $25 bond,! the flag ralaing.ceremnnles heJrt at Membership." released under $25 bond this morn­ he la due In court tomorrow also, j VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 2.18 (SlX'l'EEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN;T PRIDAY. JULY 10. 1959 (Claaalflad Adiriilehig «a Faga ii). PRICE P1VB CBNTi the annual picnic in Cheshire June 28. Last n^nnth also the local The Polish . American Club will jirls were the guests of Acorn hold it.a mortthly meeting next Council rtf West Haven at a hot Wednesday al 7:30 p.,m. at the. Smoke-(^anci^r dog roast at the P>-thian Center clubhouse. Steel Talk In Cheshire. Members of the Orsnge Order ^ Link Fails on will attend divine service Rundsy i in St. Mary’s Bpistopal Church at ! British Mice I 10 a m. Members are asked to aa-1 Start Personal Notices semhie at the church at P;4ft a m .; London, July 10 hPi—Mice Data Sta^ exposed to . strong doses of In Mempruim The Salvation Army will conduct' cigarette smoke have failed Uo IB levin* memory of liasrMice E , an open air service si 7:30 tonight. develop lung cancer in five Iternvrnlcn 'rtio pained s«sy Ju!' ? In the event of rain an indoor aerv- L New York,. July 10 (/P)— years of laboratory tests, the IWS <ice will be held al the Citadel, alao’ Sigjtfi of real horse-trading de­ Bflfish Institute of Cancer What spuld we give If we could mi at 7:30. Research reports. ■ Hello Softnv, ' In the ume old » » ' veloped in steel contract talks Only One mouse developed a To bear >TSur voice to lee \oiir etniie The Men's Club .of the Zion To ell and talk s'ith you awhile today. 1 tufhor. and that was blamed Tbcurh absent sou are alwase near blTlheran Church will hold an, out­ Negotiating activity picked up on a. bad case Of bronchitis; Still loved and mleeed and ever dear ing Saturday, beginning at noonTal- as time gre'w closer to a threaten­ scientist* assl.med to the re­ •• Mother, aiaiets hrnihers (he Howard Hanaen's home, 21 ed Induatry walkout at midnight search project said in a report Nlecea and nephew* Bremen Rd. Tuesday. made public yesterday. Interchange Site in Doubt Tha Industry and union bargain­ "Our failure is a striking Whiteside, ing teams, which met only briefly negative result," the, report Tolls End yesterday, then recessed to re-ex- added. simlne their positions, repeated the Now mice are being sub­ f a v o r i t I f o o d s same process today. Maek Case jected to cigarette smoke plus Last Call After a brief joint session this Relocation of Rt, 6 the Ingredients of smog with Oct. 1 on , morning, the management and the same negative results, the BALDWIN AT REASONABLE PRICES ARE YOURS WHEN YOU SHOP AT union representatives split up with report continued. Diseharged this statement: At Leeds University. 40 “The parties have been ex­ mice were subjected to con­ Held 4 Years Away BsM. changing data and have recessed centrated cigarette smoke and I Wa.ahinjton, July 10 {/P)— 2 Bridges APPLES temporarily to gather additional Information needed when confer­ atmospheric pollution. Of The jury in the Richarrl A. HALE'S SELF SERVE -v MEAT DEPT. these 27 still are slive snd ences resume probably this after­ ! Mack-Tliurman A. Whiteside By EVEBETT HOfTTMAN eth# 4-year highway pi ram which Wethersfield, July 10 {/Pi— 276 OAKLAND noon.’’ ■ has developed lung can- Th^ much discussed j’eloca- ive* outlined, Vinyl plastic, lining is fitted to the main pool at the Manchester Che report did not sSy ; con.spiracy ca.se was dis -ntua of (State Highway Cotnmisiioner STREET A further meeting sometime to­ charged today after deliber-, tion of Rt. 6 ih Manchester Country Club's new, private swlnirriing facility. Tiles places day was definitely planned but the ^tjier -13 died. \tiii gray-' Howard Ives annnuticed todzy PERO’S loosely' around the rim will eventually be ceqienled In place as a With These "qn's St, Bartholo- ating for more than 10 hours at l6ast four yearA away and haired, «-gar smoking time WS.S uncertain. I