;1 PUNS ARE DRAWN FOR NEW ST.JOHN'S CHURCH Construction May Be Started This Autumng^ Announcement was made this week by the Rt. Rev. Monsignor John P. Moran, pastor of St. John the Evangelist’s parish in Denver, that preliminary plans have been made for the erec­ Grand Island Bishop tion of a long-needed new church in the East Washington.— The Rt, Rev. Monsignor John L. Pas- \ Denver parish. chang, pastor of the Holy Cross church in Omaha, Neb., Subject to federal government approval, it for 24 years, was named the fourth Bishop of Grand Island is expected that construction of the new edifice, which by Pius XII, according to an an­ nouncement made by Archbishop will almost triple the seating capacity of the present Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, Apos­ church, will begin this fall. The site of the church will be tolic Delegate. The new Bishop is on property long owned by the parish on the comer of a native of the diocese he will Elizabeth street and the East Seventh avenue parkway, direct. directly across from the parish convent obtained two years ago Bishop-elect Paschang, bdrn Oct. from the estate of the late Mrs. Leonard Freeman. , 5, 1895, in Hemingford, Neb., suc­ The hew church site is located at the other end of the block ceeds Bishop Edward J, Hunkeler, from St. John’s school and it is planned that the new church will who was transferred to the Kan­ be built ofjight brick to match the school, which was erected in sas City, Kans., diocese on March 1923. The parish also owns two small bungalows located between 31. The Grand Island see has been the church site and the school, one of which was acquired Just a vacant since that date. month ago. The razing of these two homes will provide ample He was ordained June 12, 1921, room for the full extension of the church as well as considerable after studying at Conception col­ space for parking at Sunday Masses or additional playground room lege, Conception, Mo.; and St. John’s university, Collegeville, for the school. Minn. Site Adjoining for Rectory 31,473 Catholics The parish also owns the corner lots on Seventh avenue and Bishop-elect Paschang will take Clayton street, directly across the alley from the new church over a diocese with a population site. Eventually it is expected that a new rectory will be erected of 31,473 Catholics, 88 priests, on this adjoining property. and 53 parishes. St. John’s new church will be just two blocks away from the Prom 1921 to 1923 the Bishop- present structure, built in 1902, on the corner of Josephine street elect was pastor o f St. Rose’s par­ and East Fifth avenue. It is the hope of the pastor that the new ish in Hooper, 15 niiles from church ■will be ready for occupancy some time in 1952, golden Omaha- He pursued courses at the anniversary year of the present church. Catholic university, leading to a BUhop-elect John L. Paschang The preliminary plant prepared for Moniignor Moran by J.C.D. degree in 1925. Later stud­ Omaha **World>Herald*' photo ies brought him a master’s degree Architect's Sketch by-John K. Monroe of New St. John the Evangelist's Church, Denver John K. Monroe, Denver architect, provide a structure of modern­ ized Spanish lines. The over-all length of 145 feet and the church in philosophy and a Ph.D. degree, both in 1927. The new Bishop Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation width of SO feet will provide seating accommodations for 630 and a sanctuary 35 feet in depth. * , Burse Help Needed; spent a summer studying civil law Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1951— Permission to Reproduce, Except on A modest and proportionate tower is designed for the left and philosophy at Columbia uni­ Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. Officers Named front corner ,of the church, which will be distinguished by an at­ versity. tractive portico across the front. The church will be so constructed School Opens Soon In the Archdiocese of Omaha Bishop-elect Paschang has been as to eliminate all steps in the front entrance, which will face north August, the month of the “ dog on Seventh avenue. Plans are being drawn so that there ■will be Officialis of the see since Janu­ For Dedication days,” is here, and with it comes ary, 1940, and has held the post o f one step at the Communion rail, thus making for easy approach the first shiver o f apprehension Defensor Vinculi. He was arch­ and departure from the rail. from school boys, who wifi be diocesan Boy Scout chaplain. In View Unobstructed by Pillars “ creeping like the snail” into 1947 he was named a Domestic Of All Sain ts' classrooms in one short month. Prelate with the title of Right DENVER CATHaiC The body of the