Today's Otusecond weather: century of Partly sunny. High excellence in the low to mid 60s. Student Center, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716 Vol. 115_No. 18 Fri., November 11, 1988 Two stabbed during fight in parking lot by Mary Kate McDonald said. · Staff Reporter · Word and Bahel are not uni­ versity students. A university student and a Police gave this account of Newark man were stabbed in the incident: Hollingsworth parking lot out­ The victims' friends had side the Down Under restau­ been involved in an altercation rant Saturday at 1 a.m., inside the bar. The fight was Newark Police said. broken up and those involved David Burris (EG 90), 21, were asked to leave the Down was stabbed four times, Under and went to their cars. according to police, and was At this point, Bahel drove up The Review/Dan Piazza admitted to Christiana to Burris' car, got out and L1tif me alone - A university employee stirs up a pile of leaves while cleaning the ground near Old Hospital. He was released stabbed Burris three times in College Wednesday afternoon. Sunday. the chest and once in the back. Desmond Word, 21, who Word tried to defend Burris was with Burris, was 'stabbed and in doing so, was stabbed Freshman arrested in donn; once in the arm and once in the once in the arm and once in the abdomen, police said. He was abdomen. also treated and released from Friends of Burris held Bahel Christiana Hospital. until police arrived. ----~WithlSD~ion James Bahel, 23, of Kennett "I was unaware that (Bahe)) Square, Pa., has been charged had a knife," Burris said. by Karen Wolf session of LSD, causing concern possession with the intent to with two counts of second­ "I didn't even know I had Assistant News Editor about the resurgence of the drug deliver LSD, possession of mar­ degree assault. He was released been stabbed until after the on campus. ijuana and maintaining a Wednesday from Gander Hill A university freshman was Jeremy K. Pollard (AS 92), of dwelling for keeping drugs, Prison on $10,000 bail, police conlinu.ed to page 4 arrested Sunday night in his Rehoboth Beach, Del., was Newark Police said.· Gilbert C dorm room for pos- charged with delivery of LSD, The arrest was based on the purchase of six doses of LSD Alcohol policies -lysergic acid diethylamide - from Pollard by Newark Police. tightened by IFC VPBush Mter obtaining and executing a search warrant, police entered the donn room at 8:50 p.m. and to decrease abuse prepares found $191 in cash, nille "hits" of LSD, a small bag of marijua­ by David Silverman in the past, according to Brian na and assorted drug parapher­ Staff Reporter Pozzi (AS 91) of Tau Kappa to succeed nalia. Epsilon. Part of the cash was police Strict policies regulating the The following guide- money used in the arrest use of alcohol at fraternity par­ Reagan Police said the LSD was ties were passed by the Inter­ conlinWLd to pa~e 12 obtained by Pollard at a Grateful Fraternity Council (IFC) on Oct. lf)side: Dead concert. 31. Popular Vote Police did not report the "It's aoout.. time those laws • Trabant proposes amount of Pollard's bail or his were passed," said Jeff Glass cuts in student .Bush 33,366,878 (54%) release date. (AS 89) of Kappa Delta Rho. Dean of Students Timothy F. "They've been talking about enrollment•..•.••..•. p. 3 Dukakis 28,242,952 (46%) Brooks said Pollard is awaiting [passing the laws] for a long • Delaware's first Electoral Vote trial through the university judi­ time." quadruplets........ p • .1.7 Bush 399 Dukakis 132 cial system. Some of the policies passed (See Delaware returns, pages 6 and 7) Brooks said this has been the had been standard guidelines • Field hockey .reach· -which the fraternities followed conzinued t~ page 12 es N€AAs........... p. 28 News'Look: Earthquake kills U.S. space shuttle to Israeli's attack Boy Scout survival animal-rights group, disagreed. "We feel that it is reasonable hundreds in China gather Soviet info. guerrilla base exercise questioned for them to take the action Anonymous sources told the necessary to ensure that it will China's worst earthquake in Associated Press that the space Israeli helicopter gunships An animal-killing exercise never happen again," he said. more than a decade killed at shuttle Atlantis will carry an blasted the shop of a boat deal­ conducted by a local Boy least 930 people last weekend intelligence-gathering satellite er accused of links with Scout troup at a wilderness in a remote area near Burma, that would help officials verify Palestinian guerri}Jas, destroy­ survival weekend in October Needles given to that the Soviets were comply­ according to The New York ing and wounding five people has prompted protests from drug users for study Times. ing with arms control treaties, on Monday, The New