OR AT THE FARM OX At ERY STREET facing for the lop of the pool. The wading pool is in the back­ ^ BOOST-yOUB BUP^P primission-j f hat 829 million worth at the Country Club f . , The stated admission that “da­ jal, sqhstanc»s of witlmut reaching a verdict. the exact location of a con-i er sdmitied-frankly that Slate's now $484 million hijh- ground. (Herald Photo by Pintoi. ta" was being exchanged could tobacco smoke and smog were U.S. Di,strict Judge Burnita S Irovei'sial interchange which 1 " I" " ' he had been In wniiW K . iinHnr Injected into the lungs of rats cover many posaibillties. It left an Matthews dlscStniged the Jury nejfhisi- thi.stliig town nor P^ast I is under Pool Openinff encouraging impression. But there and guinea pigs and no ma­ from'furthep^eliberation.s after u i . i , ‘ i stlft acquainting himself with the: contract by the end of this was no word the industry had lignancy • has been- found so receiv.ng,^note from the fore- Hartford^ wantsWants ha* not yet.'.job!yet. Job. "year. Weekend Meat Specials made any wage increase offer. far. man. Robert A'v Burner, in which been settlcti. t-efetred the question • to : xhe projects Include all phaaas Slated Sunday IT'S,NEVER A GAMBLE, WHEN YOU BUY “I don’t feel any change in my The institute did find that' he said the Jury stood 11-1. ''evealed today David Johnson. State planning en- of the 4-year highway program pulse beat one way or the other," smokin;; seems to keep down Bmner did not .say whether the "t • "2*it acquainted" press con- j ' ■ 1**'^ ot*irlals who authorized by the recent aeaolOn the weight of animals, a.s it or ference in Welhei sfield held by aided'film In answering questions:^ The privateswimriing snd wsd- | . was the way R. Conrad Cooper put .. majority favored conviction It when asked by newsmen what sometimes does in hujnan I acquittal. newly appointed . Stste Highway ing pools nt the Manche.«ter logs. Commissioner Howard Ive*. • the prospects were, cooper is exec­ Mack, former member of .Johnson said the Rt. 6 project i progroni to keep tlia TIME TO SKEW SKEWER Comitry Club are expected to be DUBUQUE HICKORY SMOKED HAMS utive vice president of U.S. Steel "Rxposure to cigarette Federal Communications Com- devoted most of the hour- ................... * I PktfBlir* s\n sail m# not Included in the 4-vear i ^ in use Sunday, according to MCC i Corp. end the leader of the in­ smoke results in reduction of mission, and Whiteside, a Miami I '""K conference to a diScussion of .Time to get out that ruiEty skewer that wa.a (he ha.si.s of so many delirious meals am he.:ause It was necessary *P»rtm ant’s operaUoti. • ^ Swimming Aaan. Chairman John dustry's fight against higher pay food the animal consumes, lawyer, were accused of consptr- State s new S484 million high- Y * !” .<(.»»•• Ives siatements wers mads at demands. just as in man the smoker us­ mg to rig award of Miami TV way program and a new public re- *•" Olspose of the priority last summer. And then start preparing for some really tasty meals . shish ke- Summers. the first of a seriea of plannwl SHANK C Q c IBUTT Cooper and the industry's bar­ ually eats more sparingly;" channet 10 to Public Service Tele-' ["t'uu" program aimed at keeping; (Conttniied on Page Four) news conference* at the Highway hah, turkey, chicken . any meats that you can spear and rotate over the hot I^ a ted within the formor len- gaining team resumed direct talks the ' report aaid. vision. Inc. public fully informed aa to the j Department Office Blinding here. coals for that smoky outdoor grilled flavor. To he .sure everything turns out right, nia epurt area, the pools will be this morning with a similar 4-man Burner said the 11 Jurors fell '>?P*rtmenf, activities, Edward F. Power* of Old Say- h a l f Steelworkers Union team headed the stand of the 12th was "not wa* duting the question and hu.v the makings at Pinchurst where you get Jhe tenderest meals in town.
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