Commuters Air Woes at Rail Service Hearing SEE STORY BELOW Sunny and Hot THEDAILY HOME Sunny and hot today. Partly Red Bank, Freehold cloudy and warm tonight. Sun- Long Branch ny and hot again tomorrow. I 7 FINAL (St« DeUlls, Face S) Monmouth Vountff* Home Newspaper tor 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. U) RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1968 TEN CENTS It's Munich All Over Again, Area Czechs Say By LONIA EFTHYVOULOU Charles H. Schutt of 21 Parmly pect anything from any side in be no doubt about that. They name), although despondent I "What has happened is ter- "Being at the crossroads of j proud of those Czechs like Dub- RED BANK — "It's Munich Road; New Shrewsbury, "the the near future. are not afraid of the Russians, over the recent turn of events I rible," said Mrs. "Novak." Europe," Mr. "Novak" pointed ' enk and many, many others all over again in Czechoslova- Czechs have been fighting for "America," he J continued," and they will free themselves in their motherland, share Dr. "The people only asked for a out, "Czechoslovakia has had in the cultural field who be- kia." their independence. Now they is already over-exlonded and one day. This would set an ex- Schutt's optimism about the fu- i littln freedom, and it has boon precious little freedom. Since \ came the main social force This is the general opinion of have lost it once again." cannot get involved. The Rus- cellent example for other Eu- ture. j denied to thorn so brutally." the 15th century, the lime of ] which brought about the free- area residents of Czechoslo- Dr. Schutt, who spent the sians know this very well. This ropean satellites." "The Czechs will fight for j Mr. "Novak" added, "Al- the great religious and social | dom movement." vakian descent, or recent ar- years of World War II fighting is why they have dared this Several of those interviewed their freedom and they will de- j though Dubcek is a Commu- reformer Jan Hus, the country , "It was a great sorrow," rivals from that country, inter- the Germans in the Czech un- latest invasion and this is why did not wish to be identified feat communism," they agreed. , nist, he must be respected for has been independent only dur-, Mrs. "Novak" said, "for us to viewed by The Daily Register derground, continued, "The in- they are so sure." because they have relatives The couple have been in the ] his efforts to bring freedom and , ing the Masaryk Republic, 1018- see this freedom being taken after that nation's invasion by vasion was inevitable. Though About the future, Dr. Schutt still living in Czechoslovakia United States for just over one democracy to the country. He ! 39; and from 1945 to 1047 after | away from Czechoslovakia. Warsaw Pact forces. the country has been pro- said, "Even though they now and fear reprisals. I year. Mrs. "Novak" teaches in did this at the risk of his own : the war, and has enjoyed com- • Rut, according to an old Czech "Ever since the country was American since the formation stand alone, the Czechs will One such couple, whom we'll I one of the area's schools and life and gave the country free- parative freedom during the; saying, 'Things about us are de- presented as a gift to the Rus- of the First Chechoslovakian certainly fight for as long as refer to as Mr. and Mrs. "No- j her husband is an engineering dom of the press, freedom to j past, seven months or so. ; cided without us'. " sians after the war," said Dr. Republic in 1918, I do not ex- they are able to. There should vak" (that is not their real i designer, employed in the area. travel and freedom to work. I "This is why we are all very | (See MUNICH Pg. 3, Col. 8) Czech Leaders Defian t Insist Troops Go Home PRAGUE (AP) - Czechoslo- one who appeared on the ment building but the assem- Dubcek and three other liberal Communist party organ said vakia's president and Parlia- streets. bly continued in session. leaders *and sped them off to he led a minority faction in ment insisted today that the Defiant A broadcast by Prague an unknown destination. the Czechoslovak Communist 200,000; man Soviet block occu- The Parliament adopted its Radio, operating from a secret In Moscow, Pravda de- party that supported counter- pation force release captive defiant stance at an emergen- location, said occupation forc- nounced Dubcek as the leader revolution. It was the first So- liberal leaders and go home, cy meeting yesterday. Occupa- es seized Czechoslovak Com- of a "treacherous betrayal" of viet public personal attack on leaving the nation to follow tion troops entered the Parlia- munist party chief Alexander Communist ideals. The Soviet Dubcek since the Russians be- Its freer brand of communism. gan denouncing Czechoslovak "There is no way back from liberalism. freedom and democracy for The troops that made