York animal-rights activists, accord­ Army rescuers and medical The New York Times reported Times reported. ing to The News Journal. Monday. teams finally reached the dis­ The Israeli Army said its After a demonstration by According to the Times. tant villages Tuesday. aircraft destroyed the scout leaders, five to ten The distribution of free nee­ Official Beijing radio said Aviation Week and Space scouts proceded to beat the dles to New York City intrave­ Technology magazine reported Palestinian guerrilla base in more than 100 people have southern -Lebanon which they animals, slit their throats and neous drug addicts began been rescued from collapsed in its latest issue that the hang their carcasses upside Monday as an experimental satelite is capable of spying on said was used to stage attacks buildings, however, many and to store ammunition. down to drain. small-scale study, The New more people are feared 80 percent of the Soviet Union National Boy Scout officials York Times reported. trapped. ·· and is estimated to cost as The shop's owner, Mahmud Hijazi, was thought to have agreed that the slaughter The purpose of the study is The earthquake registered much as $500 million. to determine if drug addicts rented two motorboats to should not have occured, but 7.6 on the Richter scale. It The Times said that NASA's will exchange their used nee­ Palestinian guerrillas and was made no mention of banning was centered about 240 miles processing director, Conrad suspected of selling spare parts the practice. dles for clean ones and enter southwest of Kunf!Iing, the Nagel, said the agency is aim­ to the guerrillas. "We do not endorse what into a state drug treatment pro­ provincial capital. ing for a launching on Nov. 28 they did," said national Boy gram when vacancies occur, More than 170 aftershocks or29. Accordi~g to the Times, it Scout spokesman Frank Hebb, the Times said. had been felt by Tuesday after­ The Associated Press was the sixth Israeli air strike "but I think that what they did Ultimately, the data collect­ noon, but their strength was sources also said astronauts against a reported guerrilla tar­ at the time was perfectly legiti­ ed from the study will be used declining, said Li Xianhy of will conduct several exp_eri­ get in southern Lebanon in the mate within our policies." in establishing a large-scale the State Seismology Bureau ments concerning man's role as last three weeks and the 21st George Cave, president of experiment to slow the spread in Beijing. a military observer in space. this year. Trans-Species Unlimited, an of AIDS. Let's face it, amigos, any beer that needs a slice oflime to give it flavor can't be much of a beer Discover Calgary Amber Lager ... Its rich, imported taste is · hearty and robust Try it the next time you order beer, and hold the lime. Calgary Amber Lager. Join the stampede. \, . ~- ~~ ......... ,------------------ ~~~ 1 AT-Shirt offer that's not for suckers,...... .........~ @] 1 Please send me the following Calgary T-Shirts: (PLEASE PRINT) Quantity Size Price Total Name ____________~----------------- I _M _L _XL $8.00ea. I Address ------------.,.,----------------- #All Penn. rcsiden!S add 6% sales ux. Tax• City ----------------- State ___ Zip ___ Phone: ___________ I All prices effective through January 31. 1989. Void where prohibited. TOTAL Payment 0 Check 0 Money Order 0 VISA 0 MasterCard 0 American Express I Mail to: Gold Medal SpoitsWear, Calgary T-Shin Offer, Card# ____________,__ ________________________ Exp. Date ___ lOll Cedar Avenue, Croydon, PA 19020 lmponed by Century lmponm Inc.. B.tlnmorc. Maryland Signature ------------------------------------------------ Trabant suggests decreasing out-of-state enrollment Approximately 250 aJ2plicants could be denie~ admission in 1989 by WiUiam C Hitchcock between tr~sfer ·students, returning stu- community." Frank B. Dilley, faculty senate presi- Staff Reporter dents and freshman students, he said. "Now I know 250 less students is noi dent, said Trabant's plan wa~ set as a Trabant's speech to the Senate was his going to solve any of the problems," guideline for the Admissions Department Interim President E: A. Trabant said first since he was appointed interim presi- Trabant said. "But I do believe that it is a to remain within realistic acceptance Monday that he plans to reduce out-of­ dent, step in the right direction. perimeters. Dilley also said he sees state undergraduate admissions and to He cited overcrowding on campus "And it is a step in making it possible it as advantageous to have as many stu- / increase the number of minority and grad­ walkways as an example of the universi- . for us to give more individual attention to \ dents on .campus as possible.
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