church will be unobstructed by any pillars or F o r older students, especially Reverend Monsignor. He held the Officers of the dedication architectural supports, thus affording perfect vision from any point. seminarians, there is no apprehen­ post of state chaplain o f the K. of of All Saints’ church, 2549 S. At the right rear off the vestibule a “ cry room” will be provided, sion, but an eagerness to get on C. for several terms and was arch­ Federal boulevard, Denyer, with an adjoining lavatory. Provisions are being made for three with the preparation for a life diocesan director of Catholic Ac­ by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr roomy confessionals and a fairly large baptistry. The vestibule dedicated to Christ. It would be tion. on Aug. 13 have been an­ will have three doors leading into the body of the church and will startling, but gratifying, if per­ The new Bishop is one of six have windows through which services in the church may be wit­ nounced by the Rev. Edward Ley­ sons ■with a few loose bills felt children. A brother, the Rev. A. J. nessed if necessary. REGISTER den. The Rev. Anthony Weinzap- something like the seminarians Paschang, is pastor of St. Boni­ fel, who was in charge of the A unique feature of the new church, one especially planned by eagerness when it came to contrib­ face’s parish, Stuart, Neb. parish in its beginning, will b4 Monsignor Moran, will be a large downstairs lounge, underneath uting to the archdiocesan priests’ VOL. XLVI No. 50. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1951 DENVER, COLORADO chlebrant of the Solemn Mass the vestibule and forepart of the church. The lounge, measuring burse, on which some of the stu­ coram Archiepiscopo that will fol­ 53 x 30 feet, will provide space for parish meetings, convert dents for the priesthood depend low the blessing of the new build­ classes, bridal party preparations, and the like. This room, which for their education. ing. Other officers of the Mass will will be reached by stairs at either side,,wlll have toilet facilities for In the past week three gifts Three to Receive Outdoor Mass Marks San Luis Centenary be the Rev. Matthias Blenkush, men and women, and a small kitchen unit. There will be no base­ were sent to the burse. Frpm Anon­ deacon; the Rev. John Doherty, ment under the rest of the church, except for the boiler room in ymous came $50; from Joseph Keluch, Denver, $5; .and from Two thousand persons at­ worked over enough to appear The chief religious feature of subdeacon; the Rev. Michael A. the rear— a factor that will reduce building costs considerably. Religious Garb in Maher and the Rev. Louis J. Groh- The choir loft will have leati for 36. Specifications are Florence B. Overlin o f Logan tended an outdoor Solemn new, was an adobe structure the town’s centenary was the out­ erected in 1886 by Father John door Mass, celebrated under tall man, chaplains to the Archbishop; being drawn for the transfer and housing of St. John’s beautiful came, $5 in thanksgiving. T h e Mdss celebrated coram Archi- Baptist Pitaval, later Archbishop trees on the spacious parish the Very Rev. Monsignor Bernard organ, donated to the parish some years ago by Mrs. Sewell burse total now stands at $4,414. J. Cullen, master of ceremonies; episcopo in San Luis July 26, of Santa Fe, who died May 23, grounds, with a canopy of canvas Thomas, to the new church. For those who are eager to for­ Marycrest Rites and the Rev. Walter Jaeger and 1928, in retirement in Denver. In qver the sanctuary and a throne . Plans for the main altar of the church have not yet been com­ ward the work o f Christ on earth, the Feast of St. Anne, to mark Father Leyden, assistant masters By Helen Anthony the early days of his priesthood, erected for the Most Rev. Edwin pleted, but there will be two side altars in recessed alcoves. Two gifts to the burse may be sent to the 100th anniversary of the of ceremonies. Three postulants will re­ he “ lived nine years on horseback” V. Byrne, Archbishop of Santa Fe, large-sacristies, a vesting sacristy and a working sacristy, will be Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, Chan­ founding of the first White The sermon will be delivered by connected by a hall across the back o f the church. cery office, 1536 Logan, Denver. ceive the religious garb and in the San Luis valley, according N. Mex. From Taos, in his present the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Gregory settlement in Colorado. There to his own description, doing mis­ jurisdiction, came the first settlers two novices will make tempo­ had been forts and trading posts Smith.
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