a light- Czechoslovakia," President ning thrust into Czechoslovakia Ludvik Svoboda said over a Six Madison Township Tuesday night to wipe out such clandestine radio station. liberal reforms as freedom of The situation must be the press still had not set up CZECH PATRIOTS IN PRAGUE — Truck filled with flag-waving Czechs rolls through solved rapidly and the troops a new government today to re- Veletrzni Street in downtown Prague yesterday. They shout "Dubcek y Svoboda" must leave," the 72-year-old turn the country to the hard HS Students in Prague as the truck passes Soviet tank in right background. (AP Wirephotol president said, adding that he line approved by the Kremlin hoped a solution could be MADISON TOWNSHIP — yesterday by Sen. Clifford P. Moscow and were scheduled to for Communist nations. reached today. Parents of six high school stu- Case (R-NJ) and Rep. James return to the United Stajes on Collaborators Even as he spoke, a quarter- dents here today anxiously Howard (D-3d Dist.). They Monday. Seven of the 110 members of hour firefight against the oc- await news of their youngsters were told the State Department The Madison students, all ad- the Czechoslovak Communist cupation troops broke out in who are now in Prague during reported that the local students vanced students of Russian, party central committee Tax Reform Plank Prague. Hundreds of casualties the, Russian take-over. were "safe in the hands of the are Rochelle Tabman, Patricia emerged as collaborators with already had been reported in The students have been tour- American Embassy in Prague," Sanicki, Pamela Robinson, the occupation forces. scattered cases of resistance. ing Eastern Europe since July and may possibly leave for Christopher Wallen, Leslie Commanders of the occupa- The occupation forces im- 18 as part of a Madison Town- Frankfurt, Germany, today by Wetzner and William Pegnato. tion troops met at a hotel in train. Urged by Howard posed a midnight - 5 a.m. cur- ship High School Russian edu- They were among a group of downtown Prague with eight few and announced they would cation - language program. The students arrived in the at least 15 New Jerseyans committee members. The shoot without questions at any- The parents were contacted capital Sunday morning from (See STUDENTS, Pg. 3, Col. 1) (See CZECHS, Pg. 2, Col. 5) CHICAGO - Rep. James J. fit of all the American people. large corporations and wealthy Howard (D-N.J.) urged the But to me, the lack of tax re- individual taxpayers were not Democratic National Conven- form legislation is a 'loophole' paying their fair share or es- tion Platform Committee today in our record." caping payment of taxes alto- to adopt a tax reform plank. Mr. Howard, who on Aug. gether. Hughes Stands Out Ike Has Setback Mr. Howard, a strong op- 31, 1967, introduced an 11-point "I belived then as I do now WASHINGTON (AP) — Doc- The bulletin for the first time ponent of the 27.5 per cent oil tax loophole closing bill, testi- that we must face up to the tors report a resurgence of the used the word "irritability" in- and gas depletion allowance, fied that "It is an outrage that need for tax reform instead of irregular heart beat which pos- stead of irregularity, but the noted that the recently adopted at a time of great financial enacting temporary stop- es a major threat to former doctors did not spell out why. Republican platform calls for and human need in this coun- gap measures which com- a continuation of the present try, the American people are pound the inequities which ex- President Dwight D. Eisenhow- Earlier in the day doctqrs As VP Candidate er's survival. oil and gas "lax loophole." required to subsidize oil and ist in our tax system," Mr. CHICAGO. (AP) — Backers Carthy would help the vice they all appeared confident he reported that a new drug had gas interests." Howard said. The new heart spasms were appeared to be effective in con- "It is imperative that the of Vice President Hubert H. president in the general elec- will get on the first ballot a reported in a bulletin issued Democratic Party reaffirm its Opposed Surcharge "The high-bracket taxpayer tion more than any second man week from today, these poll re- trolling the spasms. The drug Humphrey, confident they last night by doctors at Walter historic position as a party of In his testimony Mr. How- will escape paying his fair he could pick. But McCarthy sults will be reversed. is a synthetic substance called have the Democratic presiden- Reed Army Hospital where he all the people, not just a select ard pointed out that he voted share of the 10 per cent income remained a political enigma, lidocaine, chemically related tial nomination in hand, sur- To Humphrey's advisers, the is fighting to recover from his few," Mr.
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